A Prayer for Knowledge Ephesians 1:15-23
I. The Reason for the Prayer, 15-16 1 John 4:8
II. The Prayer, 17-19a A. Who We Pray To 1. To God Who Is the Author of the Gospel, 17 2. To God Who Is Glorious, 17 Matthew 6:9-10 B. What We Pray For 1. Knowledge of God, 17 2 Corinthians 4:6 1 John 2:27 2. Knowledge of God's Blessings in Christ, 18-19 Luke 24:32 a. The Hope of His Calling, 18 John 10:27-28 b. The Glory of His Inheritance, 18 1 John 2:16-17 Romans 8:18 c. The Surpassing Greatness of His Power, 19
III. The Assurance the Prayer Will Be Answered, 19b-23 A. Christ's Resurrection, 20 B. Christ's Ascension, 20 C. Christ's Coronation, 20-22 1. Jesus is Lord of All, 21 2. Jesus is Lord of All Time, 22 Revelation 19:11,16 3. Jesus is Executing His Lordship. a. Over All Things, 22 b. Over the Church, 22-23
Implications: 1. We were born and born again to know God. 2. We should pray that we grow in the knowledge of God, confident that God can and will answer such prayer. |