Rev. Douglas Kuiper Daniel 6:10, 21, 22 Edgerton PRC 4/10/16 PM A. “Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone.” B. Scripture draws our attention to Daniel’s faith, righteousness, and wisdom. Daniel: God’s Antithetical, Indestructible, Triumphant Kingdom (8) Daniel’s Victorious Faith I. Manifest in Prayer. A. Daniel’s faith was manifest in his prayer life. B. This faith as manifest in prayer was amazingly victorious, in light of the circumstances in which he prayed. II. Stopping the Mouths of Lions. A. For his disobedience, Daniel was punished. B. But again Daniel’s faith was victorious - the lions did him no harm! III. Victorious Over His Enemies. A. Daniel’s faith triumphed over the unbelief of his enemies. B. Here, too, is instruction for us, encouraging us in an antithetical life of faith. |