Bryan Schneider | Morning Sun, Iowa
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Speaker: Bryan Schneider
1,334 sermons
>God is Sovereign - 1/1/2021 The Heart of those who Mourn - 1/2/2021 Job Laments - 1/3/2021 I will trust in Him - 1/4/2021 My Redeemer Lives - 1/5/2021 Why do the righteous perish? - 1/6/2021 Wisdom = Fear of the Lord - 1/7/2021 Another Accuser - 1/8/2021 God Speaks Wisdom - 1/9/2021 Blessed is the Man - 1/10/2021 King of kings - 1/11/2021 Salvation Belongs to the Lord - 1/12/2021 Trust in the Lord - 1/13/2021 Shout for Joy - 1/14/2021 Grief - 1/15/2021 Our Just Judge - 1/16/2021 Extol God! - 1/17/2021 The nations are but men - 1/18/2021 Justice! God give us justice - 1/19/2021 The Lord is Righteous - 1/20/2021 God's Word is Pure - 1/21/2021 Trust in dark days - 1/22/2021 Salvation has come! - 1/23/2021 Who's Righteous? - 1/24/2021 Treasuring God - 1/25/2021 Marvelous Lovingkindness - 1/26/2021 Who is a rock, except our God? - 1/27/2021 You can know God - 1/28/2021 Save Lord - 1/29/2021 Jesus the King - 1/30/2021 Dying Thoughts - 1/31/2021 The Good Shepherd - 2/1/2021 The King of Glory! - 2/2/2021 God's Lovingkindness - 2/3/2021 Redeem Me - 2/4/2021 Wait on the LORD - 2/5/2021 God Hears You - 2/6/2021 God's Voice - 2/8/2021 Love the LORD - 2/9/2021 What can I do with my guilt? - 2/10/2021 Rejoice in the Lord - 2/11/2021 The LORD redeems - 2/12/2021 Vindication - 2/14/2021 Fountain of Life - 2/15/2021 God Help Me - 2/16/2021 We're not stoics - 2/17/2021 Grace in times of trouble - 2/20/2021 A downcast heart - 2/21/2021 You are my King, O God - 2/23/2021 Praise the Great King! - 2/25/2021 The King - 2/25/2021 God Loves His People - 2/27/2021 Money won't save you - 2/27/2021 God doesn't need you - 3/1/2021 A New Heart - 3/2/2021 I will praise You forever - 3/2/2021 The Atheist Fool - 3/3/2021 God Save Me! - 3/4/2021 Pray - He Hears You - 3/5/2021 Put my tears into your bottle - 3/7/2021 Doom to Praise - 3/9/2021 God will conquer the wicked - 3/10/2021 God Is - 3/11/2021 Give us help from trouble - 3/12/2021 My heart is overwhelmed - 3/13/2021 A Refuse for Weary Souls - 3/14/2021 Your grace is better than life - 3/15/2021 God is stronger than the Hulk - 3/16/2021 No Anxiety Needed - 3/17/2021 Praise & Prayer - 3/18/2021 Missionary Psalm - 3/19/2021 The King of the Nations - 3/21/2021 Cry out for Salvation - 3/22/2021 Deliver and Redeem - 3/22/2021 Flee to the Rock - 3/23/2021 The Messiah's Reign - 3/24/2021 The Wicked's Prosperity - 3/25/2021 Praying God's Promises - 3/26/2021 Jesus Drank the Cup - 3/28/2021 God's Powerful Wrath - 3/29/2021 Has his mercy ceased forever? - 3/30/2021 Persecution - 3/31/2021 Remember! - 3/31/2021 God's Smile - 4/3/2021 Stiff Necks and Wide Mouths - 4/3/2021 Defend the Poor - 4/4/2021 Do you love church? - 4/6/2021 Righteousness and Peace - 4/7/2021 A God full of Compassion - 4/8/2021 True Temple. True Water - 4/9/2021 Dark Depression - 4/10/2021 My Covenant I will not break - 4/12/2021 Eternity - 4/14/2021 Angels & Fortresses - 4/15/2021 I was glad - 4/16/2021 Majestic and Strong - 4/19/2021 He is our God - 4/20/2021 Your Mercies Comfort My Soul - 4/20/2021 Praise the LORD - 4/21/2021 The Lord Reigns! - 4/21/2021 He is Holy! - 4/22/2021 Rejoice in the KING! - 4/22/2021 His Truth Never Dies - 4/23/2021 Messianic Psalm - 4/23/2021 Can I complain to God? - 4/24/2021 Dispair to Hope - 4/24/2021 Psalm of Adoration - 4/24/2021 Standing in the Breach - 4/24/2021 Never ending covenant love - 4/26/2021 Enemies of God - 4/30/2021 Our Priest and King - 5/2/2021 Jesus is Upright - 5/6/2021 Praise the Lord - 5/7/2021 Tremble - Reverence - Fear - 5/10/2021 Worthless Idols - Gracious God - 5/10/2021 Gracious is the LORD - 5/11/2021 Shortest Psalm in the Bible - 5/12/2021 His Mercy Endures Forever - 5/13/2021 Hebrew Alphabet - Long Psalm - 5/14/2021 Seek your servant - 5/17/2021 Deliver Me LORD - 5/18/2021 God Never Sleeps - 5/19/2021 Happy for Church? - 5/20/2021 Lift up your eyes! - 5/21/2021 God is at your side - 5/24/2021 God surrounds His people - 5/25/2021 Joy after Tears - 5/26/2021 Sleep & Kids - 5/27/2021 Grandkids! - 5/28/2021 This won't last forever - 6/1/2021 Simple Faith - 6/2/2021 There's only 1 Redeemer - 6/2/2021 The King - 6/4/2021 How long was Aaron's beard? - 6/7/2021 Will God bless us? - 6/9/2021 Praise God - PRAISE GOD! - 6/10/2021 Thank God-His Grace is Forever - 6/11/2021 Killing Babies! Really? - 6/13/2021 Are you low in heart? - 6/15/2021 God counts your days - 6/21/2021 Put on your helmet - 6/22/2021 Does God hear you? - 6/23/2021 Refuge for the Soul - 6/24/2021 Praying in distress - 6/25/2021 God our Refuge - 6/29/2021 Praise Him Forever - 6/30/2021 Political Anxiety - 7/1/2021 God is Sovereign - Praise Him - 7/2/2021 Repent of Practical Atheism - 7/6/2021 Are you breathing? Praise God! - 7/8/2021 Do you enjoy God? - 7/8/2021 Fear God - Be Wise - 7/10/2021 Greed will steal your life - 7/12/2021 Listen to Wisdom - 7/13/2021 Listen to God's Wisdom - 7/14/2021 The Lord Gives Wisdom - 7/15/2021 Get Wisdom - 7/17/2021 Follow Your Heart - NOPE - 7/19/2021 Do you want gold? - 7/20/2021 In Wisdom He Created - 7/21/2021 Crooked & Straight - 7/22/2021 Get Wisdom! - 7/23/2021 Walk in Wisdom - 7/26/2021 Walk in Wisdom - 7/27/2021 Listen Son - 7/28/2021 Don't Pay Child Support - 7/29/2021 Go home - Love your spouse - 7/30/2021 Debt and Laziness - 8/2/2021 Wicked Men Sow Discord - 8/3/2021 Don't Commit Adultery - 8/4/2021 The Thief and the Adulterer - 8/5/2021 Meditate on God's Law - 8/6/2021 Stay away from her - 8/9/2021 Flee Sexual Immorality - 8/10/2021 What's better than money? - 8/11/2021 Rulers need Wisdom - 8/12/2021 God's Wisdom - 8/13/2021 Jesus, Law, Wisdom - 8/17/2021 The Fear the Lord - Get Wisdom - 8/18/2021 Fools go to die - 8/20/2021 Don't be a fool - 8/22/2021 Gladness or Death - 8/23/2021 The Righteous will not die - 8/24/2021 Wisdom in Counselors - 8/25/2021 God Blesses the Righteous - 8/26/2021 Be Generous - Be Righteous - 8/27/2021 Don't be stupid - Love Wisdom - 9/1/2021 Sticks and Stones - 9/3/2021 Walk in the narrow Path - 9/3/2021 The Light of the Righteous.. - 9/7/2021 Regard a Rebuke - 9/8/2021 Follow the Lord - 9/9/2021 Fools Mock at Sin - 9/10/2021 Evil will bow before the good - 9/13/2021 A Refuge for Your Soul - 9/14/2021 Careful with Your Words - 9/15/2021 God Knows Hell - 9/16/2021 Emotions & Word are Important - 9/17/2021 Listen to a Rebuke - 9/20/2021 Don't Follow Your Heart - 9/21/2021 We need righteous rulers - 9/22/2021 How to Speak - 9/23/2021 The Scoundrel & The Wise - 9/24/2021 Why are there trials? - 9/28/2021 God Doesn't Remember - 9/29/2021 When does a fool look wise? - 9/30/2021 Deep Waters - 10/1/2021 A Strong Tower - 10/6/2021 Obtain favor from God - 10/8/2021 More Money More Problems - 10/11/2021 Plan all you want - 10/12/2021 Be Kind and Honorable - 10/13/2021 Walk With Integrity - 10/14/2021 Speak Words of Life - 10/15/2021 Wait for the Lord - 10/18/2021 The Lord Holds Your Heart - 10/19/2021 Warnings for the Wicked - 10/20/2021 A Wise Man's Treasure - 10/21/2021 Humility and the fear of.. - 10/22/2021 Don't Make Excuses - 10/25/2021 Hear the Words of the Wise - 10/26/2021 Lean in to God's Word - 10/27/2021 The Joy of a Dad - 10/28/2021 Honor, Harlot, & Drunkard - 10/29/2021 Get some counsel - 11/1/2021 Wisdom - Sweeter than honey - 11/2/2021 Don't Be a Jonah - 11/3/2021 A little sleep - 11/4/2021 Humility & Dross - 11/6/2021 Love your enemies - 11/9/2021 Don't Be a Fool - 11/10/2021 The Fool - 11/12/2021 What's in your heart? - 11/12/2021 Anger, Pride, True Friends - 11/16/2021 God can tame our hearts - 11/17/2021 What does your heart reveal? - 11/18/2021 A Proud Dad - 11/19/2021 A Fool Follows Their Heart - 11/23/2021 Confess Sin - Find Mercy - 11/23/2021 Any fool can start a fight - 11/25/2021 Dumb Dads & Wise Kids? - 11/30/2021 Invest in People - 11/30/2021 Humility & Protection - 12/1/2021 Poor or Rich? - 12/2/2021 Denying Immorality - 12/3/2021 Our Righteous King - 12/7/2021 The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - 12/7/2021 Proverbs 31 Woman - 12/8/2021 Vanity of Vanities - 12/10/2021 Vanity vs. Contentment - 12/15/2021 Soul Satisfaction - 12/16/2021 Why not suicide? - 12/17/2021 Vain Materialism - 12/21/2021 Realism not Fatalism - 12/24/2021 You'll Never Understand It All - 12/24/2021 God's Love Poem - 12/28/2021 Is Life Useless? - 12/28/2021 You are Beautiful - 12/29/2021 Love can't be quenched - 12/31/2021 Not that type of Kingdom - 1/4/2022 A New Apostle - 1/5/2022 What are Tongues? - 1/7/2022 A Vital Church - 1/11/2022 God has kept His Promise - 1/11/2022 Doxology is the Goal - 1/12/2022 The Prince of Life - 1/13/2022 Only One Name - 1/14/2022 The Forbidden Name - 1/18/2022 Cowards or Courage? - 1/19/2022 Coram Deo - God, ignorant? - 1/20/2022 Are you Nuts? - 1/21/2022 An Unstoppable Message - 1/25/2022 Obey God or Man? - 1/25/2022 Stoned - 1/28/2022 Persecution & Joy - 1/31/2022 Charlatans And Parasites - 2/1/2022 Middle of Nowhere Convert - 2/2/2022 Endure Persecution - 2/3/2022 Are you nuts? - 2/4/2022 Persecution & Power - 2/9/2022 Raised to Life - 2/11/2022 No Dividing Wall - 2/15/2022 The Gospel for All Nations - 2/16/2022 Be an Encourager - 2/17/2022 Believing Prayers - 2/18/2022 Result of Pride - 2/21/2022 Powerful Preaching - 2/22/2022 Resurrection Gospel! - 2/23/2022 Jew then Gentile - 2/25/2022 Paul is Murdered... maybe - 2/25/2022 Entrusted to God's Care - 3/1/2022 Faith - Jew & Gentile - 3/2/2022 Letter of Encouragement - 3/3/2022 Disagreements & Strengthening - 3/4/2022 Salvation for the home - 3/8/2022 The Holy Spirit's Work - 3/8/2022 One King - Jesus - 3/9/2022 Provoked by the Spirit - 3/15/2022 God doesn't need you - 3/16/2022 Go Tell Someone - 3/17/2022 We are all disciples - 3/18/2022 Almost Christians - 3/22/2022 Jesus and Magic - 3/25/2022 No Mob Rule - 3/29/2022 Traveling and Missions - 3/30/2022 Goodbye Message - 3/31/2022 Following the Spirit - 4/4/2022 Do Jews become Gentiles? - 4/5/2022 Paul Arrested - 4/6/2022 The Just One - 4/7/2022 The Resurrection - 4/8/2022 God is at work - 4/11/2022 Dissension - 4/12/2022 Testifying - 4/13/2022 Paul - Willing to Die - 4/15/2022 Jailed for the Resurrection - 4/22/2022 True History - 4/25/2022 Lost at Sea - 4/26/2022 Cling to the Promises - 4/27/2022 Preaching Christ - 4/29/2022 Thankfulness & Courage - 4/29/2022 Goooood News!!! - 5/4/2022 Good News - Bad News - 5/6/2022 Judgmentalism versus Grace - 5/6/2022 Circumcision of the Heart - 5/9/2022 Is God Unjust? - 5/10/2022 Corruption of Human Nature - 5/11/2022 Righteous by Faith - 5/13/2022 Justified by Faith - 5/17/2022 Believe the impossible - 5/18/2022 Hope in dark times - 5/19/2022 Life in Jesus vs. Life in Adam - 5/20/2022 Dead to Sin - Alive to Christ - 5/23/2022 No Holiness - No God - 5/24/2022 Sin, law, and Spirit - 5/25/2022 No Condemnation - 5/27/2022 Wretches needing Jesus - 5/27/2022 Hope in Suffering - 5/31/2022 Assurance of Salvation - 6/2/2022 Election - 6/3/2022 Sovereign Grace - 6/4/2022 Jesus, The object of our faith - 6/6/2022 Jews need the Gospel - 6/7/2022 No Place for Pride - 6/8/2022 A Living Sacrifice - 6/9/2022 Real Love - Not Sentimentalism - 6/10/2022 Obedience and Love - 6/14/2022 Things Indifferent - 6/15/2022 2 Tyrants and Love - 6/16/2022 Joy, Peace, and Hope - 6/17/2022 Love One Another - 6/28/2022 Missions and Prayer - 6/28/2022 Divisive Doctrine - 6/29/2022 It's all about Christ - 6/30/2022 The Wisdom of God - 7/1/2022 Holy Spirit and Wisdom - 7/6/2022 Sectarianism is Carnal - 7/7/2022 Worldly Wisdom vs God's Wisdom - 7/8/2022 It's Jesus's House - 7/9/2022 Imitate Mature Christians - 7/12/2022 Church Discipline - 7/13/2022 Judging - 7/14/2022 Sexual Ethics - Bible Style - 7/15/2022 Marriage and Divorce - 7/19/2022 Unmarried and Widows - 7/20/2022 The Weaker Conscience - 7/21/2022 Liberty or Self Denial - 7/22/2022 Love not pragmatism - 7/25/2022 Temptation - 7/26/2022 No Demons Allowed - SDG - 7/27/2022 Head Coverings - 7/28/2022 Examine Yourself - 7/29/2022 One Body - Holy Spirit - 8/9/2022 Love endures forever - 8/10/2022 God of Order not Chaos - 8/12/2022 True Good News - 8/15/2022 Futile Faith - 8/16/2022 Resurrection Applications - 8/17/2022 Worship, Giving, and Teaching - 8/18/2022 Strong Christian Faith - 8/19/2022 Despair of Life - 8/22/2022 Not a Fickle Faith - 8/23/2022 Aroma of Christ - 8/24/2022 The Glory of Christ - 8/25/2022 The Glory of Jesus - 8/26/2022 Hope at all times - 8/30/2022 Be Reconciled Today! - 8/31/2022 Gospel Ministry - 9/1/2022 Godly Affections - 9/2/2022 Generosity & Giving - 9/5/2022 Church Authority - 9/6/2022 False Apostles - 9/7/2022 Boasting - 9/8/2022 Suffering and Grace - 9/9/2022 Holiness is Key - 9/12/2022 Honest Introspection - 9/13/2022 One Gospel - 9/14/2022 Apostolic Truth - 9/15/2022 No Earning Grace - 9/16/2022 Justified by Faith Alone - 9/19/2022 The Law Damns - Jesus Saves - 9/20/2022 The God of All Grace - 9/21/2022 Weak and Beggarly or Jesus - 9/22/2022 Faith or Works - 9/23/2022 Circumcision is Nothing - 9/26/2022 Walk by the Spirit - 9/27/2022 Store up treasures in heaven - 9/29/2022 Praise the Gracious God! - 9/30/2022 To Know God and Be Known - 10/4/2022 God's Gifts - 10/5/2022 Good News for Sinners - 10/5/2022 Living like kids of the devil - 10/5/2022 No Divisions - 10/6/2022 The Mystery of Faith - 10/7/2022 Doxology to Practical Theology - 10/10/2022 Walk in the Light - 10/13/2022 Walk in the Spirit - 10/14/2022 Walking in the Armor of God - 10/18/2022 God's Not Finished - 10/19/2022 Jesus - Better than Life - 10/20/2022 Love One Another - 10/21/2022 Humble Like Jesus - 10/24/2022 Sincerity and Character - 10/25/2022 Dirty Diapers & Righteousness - 10/26/2022 Anxiety, Peace, Gentleness - 10/27/2022 Peace and Contentment - 10/28/2022 Give Thanks - He Saves! - 11/1/2022 Jesus gets the glory - 11/2/2022 Reconciled by Jesus - 11/3/2022 The Hope of Glory - 11/4/2022 Established in Christ - 11/8/2022 United to Jesus - 11/9/2022 Living in Jesus - 11/10/2022 Christian Families - 11/11/2022 Christian Graces - 11/14/2022 Final Greetings - 11/15/2022 Greetings to the church - 11/15/2022 Entrusted with the Gospel - 11/17/2022 Thank God for other's Faith - 11/18/2022 Affliction and Care - 12/7/2022 Encouraged by people - 12/8/2022 Abound and Increase - 12/9/2022 Pursue Holiness - 12/23/2022 Go Get a Job - 12/27/2022 The Day of the Lord - 12/28/2022 God's Will for You - 12/29/2022 Grace and Holiness - 12/30/2022 God of Creation - 1/2/2023 Life in the Garden - 1/3/2023 Sin and Grace - 1/4/2023 The First Murder - 1/5/2023 Downward Depravity - 1/6/2023 Call on the Lord - 1/9/2023 Adam, Enoch, and Noah - 1/10/2023 Depraved to the core - 1/11/2023 Walk with God - 1/12/2023 Noah's Salvation - 1/13/2023 God Remembers You - 1/18/2023 Rest in the Lord - 1/18/2023 Sin, Grace, Rainbow - 1/19/2023 Drunk, Voyeurism, and Us - 1/20/2023 The Nations - 1/24/2023 Babel בָּבֶ֫ל ĎύγχυĎις - 1/25/2023 God is good to His word - 1/26/2023 Be Patient with God - 1/27/2023 God's Promises - 1/30/2023 God's Grace - Despite our Sin - 1/31/2023 First war in the Bible? - 2/1/2023 Our High Priest - 2/3/2023 Our Shield and Reward - 2/7/2023 Hold to the Promise - 2/8/2023 Circumcision - 2/9/2023 Is anything too hard? - 2/10/2023 No One Righteous - 2/11/2023 Sodom & Amazing Grace - 2/13/2023 Incest and Providence - 2/14/2023 Abraham is a Mess - 2/15/2023 God is Faithful - 2/17/2023 Can't Earn Grace - 2/20/2023 Abraham & Abimelech 2.0 - 2/21/2023 Abraham and Jesus - 2/22/2023 Sarah's Death - 2/24/2023 Boy meets Girl - 2/27/2023 Abraham and the Promise - 2/28/2023 Abraham's Death - 3/1/2023 God's Promises - 3/3/2023 Esau's Birthright - 3/7/2023 A stolen blessing - 3/8/2023 Isaac - son like father - 3/8/2023 Jacob and the Covenant - 3/9/2023 Children who walk away - 3/10/2023 The Covenant Continues - 3/13/2023 Jacob and Providence - 3/14/2023 Jacob, Rachel, and Leah - 3/15/2023 Jacob's Family Drama - 3/16/2023 Jacob Schemes - 3/17/2023 Jacob Flees Laban - 3/18/2023 Laban Confronts Jacob - 3/21/2023 Jacob's Covenant with Laban - 3/22/2023 Jacob's Model Prayer - 3/23/2023 Jacob Wrestles - 3/24/2023 Jacob Meets Esau - 3/29/2023 Dina - A cry for justice - 3/30/2023 Jacob at Bethel - 3/31/2023 Hard Providences - 4/4/2023 Death Doesn't Defeat - 4/5/2023 Esau and Edom - 4/6/2023 Joseph's Dreams - 4/7/2023 Joseph Sold - 4/10/2023 Judah and Tamar - 4/11/2023 Joseph in Egypt - 4/12/2023 Pharaoh's Dream - 4/13/2023 Joseph - Rags to Riches - 4/14/2023 Joseph's Brothers in Egypt - 4/18/2023 The Brothers Return - 4/19/2023 Joseph Revealed - 4/20/2023 Patience, Promise, Providence - 4/21/2023 Family Reunion - 5/8/2023 Joseph, Egypt, and Taxes - 5/9/2023 Dying well - 5/10/2023 Jacob blesses his Sons - 5/12/2023 Jacob Blesses Joseph's sons - 5/12/2023 Jacob's Death - 5/15/2023 You meant it for evil - 5/16/2023 Courageous Women - 5/17/2023 Moral Courage - God's Plan - 5/17/2023 Murder, marriage, and Promise - 5/18/2023 I Am - 5/23/2023 God is able to use you - 5/24/2023 Redemption with Suffering - 5/25/2023 Difficult before Better - 5/26/2023 Bible - Historical Truth - 5/30/2023 Praying for hard hearts - 5/30/2023 Did the Nile turn to blood? - 6/1/2023 Frogs frogs everywhere - 6/2/2023 Lice & Flies - 6/5/2023 Killing Cows - 6/7/2023 Power of God on Display - 6/8/2023 Locusts & Darkness - 6/9/2023 Why are there Plagues? - 6/12/2023 The Passover - 6/13/2023 Pillar of Cloud and Fire - 6/27/2023 The Red Sea - 6/28/2023 Song of Moses & Miriam - 6/29/2023 Bitter Made Sweet - 6/30/2023 Mana from Heaven - 7/4/2023 Water from the Rock - 7/5/2023 The Lord is My Banner - 7/6/2023 Israel's Judicial System - 7/7/2023 Israel at Sinai - 7/10/2023 The 10 Commandments - 7/11/2023 A Big View of God - 7/12/2023 The Who & How of Worship - 7/13/2023 Slavery and Human Dignity - 7/14/2023 Laws of Violence - 7/17/2023 Animal Control Laws - 7/18/2023 Property Law & Human Life - 7/19/2023 Sundry Laws - 7/20/2023 Justice and Equity for All - 7/21/2023 Faith, Charity, Sabbath - 7/24/2023 3 Annual Feast - 7/25/2023 Covenant Affirmed - 7/25/2023 God's Covenant Plan - 7/25/2023 Offerings for the Tabernacle - 7/25/2023 Table for Bread - 7/25/2023 The Altar - 7/25/2023 The Ark of the Covenant - 7/25/2023 The Lampstand - 7/25/2023 The Tabernacle - 7/25/2023 The Courtyard & The Oil - 8/8/2023 Intro to the Priest - 8/9/2023 The Ephod - 8/10/2023 The Breastplate - 8/11/2023 Holiness to the LORD - 8/14/2023 Aaron's Consecration - 8/16/2023 God will consecrate - 8/17/2023 Incense and Prayers - 8/18/2023 Ransom for Census - 8/22/2023 Anointing Oil - 8/23/2023 Purity and Holiness - 8/23/2023 The Incense - 8/25/2023 Workmanship and Wisdom - 8/28/2023 The Sabbath - 8/29/2023 The Golden Calf - 8/30/2023 Law and Grace at Sinai - 8/31/2023 The Lord The Lord Merciful - 8/31/2023 Covenant Renewal - 9/1/2023 Moses' face shines - 9/1/2023 Generosity and Thanks - 9/5/2023 Remember your Creator - 9/5/2023 The Tabernacle - Exactly - 9/5/2023 Working for God's Glory - 9/5/2023 The Ark is Made - 9/7/2023 Where's your tabernacle? - 9/7/2023 Built it God's Way - 9/9/2023 Obedience isn't guaranteed - 9/13/2023 A Lot of Cash - 9/15/2023 God's Presence - 9/15/2023 Making the Breastplate - 9/15/2023 Making the Stuff - 9/15/2023 Making the Tabernacle - 9/15/2023 Moses Blessed Them - 9/15/2023 Obeying the Lord - 9/15/2023 Tabernacle and The Holy Spirit - 9/15/2023 Tabernacle Erected - 9/15/2023 Worship however we want? - 9/15/2023 Keep the Fire burning - 10/20/2023 Aaron and His Sons Consecrated - 10/22/2023 Aaron and His Sons' Portion - 10/22/2023 Cleansing Healed Lepers - 10/22/2023 Conduct Prescribed for Priests - 10/22/2023 Fat and Blood May Not Be Eaten - 10/22/2023 Foods Permitted and Forbidden - 10/22/2023 Law Concerning Leprous Houses - 10/22/2023 Law of Leprous Garments - 10/22/2023 Profane Fire - Nadab and Abihu - 10/22/2023 Restitution with Offerings - 10/22/2023 Ritual After Childbirth - 10/22/2023 Sin & Trespass Offerings - 10/22/2023 The Burnt Offering - 10/22/2023 The Grain Offering - 10/22/2023 The Law Concerning Leprosy - 10/22/2023 The Law of the Grain Offering - 10/22/2023 The Law of the Sin Offering - 10/22/2023 The Peace Offering - 10/22/2023 The Priestly Ministry Begins - 10/22/2023 Trespass & Peace Offerings - 10/22/2023 The Day of Atonement - 11/14/2023 Unclean Discharges - 11/14/2023 Laws concerning blood - 11/15/2023 Laws on Sexual Morality - 11/17/2023 Moral and Ceremonial Laws - 11/18/2023 Penalties for Breaking Law - 11/18/2023 Priest is not to be defiled - 11/22/2023 Perfect Priests - 11/27/2023 Offerings Accepted and Not - 11/28/2023 Profane Sacrifices - 11/28/2023 Sabbath and Passover - 11/29/2023 The Holy Convocations - 11/29/2023 The Feast of Firstfruits - 12/1/2023 The Feast of Weeks - 12/1/2023 Feast of Trumpets - 12/5/2023 Day of Atonement - 12/7/2023 Feast of Booths - 12/7/2023 Keep the Lamp Burning - 12/8/2023 The Showbread - 12/8/2023 Sabbath of the Seventh Year - 12/11/2023 The Penalty for Blasphemy - 12/11/2023 The Year of Jubilee - 12/11/2023 Provisions for the 7th Year - 12/12/2023 Redemption of Property - 12/14/2023 Is Slavery Biblical? - 12/15/2023 Promise of Blessing - 12/21/2023 Curses of the Covenant - 12/23/2023 Promises for Repentance - 12/23/2023 Redeeming Persons and Property - 12/27/2023 2023 Devotions Recap - 12/28/2023 The first Census - 1/4/2024 Army Numbered by Tribe - 1/6/2024 Camps Positioned - 1/10/2024 East Side Camps - 1/10/2024 Levites Not Numbered - 1/10/2024 Census continued - 1/20/2024 Westside Camps - 1/20/2024 Aaron and Sons - 1/23/2024 Levites have a Job - 1/23/2024 North Side Camps - 1/23/2024 The Almost Done Census - 1/23/2024 Gershonites - 1/29/2024 Kohathites - 1/31/2024 The Merarites - 2/1/2024 Kohath & Holiness - 2/2/2024 Levite Census - 2/2/2024 Tabernacle Entrance Guards - 2/2/2024 Gershonites Job - 2/7/2024 Merari's Job - 2/7/2024 Levi Census is Finished - 2/8/2024 Unclean Expelled - 2/8/2024 Restitution - 2/9/2024 Unfaithful Wives - 2/13/2024 The Lord Bless and Keep You - 2/15/2024 The Nazarite - 2/15/2024 Dedicating the Levites - 2/17/2024 Leaders Bring an Offering - 2/17/2024 Let your Light Shine - 2/17/2024 The Second Passover - 2/17/2024 The Cloud and The Fire - 2/21/2024 The Trumpets - 2/27/2024 Departure from Sinai - 2/28/2024 The 70 Elders - 3/5/2024 The Lord Leads - 3/5/2024 The People Complain - 3/5/2024 The Lord Sends Quail - 3/6/2024 Dissension of Aaron and Miriam - 3/7/2024 Spies in the Land - 3/7/2024 Stoning Moses - 3/7/2024 Death Sentence on the Rebels - 3/12/2024 Moses Intercedes - 3/12/2024 A Futile Invasion Attempt - 3/16/2024 Grain and Drink Offerings - 3/16/2024 Willing Sacrifices - 3/19/2024 Unintentional Intentional Sin - 3/20/2024 Finding God in Every Moment - 3/21/2024 Leadership Conflict - 3/21/2024 Violating the Sabbath - 3/21/2024 Complaints of the People - 3/23/2024 The Budding of Aaron’s Rod - 3/23/2024 Duties of Priests and Levites - 3/23/2024 Moses’ Error at Kadesh - 4/1/2024 Offerings Support the Priests - 4/1/2024 Overcoming Death through Faith - 4/1/2024 Purification and Promise - 4/1/2024 Stewardship and Service - 4/1/2024 Tithes to Support the Levites - 4/1/2024 Aaron's Death - 4/5/2024 Passage Through Edom Refused - 4/5/2024 Canaanites Defeated at Hormah - 4/10/2024 The Bronze Serpent - 4/11/2024 From Mount Hor to Moab - 4/16/2024 Baalam and Balak - 4/17/2024 Divine Victory and Promise - 4/17/2024 King Og Defeated - 4/17/2024 Israel’s Harlotry in Moab - 4/23/2024 God Keeps His Promises - 4/24/2024 Men of War: Judah to Jesus - 4/24/2024 Numbers 27:1-11 - 4/25/2024 Joshua is Ordained - 4/27/2024 Daily Sacrifices Explained - 4/28/2024 Weekly and Monthly Offerings - 4/30/2024 God is Faithful - Don't Worry - 5/1/2024 Yearly Reminder of Redemption - 5/1/2024 Feast of Trumpets - 5/2/2024 Day of Atonement - 5/21/2024 Feast of Tabernacles - 5/22/2024 Keep your word - 5/23/2024 Purity and Obedience in Battle - 5/28/2024 Vengeance is Mine - 5/28/2024 Faithful to God's Promises - 5/29/2024 Faithful to God's Promises - 5/29/2024 Journey Through the Wilderness - 5/30/2024 Follow God's Command - 5/31/2024 Trust God's Perfect Timing - 5/31/2024 Claim God's Promised Land - 6/3/2024 Dividing the Promised Land - 6/4/2024 Levite Cities and Provision - 6/6/2024 Cherish Life - 6/10/2024 God Cares for All - 6/10/2024 Keep God's Promises - 6/12/2024 Choose Wise Leaders - 6/13/2024 Faith Over Presumption - 6/13/2024 Trust God Completely - 6/13/2024 Conquest & Wondering - 6/18/2024 Victory Through Obedience - 6/18/2024 God Delivers and Protects - 6/19/2024 Trust in God's Victory - 6/19/2024 Faithful Despite Consequences - 6/20/2024 God’s Commands for Our Lives - 6/21/2024 Guard Against Idolatry - 6/21/2024 Fear and Obey the Lord - 6/25/2024 Justice, Mercy, and Humility - 6/25/2024 Moses' Second Speech Begins - 6/25/2024 Obeying God's Covenant - 6/25/2024 Love the Lord Fully - 6/26/2024 Beware of Spiritual Treason - 6/27/2024 Blessings of Obedience - 6/27/2024 Chosen and Set Apart - 6/27/2024 Embrace God's Blessings - 6/29/2024 God’s Redemption, Not Ours - 6/29/2024 Remember and Obey - 6/29/2024 God's Mercy After Idolatry - 7/1/2024 Obey God With All Your Heart - 7/9/2024 Blessings and Curses - 7/11/2024 Love God and Obey Always - 7/11/2024 Joyful Worship and Gratitude - 7/17/2024 Obey God's Worship Commands - 7/17/2024 Worship God Rightly - 7/17/2024 Grieving with Hope - 7/20/2024 Hold to God's Commandments - 7/20/2024 Called to Be Holy - 7/23/2024 Debt Forgiveness Wisdom - 7/24/2024 Tithing and Stewardship - 7/24/2024 Compassionate Leadership - 7/25/2024 Love People More Than Money - 7/25/2024 Fulfill the Passover Call - 7/30/2024 Sanctify the Firstborn - 7/30/2024 Celebrate God's Harvest - 7/31/2024 Pray for Just Judges - 7/31/2024 Remember God's Provision - 7/31/2024 Avoid Idolatry, Obey God - 8/2/2024 Laws for Kings - 8/2/2024 The Levites’ Inheritance - 8/2/2024 Eternal Inheritance Secure - 8/8/2024 Final Prophet: Christ Alone - 8/8/2024 God's Justice in Refuge - 8/8/2024 Rejecting Pagan Practices - 8/8/2024 Cry Out for Divine Justice - 8/13/2024 God's Justice and Mercy - 8/13/2024 The Call to Truthfulness - 8/13/2024 Christ Bore the Curse for Us - 8/21/2024 Honor the Firstborn's Rights - 8/21/2024 Preserving Dignity in War - 8/21/2024 Submit to God’s Authority - 8/21/2024 Adultery's Grave Consequence - 8/23/2024 God’s Law: Living Set Apart - 8/23/2024 Honor and Righteousness - 8/23/2024 Uphold Marriage Integrity - 8/23/2024 Walls Torn Down by Grace - 8/23/2024 Generosity and Humility - 9/4/2024 Keep Clean in God's Presence - 9/4/2024 Love God, Love Your Neighbor - 9/4/2024 Value and Uphold Marriage - 9/4/2024 Care for the Widow and Orphan - 9/6/2024 Live Justly in All Dealings - 9/6/2024 Trust in God's Justice - 9/6/2024 Joyful Firstfruits Offering - 9/10/2024 We Are God's Special People - 9/10/2024 Blessings in Obedience - 9/15/2024 Free From Sin's Curse - 9/15/2024 Remember the Law in Your Heart - 9/15/2024 God’s Curses for Disobedience - 9/17/2024 Will You Follow God Alone? - 9/17/2024 Be Strong and Courageous - 9/24/2024 Choose Life Today in Christ - 9/24/2024 God Knows Our Rebellion - 9/24/2024 Read God's Law Every 7 Years - 9/24/2024 Repentance and Obedience - 9/24/2024 Forsake Idolatry, Seek God - 10/1/2024 God's Blessing and Our Victory - 10/1/2024 Hebrews: Study & Prayer - 10/1/2024 Moses’ Final Moments - 10/1/2024 Revere God, Hallow His Name - 10/1/2024 Heed the Message of Salvation - 10/3/2024 Jesus' Expansive Dominion - 10/3/2024 Jesus: The Supreme Revelation - 10/3/2024 The Supremacy of Christ - 10/3/2024 Hold Firm in Faith - 10/14/2024 Hold Firm to Your Faith - 10/14/2024 Jesus, Our Perfect Savior - 10/14/2024 Christ's Glory Above Moses' - 10/15/2024 Enter Christ's Rest Today - 10/16/2024 Rest in Christ's Work - 10/16/2024 Hold Fast to Your Confession - 10/19/2024 Jesus, Our High Priest - 10/19/2024 Grow Up in Faith - 10/23/2024 Hold Fast to Faith - 10/23/2024 Trust in Our High Priest - 10/23/2024 Persevere in Faith and Hope - 10/28/2024 Hope Anchored in God’s Promise - 10/29/2024 Jesus, Our Eternal High Priest - 10/29/2024 A New Covenant Fulfilled - 10/31/2024 Jesus, Mediator of Grace - 10/31/2024 Our High Priest - 10/31/2024 Trust in Our Perfect Priest - 10/31/2024 Tabernacle Symbols and Jesus - 11/1/2024 A New Order Through Christ - 11/5/2024 Rest in Christ's Redemption - 11/5/2024 Christ’s Perfect Sacrifice - 11/8/2024 Jesus, Our Eternal Testator - 11/8/2024 Jesus: The Perfect Sacrifice - 11/13/2024 The Will of God Fulfilled - 11/14/2024 Boldly Enter God's Presence - 11/15/2024 Faith: Substance and Evidence - 11/15/2024 Hold Fast to Your Faith - 11/15/2024 Rest in Jesus’ Sacrifice - 11/15/2024 Faith That Pleases God - 11/20/2024 Faith in God's Promises - 11/21/2024 Faith of the Patriarchs - 11/21/2024 Hope for a Heavenly City - 11/21/2024 Faith Like Moses - 11/26/2024 Rejoice and Give Thanks - 11/26/2024 Walk in Faith Like Saints - 11/26/2024 God’s Discipline for Holiness - 12/3/2024 Run the Race of Faith - 12/3/2024 Live with Love and Contentment - 12/5/2024 Pursue Peace and Holiness - 12/5/2024 Rest in Christ Alone - 12/5/2024 Unshakable Kingdom Worship - 12/5/2024 Follow Christ, Honor Leaders - 12/10/2024 Grace Through the Shepherd - 12/10/2024 Pray With Confidence - 12/10/2024 Be Strong and Courageous - 1/2/2025 Follow with Courage and Faith - 1/2/2025 Faith Follows the King - 1/3/2025 Faith Like Rahab - 1/3/2025 God’s Faithful Promises - 1/7/2025 Remember God’s Mighty Acts - 1/7/2025 The Commander of God's Army - 1/9/2025 Trusting God's Plan - 1/9/2025 Israel's Defeat at Ai - 1/13/2025 The Sin That Troubled Israel - 1/14/2025 Victory at Ai: Trust in God - 1/14/2025 Trust the Perfect Savior - 1/15/2025 Seek God’s Counsel Always - 1/16/2025 Faith in God's Cosmic Power - 1/17/2025 The Warrior King's Victory - 1/17/2025 God's Victory, Not Ours - 1/21/2025 Victory Through Obedience - 1/21/2025 God Fulfills His Promises - 1/22/2025 God’s Purpose in Our Days - 1/22/2025 Victory Through God - 1/22/2025 An Incomplete Obedience - 1/24/2025 Caleb’s Unshakable Faith - 1/24/2025 God Assigns Our Inheritance - 1/28/2025 God Keeps His Promises - 1/28/2025 God’s Word Never Fails - 1/30/2025 God's Promises Stand - 1/30/2025 Walk by Faith, Not by Fear - 1/30/2025 Complete the Work God Gave You - 2/5/2025 God’s Promises Are Secure - 2/5/2025 Share God's Blessings - 2/6/2025 Trust God's Allotment - 2/6/2025 God Provided for the Levites - 2/7/2025 Lead with Humility - 2/7/2025 Seek Refuge in God's Justice - 2/7/2025 Remain Faithful as You Go - 2/9/2025 God’s Faithfulness Never Fails - 2/11/2025 Choose to Serve the Lord - 2/18/2025 Follow the Lord Alone - 2/18/2025 Reconciliation Through Faith - 2/18/2025 Stay Strong in the Lord - 2/18/2025 Control Your Anger - 2/26/2025 Endure Temptation with Faith - 2/26/2025 Trust God in Trials - 2/26/2025 What Truly Endures - 2/26/2025 Be Doers, Not Just Hearers - 2/27/2025 No Partiality in Christ - 2/27/2025 Faith That Produces Works - 3/4/2025 Taming the Tongue - 3/9/2025 Reject Earthly Wisdom - 3/10/2025 Resist Pride, Embrace Humility - 3/11/2025
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