Speaker: Paul Flynn
943 sermons
#481 Loving Your Neighbour
Q122-136 of the Westminster Larger Catechism are discussed on this show. What does it mean to love your neighbour according to God's law?
>#300 M Brown, J White & Bethel - 1/13/2018 #301 Bethel's New Age Theology - 1/15/2018 #302 Jordan Peterson on Ch4 - 1/20/2018 #303 Bethel's 'Glory Cloud' - 1/23/2018 #304 R. 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Peterson Believe God? - 10/12/2021 #456 Todd White's Blasphemy - 10/21/2021 #457 The Law & The Gospel - 10/26/2021 #458 Christ: Our Exalted King - 10/28/2021 #459 Climate of Fear - 11/2/2021 #460 The Blessings of Christ - 11/4/2021 #461 Election & Effectual Call - 11/11/2021 #462 Trans Ideology Mayhem - 11/16/2021 #463 Justification&God's Love - 11/18/2021 #464 LGBT Anarchy & Tyranny - 11/23/2021 #465 God's Grace Changes Us - 12/7/2021 #466 A Plea to Face Tyranny - 1/11/2022 #467 The Glorious Gospel - 1/18/2022 #468 Elon Musk &Life's Meaning - 1/25/2022 #469 Coming Day of Judgement - 2/2/2022 #470 False Teachers & Prophets - 2/16/2022 #471 Russell Brand on God - 2/24/2022 #472 Testimonies of Hell? - 3/3/2022 #473 Blessed in Hostile World? - 3/10/2022 #474 Aimee Byrd Preaches - 3/17/2022 #475 The Moral and Eternal Law - 3/23/2022 #476 LGBT Abandon Christianity - 4/7/2022 #477 What it Means to Love God - 4/18/2022 #478 A Christian Agnostic?! - 5/7/2022 #479 Tests of Godly Commitment - 5/10/2022 #480 Politics Vs Faith? - 5/16/2022 #481 Loving Your Neighbour - 6/18/2022 #482 Reacting to Roe V Wade - 6/29/2022 #483 The Internet's Dangers - 7/5/2022 #484 Dave Rubin is NOT Married - 7/8/2022 #485 Redefining Marriage - 7/18/2022 #486 Leaving the Church - 7/20/2022 #487 Knowing & Loving Jesus - 7/26/2022 #488 Standing for the Truth - 8/5/2022 #489 Getting the Bible Wrong - 8/16/2022 #490 Joel Osteen's Gospel - 8/23/2022 #491 Deserving God's Wrath - 8/24/2022 #492 Lose Your Salvation? - 10/7/2022 #493 Sent by God to Preach - 10/11/2022 #494 Abortion & Babylon Bee - 10/17/2022 #495 Don't Neglect Your Church - 10/17/2022 #496 What are NT Sacraments? - 7/25/2023 #497 Christian Creeds - 8/1/2023 #498 Swearing to Creeds - 8/8/2023 #499 Creeds & Liberty - 8/15/2023 #500 Hell & Its Consequences - 8/22/2023 #501 Richard Dawkins Debunked - 8/29/2023 #502 Improving Your Baptism - 9/12/2023 #503 Reformed Worship: Lev 10 - 9/19/2023 #504 “Drag Sunday” at Woke Ch - 9/26/2023 #505 The Lord’s Supper #WLC - 10/3/2023 #506 Female Elders & Vows - 10/10/2023 #507 Modern Gender Roles - 10/12/2023 #508 Assurance & NT Sacraments - 10/17/2023 #509 Charismatic History - 10/24/2023 #510 Joel Beeke on the KJV - 2/3/2024 #511 Pray in the Name of Jesus - 2/10/2024 #512 Servants of Antichrist - 2/15/2024 #513 An Antidote for Preaching - 3/13/2024 #514 Calvinism Misunderstood - 3/23/2024 #515 God Without Passions - 4/13/2024
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