Speaker: Pastor John MacArthur
3,471 sermons
Failed Pastors and Effective Ministry
“For this reason I left you in Crete, that you might set in order what remains, and appoint elders in every city as I directed you, namely, if any man be above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be above reproach as God's steward.” (Titus 1:5–7) No trend in the church is more damaging to Christ's work than that of failing to discipline and permanently disqualify pastors who have committed gross moral sins. And if a pastor is disciplined and removed from the ministry, he often is readily accepted back into leadership as soon as negative publicity subsides. Many of the best known and most visible church leaders today utterly fail to measure up to biblical standards. While growing in worldly popularity and prestige, a leader can spiritually and morally corrupt the very people who eagerly support and idolize him. Churches can rarely survive a failure of leadership. A pastor who has sunken spiritually, doctrinally, or morally, and is not disciplined and removed, inevitably pulls many of his people down with him. God offers forgiveness and spiritual restoration to all believers, including pastors and other church leaders, who sincerely confess and renounce their sins, no matter how heinous and public. God's gracious promise is to all Christians: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). But the Word also makes clear that the Lord does not accept such a person—no matter how gifted, popular, formerly effective, or repentant—back... http://www.macarthurcommentaries.com
>Baptized with the Holy Spirit - 6/11/2010 Binding and Loosing - 6/14/2010 Marital Harmony - 6/16/2010 Absent from the Body - 6/25/2010 Spirit Baptism - 6/28/2010 Be All Things to All Men - 6/29/2010 Does Church Membership Matter? - 6/30/2010 The Church and Widows - 7/1/2010 Spiritual Freedom - 7/2/2010 Does Water Baptism Save? - 7/12/2010 Is Communism Biblical? - 7/17/2010 Failed Pastors - 7/19/2010 Fear God with All Your Heart? - 7/21/2010 Should Women Teach in Church? - 7/27/2010 Salvation - 7/28/2010 Saved by Faith or by Works? - 7/29/2010 Resist the Devil - 7/30/2010 Christians and the Sabbath - 8/2/2010 Forgiveness: Conditional? - 8/3/2010 Church, Tribulation, Rapture - 8/4/2010 Expensive Blessings - 8/5/2010 Slavery - 8/7/2010 Spotting False Teachers - 8/9/2010 How Will Christ Return? - 8/10/2010 Your Spiritual Gift - 8/11/2010 Christian Parenting - 8/30/2010 The Pastor's Priorities - 9/2/2010 Purpose of the Lord's Prayer - 9/6/2010 Unequally Yoked - 9/7/2010 Judging Others - 9/9/2010 Will Believers Be Judged... - 9/10/2010 Prince of the Power of the Air - 9/13/2010 Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 - 9/14/2010 Caught Up to the Third Heaven - 9/15/2010 Pray Without Ceasing, Really? - 9/16/2010 Many Are Called, Few Chosen - 9/17/2010 Spiritual Leadership - 9/20/2010 A Thousand Years... - 9/21/2010 The Abomination of Desolation - 9/22/2010 God's Strong Delusion - 9/23/2010 The Sheep and the Goats - 9/24/2010 My Kingdom, Not of This World - 9/27/2010 Blaspheming the Holy Spirit - 9/28/2010 Upon this Rock... - 9/29/2010 The Healings of Jesus - 9/30/2010 Doctrine of Divine Abandonment - 10/1/2010 Will Memories Exist in Heaven? - 10/4/2010 Baptism - 10/5/2010 Will All Israel Be Saved? - 10/6/2010 Carnal Christians - 10/7/2010 Greatest Man Who Ever Lived - 10/8/2010 Hands Off the Word of God - 10/11/2010 Christian Liberty - 10/12/2010 Greater Works than Jesus? - 10/13/2010 Do All People Die Only Once? - 10/14/2010 The Last Words of Jesus - 10/15/2010 Assurance and Sin - 10/18/2010 Baptism for the Dead - 10/19/2010 The Hard Sayings of Jesus - 10/20/2010 The Book of Life - 10/21/2010 Did Judas Repent? - 10/23/2010 Violence in Heaven - 10/25/2010 No Work, No Eat - 10/26/2010 Authority to Forgive Sin? - 10/27/2010 The Judgment Seat of Christ - 10/28/2010 A Great Cloud of Witnesses - 10/29/2010 A Weak Conscience - 11/1/2010 Death and Christian Grief - 11/2/2010 How Strong Is God's Grip? - 11/3/2010 Why Would Jesus Create Wine? - 11/4/2010 Girding Yourself with Truth - 11/5/2010 Conflict - 11/15/2010 Passion and Marriage - 11/16/2010 The Ruler of Hell - 11/17/2010 The Lord's Supper - 11/18/2010 Mary's New Caregiver - 11/19/2010 Thankful Remembrances - 11/24/2010 Why Did Jesus Give Thanks? - 11/25/2010 Your Wrath - 11/26/2010 Sealed with the Holy Spirit - 11/29/2010 Redeeming the Time - 11/30/2010 Jesus: The Eternal Word - 12/1/2010 Redemptive Childbearing? - 12/2/2010 Handed Over to Satan? - 12/3/2010 Work Out Your Salvation - 12/6/2010 Jesus, the Firstborn - 12/7/2010 Paul's Doubts about Galatians - 12/8/2010 Always Ready - 12/9/2010 Fruitless Branches - 12/10/2010 An Unsavory Lineage - 12/13/2010 Why Bethlehem? - 12/14/2010 Gifts Fit for a Baby - 12/15/2010 Why the Genealogies? - 12/16/2010 Mary's Humble Response - 12/17/2010 Being Filled with the Spirit - 12/21/2010 Living Worthy of the Gospel - 12/22/2010 Bringing Up Children God's Way - 12/23/2010 I Stand at the Door and Knock - 12/24/2010 Avoiding Empty Philosophies - 12/27/2010 Speech Seasoned with Salt - 12/28/2010 Casting Pearls before Swine - 12/29/2010 What Jesus Didn't Know - 12/30/2010 Do Not Provoke Your Children - 1/4/2011 Salvation, Sanctification, Sin - 1/21/2011 Is Fasting a Command? - 1/24/2011 Help from the Holy Spirit - 1/25/2011 Is Salvation Easy? - 1/26/2011 Conversions of Rich and Famous - 1/27/2011 Last Day Deception - 1/28/2011 Christians and Suffering - 1/31/2011 Seeker-Sensitive - 2/1/2011 The Kingdom of Heaven - 2/2/2011 Sexual Immorality - 2/3/2011 Law: Abolished or Fulfilled? - 2/5/2011 Evangelistic Strategy - 2/7/2011 God Gave Them Over - 2/8/2011 Ashamed of the Gospel - 2/9/2011 Pentecost…Every Sunday? - 2/10/2011 Love: A Feeling, or Action? - 2/11/2011 Love Without Hypocrisy - 2/14/2011 Miracles and Accountability - 2/15/2011 Ambition - 2/16/2011 Let No One Judge You - 2/17/2011 Clinging to Jesus - 2/18/2011 Willful Sinning - 2/21/2011 A Walled City in Heaven? - 2/23/2011 The Mark of the Beast - 2/24/2011 Led by the Spirit - 2/25/2011 Women and Work - 2/28/2011 Twelve Ordinary Men - 3/1/2011 Why Do You Call Me Lord? - 3/2/2011 The Man Who Amazed Jesus - 3/3/2011 Are You the Coming One? - 3/4/2011 Christ's Holiness - 4/4/2011 The Accuser - 4/5/2011 A Sanctified Spouse - 4/6/2011 The Golden Rule - 4/8/2011 Woe to the Wealthy - 4/8/2011 Leaving and Cleaving - 4/11/2011 Hope for Homosexuals - 4/12/2011 Killing Your Sin - 4/13/2011 The Fate of the Filthy - 4/14/2011 Turning Back a Sinner - 4/15/2011 Abundant Life - 4/19/2011 Who Killed Jesus? - 4/23/2011 Prince of the Power of the Air - 4/25/2011 Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 - 4/26/2011 God's Strong Delusion - 5/5/2011 Self-Control and Marriage - 6/28/2011 The Ruler of Hell - 6/29/2011 The Lord's Supper - 6/30/2011 Mary's New Caregiver - 7/1/2011 Redeeming the Time - 7/5/2011 Jesus: The Eternal Word - 7/6/2011 Redemptive Childbearing? - 7/7/2011 Handed Over to Satan? - 7/8/2011 Work Out Your Salvation - 7/11/2011 Jesus, the Firstborn - 7/12/2011 Paul's Doubts about Galatians - 7/13/2011 Is Fasting a Command? - 7/18/2011 Help from the Holy Spirit - 7/19/2011 Is Salvation Easy? - 7/20/2011 The Rich and Famous - 7/21/2011 Last Day Deception - 7/22/2011 Does God Cause Suffering? - 7/25/2011 Sensitive or Saint-Sensitive? - 7/26/2011 The Kingdom of Heaven - 7/27/2011 Sexual Immorality - 7/28/2011 The Law - 7/29/2011 The Right Kind of Evangelism - 8/1/2011 God Gave Them Over - 8/2/2011 Ashamed of the Gospel - 8/3/2011 Pentecost…Every Sunday? - 8/4/2011 Love: A Feeling, or Action? - 8/5/2011 Doing What I Hate To Do - 8/8/2011 Does Hell Last Forever? - 8/9/2011 Miracles and Accountability - 8/16/2011 Ambition - 8/17/2011 Let No One Judge You - 8/18/2011 Clinging to Jesus - 8/19/2011 Willful Sinning - 8/22/2011 The Accuser - 9/6/2011 A Sanctified Spouse - 9/7/2011 The Golden Rule - 9/8/2011 Woe to the Wealthy - 9/9/2011 Leaving and Cleaving - 9/12/2011 Hope for Homosexuals - 9/13/2011 Killing Your Sin - 9/14/2011 The Fate of the Filthy - 9/15/2011 Turning Back a Sinner - 9/16/2011 No One Comes to Christ, Unless - 9/19/2011 Abundant Life - 9/20/2011 Bearing Burdens - 9/21/2011 Christ's Holiness... - 9/23/2011 Eternal Rewards and Motivation - 9/23/2011 Living Worthy of the Gospel - 11/17/2011 Bringing Up Children God's Way - 11/18/2011 I Stand at the Door and Knock - 11/21/2011 Thankful Remembrances - 11/23/2011 Absent from the Body... - 12/2/2011 Tearing Down Strongholds - 12/5/2011 Speech Seasoned with Salt - 12/6/2011 Casting Pearls before Swine - 12/7/2011 What Jesus Didn't Know - 12/8/2011 Why a Virgin Birth? - 12/24/2011 A Fresh Start - 12/31/2011 The pygmy in the cave? - 1/11/2012 Many Are Called, Few Chosen - 1/13/2012 Submission to Spiritual Leader - 1/16/2012 The Kingdom of Heaven - 9/26/2012 A Walled City in Heaven? - 10/12/2012 The Mark of the Beast - 10/15/2012 Led by the Spirit - 10/16/2012 Women - Work Outside the Home? - 10/17/2012 Twelve Ordinary Men - 10/18/2012 Why Do You Call Me Lord? - 10/19/2012 None Come to Christ... Unless - 11/7/2012 A Prayer-Meeting Promise? - 11/19/2012 Should Women Teach in Church? - 11/20/2012 Thankful Remembrances - 11/21/2012 Why Did Jesus Give Thanks? - 11/22/2012 How Do Believers Resist Satan? - 11/23/2012 Can Believers Lose Salvation? - 12/3/2012 Saved by Faith or by Works? - 12/4/2012 An Unsavory Lineage - 12/24/2012 Why Bethlehem? - 12/25/2012 Gifts Fit for a Baby - 12/26/2012 Why the Genealogies? - 12/27/2012 Mary's Humble Response - 12/28/2012 Sow Sparingly, Reap Sparingly - 12/31/2012 Slavery - 1/8/2013 What Will Heaven Be Like? - 2/18/2013 Who Are God's People? - 2/19/2013 Memory of Pain in Heaven? - 2/20/2013 Discussing Sexual Immorality - 2/21/2013 Should I Be a Pastor? - 2/22/2013 Hearing the Voice of God - 2/25/2013 God Always Gets What He Wants? - 2/26/2013 Head Coverings For Women - 2/27/2013 Can You Really Do All Things? - 2/28/2013 Where was Jesus After He Died? - 3/1/2013 Who Are the 144,000? - 3/18/2013 Why, 'My God, My God...'? - 3/29/2013 Healing and Tongues for Today? - 4/26/2013 Blaspheme the Holy Spirit - 4/30/2013 Baptism and Salvation - 5/1/2013 Role of Works In Salvation? - 5/2/2013 Former Christian? - 5/3/2013 Preserved In Child Bearing - 5/6/2013 Can Women Be Pastors? - 5/7/2013 Peter, the Rock of the Church - 5/8/2013 The Signs of Pentecost - 5/9/2013 How Did Magi Know About Jesus? - 5/10/2013 Are There Degrees of Sin? - 5/13/2013 Can Believers Forgive Sins? - 5/14/2013 The Righteous Anger of Jesus - 5/15/2013 Book of Enoch and The Canon - 5/16/2013 Death and Christian Grief - 6/18/2013 How Strong Is God's Grip? - 6/19/2013 Why Would Jesus Create Wine? - 6/20/2013 Girding with Truthfulfulness - 6/21/2013 Conflict - 6/24/2013 Self-Control and Marriage - 6/25/2013 The Ruler of Hell - 6/26/2013 The Lord's Supper: Symbolic? - 6/27/2013 Mary's New Caregiver - 6/28/2013 Redeeming the Time - 7/1/2013 Jesus: The Eternal Word - 7/2/2013 Redemptive Childbearing? - 7/3/2013 Handed Over to Satan - 7/4/2013 Work Out Your Salvation - 7/5/2013 Is Fasting a Command? - 7/8/2013 Help from the Holy Spirit - 7/9/2013 Is Salvation Easy? - 7/10/2013 Conversions of Rich and Famous - 7/11/2013 Last-Day Deception - 7/12/2013 Jesus, the Firstborn - 7/15/2013 Doubts About the Galatians - 7/16/2013 Always Ready - 7/17/2013 Fruitless Branches - 7/18/2013 Born of Water and Spirit? - 7/24/2013 Romans 7 and Divorce - 7/31/2013 Embracing Another Gospel - 8/1/2013 Is Salvation Ongoing? - 8/2/2013 A Mystery Manifested - 8/5/2013 National Government and War - 8/12/2013 Wives, Marriage, & Submission - 8/13/2013 The Simple Gospel - 8/14/2013 What Constitutes True Worship? - 8/15/2013 Give Thanks in Everything - 8/16/2013 Spirit Baptism a 1-Time Event? - 9/3/2013 Be All Things to All Men - 9/4/2013 Does Church Membership Matter? - 9/5/2013 The Church and Widows - 9/6/2013 Women, Prophecy, Head Covering - 9/9/2013 Does the Bible Contain Errors? - 9/10/2013 The Doctrine of Election - 9/11/2013 Ever Met an Angel? - 9/12/2013 The Power of Antichrist - 9/13/2013 Death and the Resurrection - 9/16/2013 To Judge or Not to Judge? - 9/17/2013 Marriage or Divorce? - 9/18/2013 Self-Examination - 9/19/2013 Human Temptation - 9/20/2013 Why Did Jesus Forbid People... - 9/23/2013 How to Contend for the Faith - 9/24/2013 Hospitable to Cult Members? - 9/25/2013 The Great Commission - 9/26/2013 Was Jesus Polite... ? - 9/27/2013 Dealing with Sin in the Church - 9/30/2013 Who Should Confront Sin? - 10/1/2013 The Church List in Revelation - 10/2/2013 Dealing with Personal Offenses - 10/3/2013 Salvation, Sanctification, Sin - 10/4/2013 Does Water Baptism Save? - 10/7/2013 Pastoral Qualifications - 10/8/2013 Skills for Pastoral Ministry - 10/9/2013 Jesus and Social Ministry - 10/10/2013 Is Communism Biblical? - 10/11/2013 Failed Pastors... - 10/21/2013 Why Did Jesus Weep? - 10/22/2013 Fear God with All Your Heart? - 10/23/2013 God and Angels - 10/24/2013 Blessed Are the Poor...Why? - 10/25/2013 Modern Dress for Women - 10/29/2013 Demands of Discipleship - 11/4/2013 A Mother's Legacy - 11/5/2013 You Know Them by Their Fruit - 11/6/2013 Temptation and Sovereignty - 11/7/2013 Does God Cause Suffering? - 11/8/2013 Seeker or Saint-Sensitive? - 11/11/2013 Sexual Immorality - 11/13/2013 The Law: Abolished/Fulfilled - 11/14/2013 Evangelistic Strategy - 11/15/2013 Why Was Jesus Baptized? - 11/18/2013 The Empty Confession - 11/19/2013 Christian Parenting - 11/20/2013 Are All Doctrines Essential? - 11/21/2013 Human Responsibility - 11/22/2013 The Sin unto Death - 11/25/2013 Angelic Conflict - 11/26/2013 Satan's Role in World System - 12/2/2013 God Gave Them Over - 12/10/2013 Ashamed of the Gospel - 12/11/2013 Pentecost…Every Sunday - 12/12/2013 Miracles and Accountability - 12/13/2013 Ambition - 12/16/2013 Let No One Judge You - 12/17/2013 Clinging to Jesus - 12/18/2013 Willful Sinning - 12/19/2013 The Man Who Amazed Jesus - 1/6/2014 Are You the Coming One? - 1/7/2014 Christ's Holiness & Our Sin - 1/8/2014 The Accuser - 1/9/2014 A Sanctified Spouse - 1/10/2014 The Golden Rule - 1/13/2014 Woe to the Wealthy - 1/14/2014 Leaving and Cleaving - 1/15/2014 Hope for Homosexuals - 1/16/2014 Killing Your Sin - 1/17/2014 The Fate of the Filthy - 1/20/2014 Turning Back a Sinner - 1/21/2014 No One Comes to Christ…Unless - 1/22/2014 Abundant Life - 1/23/2014 Bearing Burdens - 1/24/2014 Believers Judging Angels - 1/27/2014 Did God Reject Repentance? - 1/28/2014 All Things to All People - 1/29/2014 Can Single People Be Pastors? - 1/30/2014 Words Have the Power to Save? - 1/31/2014 Guardian Angels? - 2/3/2014 Can We Pray Without Ceasing? - 2/4/2014 Do Believers Doubt Salvation? - 2/5/2014 Will God Punish Believers? - 2/6/2014 Hell and the Name Caller - 2/7/2014 Doing What I Hate To Do - 2/10/2014 Does Hell Last Forever? - 2/11/2014 A Warning to Not Skip Church? - 2/12/2014 The Verse Pagans Love to Quote - 2/13/2014 Love Without Hypocrisy - 2/14/2014 Paul's Thorn in the Flesh - 2/17/2014 The Silence of Jesus - 2/18/2014 The Apostle Paul Disqualified? - 2/19/2014 Inheriting Adam's Sin - 2/20/2014 Hating One's Life - 2/21/2014 What Rest Does Jesus Promise? - 2/24/2014 Can a Christian Starve? - 2/25/2014 Is the Sabbath for Today? - 2/26/2014 Fleeing or Rejoicing? - 2/27/2014 Is Faith a Gift? - 2/28/2014 Receiving Grace in Vain - 3/3/2014 What is an Apostle? - 3/4/2014 Helmet of Salvation? - 3/5/2014 Is a Temptation Also a Trial? - 3/6/2014 Was Phoebe a Deaconess? - 3/7/2014 Purpose of the Lord's Prayer? - 3/10/2014 "Unequally Yoked"? - 3/11/2014 Will Believers Be Judged? - 3/12/2014 People Who Never Hear? - 3/13/2014 I Stand at the Door and Knock - 3/14/2014 Living Worthy of the Gospel - 3/17/2014 Bringing Up Children God's Way - 3/18/2014 Being Filled with the Spirit - 3/19/2014 Tearing Down Strongholds - 3/20/2014 Speech Seasoned with Salt - 3/21/2014 Casting Pearls before Swine - 3/24/2014 What Jesus Didn't Know - 3/25/2014 Satan, Sin, or Sinners? - 3/27/2014 Do Not Provoke Your Children - 3/28/2014 Marital Harmony - 3/31/2014 What Is “The Prayer of Faith?” - 4/1/2014 Bad Company Corrupts - 4/2/2014 Turn the Other Cheek - 4/3/2014 Do Not Love the World - 4/4/2014 Streets of Gold - 4/7/2014 Sow Sparingly; Reap Sparingly - 4/8/2014 Absent from the Body - 4/9/2014 Should We Keep the Sabbath? - 4/10/2014 Forgiveness: Conditional? - 4/11/2014 Where Is The Kingdom of God? - 4/14/2014 Bound With Nonbelievers - 4/15/2014 Ungrateful Response to Jesus - 4/16/2014 Communion: How Often? - 4/17/2014 Paul Wishes a Curse on Himself - 4/18/2014 Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath - 4/21/2014 Worse Than Sodom and Gomorrah - 4/22/2014 Judge Not - 5/12/2014 Forgive Yourself? - 5/13/2014 Anointing the Sick with Oil - 5/14/2014 The Man of Lawlessness - 5/15/2014 Civil Disobedience Biblical? - 5/16/2014 Baptized with the Holy Spirit? - 5/19/2014 Abraham, the Father of Us All? - 5/20/2014 Simon Peter, Do You Love Me? - 5/21/2014 How to Take Up Your Cross? - 5/22/2014 Did Jesus Need Perfecting? - 5/23/2014 Warning Others of Sin - 5/30/2014 Revelation's Last Warning - 6/2/2014 False Teachers Bought By God - 6/3/2014 God, Greater Than Our Hearts - 6/4/2014 Why Is Love the Greatest? - 6/5/2014 Modest Dress for Women - 6/6/2014 Is Generosity Required? - 6/9/2014 Why Did God Choose Abraham? - 6/10/2014 Paul's Revelation of Christ - 6/11/2014 Church, Tribulation, Rapture - 6/12/2014 Expensive Blessings - 6/13/2014 From Saul to Paul - 6/16/2014 Praying God's Kingdom Come - 6/17/2014 Who was Melchizedek? - 6/18/2014 "Why Have You Forsaken Me?" - 6/19/2014 Can Believers Understand? - 6/20/2014 Revelation and God's Blessing - 6/23/2014 Praying for Salvation - 6/24/2014 Prayer and the Will of God - 6/25/2014 Spotting False Teachers - 6/26/2014 How Will Christ Return? - 6/27/2014 Discover Your Spiritual Gift - 6/30/2014 Prince of the Power of the Air - 7/1/2014 Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 - 7/2/2014 Caught Up to the Third Heaven - 7/3/2014 Spiritual Freedom - 7/4/2014 Permanent Gift of Salvation? - 7/7/2014 Why Call Himself, I Am? - 7/8/2014 The Believer's Reward - 7/9/2014 Should Christians Hate Family? - 7/10/2014 All Christians Have One Gift? - 7/11/2014 Firstborn Among Many Brethren - 7/14/2014 The Resurrection of Judgment - 8/1/2014 Pray Without Ceasing? - 8/4/2014 Many Called, Few Chosen - 8/5/2014 Submit to Spiritual Leadership - 8/6/2014 A Thousand Years - 8/7/2014 The Abomination of Desolation - 8/8/2014 God's Strong Delusion - 8/11/2014 The Sheep and the Goats - 8/12/2014 My Kingdom Not of This World - 8/13/2014 Blaspheming the Holy Spirit - 8/14/2014 Upon this Rock - 8/15/2014 The Healings of Jesus - 8/18/2014 Doctrine of Divine Abandonment - 8/19/2014 Earthly Memories in Heaven? - 8/20/2014 Baptized Immediately? - 8/21/2014 Will All Israel Be Saved? - 8/22/2014 Carnal Christians - 8/25/2014 Greatest Man Who Ever Lived - 8/26/2014 The Apostle Paul and Slavery - 8/27/2014 Are There Prophets Today? - 8/28/2014 Filling Up What is Lacking - 8/29/2014 The Christian's Work Ethic - 9/1/2014 Eternal Rewards and Motivation - 9/2/2014 How to Be Saved - 9/3/2014 The Love of God - 9/4/2014 Obey Your Parents...How Long? - 9/5/2014 Hands Off the Word of God - 9/8/2014 Christian Liberty - 9/9/2014 Greater Works than Jesus? - 9/10/2014 Do All People Die Only Once? - 9/11/2014 The Last Words of Jesus - 9/12/2014 Assurance and Sin - 9/15/2014 Baptism for the Dead - 9/16/2014 The Hard Sayings of Jesus - 9/17/2014 Blotted from the Book of Life - 9/18/2014 Did Judas Repent? - 9/19/2014 Violence in Heaven - 9/22/2014 No Work, No Eat - 9/23/2014 Authority to Forgive Sin? - 9/24/2014 Judgment Seat for Believers - 9/25/2014 A Great Cloud of Witnesses - 9/26/2014 Letting the Sun Set on Wrath - 9/29/2014 Sealed with the Holy Spirit - 9/30/2014 Communion & the Body of Christ - 10/1/2014 Talking to Non-Christians - 10/2/2014 Traditions of Men - 10/3/2014 Seeing the Glory of Jesus - 10/6/2014 The Inspired Word of God - 10/7/2014 The Sin Leading to Death - 10/8/2014 Jesus Equal with the Father? - 10/9/2014 Can Faith Move Mountains? - 10/10/2014 Should Sin Frustrate? - 10/13/2014 Submitting to Government - 10/14/2014 The Nature of Unbelief - 10/15/2014 Is Singleness Better? - 10/16/2014 Abraham's Bosom - 10/17/2014 The Lord's Supper - 10/20/2014 The Book of Life and Praying - 10/21/2014 Praying for Enemies - 10/22/2014 Why Aren't All Men Saved? - 10/23/2014 A Weak Conscience - 10/24/2014
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Pastor John MacArthur
Failed Pastors The MacArthur Commentaries Grace to You
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