Speaker: C. H. Spurgeon
8,742 sermons
Spurgeon's Autobiography, 87
Life goes on. The need for a new house, provided by loving members of the church who appreciated his selfless work. And, a new crisis: Mrs. Spurgeon's health fails seriously. She must go to a hospital for a long period of time. He is gone on preaching trips. A true test of the marriage. How handily that test was passed you may judge.
>God blots out transgressions - 6/5/2015 God blots out transgression, 2 - 6/6/2015 Desiring God at Night, 1 - 6/23/2015 Desiring God at Night, 2 - 6/24/2015 Desiring God at Night, 3 - 6/25/2015 Our future hope! 1 - 6/30/2015 Our Future Hope! 2 - 7/1/2015 Our Future Hope! 3 (final) - 7/2/2015 Jesus manifests Himself, 1 - 7/11/2015 Jesus manifests Himself, 2 - 7/11/2015 A Day to Remember - 8/29/2015 Daily Blessings from God! - 9/5/2015 Daniel's Band - 9/19/2015 A Pattern For Pleaders - 9/26/2015 Bring Me a Minstrel - 11/24/2015 Bring Me a Minstrel, 2 - 11/24/2015 There go the ships, 1 - 12/31/2015 There go the ships, 2 - 1/1/2016 Jesus Knew What He Would Do - 1/19/2016 Jesus Knew What He Would Do, 2 - 1/19/2016 Among Lions - 2/12/2016 Among Lions, 2 - 2/15/2016 The Talking Book, part 1 - 3/10/2016 The Talking Book, concluded - 3/11/2016 Prodigal Love for the Son - 6/13/2016 Prodigal Love for Prodigal, 2 - 6/14/2016 Jesus at Bethesda - 7/20/2016 Jesus at Bethesda, 2 - 7/21/2016 Jesus at Bethesda, 3 - 7/22/2016 Spurgeon: Saying no to God? 1 - 10/21/2016 Spurgeon: Saying no to God? 2 - 10/24/2016 Saying no to God? final - 10/25/2016 Cheer Up, My Dear Friends! - 3/7/2017 Cheer Up, My Dear Friends!2 - 3/8/2017 Beloved and Yet Afflicted - 3/13/2017 Spurgeon and Warfield on.. - 5/19/2017 Jesus Christ Himself - 6/2/2017 The Dream of Pilate's Wife - 6/18/2017 Unknown Depths of Human Sin - 7/6/2017 Silver Sockets, the.. - 7/16/2017 God in the Face of Jesus - 7/30/2017 High Doctrine - 8/12/2017 Crucified Jesus Conquers, 1 - 9/10/2017 Crucified Jesus Conquers, 2 - 9/11/2017 The Master's Example - 10/12/2017 The Unconquerable King (1) - 11/6/2017 The Unconquerable King (2) - 11/7/2017 Human Inability - 11/22/2017 Human Inability 2 (final) - 11/23/2017 Jesus Will Never Fail! - 12/19/2017 Christ and Him Crucified - 12/28/2017 Free Grace Doesn't Produce Sin - 1/21/2018 Free Grace (2) Final - 1/22/2018 Scene of Christ's Ascension - 3/28/2018 Christ's Triumphant Ascension - 4/5/2018 Satan Hindered Us - 4/18/2018 Satan Hindered Us, 2 - 4/19/2018 Meditation, Profitable - 9/22/2018 Sweet Meditations on Christ - 11/24/2018 Lukewarmness, a Warning - 12/16/2018 An Act of Pure Grace - 1/3/2019 To the False Prophets - 1/19/2019 The Two Seeds - 1/29/2019 The Two Lives - 2/10/2019 Spurgeon: Differing Hopes - 2/13/2019 Flesh's Persecution of Spirit - 2/18/2019 Spurgeon, The Parting - 2/22/2019 Whose Are The Promises? - 2/27/2019 The Promise a Free Gift - 3/4/2019 The Promise a Reality - 3/7/2019 Peculiar Treasure of Believers - 3/13/2019 The Valuation of the Promises - 3/19/2019 The Rule of God's Giving - 3/22/2019 A Rule Without Exceptions - 3/27/2019 Taking Possession of a Promise - 4/1/2019 Endorsing the Promise - 4/4/2019 The Promise Used for This Life - 4/9/2019 Searching Out the Promises - 4/12/2019 The Time of the Promise - 4/17/2019 Promises Through Spirit - 4/22/2019 Jesus and the Promises - 4/26/2019 Dead in Every Way - 5/16/2019 The Trial of Your Faith - 6/5/2019 The Trial of Your Faith, 2 - 6/9/2019 Impotence and Omnipotence - 6/12/2019 Impotence and Omnipotence, 2 - 6/17/2019 Christ cure for troubled heart - 6/20/2019 Christ the Cure, 2 - 6/24/2019 Advice for Troublous Times - 6/27/2019 Advice for troublous Times, 2 - 7/1/2019 Where Spiritual Life Begins - 7/3/2019 Light Walking in Darkness - 7/5/2019 Light Walking in Darkness, 2 - 7/9/2019 Earthquake But Not Heartquake - 7/12/2019 Earthquake, Not Heartquake, 2 - 7/16/2019 Two Immutable Things, 1 - 7/19/2019 Two Immutable Things, 2 - 7/23/2019 A Paradox - 10/28/2019 A Paradox, Conclusion - 10/30/2019 As Heard, So Seen - 11/1/2019 Cause, Cure, of Wounded Spirit - 11/5/2019 Cure of Wounded Spirit, 2 - 11/8/2019 The Sweet Uses of Adversity - 11/11/2019 The Sweet Uses of Adversity, 2 - 11/14/2019 Examine Yourselves - 12/29/2019 Does Christ Dwell in You? - 1/2/2020 One Antidote for Many Ills, 1 - 1/25/2020 One Antidote for Many Ills, 2 - 1/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 1 - 1/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 2 - 1/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography 3 - 1/29/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 4 - 1/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 5 - 1/31/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 6 - 2/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 7 - 2/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 8 - 2/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 9 - 2/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 10 - 2/6/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 11 - 2/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 12 - 2/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 13 - 2/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 14 - 2/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 15 - 2/13/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 16 - 2/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 17 - 2/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 18 - 2/18/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 19 - 2/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 20 - 2/20/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 21 - 2/23/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 22 - 2/24/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 23 - 2/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 24 - 2/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 25 - 2/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 26 - 3/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 27 - 3/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 28 - 3/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 29 - 3/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 30 - 3/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 31 - 3/8/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 32 - 3/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 34 - 3/11/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 35 - 3/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 36 - 3/15/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 37 - 3/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 38 - 3/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 39 - 3/18/2020 Now Is the Day of Salvation - 3/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 40 - 3/29/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 41 - 3/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 42 - 3/31/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 43 - 4/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 44 - 4/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 45 - 4/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 46 - 4/6/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 47 - 4/7/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 48 - 4/8/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 49 - 4/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 50 - 4/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 51 - 4/14/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 52 - 4/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 53 - 4/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 54 - 4/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 55 - 4/23/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 56 - 4/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 57 - 4/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 58 - 4/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 59 - 5/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 60 - 5/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 61 - 5/7/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 62 - 5/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 63 - 5/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 64 - 5/14/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 65 - 5/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 66 - 5/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 67 - 5/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 68 - 5/24/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 70 - 5/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 71 - 5/31/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 72 - 6/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 73 - 6/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 75 - 6/14/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 76 - 6/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 77 - 6/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 78 - 6/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 79 - 6/23/2020 Spurgeon's autobiography, 80 - 6/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 81 - 6/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 82 - 6/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 83 - 7/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 84 - 7/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 85 - 7/7/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 86 - 7/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 87 - 7/11/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 88 - 7/14/2020 The One You Love Is Sick - 7/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 90 - 7/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 91 - 7/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 92 - 7/23/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 93 - 7/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 94 - 7/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 95 - 7/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 96 - 8/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 97 - 8/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 98 - 8/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 99 - 8/15/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 101 - 8/20/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 102 - 8/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 103 - 8/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 104 - 8/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 105 - 8/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 106 - 9/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 107 - 9/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 108 - 9/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 109 - 9/8/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 110 - 9/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 111 - 9/11/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 112 - 9/15/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 113 - 9/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 114 - 9/18/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 115 - 9/22/2020 Spurgeon Autobiography (FINAL) - 9/24/2020 Death Is an Enemy - 10/16/2020 All Comers to Christ Welcome - 11/23/2020 Misrepresenting True Calvinism - 11/24/2020 Divine Sovereignty - 11/26/2020 Infallibility of God's Purpose - 11/30/2020 Election, 1 - 12/1/2020 Election, 2 (final) - 12/2/2020 Election defense and evidence - 12/3/2020 Particular Redemption, 2 - 12/8/2020 Plenteous Redemption - 12/9/2020 Prevenient Grace - 12/10/2020 Prevenient Grace, 2 (final) - 12/11/2020 Human Inability - 12/14/2020 Human Inability, 2 (final) - 12/15/2020 Effectual Calling, 1 - 12/16/2020 Effectual Calling 2 (Final) - 12/17/2020 The Beatific Vision - 12/21/2020 Resurrection With Christ - 1/18/2021 Free Grace, part 1 - 2/15/2021 Free Grace (2, Final) - 2/17/2021 Distinguishing Grace, 1 - 3/10/2021 Distinguishing Grace, 2.. - 3/11/2021 Salvation Altogether by Grace - 3/24/2021 Saved Altogether by Grace, 2 - 3/25/2021 Perseverance of the Saints, 1 - 4/7/2021 Perseverance of the Saints, 2 - 4/8/2021 Providence, 1 - 5/16/2021 Providence, 2 - 5/17/2021 Providence in Esther, 1 - 5/18/2021 Providence in Esther, 2 - 5/19/2021 Love At Its Utmost - 7/26/2021 Law written on the Heart, 1 - 8/12/2021 Law Written on Heart, 2 - 8/15/2021 The Bible - 9/14/2021 The Bible, 2 - 9/16/2021 Christ is Able to Help - 10/18/2021 The Immutability of God - 10/21/2021 The Remembrance of Christ - 10/25/2021 The Sin of Unbelief - 10/27/2021 Personality of Spirit - 10/31/2021 The Comforter - 11/1/2021 Comfort for feeble saints - 11/4/2021 Christ Crucified, 1 - 11/8/2021 Christ Crucified, 2 - 11/10/2021 Spiritual Liberty - 11/13/2021 The Kingly Priesthood - 11/16/2021 The People's Christ - 11/18/2021 Consolation for Suffering - 11/24/2021 The Victory of Faith - 11/26/2021 The Bible - 11/30/2021 Joseph Attacked by the Archers - 12/6/2021 The Tomb of Jesus - 12/7/2021 Carnal Mind Enmity Against God - 12/14/2021 Christ's People Imitate Him - 12/16/2021 A Caution to the Presumptuous - 12/20/2021 Thoughts on the Last Battle - 12/22/2021 Forgiveness - 12/26/2021 The Hope of Future Bliss - 12/28/2021 The Two Effects of the Gospel - 12/30/2021 The Eternal Name - 1/3/2022 Christ Manifesting Himself.. - 1/5/2022 The Power of the Holy Ghost - 1/8/2022 I Know My Redeemer Liveth, 1 - 3/18/2022 I Know My Redeemer Lives (2) - 3/21/2022 The Stone Rolled Away, 1 - 3/22/2022 The Stone Rolled Away, 2 - 3/23/2022 Gospel of the Serpent's Doom - 3/28/2022 Christ the Faithful Amen - 6/22/2022 The Coming Resurrection - 7/13/2022 Coming Resurrection, 2 (final) - 7/14/2022 Jesus' power in resurrection,1 - 7/15/2022 Resurrection Power of Christ - 7/18/2022 The Resurrection Credible - 7/19/2022 The Resurrection Credible, 2 - 7/20/2022 The Lord Is Risen Indeed - 7/21/2022 The Lord is Risen Indeed, 2 - 7/22/2022 Following the Risen Christ, 1 - 8/22/2022 Following the Risen Christ, 2 - 8/23/2022 Resurrection of Lord Jesus, 1 - 8/29/2022 Resurrection of Lord Jesus, 2 - 8/30/2022 Religion for Conscience's Sake - 9/28/2022 Struggles of Conscience, 1 - 10/3/2022 Struggles of Conscience, 2 - 10/5/2022 Struggles of Conscience - 11/29/2022 Struggles of conscience, 2 - 11/30/2022 What Are the Clouds? - 12/1/2022 What Are the Clouds, 2 - 12/2/2022 The Heart of the Gospel, 1 - 1/2/2023 The Heart of the Gospel,2 - 1/4/2023 True Prayer, True Power - 1/6/2023 True Prayer, True Power, 2 - 1/9/2023 Law and Grace - 1/11/2023 Law and Grace, part 2 - 1/13/2023 Storming the Battlements, 1 - 1/16/2023 Storming the Battlements, 2 - 1/18/2023 Heaven - 1/20/2023 Hell - 1/23/2023 Unconditional Election - 1/25/2023 Unconditional Election, 2 - 1/27/2023 The Death of a Christian - 1/31/2023 The Death of a Christian, 2 - 2/1/2023 Repentance Unto Life - 2/7/2023 Repentance Unto Life, 2 - 2/8/2023 Conversion - 2/14/2023 Conversion, 2 - 2/15/2023 The Glorious Habitation, 2 - 2/22/2023 Christ's Prayer for Us, 1 - 2/28/2023 Christ's Prayer for Us, 2 - 3/1/2023 Chastisement, 1 - 3/7/2023 Chastisement, 2 - 3/8/2023 The God of Peace - 3/14/2023 The God of Peace, 2 - 3/15/2023 Holy Ghost, Great Teacher,1 - 4/4/2023 Holy Ghost, Great Teacher,c2 - 4/5/2023 Comfort for the Desponding - 4/11/2023 Comfort for the Desponding, 2 - 4/12/2023 Free-Will, a Slave - 4/18/2023 Free-will, a Slave, 2 - 4/19/2023 Healing for the Wounded, 1 - 4/25/2023 Healing for the Wounded, 2 - 4/26/2023 Christ Our Passover, 1 - 5/2/2023 Christ Our Passover, 2 - 5/3/2023 The Exodus - 5/9/2023 The Exodus, 2 - 5/10/2023 Sanctified by Christ's Blood - 7/14/2023 This My Blood, Shed for Many - 7/20/2023 No Peace to the Wicked - 10/17/2023 The Lord of Peace Himself - 10/24/2023 Incarnation and Birth of Jesus - 10/31/2023 Canaan on Earth - 11/7/2023 Sovereignty and Salvation - 11/14/2023 The Beatific Vision - 11/21/2023 The Enchanted Ground - 11/28/2023 Lions lack, but not children - 12/5/2023 The Resurrection of the Just - 12/12/2023 The Resurrection of the Wicked - 12/19/2023 Watch-night Service - 12/25/2023 A Solemn Warning to the Church - 1/2/2024 Allegories of Sarah and Hagar - 1/8/2024 Good Works - 1/16/2024 A Bottle in the Smoke - 1/23/2024 Israel at the Red Sea - 1/30/2024 Effectual Calling - 2/6/2024 Final Perseverance - 2/13/2024 Gospel Missions - 2/20/2024 Divine Sovereignty - 2/27/2024 Character of Christ's People - 3/5/2024 The Form of Sound Words - 3/12/2024 God Alone Our Salvation - 3/20/2024 Indwelling Sin - 3/26/2024 Satan Considers You - 3/26/2024 Overcoming Satan by the Blood - 4/1/2024 Salvation to the Uttermost - 4/2/2024 Omniscience - 4/9/2024 Unimpeachable Justice - 4/16/2024 The Majestic Voice - 4/23/2024 The Plea of Faith - 4/30/2024 Hatred Without Cause - 5/6/2024 Men Chosen-Angels Rejected - 5/13/2024 Christ Exalted - 5/20/2024 The Unity Christ Prayed For - 6/20/2024 The Work to Be Done - 7/2/2024 Profit and Loss - 9/3/2024 The Great Test of Sonship - 9/5/2024 God in the Covenant - 9/6/2024 Tomorrow - 9/10/2024 Without love to Christ - 9/12/2024 The day of atonement - 9/13/2024 We are debtors - 9/17/2024 Pride and Humility - 9/20/2024 Assurance of our salvation! - 9/27/2024 Coming Against Our Defenses - 10/4/2024 A Blow to Self-Righteousness - 10/8/2024 Daniel Facing the Lion's Den - 10/11/2024 A Message to Neglecters - 10/15/2024 Making Light of Christ - 10/18/2024 Comer's Conflict with Satan - 10/22/2024 The Exaltation of Christ - 10/25/2024 False Professors... Warned - 10/29/2024 Christ in the Covenant - 11/5/2024 Spurgeon: Love's Commendation - 11/12/2024 Manasseh - 11/19/2024 Spurgeon: "Turn or Burn" - 11/26/2024 Faith - 12/3/2024 Spurgeon. Fear and faith - 12/10/2024 Spurgeon: Going Home - 12/11/2024 A Mighty Savior - 12/12/2024 Spurgeon: The War of Truth - 12/13/2024 Confession of Sin in 7 Texts - 12/16/2024 Spurgeon: Preaching for poor - 12/17/2024 Spurgeon: Why Are Men Saved? - 12/18/2024 Spurgeon: Secret Sins - 12/19/2024 Spurgeon: Lovest Thou Me? - 12/20/2024 Spurgeon: The Blood-shedding - 12/23/2024 Spurgeon: Rahab's Faith - 12/24/2024 Condescension of Christ - 12/25/2024 Spurgeon: A Faithful Friend - 12/26/2024 His Father's Business - 12/27/2024 Spurgeon: Particular Election - 12/30/2024 The Snare of the Fowler - 12/31/2024 Spurgeon: The Fruitless Vine - 1/1/2025 Justification by Grace - 1/2/2025 Spiritual Resurrection - 1/3/2025 The Uses of the Law - 1/6/2025 David's Dying Prayer - 1/7/2025 Regeneration - 1/8/2025 Salvation is of the Lord - 1/9/2025 Christ is power, wisdom of God - 1/10/2025 Heavenly Rest - 1/13/2025 Elijah to the Undecided - 1/14/2025 Presumptuous Sins - 1/14/2025 Israel in Egypt - 1/16/2025 Mercy,Omnipotence, Justice - 1/17/2025 Prayer-The Forerunner of Mercy - 1/20/2025 Search the Scriptures - 2/7/2025
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