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Bancroft, West Virginia
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Elizabeth Baptist Church 410 Washington St. P.O Box 75 Bancroft, WV 25011
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Jeff Arthur
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Why Is Homosexuality So Prevalent In America?
Homosexuality in America
6/18/2006 (SUN)
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Lev 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
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Jeff Arthur
Immorality in America

Homosexuality in America
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Elizabeth Baptist Church
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Jeff Arthur
Immorality in America

Homosexuality in America
Elizabeth Baptist Church
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Yolanda (10/27/2018)
from AZ
“ Great Sermon! ”
Mushy preaching causes this so that hearers are not prepared for battle. He who saves his life will lose it.

Philippus SchutteContact via email (10/28/2016)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
The truth cannot ever be hidden, if is could, we can not be judged as we will not know the truth.

janineContact via email (3/4/2012)
from Louisiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Listening to this nearly 6 yrs after and 9 yrs after you said you originally preached it, we are deep in the slide. One thing I can't agree with today is yr early on quote that we can pick them out. I am always surprised by the beautiful femiinine women and buffed masculine men who turn out to be lesbian and gay. My daughter says I have no "gaydar. "

BWS (6/26/2011)
“ The Answer is Deceit and Propaganda ”
To answer the question of the title, it is also because we naively believe what the media portrays. A study just concluded that only 2 percent of Americans identify themselves as homosexual or "gay"--contrary to the propaganda that brainwashes everyone! In other words, we are being subject to a "virtual reality" that appears like a majority, which is NOT TRUE, but the LGBT lobby screams loudly and gets the help of media, which also treats them as if they are a persecuted minority, while it is their *behavior* that is being opposed and condemned justly. Also Christians are to fearful to speak out against this virtual reality, and total myth, which is being forced upon everyone. Cowardly Christians must confess their guilt as well then, for not speaking up, for that is how any societies mores are formulated. The morality laws that West Virginia just discontinued in 2010 were a legal prevention of advancing their unjust cause, which is now cleared away, since the government in law already "discriminated" against "lewd behavior" and "cohabitation". These laws should be reinstated, as well as making a law against beastiality as Florida just did.

Rebecca (9/22/2010)
from Singapore
“ Great sermon! ”
Let the word of GOD be true and every man a liar!

Not The Doctor (1/30/2010)
from West Virginia
“ Much Needed Message ”
Today, if we listen to the media, we are led to believe that everyone thinks that homosexuality is okay. It is not okay. It is sin. It is also a sign, as Brother Arthur said, that we are already under judgment. Keep on preaching, preacher!

Rex & January (1/27/2009)
from Billings, Montana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you brother! This is a clear and timely message. Excellent picture of the truth and what is happening all around us. Just keep up the faith and remember to remind Christ Jesus; there are way more than 10 of us! Amen! (Referrring to Abraham negotiating in Genesis 18:32.)

Naomi Lovett (10/20/2008)
from Tampa, Fl
“ Awesome! ”
Thank you, Jeff Arthur, for showing us that there are still men that uphold the Word of God, despite knowing that it could cost them popularity (which translated seems to be Dollars). To discover that the percentage of Homosexuals is only 3% is tatamount to that scene in the "Wizzard of Oz" where the little dog pulls back the curtain to reveal that the Wizzard was really just a little man with a well projected voice, is mind boggling. I hope also that many will hear the warning in your message regarding that when Homosexuality becomes as prevalent in a Nation as it has become in America, likened to the epic proportions that it reached in Sodom/Gomorrah, it is indicative of that Nations impending demise.

Michael KellyContact via email (10/12/2008)
from Northern California
“ Great Sermon! Stating the Truth of God. ”
This is a vital sermon on the condition of our society and Nation. This is why we should not hide in the church any longer, but go out and be bold in spreading the good news of Christ to the world. Sin is sin and it should not be accepted as being ok or an alternate life style.

EmmanuelContact via email (6/5/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is really a great sermon The corruption of the american public is exposed I fear the judgement for the sodomic sin is imminent on once great nation

PaddyContact via email (5/31/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a bold and much needed message. In Australia the gay movement wields great power. We need unafraid preachers of the whole counsel of God and in Australia these are now few. our Christian heritage is being stomped on. May God send us a true visitation of the Holy Spirit that is not an imitation one as is so often the case.

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   5 Reasons Not To Get a Divorce • 1/24/2004 | 8 posts
  Jeff Arthur
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   Immorality in America • 6/18/2006 | 10,600+ downloads
   5 Reasons Not To Get a Divorce • 1/24/2004 | 9,400+ downloads
   Fret Not Because of Evil Doers • 5/31/2006 | 6,700+ downloads

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