Multiple Speakers | Chester, South Carolina
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Speaker: Clint Davis
809 sermons
Worthlessness = Rejection
Unfaithfulness to God and sin against him equals rejection by God. We must repent of our sins and return to him while living in faithfulness to his call on our lives.
>Kingdom Demonstration - 8/1/2021 Philip and the Ethiopian - 8/1/2021 Saul Got Started Immediately - 8/1/2021 Saul Meets Ananias - 8/1/2021 Who is this Saul Guy? - 8/1/2021 Peter Performs Miracles - 8/9/2021 Cornelius's Life-Changing.. - 8/10/2021 Peter's Impactful Vision - 8/11/2021 Peter Speaks of Jesus - 8/12/2021 Two Apostles Ordained - 8/23/2021 The Magician Went Blind - 8/24/2021 The Exodus and Jesus - 8/25/2021 No Corruption for Jesus - 8/26/2021 The Gospel Divides - 8/27/2021 Worship God not Men - 8/30/2021 Build Up Hurting Churches - 8/31/2021 What About these Gentiles? - 9/1/2021 Devote Yourselves to Jesus - 9/2/2021 A Letter and A Separation - 9/3/2021 Willing to Sacrifice - 9/6/2021 A Macedonian Convert - 9/7/2021 Prison Doors Opened - 9/8/2021 A Riot in Thessalonica - 9/9/2021 Remaining Steadfast - 9/10/2021 Weeping in Athens - 9/13/2021 He's Not Unknown - 9/14/2021 Paul Visits Corinth - 9/15/2021 Apollos is Bold - 9/16/2021 Paul Returns to Ephesus - 9/17/2021 Even Demons Know the Truth - 9/20/2021 Idols and a Riot in Ephesus - 9/21/2021 A Farewell Address - 9/23/2021 Raising the Dead - 9/23/2021 Not Afraid to Die - 9/24/2021 A Welcoming Church - 9/27/2021 Willing to Sacrifice - 9/27/2021 Compassion for His Enemies - 10/1/2021 Satanic Opposition - 10/1/2021 An Extreme Plot - 10/4/2021 God's Will through Prison - 10/4/2021 Testify in Jerusalem and Rome - 10/4/2021 Paul, A Roman Citizen - 10/4/2021 False Accusations - 10/8/2021 Paul's Boldness with Felix - 10/12/2021 Paul's Ready Defense - 10/12/2021 God's Providence in Paul's.. - 10/14/2021 Persecuted Because of Jesus - 10/14/2021 He Did Nothing Wrong - 10/18/2021 Wise in a Shipwreck - 10/18/2021 God is Working - 10/19/2021 The Christian Brotherhood - 10/19/2021 The End of Acts - 10/19/2021 A Great Prayer - 10/21/2021 But God - 10/21/2021 God's Amazing Blessings - 10/21/2021 Grace and Peace - 10/21/2021 Our Inheritance in Jesus - 10/21/2021 Unified in Christ - 11/2/2021 God at Work in You - 11/3/2021 Make a Clean Break - 11/8/2021 Unity in Jesus - 11/8/2021 Husbands Love Your Wives - 11/9/2021 Imitate Jesus - 11/9/2021 Live This Way - 11/9/2021 Let People Know What's.. - 11/15/2021 Submit to Authority - 11/15/2021 The Enemy and the Armor - 11/15/2021 A Thankful Apostle - 11/16/2021 It Is Right to Love You - 11/16/2021 For the Gospel - 11/22/2021 For Your Sake - 11/22/2021 Invested in Others - 11/22/2021 Work it Out - 11/22/2021 Humble Like Jesus - 11/24/2021 Attaining Life Through Faith - 11/29/2021 Brow to Maturity - 11/29/2021 Contentment and Strength - 11/30/2021 Rejoicing and Pure Thoughts - 11/30/2021 Stand Firm and Be Unified - 11/30/2021 Faithfulness Displayed - 12/7/2021 Jesus is Supreme - 12/7/2021 Praying Biblical Prayers - 12/7/2021 Knowing Jesus - 12/13/2021 Suffering for You - 12/13/2021 Don't Let People Judge You - 12/14/2021 Focus on Jesus - 12/14/2021 God in the Flesh -- Jesus - 12/14/2021 Stop Being Idolaters - 12/20/2021 This is How You Live - 12/21/2021 Christian Home Life - 12/22/2021 Keep Watch in Prayer - 12/22/2021 The Extensive People of God - 12/22/2021 Jesus Fulfilled the Law - 1/2/2022 Treasures in Heaven - 1/2/2022 Follow Jesus Wherever He Goes - 1/3/2022 Jesus Saves Sinners - 1/3/2022 Look at Yourself First - 1/3/2022 Jesus's Kingdom is Worth.. - 1/6/2022 The Sabbath Day is Good - 1/6/2022 Faith That Walks on Water - 1/10/2022 Your Heart is What Matters - 1/12/2022 Don't Demand Signs from God - 1/13/2022 The Greatest is a Servant - 1/13/2022 Will You Come to the Feast? - 1/19/2022 Humility > Prideful Religion - 1/20/2022 Stay Faithful to Jesus - 1/20/2022 The Destruction of Pride - 1/23/2022 He Has Risen - 1/25/2022 Jesus Calls Ordinary People - 1/25/2022 Jesus Forgives Sin - 1/25/2022 Let Your Light Shine - 1/26/2022 Clarifying Sight Restored - 1/31/2022 Don't Make Tradition Into.. - 1/31/2022 Be Great By Serving - 2/2/2022 Follow Jesus -- He's Worthy - 2/2/2022 Enjoying Access to God - 2/4/2022 Give Your Best to Jesus - 2/4/2022 Come, Let Us Reason - 2/7/2022 God Restores Justice - 2/7/2022 Resurrection and Commission - 2/7/2022 The Danger of Envy - 2/7/2022 Hope For God's People - 2/11/2022 Humility Before the Lord - 2/11/2022 The Absence of Good Leaders - 2/15/2022 A Warning of Judgment - 2/16/2022 Hope for Persevering in Faith - 2/16/2022 Responding to the Holy God - 2/17/2022 Be Firm in the Faith - 2/21/2022 Trust in Immanuel - 2/22/2022 Don't Forget God - 2/23/2022 God as a Sanctuary and a Snare - 2/24/2022 A Great Light is Coming - 2/25/2022 Grace Through Judgment? - 2/28/2022 Enjoying God's Grace - 3/1/2022 Trusting a Sovereign God - 3/2/2022 Hope in the Midst of Judgment - 3/3/2022 Death is Swallowed Up - 3/4/2022 Being Kept in Perfect Peace - 3/7/2022 Redemption is Coming - 3/8/2022 Judgment Because of Rebellion - 3/9/2022 Trust in the Cornerstone - 3/10/2022 God Works in Strange Ways - 3/11/2022 Their Hearts Were Far From God - 3/14/2022 The Potter Isn't the Clay - 3/15/2022 Stubborn Children are.. - 3/17/2022 God is a Solid Rock - 3/18/2022 Eternal Outcome #1 - 3/21/2022 Eternally Restored - 3/22/2022 Who Will You Trust? - 3/23/2022 The Devil's Attacks - 3/24/2022 Inquire of the Lord in Crisis - 3/25/2022 Proper Prayer - 3/28/2022 Answered Prayers - 3/29/2022 God Delivers His People - 3/30/2022 Humility Is the Way - 3/31/2022 The Joy of Healing - 4/1/2022 Showing Off is Foolish - 4/4/2022 Comfort from the Word of God - 4/5/2022 God is Capable to Sustain - 4/7/2022 God is Strong and Has a Plan - 4/8/2022 Go. I will Be With You - 4/11/2022 Jesus is God's Servant - 4/12/2022 The Light to the Nations - 4/13/2022 God is Greater Than Idols - 4/25/2022 God's Preservation in Grace - 4/25/2022 God Can Use Anyone - 4/27/2022 Remembering God's Work - 4/27/2022 There is a Definite End - 4/29/2022 There is None Like Our God - 4/29/2022 I Haven't Forgotten My People - 5/2/2022 The Servant Suffered for You - 5/3/2022 Come To Me - 5/4/2022 Seek the Lord - 5/5/2022 The Blessing of the Messiah - 5/6/2022 Responsible for Our Actions - 5/9/2022 Glory Revealed in Judgment - 5/10/2022 God Created Everything - 5/12/2022 God Created Men and Women - 5/12/2022 Be Fruitful and Multiply - 5/16/2022 Take a Rest - 5/16/2022 God Created Humans to Love - 5/17/2022 Complimentary Companions - 5/19/2022 God Planted a Garden - 5/19/2022 Did God Really Say - 5/23/2022 God's Design for Marriage - 5/23/2022 Eve Answers Satan - 5/24/2022 Did You Eat it? - 5/25/2022 When She Saw - 5/25/2022 A Promise and Some Grace - 5/31/2022 The Consequences of Sin - 5/31/2022 Cain Killed Abel - 6/2/2022 God is Always Gracious - 6/2/2022 God's Provision for Noah - 6/3/2022 Noah Found Favor in God's Eyes - 6/3/2022 Noah's Joyful Celebration - 6/3/2022 The Earth Went Corrupt - 6/3/2022 A Rainbow of Promise - 6/13/2022 Repopulating the Earth - 6/13/2022 Scattering the Nations - 6/15/2022 Go Abram - 6/16/2022 Abram Failed to Trust God - 6/27/2022 Abram Trusted God - 6/27/2022 Abram Protected Lot - 6/28/2022 Abram Meets Melchizedek - 6/30/2022 God's Covenant with Abram - 6/30/2022 Abraham Didn't Wait on God - 7/6/2022 God Provided for Hagar - 7/7/2022 Intercession and Grace - 8/3/2022 Destruction and Grace - 8/4/2022 Sodom Was Full of Sin - 8/4/2022 Keep Trusting God - 8/9/2022 Sin Patterns - 8/9/2022 Abraham Grew in Grace - 8/17/2022 Abraham's Test - 8/17/2022 God Provided a Substitute - 8/17/2022 Esau Only Cared About the.. - 8/22/2022 God Can Do It - 8/22/2022 Faith in the Trial - 8/24/2022 When Fear Controls Us - 8/24/2022 The Lord's Blessing Continues - 8/25/2022 Jacob Tricked Esau - 8/29/2022 Revenge Never Improves Things - 8/29/2022 Covenant Reaffirmed with Jacob - 8/31/2022 Forgiveness is Essential to.. - 8/31/2022 Enduring Unfair Situations - 9/7/2022 Jacob's Family Dysfunction - 9/12/2022 Jacob's House Got Stronger - 9/13/2022 God Cared for Jacob - 9/14/2022 Compromise is Often Needed - 9/19/2022 God Protected Jacob - 9/19/2022 Hard Work Pays Off - 9/19/2022 God is With His People - 9/21/2022 Jacob Sought Reconciliation.. - 9/21/2022 Jacob Wrestled With God - 9/26/2022 Choose Forgiveness - 9/27/2022 Encouraged By One Another - 1/30/2023 I Paul, An Apostle - 1/30/2023 Unashamed by the Gospel - 2/1/2023 Without Excuse - 2/1/2023 God Gave Them Up - 2/2/2023 The Consequences of Sin - 2/6/2023 Don't Be Presumptuous - 2/7/2023 Religious Hypocrites - 2/8/2023 A Faithful God - 2/9/2023 None of Us Are Righteous - 2/10/2023 Righteous Apart from Law - 2/13/2023 Made Right With God - 2/15/2023 What is an Atoning Sacrifice? - 2/16/2023 Faith at the Center - 2/17/2023 Abraham is Father of the Fai.. - 2/21/2023 By Grace Through Faith Alone - 2/22/2023 Rejoicing in Hope - 2/23/2023 Jesus Died for the Ungodly - 2/24/2023 Jesus Succeeded - 2/27/2023 Alive In Christ - 2/28/2023 The Daily Struggle with Sin - 3/15/2023 No Condemnation in Christ - 3/16/2023 Requirements of the Family - 3/16/2023 Conformed to Christ's Image - 3/17/2023 Hopeful While Longing for Re.. - 3/17/2023 Inseparable From God - 3/22/2023 It's God's Prerogative - 3/23/2023 It's Simple: God is God - 3/24/2023 Believe and Confess - 3/29/2023 It's All About Fatih - 3/29/2023 Submission to God's Will - 3/29/2023 What About the Jews? - 3/31/2023 Brought Together in Christ - 4/3/2023 Don't Get Proud - 4/4/2023 The Depths of God's Mercy - 4/5/2023 Be a Living Sacrifice - 4/6/2023 Christians Look Like This - 4/7/2023 Use Your Gifts - 4/7/2023 Submit to Authorities - 4/11/2023 Walk in the Light - 4/13/2023 We Are the Lord's - 4/16/2023 Build Each Other Up - 4/20/2023 You Don't Live to Yourself - 4/20/2023 A Minister to All - 4/24/2023 Tell Them Hello - 4/24/2023 Unity in Jesus - 4/24/2023 Where No One Has Been - 4/24/2023 Be Wise to Do Good - 4/25/2023 Remain in God's Presence - 4/25/2023 Humility and Dependence - 4/26/2023 How Do I Respond to God? - 5/5/2023 I Know You God - 5/5/2023 Trust God's Provision - 5/8/2023 A Surprising Convert - 5/10/2023 Bitterness Without Losing Fa.. - 5/11/2023 Godly Character Matters - 5/15/2023 Finally Redeemed - 5/16/2023 God Graciously Provides - 5/16/2023 Ruth Found Her Redeemer - 5/16/2023 Redemption Completed - 5/30/2023 Faithful in Unfaithful Times - 5/31/2023 Distressed Prayer - 6/1/2023 Fulfilling Your Promises - 6/5/2023 Exalting in the Lord - 6/6/2023 Worthlessness = Rejection - 6/8/2023 Give them God's Word - 6/12/2023 God Honors Faithfulness - 6/12/2023 Prophecy Fulfilled - 6/13/2023 Don't Miss the Blessing - 6/14/2023 Israel's God is Greater - 6/14/2023 Submissive Hearts - 6/19/2023 Tired of Hardship? - 6/19/2023 You Sure You Want a King? - 6/21/2023 Introduced to the Future King - 6/22/2023 God Prepared the Way - 6/23/2023 Anointed in the Lord's Will - 6/25/2023 No Coincidences with God - 6/27/2023 Integrity Matters - 6/29/2023 King Saul Delivers His People - 6/29/2023 We Need God - 7/4/2023 Unlawful Sacrifices - 7/5/2023 Faith and Action - 7/6/2023 Don't Make Rash Vows - 7/17/2023 A Kingdom Torn From Saul - 7/25/2023 The Lord YOUR God - 7/25/2023 A Man After God's Heart - 7/26/2023 The Spirit of God Left Saul - 7/28/2023 Victory for God's People - 8/1/2023 I'll Go! - 8/2/2023 The Shepherd Boy and the Gia.. - 8/2/2023 This is About God - 8/2/2023 God's Victory and David's Fa.. - 8/8/2023 The Humility of Friendship - 8/8/2023 Don't Pursue Power - 8/9/2023 Character Matters - 8/10/2023 Loyal to a Friend - 8/14/2023 Protect Other People - 8/14/2023 David was Human - 8/16/2023 Sacrificing for the Glory of.. - 8/16/2023 Acting Insane, but Why? - 8/17/2023 An Arrogant King - 8/21/2023 Preserve the Lord's Anointed - 8/21/2023 Continuity with God - 8/22/2023 Do The Right Thing - 8/23/2023 Walk Away form the Mess - 8/23/2023 King Saul Being King Saul - 8/28/2023 It Is What It Is - 8/29/2023 God Works in Everything - 8/30/2023 Ask the Lord - 9/5/2023 Share the Spoil - 9/5/2023 God is Always Working - 9/7/2023 Respect for the Lord's Anoin.. - 9/8/2023 Loyalty to the Lord's Anoint.. - 9/12/2023 Beware of Questioning a Frie.. - 9/14/2023 God Prepares Us - 9/15/2023 Do Things the Right way - 9/17/2023 Despised for Devotion - 9/19/2023 God's People Reflect His Cha.. - 9/21/2023 Be Grateful for God's Goodne.. - 9/25/2023 David's Loyalty and Kindness - 9/25/2023 Don't Allow Temptation to Kn.. - 9/26/2023 Sin's Consequences for David - 9/28/2023 Consequences of Sin are Real - 10/2/2023 Hoping for Grace and Trustin.. - 10/3/2023 Take Care of Things at Home - 10/3/2023 Sin Took Over Absalom's Heart - 10/6/2023 Closer Than a Son - 10/9/2023 Don't Make Hasty Judgments - 10/9/2023 Wisdom and Faith During Cris.. - 10/9/2023 Turn the Other Cheek - 10/11/2023 God Works in Various Ways - 10/12/2023 God-inspired Plans Work - 10/13/2023 David Desired Reconciliation.. - 10/19/2023 David Picked His Successor - 10/23/2023 Stop Worrying About Those Wh.. - 10/23/2023 Praise the Lord, for He is G.. - 10/25/2023 David's Apropos Words - 10/26/2023 Rely Upon the Lord - 11/6/2023 Discipline and the Kingdom's.. - 11/13/2023 The King's Final Instructions - 11/15/2023 Cleaning House Decisively - 11/26/2023 Prayer That Pleases God - 11/28/2023 Wisdom and the Perspective S.. - 11/29/2023 God Graciously Provides - 12/1/2023 Giving God Our Best - 12/5/2023 God's Permanent Presence - 12/5/2023 A Good Word Pronounced - 1/3/2024 A Prayer of Dedication - 1/3/2024 God Fulfills His Promises - 1/3/2024 An Abundant Offering - 1/16/2024 We Must Obey in Faith - 1/18/2024 Devote Yourself to God Alone - 1/19/2024 Solomon's Cautionary Tale - 1/22/2024 Listen to the Wisdom of Othe.. - 1/24/2024 Rebellion is Never Good - 1/24/2024 Who Is Jeroboam? - 1/24/2024 Don't Get Disconnected - 1/28/2024 The Drama of the Prophets - 1/29/2024 God's Commands Do Not Change - 1/30/2024 Lessons from the Death of Ki.. - 1/31/2024 This is Jesus - 2/1/2024 Providing a Testimony for Je.. - 2/2/2024 Humility Before Jesus - 2/5/2024 Come and Follow Me! - 2/6/2024 A Wedding and Some Wine - 2/7/2024 Access to God - 2/8/2024 Are you Born Again? - 2/12/2024 Jesus Came to Save Sinners - 2/12/2024 Exalting Jesus - 2/13/2024 Heartfelt Worship - 2/14/2024 Doing the Will of Our Father - 2/19/2024 Don't Miss the Work of God - 2/20/2024 Healing and Belief - 2/20/2024 Jesus Has Ultimate Authority - 2/25/2024 Mounting Evidence - 2/26/2024 Jesus Does the Impossible - 2/28/2024 Jesus Shows Up in Storms - 2/29/2024 Jesus Meets our Greatest Nee.. - 3/4/2024 To Whom Shall We Go? - 3/5/2024 But, Who Is Jesus? - 3/7/2024 Living Water Flowing - 3/11/2024 The Crowd Vs. The Pharisees - 3/11/2024 Evaluate Situations and Peop.. - 3/18/2024 Jesus Was Clear - 3/20/2024 The Truth Will Set You Free - 3/25/2024 Receive Jesus and Rejoice - 3/26/2024 Jesus Has Always Been - 3/27/2024 Sin, Healing, and God's Glory - 3/29/2024 Evidence and Public Professi.. - 3/31/2024 I Am The Man - 3/31/2024 Testimony, Rejection, and Gr.. - 4/9/2024 A Shepherd Doing His Job - 4/10/2024 Jesus is a Good Shepherd - 4/16/2024 Jesus is a Good Shepherd, pt.. - 4/16/2024 People Divide Over Jesus - 4/17/2024 Jesus Does Everything Out of.. - 4/19/2024 You Chose to Ignore the Signs - 4/19/2024 Martha and Jesus Were Close - 4/22/2024 Jesus Wept. Why? - 4/23/2024 True Devotion to Christ - 4/25/2024 You Will See the Glory of God - 4/25/2024 Things Get Tense - 4/29/2024 Finding Jesus in Self-Sacrif.. - 5/6/2024 Reveal and Save - 5/8/2024 Bretrayers are Among Us - 10/1/2024 Follow Jesus' Example - 10/1/2024 Love As Jesus Loves - 10/1/2024 Washed By Jesus' Grace - 10/1/2024 Jesus and the Father are One - 10/3/2024 Jesus is the Way - 10/3/2024 Jesus Sent His Spirit - 10/3/2024 Bearing Fruit in Christ - 10/4/2024 The Holy Spirit's Help - 10/4/2024 Holy Spirit Conviction - 10/10/2024 Loving Like Jesus Loves - 10/10/2024 The Holy Spirit Helps Christ.. - 10/10/2024 The World Will Hate You - 10/10/2024 You'll Find Joy After Sorrow - 10/10/2024 Jesus Overcame the World - 10/20/2024 Glorify the Son - 10/21/2024 Keep Them in Your Word - 10/21/2024 Betrayal and Glory - 10/22/2024 Jesus Prayed for Us? - 10/22/2024 One Man Should Die - 10/22/2024 Jesus Worked in Public - 10/24/2024 Hypocrisy and Evil - 10/28/2024 Jesus's Spiritual Kingdom - 10/28/2024 Pilate's Weakness - 10/28/2024 A Death That Fulfills Script.. - 11/1/2024 Giving Their Master a Proper.. - 11/1/2024 Jesus Between Two Thieves - 11/1/2024 Mocked In Ignorance - 11/1/2024 Opposition Hits Where It Hur.. - 11/1/2024 The Tomb Was Empty! - 11/4/2024 He Appeared in a Locked Room - 11/8/2024 He Called Her Name - 11/8/2024 That You Might Believe - 11/8/2024 Thomas Needed Confirmation - 11/8/2024 Focus On Your Calling - 11/14/2024 Hello, I'm Paul - 11/14/2024 Jesus Restored Peter - 11/14/2024 Jesus Served Breakfast - 11/14/2024 Thankful For God's Grace - 11/14/2024 A Demonstration of God's Spi.. - 11/21/2024 A Powerful Message - 11/21/2024 The Foolish Shames the Wise - 11/21/2024 God Reveals It Through His S.. - 11/25/2024 Imitating Jesus - 11/25/2024 Let No Division Be Among You - 11/25/2024 Stop Acting Like Mere Mortals - 11/25/2024 The Work Will Be Tested - 11/25/2024 We Let God be the Only Judge - 11/25/2024 Clean This Mess Up - 12/6/2024 Live For Jesus Where You Are - 12/6/2024 Quit Acting Like the World - 12/6/2024 You Should Be Ashamed - 12/6/2024 Your Body is a Temple - 12/6/2024 Become All Things to Win Some - 12/11/2024 Consider Others' Consciences - 12/11/2024 Don't be Idolators like Isra.. - 12/11/2024 Sacrifice for the Faith of O.. - 12/11/2024 We Are One Body - 12/11/2024 Do Everything for God's Glory - 12/27/2024 Examine Yourselves - 12/27/2024 Orderly Worship - 12/27/2024 What is Wrong With You? - 12/27/2024 Everyone Matters - 1/6/2025 One Body WIth Many Members - 1/6/2025 The Holy Spirit and His Gifts - 1/6/2025 Decency, Order, and Peace - 1/8/2025 Engaged Spirits and Minds - 1/8/2025 Love Is... - 1/8/2025 Pursue Love - 1/8/2025 Pursue Love - 1/8/2025 Check the Story - 1/16/2025 Fight for the Faith - 1/16/2025 Hold Fast to the Gospel - 1/16/2025 If Christ Wasn't Raised, The.. - 1/23/2025 Since Christ Has Been Raised - 1/27/2025 A New Body - 1/28/2025 Final Instructions for the C.. - 1/28/2025 Victory and Immortality - 1/28/2025 Simplicity and Godly Sinceri.. - 1/29/2025 Suffering and Comfort - 1/29/2025 Why Do We Suffer? - 1/29/2025 A New Covenant in Christ - 1/30/2025 Forgive the Sinner - 1/30/2025 Openly Proclaim the Gospel - 1/30/2025 Treasure in Clay Pots - 2/2/2025 Be Reconciled to God - 2/4/2025 Don't Lose Heart - 2/4/2025 Don't Be Unequally Yoked - 2/6/2025 Unrestricted Experience of G.. - 2/6/2025 Being Cheerful Givers - 2/12/2025 Give Generously - 2/12/2025 Godly Grief and Repentance - 2/12/2025 Overwhelmed By Joy - 2/12/2025 Secure in the Lord - 2/12/2025 A Thorn for Humble - 2/19/2025 Devotion and Hardship - 2/19/2025 Focus on the Most Important - 2/25/2025 I'm Astonished - 2/25/2025 Our Gospel is From God - 2/25/2025 Paul and Peter - 2/25/2025 To The Churches of Galatia - 2/25/2025 We Are Justified By Faith - 2/25/2025 Who Fooled You? - 2/25/2025
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