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Elias Adamo | Wayne, New Jersey
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Bread of Life Fellowship
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Pastor Joseph LoSardo
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The Errors of Modern Evangelism
Series:  Doctrinal Sermons  · 7 of 7
5/7/2006 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Romans 10:14
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For many in today's evangelical church, the gospel has been reduced to idioms such as, “Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life,” “Jesus died for you,” or “invite Jesus into your heart,” or “come to Jesus and He will take care of your problem.” But what does the Bible have to say about any of these ideas? How does a Biblical understanding of the gospel differ from what is being put forth as evangelism by the modern church? By selling another gospel to Christians of this age, Satan has been employing many sincere men to pitch a man-centered half-gospel that turns out to be no gospel at all.
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Pastor Joseph LoSardo
Modern Evangelism Techniques

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Bread of Life Fellowship
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Pastor Joseph LoSardo
Modern Evangelism Techniques

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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Nathan WilliamsContact via email (6/16/2021)
from Orlando Florida
“ Great Sermon! ”
Maybe by with just the comments you received you have some idea of just how the true church appreciates this teaching. In these times there is a famine of the word as it seems ministries are obsessed with another gospel. I am hungry and thirsty and so desirous of the truth. Please continue to do what you’re doing in providing bread to hungry, feeding God’s sheep. Many blessings to you. May God richly bless you.

H Hudson (9/1/2015)
from Deerfield Beach, Florida
“ Revealing Sermon! ”
This gives us a picture of what is wrong with today's Evangelism. The easy way to Jesus Christ is empty and actually destructive to those sinners who need salvation. The True Gospel is clear and simple, but it not being preached in most churches. Salvation is not complicated, but it is not simple -- you must understand the Real Gospel which is revealed in the Holy Scriptures through Jesus Christ and the Apostles. You must see yourself as totally lost but through God's Grace and Faith in Jesus Christ you can be a child of God.

Ryan (3/23/2012)
from Iowa
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wouldn't it make sense to add repent and believe to number 5 at the end of this sermon? Otherwise you built your own case against 5 before presenting it. Regardless, I can't say how much I appreciate your sermons. Yesterday I was relieved to finally hear someone make sense as to why I don't attend church in your sermon Ivory Houses & Fat Cows: The Excessive Nonsense of the Modern Christian Church. It gave me a renewed sense of hope that my frustration was not in vain but in part was even if not entirely biblical. I hope you're well. Thank you!

BWS (5/30/2011)
“ Relevant, Needed Sermon! ”
This is as relevant today as it was in 2006. Mark and consider how altar calls and hand raising (says the speaker) has replaced the evangelical ordinance of Baptism of those who repent and believe! (How did the Ethiopian know he ought to be baptized unless Philip included it in preaching the gospel, and that from Isaiah! Neither did Philip require baptism to be delayed or held inside a church meeting place.) New innovations (for another gospel) and "traditions of men" have been invented for evangelism, replacing God's methods and ordinance. Now what about today's New Calvinism emphasis on "church planting" and cell groups instead of evangelical "foolishness of (authoritative) preaching", like we used to have in times of awakening, which must be necessary to bring about true converts, and a true church? Why are even 'reformed' churches seeking to organize and "plant churches" (as if they are institutions, instead of called out converted saints), instead of by the biblical methodology of preaching publicly outside of church? This is entirely different than the churches planted in the book of Acts, the inspired pattern. The speakers point about how the Bible words used now mean entirely different things in modern Christianity than previously, i.e. grace, believe, gospel, sin

Mike (12/7/2008)
from Omaha
“ Great Sermon! ”
We need to hear this message in the day we're living in with all this false preaching of the gospel. This sermon explains the issue of modern evangelism and easy believism.

Jim from Vermont (5/15/2008)
from Vermont
“ Excellent message on modern evangelism ”
Excellent message on modern evangelism. I have just left a church where the preacher would never preach a convicting message, but would often ask people to "take Jesus into their heart" at the end of his weak message, sadly that is way to common up here in Vermont, I found a doctrines of grace church where the whole counsel of God is powerfully preached.

OON EJContact via email (5/14/2008)
from Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
“ A Biblical view of the Gospel ”
Truly, this would add to the arsenal of true evangelical perspective on the gospel. Here the speaker lays out the proper biblical content and method for preaching the God which are rightfully against what many churches are practising today - shallow content and invitationals. God's work should be done God's way!

Maria FungContact via email (1/19/2008)
from London
“ Great Sermon! ”
I learn one more thing: the gospel of Jesus Christ does not belong to us, it belongs to the Holy God. We therefore have no right in any way to change or alter the message. The message of the cross is holy, therefore keep it holy. We are just His messengers.

Maria FungContact via email (1/19/2008)
from London
“ Great Sermon! ”
Extremely powerful message. I'm living in London and sad to say, gospel here is watered down too. It's so hard for me to find a biblical evangelical church. Can anyone pls recommend me one in London? thanks!

Mike (5/4/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Re: Anita's comment on 9/5/06. Yes, Anita, I know that we fundamentalists are against New-Evangelicalism, but much of Fundamentalism preaches the same easy-believism false gospel that we are against. Unfortunately.

Donna (5/3/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for such a wonderful message. I really would love to have a copy to share with others.

Susan PhillipsContact via email (10/23/2006)
from Michigan
“ Great Sermon! ”
I echo the comments of all the others. What is taught today is "another gospel" which has some elements of the truth to it, making it more deadly. That way a person can believe they have made a full commitment, when they really haven't examined themselves truly by what the word of God says our condition is. Today hell is not preached, and damnation is not politically acceptable, so it is purged from today's message. Jesus taught about damnation, about the destruction of the soul of those on the wide path, the path of todays accepting evangelicalism. Jesus taught that it is the narrow road that leads to eternal life, and that few would find it. He told the rich young ruler what he needed to do to be saved, and he went away sorrowing... how many pastors would send away a rich potential contributor to their ministry with such penetrating words of truth?

Larry PhillipsContact via email (10/4/2006)
from Alabama
“ Great Sermon! ”
I live in the heart of the Bible Belt. Unfortunately this new "gospel" of "Jesus will take care of your problems" has taken hold here in the South too. The modern techniques of evangelism have eliminated the need to repent from sin and come broken to the Cross. Preachers that still preach "Fire and Brimstone", (or the fact we all have broken God's law and deserve hell), are considered an embarrassment to todays churches. No wonder why 80%-90% of people who make professions of faith, (based on this modern evangelism), "fall away" when the new "plastic" Gospel falls apart.

Elisabeth FreydackContact via email (9/12/2006)
from Emonton, Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God!! I'm presently in a church that preaches a watered down gospel. Many times I have left there believing I would never return. Then some hungry young christian aproaches me, and I am reminded by God why he's keeping me there. It is preachers like your self and others on this web site that continue to encourage me to stick to the TRUTH. So I would like to encourage you and those others as well.Eph 6:13-18 We are soldiers for Christ.

T. HallContact via email (9/7/2006)
from Wilmington, NC
“ Heart Gripping! ”
This is an excellent and profound examination of certain NT scriptures that have been used by many ministers to water down the gospel message. But after hearing this message it is loud and clear what the context of the scriptures point out for being true salvation in Christ. This message will give a heart's check-up as to whether one has truly heard and received the gospel message unto salvation. When the word truly speaks, all doubt will be removed.

Anita (9/5/2006)
from California
“ A strong stand against New Evangelicalism! ”
How encouraging to hear a strong stand against New Evangelicalism and easy believism that is so prevalent in so many so-called Bible-believing churches today. Please continue to preach the true and complete Gospel of Christ "for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyon that believeth (Romans 1:16)

Rob (8/11/2006)
from New Jersey
“ Terrific message ”
It was a real joy to my heart to hear those truths "most surely believed amongst us."

WashielaContact via email (8/6/2006)
from England
“ Great Sermon! ”
I knew that I was on the right track in using the law in evangelising - thank you for confirming it to me. I am going to make copies of this sermon to give to all those who call themselves evangelists, pastors and teachers, and to those who have a passionate desire to witness to the lost but are struggling to do so. For far too long have the enemy been employing the message of the love, peace and joy gospel and lulling us to sleep ... it is time to put our stall out. Pastor Joseph, I bless the Lord for you - thank you so much ... keep it coming!!

Bob ChapmanContact via email (8/2/2006)
from Waco, Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon hits the nail on the head. Modern evangelism attempts to give the Gospel of Jesus Christ a bad name, praise His name, the Lord will always prevail! The enviroment that has brought the modern church to it's present state, has been in process for better than 150 years in America. It is old herseys been remanufactures under new names. This sermon does a very good job of puttin it all in a nut shell.

Sarge Pyle (7/30/2006)
“ Keep it up! ”
Most meaningful sermon I have heard in years about the evang church making a joke of the "Gospel" Well said, keep it up!

Jude (7/29/2006)
from Queensland, Australia
“ Amen Pastor Joseph ”
I have never heard preaching like this on evangelism. I only heard we must change our style of evangelism for todays society. It all makes sense, now that I've heard the biblical way. I didn't know that anyone still preached like this. Thank you, for being faithful to what the Lord has called you to do. I will listen to this again, then send it to my pastor, who is also an evangelist. He is very disheartened at the moment. May God bless you and keep you

Chris S. (5/19/2006)
from Whittier, CA
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message well frames the man-centered gospel of contemporary evangelicalism. More importantly, it leads the way back toward the use of the law to point the way to grace...convicting close to this "relevant" sermon.

Kevin (5/15/2006)
from New Jersey
“ Great Sermon! ”
A very clear and revealing summary of the errors of what constitutes much of today's evangelism. A 'must listen' for anyone who may be or have been involved in using techniques such as 'altar calls' and other calls for 'decisional regeneration.' It will challenge you to consider whether these practices are based upon Scripture.

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  Pastor Joseph LoSardo
A native of New York, Pastor LoSardo was saved by the grace of God in 1986 after hearing the Gospel from his brother, while pursuing a career in scientific research. He was ordained into the ministry in 1995 and served as the Associate Pastor of a large Messianic Congregation...

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