Having our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. In the midst of the spiritual battle and the demonic warfare that rages on, The importance of protecting the soldier's feet, now comes into view. Now Obviously, feet must be protected in normal physical warfare, logically, and that point is no less true, spiritually speaking. For instance, even in many other kinds of occupations, the nature of the hazards of the job, often dictate what kind of protective equipment is best for the feet and legs.
The point here is that our spiritual feet, must be spiritually protected, by the right kind of spiritual armor, in this spiritual warfare, that we really fight in. What kind of protection we strap our feet into, matters a great deal.
In war, throughout history, soldiers have strapped on sandals, kind of like what we picture Roman and Greek soldiers, they've had feet wrappings, where they wrapped up their feet with tough hide or other fabric, in some cases they had metal plates and Greaves which would be would cover the feet all the way up the leg. For us Christians, as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, who are commanded in scripture to war a good warfare, we are told to shod our feet, to tied onto our feet, to protect and strap onto our feet the Preparation of The Gospel of Peace. That is our armor. |