Ken Wimer | Shreveport, Louisiana
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Speaker: Ken Wimer
6,164 sermons
Why God's Son Was Forsaken By Him
If you have an issue with the Father do you have an issue with Christ His Son? Why must you see things as God does? Why is there such confusion regarding Christ being forsaken Christ? Was Christ actually guilty of the sin of His people? Why do some say the Father infused sin into the nature of His Son? How is this a blasphemous lie to teach that Christ’s human nature was tainted with sin? How was there a tranference of guilt not sin to the sacrificial animals and Christ the Ultimate Sacrifice? Why do natural minds miss this? Why must we chase away the vultures? What is Absolute Substitution? How did God ensure satisfaction of righteousness and payment for the debts of His chosen through His Son?
>Seeing Christ - 3/23/2016 Spiritual Care for One Another - 5/21/2016 Christ and Him Crucified - 5/22/2016 Putting on the New - 5/22/2016 A Ransom for Many - 5/25/2016 A True Benediction - 5/27/2016 Unfolding of God's Purpose - 5/31/2016 Hearts Knit Together - 6/2/2016 Perseverance - 6/8/2016 Even As Christ - 6/10/2016 Thankfulness For Deliverance - 6/13/2016 Affection on Things Above - 6/20/2016 Christ's Victory Over Satan - 6/23/2016 Complete In Christ - 6/26/2016 Freely Justified - 7/3/2016 The Church Elected & Protected - 7/10/2016 Calling Upon the LORD's Name - 7/12/2016 Why God's Son Was Forsaken - 7/16/2016 God's Tender Care for His Own - 7/30/2016 Christ the Firstborn - 8/3/2016 Ordered of the LORD - 8/6/2016 Substitution - 8/7/2016 Anti-Christ revealed - 8/18/2016 Scripture Commentary 2 Peter 2 - 8/31/2016 The Ransom Found - 9/2/2016 A Thief in the Night - 9/16/2016 A Gospel Memorial - 10/7/2016 God's Interpreter - 10/17/2016 Saints and Faithful Brethren - 12/7/2016 Three Appearances of Christ - 1/14/2017 An Evil Heart of Unbelief - 1/16/2017 Needful Instruction - 1/18/2017 Stand Fast in the LORD - 1/22/2017 The Preeminence of Christ - 1/22/2017 As Many as be Perfect - 1/28/2017 Melchizedek - 2/9/2017 Faith's Greenhouse - 2/15/2017 Cloud of Glory - 2/24/2017 Be Not Deceived - 3/27/2017 Quickened by the Spirit - 4/5/2017 The Mystery of Godliness - 4/7/2017 Righteousness Imputed - 4/21/2017 Knowing God's Grace in Truth - 4/25/2017 Scripture Comm. 2 Tim. 4:1-9 - 4/28/2017 Speaking the Truth Plainly - 5/2/2017 Scripture Comm. 1 Thess. 1 - 5/10/2017 The Colossian Letter - 5/10/2017 Believing on Christ as God - 5/16/2017 Righteousness in Salvation - 5/19/2017 Scripture Commentary 1 Peter 1 - 5/23/2017 The Trying of Faith - 5/23/2017 Peaceableness - 5/26/2017 Scripture Commentary 2 Peter 1 - 5/26/2017 Love & Faith - 5/30/2017 Found In Him - 6/1/2017 The Nazarite Vow Part 3 - 6/6/2017 God Sanctified, Righteousness - 6/9/2017 Christ is All - 6/12/2017 A Falling Away First - 7/14/2017 Seek Not After Your Own Heart - 7/22/2017 The Infallible Word - 7/23/2017 In Him Is No Sin - 8/5/2017 For God So Loved the World - 8/11/2017 The Nature of Christ's Coming - 8/25/2017 The Man of Sin Identified - 8/29/2017 Be of Good Cheer - 9/16/2017 Christ Our Propitiation - 9/22/2017 God's Fellow Man - 9/26/2017 Christ the Door - 10/14/2017 Song of the Vineyard - 11/4/2017 The Good Shepherd - 11/4/2017 God's Gracious Providence - 11/19/2017 The Sin of Unbelief - 12/4/2017 The Grace of God - 12/9/2017 Dealing with the Unconverted - 12/12/2017 Scripture Commentary Jude 1 - 12/12/2017 Mercy for Unrighteousness - 12/21/2017 God's Covenants - 1/13/2018 Watchman, What of the Night? - 2/11/2018 The LORD of the Nations - 2/18/2018 Dealing With Affliction - 3/1/2018 Wrath Gone Out From the LORD - 3/3/2018 Famine in the Land - 3/10/2018 Condemnation and Restoration - 3/13/2018 Day of Affliction - 3/17/2018 All Things In Christ's Hands - 3/23/2018 God's Truth and Faithfulness - 3/27/2018 Reminiscing about God's Grace - 3/31/2018 Discerning the LORD's Will - 4/13/2018 Reasons to Withdraw Fellowship - 4/15/2018 Necessity of Christ's Death-P1 - 4/21/2018 Necessity of Christ's Death-P2 - 4/24/2018 Christ: Superior Over Angels - 5/4/2018 The Sin of Presumption - 5/6/2018 The Branch of the LORD - 5/13/2018 Walking in the Light - 5/15/2018 Righteousness, Sin & Judgement - 5/20/2018 Love for the Brethren - 5/22/2018 Comfort in Tribulation - 5/27/2018 These Latter Times - 5/30/2018 Christ's Second Coming - 6/1/2018 Wholly Sanctified to the LORD - 6/8/2018 What Is Salvation? - 6/17/2018 The Church at Thessalonica - 6/19/2018 The Sum of All Israel - 6/30/2018 Believer's Sanctification - 7/4/2018 The New Heaven and New Earth - 7/21/2018 The True Hope of Heaven - 7/24/2018 The Call To Prayer - 8/3/2018 The Final Chapter - 8/7/2018 Gog and Magog - 8/28/2018 Looking for Christ's Return - 9/7/2018 Scripture Commentary 1 Cor. 15 - 9/12/2018 Sound Words - 9/15/2018 Woes of the Wicked - Part 2 - 9/21/2018 Balaam's Parables - 9/28/2018 Important Reminders - 10/24/2018 God's Appointed Joshua - 11/14/2018 Things to Remember - 11/16/2018 Abusers of the Law - 11/17/2018 Pardon and Mercy for Sinners - 12/22/2018 Leading By Grace - 12/27/2018 A Pattern of Good Works - 1/18/2019 Standing Alone - 2/8/2019 Phineas' Stand - 2/18/2019 The Levite Cities - 2/23/2019 Behold I Come Quickly - 3/21/2019 Vows Unto the LORD - 3/27/2019 The Preeminence of the Savior - 4/2/2019 Scattered But Not Lost - 4/5/2019 The Law of Inheritance - 4/6/2019 The Vengeance of the LORD - 4/9/2019 Aaron's Rod - 4/17/2019 God's Covenants - 4/19/2019 The LORD of Hosts Exalted - 4/25/2019 Obeying Them - 5/1/2019 The Woman's Seed & the Serpent - 6/4/2019 A Vessel of Mercy - 6/5/2019 The Reigning Christ - 6/21/2019 Walking in the Spirit - 6/24/2019 The Other Supper - 6/26/2019 The Pattern for All Believers - 7/3/2019 DVDA Scripture Comm. 1 Tim. 3 - 7/22/2019 The Sum of the Gospel - 8/17/2019 The Changed Priesthood - 8/21/2019 DVDA Final Salutations - 9/20/2019 Moses and Christ - 10/29/2019 Jesus Christ the Word - 11/1/2019 God's Faithfulness - 11/6/2019 What It Is To Believe - 11/8/2019 Drawing the Line of Fellowship - 11/16/2019 In the World But Not Of It - 11/28/2019 Why We Are Different - 12/7/2019 Alpha and Omega - 12/14/2019 LORD of Peace - 12/25/2019 Be Watchful - 12/27/2019 Confidence in the LORD - 1/1/2020 Christ the Only Foundation - 1/3/2020 White Robes and Tribulation - 1/22/2020 The Prayers of God's Saints - 1/28/2020 Mortifying Our Members - 2/6/2020 No Other Doctrine - 2/13/2020 No Condemnation - 3/22/2020 Redeemed From Among Men - 3/22/2020 Feast of the Lamb - 3/26/2020 The Church Rejoicing - 4/6/2020 The Priesthood - 4/10/2020 The Hidden Manna - 4/15/2020 Mark of the Beast - 4/22/2020 Faithful Unto Death - Part 1 - 4/24/2020 Faithful Unto Death - Part 2 - 4/28/2020 Unashamed of the Gospel - 5/1/2020 One God and One Mediator - 5/12/2020 A Form of Godliness - 5/14/2020 The Son of Man Revealed - 5/22/2020 The Preacher's Charge - 6/5/2020 Forgiving, Justifying & Faith - 7/8/2020 God's Promised Seed - 7/15/2020 Christ's Death Accomplished - 8/7/2020 Reconciled By Christ's Blood - 8/14/2020 Forgiveness and Justification - 8/20/2020 Praying for the Redeemed - 8/26/2020 Being Established in the Faith - 10/7/2020 Gospel Labor - 10/30/2020 Scripture Commentary 2 Cor. 4 - 10/30/2020 Reflections - 10/31/2020 Faithful Ministers - 11/1/2020 Scripture Commentary 1 Cor. 4 - 11/1/2020 Offerings to the LORD - 11/7/2020 Law and Justice and Mercy - 11/11/2020 Blessing the People - 11/13/2020 Scripture Comm. 2 Kings 20 - 11/15/2020 The Red Heifer - 11/15/2020 The Journey of Life - 11/16/2020 Opposition for Christ's Sake - 11/18/2020 Scripture Commentary Ezra 1 - 11/18/2020 Unclean Until the Even - 11/22/2020 Balaam's Sin - 12/1/2020 The Overcomers - 12/25/2020 Two Silver Trumpets - 12/30/2020 The Mediator's Burden - 1/12/2021 Opening the Seventh Seal - 1/20/2021 The Great Day of Wrath - 2/16/2021 Warning of Lukewarmness - 2/18/2021 The Book - 2/20/2021 Graves of Lust - 2/23/2021 The 144,000 - 3/16/2021 Sinner's Particular Redemption - 3/19/2021 Spirit of Truth - 4/8/2021 Continual Burnt Offerings - 7/4/2021 The Holy Angels - 7/8/2021 Sacrifices Unto the LORD - 7/22/2021 Salvation To Our God - 11/4/2021 Repentance - 11/9/2021 Worthy is the Lamb - 11/20/2021 God's Displeasure - 11/23/2021 An Evil Report - 2/14/2022 The Water of Separation - 3/22/2022 Need for Continual Cleansing - 4/5/2022 Scripture Comm. 2 Kings 25 - 4/28/2022 Lessons from Meribah - 5/5/2022 Victory Over Every Enemy - 8/12/2023 Aaron's Death-Numbers 20:22-29 - 8/23/2023 The Brazen Serpent - 9/2/2023 Godliness-1 Timothy 6:1-5 - 9/18/2023 In Heaven-Revelation 4 - 10/17/2023 Trumpets Sounding-Rev. 8 - 11/1/2023 Dog - Numbers 14:24 - 11/7/2023 God's Patience-Revelation 3:.. - 11/28/2023 The Bottomless Pit-Revelation - 12/26/2023 Our Glorious Reward-Revelation - 1/11/2024 Our Temple in Heaven -Rev 15 - 1/24/2024 Christ's Gift - 2/2/2024 Meat at What Cost? - 2/7/2024 Enemies of the Lamb-Rev. 13 - 2/12/2024 Cities of Refuge-Nbrs. 35:9-34 - 2/20/2024 The Woman's Seed & Serpent - 2/27/2024 God's Word-Deuteronomy 1:1-8 - 3/4/2024 The Evil of Self-Glorying-Rev - 3/11/2024 Hold Fast - Revelation 2 - 3/21/2024 The Sum of the Gospel-Heb. 8:1 - 3/29/2024 Warning Against False Worship - 4/2/2024 Reasons for Thanks - 1 Thess. - 4/16/2024 Gospel Committed to Others - 4/28/2024 Enemies of Christ Forewarned - 5/21/2024 Vessels of Mercy - 2 Timothy 1 - 5/28/2024 Warnings-Revelation 8:6-13 - 6/6/2024 Final Salutations - Hebrews 13 - 6/11/2024 Satan and the Church - Rev. 12 - 6/25/2024 Destruction Coming - Rev. 9 - 7/3/2024 According to Pattern - Heb. 9 - 7/16/2024 Satan's Conflict with Church - 8/9/2024 Dying in the LORD - Revelati.. - 8/13/2024 The Woman, Child and Dragon - 8/27/2024 Witnesses for Truth - Rev. 11 - 9/3/2024 The Works of Faith - 9/19/2024 Rebellion Against the LORD's.. - 9/26/2024 Who is a Wise Man? - James 3.. - 10/8/2024 The Bitter-sweet Gospel - 11/5/2024 Messenger of the Covenant.. - 11/12/2024 The Great and Final Judgement - 11/18/2024 Gracious Call to Repentance - 11/26/2024 Church Preserved to the End - 12/4/2024
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