Pastor Dave Davenport | Ontario, Ohio
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Speaker: Pastor Dave Davenport
2,345 sermons
>The Beginning of the Gospel A - 1/14/2017 The Beginning of the Gospel B - 1/14/2017 The Beginning of the Gospel C - 1/14/2017 The Beginning of the Gospel D - 1/14/2017 Doctrine of the Kingdom Pt 1 - 1/16/2017 Doctrine of the Kingdom Pt 2 - 1/16/2017 Doctrine of the Kingdom Pt 3 - 1/16/2017 Doctrine of the Kingdom Pt 4 - 1/16/2017 Expanding the Kingdom Pt 1 - 1/17/2017 Expanding the Kingdom Pt 2 - 1/17/2017 Expanding the Kingdom Pt 3 - 1/17/2017 Expanding the Kingdom Pt 4 - 1/17/2017 Expanding the Kingdom Pt 5 - 1/17/2017 Understanding Parables Pt 1 - 1/18/2017 Understanding Parables Pt 2 - 1/18/2017 Understanding Parables Pt 3 - 1/18/2017 Understanding Parables Pt 4 - 1/18/2017 Understanding Parables Pt 5 - 1/18/2017 Delivered from Demons Pt 1 - 1/23/2017 Delivered From Demons Pt 2 - 1/23/2017 Delivered from Demons Pt 3 - 1/23/2017 Delivered from Demons Pt 4 - 1/23/2017 Delivered from Demons Pt 5 - 1/23/2017 Trump is in the House Pt 1 - 1/24/2017 Trump is in the House Pt 2 - 1/24/2017 Trump is in the House Pt 3 - 1/24/2017 Trump is in the House Pt 4 - 1/26/2017 Prophetic Look at the USA Pt 1 - 2/1/2017 Prophetic Look at the USA Pt 2 - 2/2/2017 Prophetic Look at the USA Pt 3 - 2/5/2017 Prophetic Look at the USA Pt 4 - 2/6/2017 Amnon Rapes Tamar Pt 1 - 2/8/2017 Amnon Rapes Tamar Pt 2 - 2/8/2017 Amnon Rapes Tamar Pt 3 - 2/10/2017 Absalom's Provocation Pt 1 - 2/13/2017 Absalom's Provocation Pt 2 - 2/13/2017 Absalom's Provocation Pt 3 - 2/14/2017 Seeking Mercy Pt 1 - 2/15/2017 Seeking Mercy Pt 2 - 2/16/2017 Seeking Mercy Pt 3 - 2/19/2017 Seeking Mercy Pt 4 - 2/20/2017 Making Peace Pt 2 - 2/23/2017 Making Peace Pt 3 - 2/26/2017 Absalom Stages a Coup Pt1 - 2/27/2017 Absalom Stages a Coup Pt2 - 2/28/2017 Absalom Stages a Coup Pt3 - 3/1/2017 David's Influence Holds - 3/2/2017 Dealing with a Crisis Pt 1 - 3/2/2017 Dealing with a Crisis Pt 2 - 3/3/2017 Dealing with a Crisis Pt 3 - 3/6/2017 Called, Saints! - 3/7/2017 Living as Saints - 3/8/2017 Show Us Your Service - 3/9/2017 Simplicity in Christ - 3/13/2017 Filling the Spiritual Vacuum - 3/14/2017 Strengthened with All Might - 3/16/2017 Partakers of the Inheritance - 3/20/2017 Delivered from the Darkness - 3/21/2017 Translated into the Kingdom - 3/22/2017 Seated Above Principalities - 3/23/2017 A New Insurrection - 4/12/2017 David Receives the Supplicants - 4/12/2017 David Recovers His Clarity - 4/12/2017 David's Disgrace - 4/12/2017 David's Sensitivity to Truth - 4/12/2017 Desecrating David's House - 4/12/2017 God Gives Courage - 4/12/2017 God Helps David - 4/12/2017 God in the Details - 4/12/2017 Joab Crosses the Line - 4/12/2017 Joab Slays Amasa - 4/12/2017 Order is Restored - 4/12/2017 A Prophecy of the Palms - 4/13/2017 Glory in Tribulations - 4/13/2017 Peace in the Storms - 4/13/2017 Why Do Many Misbelieve? - 4/13/2017 Believing Impacts Behaviour - 4/17/2017 Reconciled to God - 5/3/2017 Suffering As Gazingstocks - 5/4/2017 Unreprovable in God's Sight - 5/4/2017 The Substance of Things.. - 5/8/2017 Being Fruitful - 5/9/2017 Feelings Give Way to Fear - 5/9/2017 Continuance in the Faith - 5/11/2017 The Hope of Glory - 5/11/2017 The Glory of God - 5/22/2017 The Image of God - 5/22/2017 We Are Not Safe - 5/28/2017 Losing Our Hope - 5/30/2017 A Determined Walk - 5/31/2017 Our Warfare - 6/1/2017 Conquerers in Christ - 6/4/2017 To the Victors Go the Spoil - 6/5/2017 We're Led in Triumph! - 6/6/2017 Let No Man Judge You - 6/7/2017 Let No Man Beguile You - 6/9/2017 Hold Fast to Christ - 6/11/2017 Starving the Flesh - 6/12/2017 How to Find Your Bouyancy - 6/14/2017 Mortifying Your Members - 6/14/2017 The Wrath of God - 6/15/2017 The New Man - 6/18/2017 The Importance of Mercy - 6/20/2017 Fire & Brimstone - 6/21/2017 When Believers Perish - 6/21/2017 The Way We Do Battle - 6/23/2017 Understanding the Lordship.. - 6/26/2017 Likeness to Jesus - 6/27/2017 Cleansing Our Feet - 6/28/2017 Nominal or Formidable? - 6/29/2017 Delighted with God - 7/2/2017 Something to Talk About - 7/4/2017 Pulling Back the Curtain - 7/5/2017 World War III ? - 7/5/2017 The Reason for Judgment - 7/6/2017 The Power of Women - 7/10/2017 Why Submit? - 7/11/2017 Society on its Ear - 7/12/2017 Embittered Husbands - 7/13/2017 The Battle of the Sexes - 7/16/2017 Battered Men - 7/18/2017 Christian Husbandry - 7/18/2017 Husbands: LOVE - 7/20/2017 Avoiding Marital Bitteness - 7/21/2017 Continuance by Prayer - 7/24/2017 The Clarity of Prayer - 7/24/2017 Staying Awake Spiritually - 7/25/2017 The Objective of Our Faith - 7/26/2017 Redeeming the Time - 7/27/2017 The White Stone - 7/31/2017 Loving Justus - 8/2/2017 We Can Rescue a Few - 8/6/2017 Subjected to the Gospel - 8/7/2017 We Must Prepare - 8/8/2017 Calling on the Lord - 8/9/2017 Asking God to Save You - 8/11/2017 The Lord's Political Kingdom - 8/13/2017 Israel Unbound - 8/14/2017 God is Blasphemed Every Day - 8/15/2017 God's Right Hand Revealed - 8/16/2017 When Jesus Returns - 8/17/2017 Learning from the Wounds - 8/20/2017 Effectual Faith - 8/21/2017 Dismantling Strongholds - 8/22/2017 Being Redemptive - 8/23/2017 Who are You? - 8/24/2017 God Thought of Everything - 8/27/2017 God's Mercy Endures Forever - 8/28/2017 Fully Persuaded - 8/29/2017 He Will Destroy His Enemies - 8/30/2017 Christ Has Done Valiantly - 8/31/2017 Reclaiming Our Hope - 9/3/2017 Jesus Declares His Deity - 9/4/2017 The Seven Spirits of God - 9/5/2017 70 Weeks & 7 Churches - 9/6/2017 Sovereign over the Church - 9/7/2017 The Desirable Church - 9/10/2017 Rejecting the Evil - 9/11/2017 First Love's Intuition - 9/12/2017 Corrupt Leaders - 9/13/2017 Clergy & Laity Split - 9/14/2017 Overview of the Church Age - 9/18/2017 Apostolic and Accosted.. - 9/19/2017 Apprehended & Antagonistic.. - 9/19/2017 Animated & Awakened Church - 9/20/2017 The Apostate Church - 9/21/2017 As in the Days of Lot - 9/25/2017 The Church in Heaven - 9/26/2017 Visions of Rapture - 9/26/2017 Four Living Creatures - 9/27/2017 The Scroll of Doom - 10/1/2017 Lamentations, Mourning and Woe - 10/2/2017 Tormented Forever - 10/3/2017 Reluctance to Judge - 10/4/2017 A Lion and a Lamb - 10/5/2017 The First Seal - Antichrist - 10/9/2017 The Lamb Breaks the Seals - 10/9/2017 The Four Horses of the.. - 10/10/2017 Coming War, Anarchy.. - 10/11/2017 The Sixth Seal: Yellowstone? - 10/12/2017 An Interlude of Encouragment - 10/16/2017 Divine Influences Over Nations - 10/16/2017 Sealing the 144,000 - 10/19/2017 Redeeming Israel's Reputation - 10/21/2017 Tribulation Saints - 10/21/2017 Wounded Tribulational Saints - 10/21/2017 1/2 Hour of Silence in Heaven - 10/22/2017 Judgments Begin with Prayer - 10/23/2017 Fire from the Altar Purges - 10/24/2017 The Earth is the Lord's! - 10/25/2017 The Trumpets & Exodus - 10/27/2017 Judgment of that Great Day - 10/29/2017 Demons Set Loose on Earth - 10/30/2017 Worshipping the Dragon - 10/31/2017 The War Over the Water - 11/1/2017 200 Million Man Army - 11/2/2017 Jesus Identifies with Israel - 11/5/2017 Israel Will Recognize Jesus! - 11/6/2017 An Insistence Upon Discernment - 11/7/2017 Time Shall Be No More - 11/8/2017 Knowing is Bitter & Sweet - 11/9/2017 The Key to the 70 Weeks - 11/12/2017 The Mystery of God - 11/12/2017 Ministry of the 2 Witnesses - 11/13/2017 Killing the Witnesses - 11/14/2017 A Satanic Christmas - 11/15/2017 Taking the Kingdom - 11/16/2017 Israel's Bright Future - 11/19/2017 Jesus Takes the Kingdom - 11/20/2017 The Real "Wonder Woman" - 11/21/2017 Satan Cast Out - 11/22/2017 War in Heaven - 11/24/2017 Prophecies for Antichrist - 11/26/2017 Nature of the Beast - 11/27/2017 Worshipping the Devil - 11/28/2017 Tribulation Field Manual - 11/29/2017 Followers of the Lamb - 12/3/2017 Preservation in Tribulation - 12/4/2017 The Preaching Angel - 12/5/2017 A Literal Hell - 12/6/2017 Babylon is Fallen - 12/7/2017 Blessed are the Dead - 12/10/2017 The Harvest of the Earth - 12/11/2017 Foreshadowing Armageddon - 12/12/2017 The Last 7 Plagues - 12/13/2017 Arrivals in Heaven & Earth - 12/14/2017 The Earth's Dry Vine - 12/18/2017 Bloody Waters - 12/19/2017 Smitten with Sores - 12/19/2017 A Scorching Sun - 12/20/2017 Final Bowls of Wrath - 12/21/2017 God Uses Kings - 12/24/2017 God Uses Families - 12/26/2017 God Uses Prophecy - 12/27/2017 How to Anticipate God - 12/27/2017 A Sign Unto You - 12/28/2017 Danger in This Evil World - 12/31/2017 Progress, Not Perfection - 1/3/2018 Glimpses Behind the Curtain - 1/4/2018 The Directives of Preparation - 1/4/2018 Dignity as a Believer - 1/5/2018 The Revelation Road - 1/14/2018 God Speaks to Israel - 1/16/2018 The Angel of the Lord! - 1/16/2018 The End of All Mysteries - 1/17/2018 Bitter-Sweet - 1/18/2018 Kingdoms of this World - 1/22/2018 Rise of Antichrist - 1/22/2018 The Church of the AI - 1/23/2018 Popes, Politics Preparations - 1/25/2018 Warnings of Hellfire - 1/25/2018 The Corruption of Governments - 1/29/2018 Babylonian Worship - 1/30/2018 Madonna-Child Worship - 1/31/2018 Destroying the False Church - 2/4/2018 Babylon Falls Quickly - 2/5/2018 A Babylonian World - 2/6/2018 The Babylonian Dream - 2/6/2018 The Devouring Fire - 2/7/2018 Jesus is Gonna Fix This! - 2/8/2018 All Nations are Babylonian - 2/9/2018 Understanding Submission - 2/11/2018 A Spiritual Woman - 2/13/2018 Capable, Confident & Fearless - 2/13/2018 The Bride is Awesome - 2/16/2018 Living in the Last Days - 2/19/2018 Come Out of Her, My People - 2/20/2018 Saints Judging the World - 2/21/2018 The Root of the Evil - 2/22/2018 Christians Called Crazy - 2/23/2018 Lost for Eternity - 2/26/2018 Salvation and Glory! - 2/26/2018 Honor & Power! - 2/28/2018 True and Righteous - 3/1/2018 The Fourth Alleluia - 3/2/2018 Billy Graham in Good Company - 3/5/2018 The Heart of Philadelphia - 3/7/2018 The Synagogue of Satan - 3/8/2018 Fully Laodicean Now - 3/9/2018 Cleansed by Fire - 3/12/2018 Jesus Comes to Judge - 3/14/2018 There's Gonna Be a Wedding! - 3/14/2018 Armies in Heaven - 3/15/2018 Taking Antichrist Down - 3/16/2018 Blaspheming the Holy Spirit - 3/18/2018 Reigning with Christ - 3/20/2018 Satan Unleashed - 3/20/2018 Judged According to Works - 3/22/2018 The Book of Life - 3/23/2018 Palm Sunday & Damascus - 3/26/2018 Palm Sunday & Palestinians - 3/27/2018 Palm Sunday: Israel Redeemed - 3/29/2018 Palm Sunday & a Rapture - 3/30/2018 Easter: It's About the Body - 4/1/2018 Easter: A Clear Way Through - 4/3/2018 Are You Really Safe? - 4/4/2018 Jesus Raises the Dead - 4/5/2018 Easter: All Rise! - 4/6/2018 A New Heaven & Earth - 4/9/2018 All Things Made All Right - 4/11/2018 What's not in Heaven - 4/11/2018 The Heavenly City - 4/12/2018 The Home of the Bride - 4/12/2018 The Pure River of Life - 4/29/2018 The Glory of Believers - 4/30/2018 Guardians of Prophetic Truth - 5/1/2018 Seal Not the Prophecy! - 5/2/2018 Root & the Offspring of David - 5/3/2018 Mom's are Amazing - 5/14/2018 Thanks, Mom, for Worship - 5/15/2018 A Mother's Wardrobe - 5/16/2018 Thanks, Mom, for Your Witness - 5/16/2018 Thanks, Mom, for Your Wisdom - 5/17/2018 Revelation - What John Saw - 5/21/2018 Revelation - The Church Age - 5/22/2018 Revelation - Christ is Worthy! - 5/23/2018 Revelation - Seal Judgments - 5/24/2018 Revelation - Seven Trumpets - 5/24/2018 Jesus' Intinerant Ministry - 6/4/2018 Jesus' Intermediate Ministry - 6/5/2018 Baptized by One Spirit - 6/6/2018 Jesus' Intended Ministry - 6/7/2018 Our Call to Tell - 6/8/2018 Jesus Sanctifies the Feasts - 6/11/2018 Languages & Dialects - 6/12/2018 What Joel Said - 6/13/2018 Did Jews Kill Jesus Alone? - 6/14/2018 The Extent of Grace - 6/15/2018 Honoring Our Father - 6/18/2018 Understanding Discernment - 6/19/2018 Choosing the Devil - 6/20/2018 Ignorance and Unbelief - 6/20/2018 Repent & Be Converted - 6/22/2018 Responses to the Gospel - 6/25/2018 Preaching the Resurrection - 6/26/2018 When Peter was Filled - 6/27/2018 Prophesy of Resistance - 6/28/2018 Reflections in Victory - 6/29/2018 God is Still Holy - 7/9/2018 Witnessing Through Failure - 7/10/2018 A Time to Fear - 7/11/2018 You Can Change Your Mind - 7/12/2018 Worthy to Suffer - 7/13/2018 The Social Gospel - 7/16/2018 Murmuring - 7/17/2018 You are the Miracle! - 7/18/2018 Full of Faith - 7/19/2018 Christian Consistency - 7/20/2018 Sick of Sin - 7/23/2018 Historical Credibility - 7/24/2018 Israel in Egypt - 7/25/2018 Dropping the Baton - 7/26/2018 Crying for the Lost - 7/27/2018 One Baptism - 7/30/2018 Quietly into the Night - 7/31/2018 Purchasing Salvation - 8/2/2018 Philip and the Eunuch - 8/3/2018 Saul, the Persecutor - 8/6/2018 Our Condescending God - 8/7/2018 Truth Trumps the Lie - 8/8/2018 We Get It All! - 8/9/2018 Saul, the Persecuted - 8/10/2018 Paul's Visions - 8/13/2018 God Has a Plan - 8/14/2018 The End Game Never Changes - 8/15/2018 It's Not About Prosperity - 8/16/2018 Seeking an Experience - 8/16/2018 A Good/Lost Man - 8/27/2018 All Who Would Be Saved - 8/28/2018 A Soldier's Story - 8/29/2018 A Hard Road - 8/30/2018 Baptized, then Baptized - 8/31/2018 Truth Divides - 9/3/2018 Irredeemable - 9/4/2018 Whoever Believeth - 9/5/2018 Trusting Our Feelings - 9/6/2018 That Which Unifies - 9/10/2018 Desiring Salvation - 9/11/2018 Harassing the Church - 9/17/2018 Freedom to Speak - 9/18/2018 God Leaves Much to Us - 9/19/2018 Resisting Herod - 9/20/2018 Reprobation - 9/21/2018 Paul's Witnessing Plan - 9/24/2018 Seasonal Blinding - 9/25/2018 Chronic Wandering - 9/26/2018 The Coolest Promise Ever - 9/27/2018 Unworthy of Everlasting Life - 9/28/2018 The Truth of the Matter - 9/30/2018 The Motive of Love - 10/2/2018 Men of Like Passions - 10/3/2018 Living for Jesus - 10/4/2018 Our Defense of the Gospel - 10/4/2018 You Can't Be Saved? - 10/8/2018 God Fortifies His Servants - 10/9/2018 David's Tabernacle Restored - 10/10/2018 Paths of Righteousness - 10/10/2018 Governed by Love - 10/12/2018 Timothy Adapts to Service - 10/15/2018 The Spirit Leads to Souls - 10/16/2018 Dealing with Demons - 10/17/2018 Honestly Free - 10/17/2018 What You Can't Say - 10/19/2018 Clarity in Confusion - 10/22/2018 Paying the Mob - 10/23/2018 Warning the Rich - 10/24/2018 Movies the New Mythology - 10/25/2018 The Bounds of Our Habitation - 10/26/2018 The Therapy of Work - 10/29/2018 Losing the Crowd - 10/30/2018 Sensational to Standardized - 10/31/2018 Recognizing the Holy Spirit - 11/1/2018 It's Time to Vote! - 11/5/2018 The Sign of Tongues - 11/6/2018 Saved and Kept - 11/7/2018 Spiritual Insolence - 11/8/2018 Managing the Mob - 11/9/2018 Disciples Indeed - 11/12/2018 A Day with Paul - 11/13/2018 The Christian Sabbath - 11/13/2018 Paul as a Pastor - 11/14/2018 Pastor/Servant - 11/15/2018 Paul Wrestles with the Spirit - 11/19/2018 Paul's Heart for Israel - 11/20/2018 Israel, Utterly Fallen - 11/21/2018 Aiming for the Heart - 11/22/2018 Thanking God for Strength - 11/26/2018 Thanking God for Acceptance - 11/27/2018 Thanking God for Certainty - 11/28/2018 Thankful God for Song - 11/29/2018 Thanking God Forever - 11/30/2018 Paul's Original Motivation - 12/3/2018 Paul's Mandate - 12/4/2018 How God Speaks - 12/5/2018 Wash Away Thy Sins - 12/5/2018 Self-inflicted Bondage - 12/7/2018 Paul's Conscience - 12/10/2018 False Teachers - 12/11/2018 Your Heart's Desire - 12/12/2018 The Face of Providence - 12/13/2018 You will be Attacked - 12/14/2018 Help is on its Way - 12/17/2018 All is Lost? - 12/18/2018 Christmas Faith is Proper? - 12/19/2018 Hiding our Faces - 12/19/2018 The Heroes of Christmas - 12/21/2018 Perilous Times - 12/31/2018 Disobedient & Fierce - 1/1/2019 Silly Women? - 1/2/2019 Turn from the Prodigal? - 1/3/2019 Refreshment in the Last Days - 1/4/2019 New Year Praise - 1/7/2019 Everyone Comes to the Lord - 1/8/2019 The Foreknowledge of God - 1/9/2019 Gladness of Heart - 1/10/2019 Made for Eternity - 1/11/2019 Wicked Orators - 1/14/2019 Known and Loved - 1/15/2019 Facts are Stubborn Things - 1/16/2019 Exercised by the Truth - 1/17/2019 Reasoning about Judgment - 1/18/2019 The Devil's Sway - 1/27/2019 A Real Devil - 1/29/2019 What's Out of Place? - 1/30/2019 The Demons Understand You - 1/31/2019 Composure before Kings - 2/1/2019 Our Firm Foundation - 2/4/2019 Why Do Good Works? - 2/5/2019 Implicaions of Resurrection - 2/6/2019 Worthy Works - 2/7/2019 Almost Persuaded - 2/8/2019 Marriage - In God's Hand - 2/11/2019 Worldly Impact on Marriage - 2/12/2019 Full of Madness - 2/13/2019 Pure and Powerful - 2/14/2019 Rejoice with Your Wife - 2/15/2019 When Men Lose - 2/18/2019 Godliness Defined - 2/19/2019 When Men Must Submit - 2/19/2019 Paul Heals Many - 3/4/2019 Paul with Barbarians - 3/4/2019 Paul Receives Courage - 3/6/2019 Full-Bodied Hope - 3/11/2019 Gathering Israel - 3/12/2019 Israel as God's Witnesses? - 3/13/2019 God Does a New Thing - 3/14/2019 Israel Remembering Jesus? - 3/15/2019 Defining Mammon - 3/18/2019 The Scandalized Believer - 3/19/2019 Submission Increases Faith - 3/20/2019 Fortitude to Continue - 3/21/2019 We'll Be Like Him - 3/22/2019 Forgiving is Hard - 3/25/2019 Hard Time Seeing? - 4/1/2019 Affliction as a Birthmark - 4/2/2019 Extraordinarily Good People - 4/3/2019 Murmurring is Easy - 4/5/2019 A Gift in the Garbage - 4/8/2019 Our Iniquity - 4/9/2019 Anatomy of Conviction - 4/10/2019 God Will Preserve Us - 4/11/2019 Looking God in the Eye - 4/11/2019 Palm Sunday Prophetic? - 4/15/2019 Jeremiah Called It! - 4/16/2019 The Prophetic Clock - 4/17/2019 After the 483 Years - 4/18/2019 There Must Be a Temple! - 4/19/2019 Preaching the Resurrection - 4/22/2019 The Plumbline of Scripture - 4/23/2019 Are You Wretched? - 4/24/2019 Many Rose on Easter? - 4/25/2019 The Greatest Sin - 4/26/2019 When David Fell - 4/29/2019 It's Gonna Hurt - 4/30/2019 Blot Me out of Your Book! - 5/1/2019 You'll Need the Promise - 5/2/2019 Forgetting Who You Are - 5/3/2019 What Sets Us Apart - 5/6/2019 The Courageous Christian - 5/7/2019 The Evidence of Salvation - 5/8/2019 Made Manifest unto God - 5/9/2019 Perfecting Holiness - 5/11/2019 Solomon's Mother - 5/13/2019 Kings! Don't Drink - 5/14/2019 Remarkable Mothers - 5/15/2019 Psychology of Spanking - 5/16/2019 Loving Your Children - 5/17/2019 Jesus Seeks Disciples! - 5/20/2019 The True Sabbath Rest - 5/21/2019 Right and Wrong does Exist - 5/23/2019 The Equality Act? - 5/23/2019 Judgment is Coming - 5/24/2019 Who's After You? - 5/29/2019 Living by "the" Faith - 5/30/2019 Seated in the Heavenlies...Now - 5/31/2019 Victory is Already Ours - 6/3/2019 Audacity in Victory - 6/4/2019 God's Disciplne - 6/5/2019 The Preservation of the Saints - 6/6/2019 The Sins of Canaan - 6/7/2019 This New Generation - 6/10/2019 God Gives a Heads Up - 6/11/2019 The Spirit Won't Leave Us - 6/12/2019 Embarassing God - 6/13/2019 Real Faith is Courageous - 6/14/2019 Fathers, Teach Doctrine - 6/17/2019 Fathers! Live Out Loud - 6/18/2019 Fathers! Establish Hope - 6/19/2019 Father's! Show Love - 6/20/2019 Fathers Teach Character - 6/21/2019 Proving What is Good - 6/24/2019 Sold Under Sin? - 6/25/2019 The Power of a Good Name - 6/26/2019 Fighting for Rest - 6/27/2019 Preparing to Fight - 6/27/2019 The Weapon of Discernment - 7/1/2019 The Weapon of Promise - 7/2/2019 Honor, Lost and Found - 7/3/2019 Jael's Nail - 7/4/2019 Helping the Lord - 7/5/2019 Revival is Possible - 7/8/2019 Hiding in Dens & Caves - 7/9/2019 The Secret of a Full Heart - 7/10/2019 Gideon Worships Jesus - 7/11/2019 Faith vs. Fear - 7/15/2019 Enter into His Rest - 7/16/2019 The Dreams of God's Enemies - 7/17/2019 Strengthening Yourself in Lord - 7/18/2019 A World of Zombies? - 7/19/2019 The Trial of Diplomacy - 7/22/2019 The Trial of Discouragment - 7/23/2019 The Trial of Disipline - 7/24/2019 The Trial of Disappointment - 7/25/2019 The Trial of Distraction - 7/26/2019 Fallout of Gideon's Folly - 7/29/2019 Moderating Our Witness - 7/30/2019 Made for Eternity - 7/31/2019 Evil Men Lack Trust - 8/1/2019 Justice for All - 8/2/2019 Pushing too Far - 8/5/2019 Unconditional Repentance - 8/6/2019 God is Listening - 8/7/2019 Who's to Blame - 8/8/2019 Never Give Up! - 8/9/2019 The Price of War - 8/10/2019 Finding a Spark - 8/12/2019 God's Reason to Bless - 8/13/2019 Seeing God - 8/14/2019 More Light - 8/15/2019 The Spirit Moves Us - 8/16/2019 Picking a Fight - 8/19/2019 Unexpected Ways of God - 8/20/2019 A Serious Enterprise - 8/21/2019 Samson had Convictions - 8/22/2019 Ways to Be Filled - 8/23/2019 Dead to Sin - 8/26/2019 God Keeps His Covenants - 8/27/2019 Unfruitful and Barren - 8/28/2019 Newness of Life - 8/29/2019 Freed from Sin - 8/30/2019 Samson is Restless - 9/2/2019 Powerful in the Spirit - 9/3/2019 Delilah - 9/4/2019 Breaching the Conscience - 9/5/2019 Samson's Faith - 9/6/2019 Don't Lose Heart - 9/9/2019 A Culminating Moment - 9/10/2019 Thankful for Suffering - 9/11/2019 A "New" Testament - 9/12/2019 Restoring Our Sanity - 9/13/2019 A Compromised Home - 9/16/2019 When You Fail - 9/17/2019 Way of the Ungodly - 9/18/2019 Creating Your Own God - 9/19/2019 Our Defining Principlpe - 9/19/2019 Concubines in Judges - 9/23/2019 Full of Self - 9/24/2019 Hospitality: Loving Strangers - 9/25/2019 Sons of Belial - 9/26/2019 Grieving God Away - 9/27/2019 Asking the People to Lead - 9/30/2019 Judgment Is Not Easy - 10/1/2019 Destroying a Nation - 10/2/2019 Victory is not Easy - 10/3/2019 Where is the Good Way? - 10/4/2019 What's in a Name? - 10/7/2019 The Scandal of Sin - 10/8/2019 We will Struggle - 10/9/2019 Some Do Pay Attention - 10/10/2019 It's a Love Story - 10/14/2019 God Discerns the Heart - 10/15/2019 The Devil's Glee - 10/16/2019 Dancing - 10/17/2019 Recognizing God's Work - 10/18/2019 Naomi's Deepest Desire - 10/21/2019 Teaching Younger Women - 10/22/2019 How to be Bold - 10/23/2019 Recognizing Jesus - 10/24/2019 Protecting Her Reputation - 10/25/2019 Judging Angels - 10/28/2019 Limitiing Our Liberty - 10/30/2019 The Mystery of the Shoe - 10/31/2019 When God Passes Sentence - 11/11/2019 All of Grace - 11/12/2019 God's Vengeance - 11/13/2019 These are Biblical Times - 11/14/2019 Going to Hades - 11/15/2019 The City of Blood - 11/18/2019 The Spirit of Babylon - 11/19/2019 Worshipping the Dragon - 11/20/2019 Humiliating the Devil - 11/21/2019 The World Coming Apart - 11/22/2019 Thankfulness - 11/25/2019 Our Relationship with Sin - 11/26/2019 Where Do We Stand? - 11/27/2019 This Salvation - 11/28/2019 The Hope of God's Glory - 11/29/2019 A Righteous Couple - 12/2/2019 God Hears You - 12/3/2019 Joy and Gladness! - 12/4/2019 Preparing the Way of the Lord - 12/5/2019 Big Picture: "Rescue Mission" - 12/6/2019 Conversing with the Devil - 12/9/2019 Pre-flood Angels - 12/10/2019 Would Eve Rival God? - 12/11/2019 Women Need to be Saved - 12/12/2019 The First Gospel - 12/13/2019 Christmas is Serious Business - 12/16/2019 Walking in Darkness - 12/17/2019 Can You Hear Me Now? - 12/18/2019 Liberating Israel - 12/19/2019 Who Jesus Really Is! - 12/20/2019 Jesus' Childhood - 12/23/2019 What You Believe - 12/24/2019 Wounded and Given - 12/25/2019 Prophecies Fulfilled - 12/26/2019 Convinced and Committed - 12/27/2019 Reach for God - 12/30/2019 God Raises the Dead! - 12/31/2019 See through the Dark Glass - 1/1/2020 Did Paul Blow it? - 1/2/2020 God Knows Your Heart - 1/3/2020 An OMG Culture - 1/6/2020 Our Many Benefits - 1/7/2020 A Deeper Healing - 1/8/2020 The Power of Your Song - 1/9/2020 Breaking on Jesus - 1/10/2020 Facilitating Your Growth - 1/13/2020 Real Deal Life - 1/14/2020 You Can't Stay Where You are - 1/15/2020 What Do You Think? - 1/16/2020 Please Come Home - 1/17/2020 God Works with Sinners - 1/20/2020 God is not Ashamed of Us - 1/21/2020 Hiding from Love - 1/22/2020 God Will Have a Full house - 1/23/2020 Bloody Men - 1/24/2020 Curiously Wrought - 1/25/2020 From the Womb - 1/27/2020 Fortify Yourself - 1/28/2020 Exercised for Death - 1/29/2020 Who to Trust These Days - 1/29/2020 End of Life - 1/31/2020 The Prophetic Present - 2/3/2020 Ours is the Terminal Hour - 2/4/2020 The Incomprehesible God - 2/5/2020 Permission to Sin - 2/6/2020 God's Remnant - 2/7/2020 The Secret to Life - 2/10/2020 If I Have Not Love - 2/11/2020 Pleasing God in Marriage - 2/12/2020 Marital Hitches - 2/13/2020 Casting the First Stone - 2/14/2020 Gracie Has Few Friends - 2/16/2020 The Remission of Sins - 2/18/2020 Repentance Explained - 2/19/2020 Suppressing the Truth - 2/20/2020 Cut to the Heart - 2/21/2020 Dealing with the Devil - 2/24/2020 Led by the Spirit - 2/25/2020 Bypassing the Cross - 2/26/2020 Power in Obedience - 2/27/2020 Reprobation - 2/28/2020 God's Got His Eye on You - 3/2/2020 God Leads Us! - 3/3/2020 Jesus Loved the Leper - 3/3/2020 Seeing Jesus' Power - 3/5/2020 The Power of the Lord - 3/6/2020 Reaching to the Pharisees - 3/9/2020 A Mist in the Pulpit - 3/10/2020 A Greater Damnation - 3/11/2020 The Sermon on the Plain - 3/12/2020 The Work of Sound Judgment - 3/13/2020 Itching Ears - 3/16/2020 You Can't Save Yourself - 3/16/2020 It's All on Jesus - 3/18/2020 You Have a Calling - 3/18/2020 You're Gonna Be OK - 3/19/2020 Welcome the Suffering - 3/30/2020 What is God Up To? - 3/31/2020 The Fear of Death - 4/1/2020 Judgment at the Church - 4/2/2020 The Hard Road - 4/2/2020 What God is Doing - 4/5/2020 Parking Lot Service Greeting - 4/6/2020 God's Way is Everlasting - 4/7/2020 "Hosanna" - Save Now - 4/8/2020 God Cares for You - 4/8/2020 O Victory in Jesus! - 4/10/2020 The Danger in Salvation - 4/13/2020 The Dignity of Man - 4/14/2020 The Devil's Destruction - 4/15/2020 Contentment in Jesus - 4/16/2020 Untethering the Old Testament? - 4/16/2020 Christ and Antichrist - 4/20/2020 Jesus is in Charge - 4/21/2020 Restraining the Evil - 4/22/2020 Loving the Lie - 4/23/2020 Jesus is God! - 4/24/2020 Strong Delusion - 4/27/2020 God has a Plan - 4/28/2020 Love Will Wax Cold - 4/29/2020 Then Shall the End Come - 4/30/2020 Tribulation Saints - 5/1/2020 Tribulation & Great.. - 5/4/2020 The Anointing of the Spirit - 5/5/2020 Why God Hates Evil - 5/6/2020 Citizens of God's Kingdom - 5/7/2020 Everlasting Fire - 5/7/2020 More Bitter than Death? - 5/11/2020 A Strong Mother - 5/12/2020 Raising Kings - 5/13/2020 The King's Daughter - 5/14/2020 The Leaders of Tomorrow - 5/14/2020 Back in the Church! - 5/18/2020 God's Definition of Grace - 5/19/2020 Our Glorious Hope - 5/20/2020 The Goodness of God - 5/20/2020 The Secret of the Word - 5/25/2020 Secret of Trusting God - 5/27/2020 "How" to be Careful - 5/28/2020 It Will not Come Nigh Thee - 5/29/2020 Faulty Perspectives in Crisis - 6/1/2020 Awakened from Despair - 6/2/2020 God's Good Purpose - 6/3/2020 God Does Not Do Sin - 6/4/2020 Clean Heart and Hands - 6/5/2020 Canceling Human Fears - 6/8/2020 Astonishment of Heart - 6/9/2020 The Importance of This Hour - 6/9/2020 Hoofbeats from Heaven - 6/11/2020 Judgment Fallen in Streets - 6/11/2020 Racial Variations - 6/15/2020 Get Rid of the Police?! - 6/16/2020 God Delights in Diversity - 6/16/2020 What the Lost Know - 6/18/2020 We Shall Be Like Him! - 6/19/2020 No Kneeling to Man - 6/22/2020 The Breadth of the Gospel - 6/23/2020 Suppressing the Truth - 6/24/2020 What means More than.. - 6/25/2020 This World is Different - 6/26/2020 The Devil is a Poser - 6/29/2020 America is Economic Center - 6/30/2020 America Burnt to Ground? - 7/1/2020 Can We Get It Back? - 7/2/2020 Seared, Calloused & Lawless - 7/3/2020 The Need for Humility - 7/6/2020 The Fear is Crucial - 7/7/2020 Fortitude Through Salvation - 7/8/2020 The Press of God in Salvation - 7/9/2020 Loving Jesus - 7/10/2020 We Don't Want Revival - 7/13/2020 We Choose! - 7/14/2020 Choosing Revival - 7/15/2020 Scripture's Divine Tension - 7/16/2020 Loving the World - 7/17/2020 Finding Justice - 7/20/2020 Governors Abusing Power - 7/21/2020 Where to Take a Stand - 7/22/2020 Payday Some Day - 7/23/2020 Our God is Able - 7/24/2020 Power and Authority - 7/27/2020 The Importance of Focus - 7/28/2020 Going Quietly to Hell - 7/29/2020 Mercy From Almighty God - 7/30/2020 Striving or Contending - 7/31/2020 Reminded to Rejoice - 8/3/2020 Let Your Moderation Be Known - 8/4/2020 Bold Intimacy - 8/5/2020 When God Speaks - 8/6/2020 Teach Us to Pray - 8/10/2020 Forgive Every One - 8/11/2020 Doing the Devil's Will - 8/12/2020 Seeking SIgns - 8/13/2020 How to Recover - 8/14/2020 Their Listening In Now - 8/17/2020 Angelic Protection - 8/18/2020 The Fear of Man - 8/18/2020 Cut Asunder and Beaten - 8/20/2020 Understand the Program of God - 8/20/2020 Except Ye Repent - 8/24/2020 Lawlessly Religious - 8/25/2020 Healing & Deliverance - 8/26/2020 Coming Back to Jesus - 8/27/2020 Looking for Our King - 8/31/2020 Demonic Influences - 9/2/2020 Good Things Will Happen - 9/4/2020 Your Testimony Matters - 9/7/2020 Remember the Sabbath - 9/8/2020 Elementary Principals - 9/9/2020 Mindful of Souls - 9/10/2020 A Proper Self Image - 9/11/2020 Soldiers of the Cross - 9/14/2020 Revival & Marriage - 9/15/2020 Disect Your Own Iniquity - 9/16/2020 Trust Your God - 9/17/2020 You Can Walk Free! - 9/18/2020 Connecting with Sinners - 9/21/2020 Tired of Being Alone - 9/22/2020 The Weight of Hell - 9/23/2020 Mercy on California - 9/24/2020 Rising Above the Fray - 9/25/2020 The Prodigal's Demand - 9/28/2020 God Put it All on the Table - 9/29/2020 The Prodigal's Far Country - 9/30/2020 Saved, But Not Safe - 10/1/2020 Our Love is Necessary - 10/2/2020 Commending the Unjust - 10/5/2020 The Unjust Steward - 10/5/2020 Who's to Blame - 10/7/2020 Renegotiating God's Word - 10/8/2020 We're Going Home - 10/8/2020 Spirituality as a Racket - 10/12/2020 Two Bears of the Faith - 10/13/2020 Increase Our Faith - 10/14/2020 Cleansing Our Leprosy - 10/15/2020 Learning from Little Ones - 10/15/2020 Criminal vs. Civil Offenses - 10/19/2020 In the Kingdom - 10/20/2020 In the Day of Christ - 10/21/2020 One Shall Be Taken - 10/22/2020 The Day of Christ - 10/22/2020 Adultery Against God - 10/26/2020 Avenged of Your Adversary - 10/27/2020 The Sinner - 10/28/2020 Rich Ruler's Sorrow - 10/29/2020 Sick of the Struggle - 10/30/2020 Falling for the Lie - 11/2/2020 God Does Not Fail! - 11/3/2020 How God Judges the Nations - 11/4/2020 The Legitimacy of Judgment - 11/5/2020 God Cleanses Israel - 11/6/2020 Our Warfare is Accomplished - 11/9/2020 Everyone Senses the Evil - 11/10/2020 Comfort in God's Counsel - 11/11/2020 When Evil Comes to Power - 11/12/2020 The Princes will Wither Away - 11/13/2020 Global Upheavals - 11/16/2020 Can We Stop This? - 11/17/2020 Globalism Will Win - 11/18/2020 Wearing Out the Saints - 11/19/2020 When We See Jesus - 11/20/2020 Being Perfect - 11/23/2020 What Accompanies Salvation? - 11/24/2020 Closing the Church - 11/25/2020 Picking Up the Promises - 11/26/2020 The Power of Hope - 11/27/2020 Playing the System - 11/30/2020 Minimal Repentance - 12/1/2020 Living in Fear - 12/2/2020 A Tale of Two Systems - 12/3/2020 Love Casts Out Fear! - 12/4/2020 Strengthened by the Lord - 12/7/2020 Enabled to Stand - 12/8/2020 Hoping Against Hope - 12/9/2020 Reading Between the Lines - 12/10/2020 Think Bible - 12/11/2020 Last Days Prophets - 12/14/2020 The Prophets' Second Wave - 12/14/2020 Science Falsely So-called - 12/16/2020 The Purpose of the Lie - 12/17/2020 The Properties of the Lie - 12/18/2020 Angelic Activity Stirring Up - 12/21/2020 God Always Hits theMark - 12/22/2020 Madonna Child - 12/23/2020 Finding Favor with God - 12/24/2020 A Kingdom with No End - 12/25/2020 Jesus Taken to the Temple - 12/28/2020 Mary, Queen of Heaven? - 12/29/2020 Mary's Need of a Substitute - 12/29/2020 He can Fix That Hurt - 12/31/2020 We Kiiled Our Country - 1/1/2021 Will Trump Save the Day? - 1/4/2021 Alexander the Great Falls - 1/5/2021 Alexander Bows to Jehovah - 1/6/2021 Romans, Antiochus & Maccabees - 1/7/2021 China and the Tribulation - 1/8/2021 The Earthquake Test - 1/12/2021 The Lake of Fire - 1/13/2021 Marriage Supper of the Lamb - 1/14/2021 Deception and Damnation - 1/15/2021 What Do We Know? - 1/18/2021 A Day of Destruction - 1/19/2021 Peace and Safety - 1/20/2021 Living with Jesus - 1/22/2021 The Devil has a Plan - 1/25/2021 Luciferic Connections - 1/26/2021 The Devil Wants Worship - 1/27/2021 The Devil's Secret - 1/28/2021 What Satan Offers US - 1/29/2021 Dealing with the Devil - 1/31/2021 Things Happening Fast - 2/1/2021 The Blessing of the Revelation - 2/2/2021 The Tribulations of Believers - 2/3/2021 Unashamed of Jesus - 2/4/2021 The Glorified Christ! - 2/5/2021 Ephesus in Revelation - 2/8/2021 A Worldly Church - Pergamos - 2/9/2021 Church Suffering in Real Time - 2/9/2021 The Doctrine of Balaam - 2/11/2021 Can a Catholic be Saved - 2/12/2021 Learning to Love - 2/15/2021 Wisdom without Heart - 2/15/2021 Women Really Do Care - 2/16/2021 The Burden of Beauty - 2/18/2021 Wisdom with Heart - 2/19/2021 70 Weeks & 7 Churches - 2/22/2021 A Remnant - 2/23/2021 Blotted out of God's Book - 2/24/2021 Great Awakening - 2/25/2021 The Close of the Church Age - 2/26/2021 Come Up Hither - 3/1/2021 24 Elders & 4 Beasts - 3/2/2021 The Sealed Scroll in Heaven - 3/2/2021 The Lion of Judah - 3/4/2021 All Agree: He is Worthy! - 3/5/2021 A White Horse Going Forth - 3/8/2021 International & Civil War - 3/9/2021 Worldwide Famine - 3/10/2021 A Real Pandemic is Coming - 3/11/2021 What Jesus Thinks of You - 3/15/2021 The Seal of God - 3/16/2021 Israel's Finest Hour - 3/17/2021 Saved the Hard Way - 3/18/2021 Slaughter in the City - 3/19/2021 The Silence of Heaven - 3/22/2021 Could Trump be the Savior? - 3/23/2021 Worldwide Volcanic Eruptions - 3/24/2021 God Warns People - 3/25/2021 The Terminal Generation - 3/26/2021 Daniel's Confessional Prayer - 3/29/2021 Responding to the Curse - 3/30/2021 Israel Will Be Converted - 3/31/2021 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy - 4/1/2021 Desolations are Determined - 4/2/2021 When Hope is Dashed - 4/5/2021 The Battle over Your Sin - 4/6/2021 Our Promised Resurrection - 4/7/2021 What Can You Do? - 4/8/2021 Messing Up Our Manners - 4/9/2021 It's Jacob's Trouble - 4/12/2021 Opening the Abyss - 4/13/2021 Demonic Host Torments Men - 4/14/2021 Solving the Jihadist Problem - 4/15/2021 Kingdom against Kingdom - 4/16/2021 Angel of the Lord Revealed - 4/19/2021 Israel the Canary in the Mine - 4/20/2021 God's Two Witnesses - 4/21/2021 Rapture in Slow Motion - 4/22/2021 The Remnant were Affrighted - 4/23/2021 A Great Wonder in Heaven - 4/26/2021 Defending the Police - 4/27/2021 Israel on the Run - 4/28/2021 The Empires of Man - 4/28/2021 Completed Jews - 4/30/2021 The Beast out of the Sea - 5/3/2021 An Unholy Trinity - 5/4/2021 Antichrist's "Name" of.. - 5/5/2021 Antichrist's Wounded Head - 5/6/2021 The Mark of the Beast - 5/6/2021 Exclusively Mom's - 5/10/2021 The Power of a Woman - 5/11/2021 The Daughter's Sword & Arrows - 5/12/2021 The Children of the Barren - 5/13/2021 The Woman's Companions - 5/13/2021 144,000 Witnesses - 5/17/2021 Israel Sees the Lamb! - 5/18/2021 Immersed in Flames - 5/19/2021 When Angels Preach - 5/19/2021 Deliverance and Destruction - 5/20/2021 A Covergence of Evils - 5/24/2021 It About Israel - 5/24/2021 Weeping in the Apocalypse - 5/26/2021 Last Minute Deliverance - 5/27/2021 Heaven & Earth Converge - 5/28/2021 The First Bowl Judgment - 5/31/2021 When They have No Hope - 6/1/2021 God's Mercy in Wrath - 6/2/2021 Things are Lining Up - 6/3/2021 Gathering to Armageddon - 6/4/2021 A Perfect Government! - 6/7/2021 The Elephant in the Room - 6/7/2021 Judging the Global System - 6/9/2021 The Anti-Church - 6/9/2021 A Beast Most Dreadful - 6/10/2021 The Religion of the Antichrist - 6/14/2021 The Babylonian Dream Realized - 6/15/2021 Babylon is Everywhere! - 6/16/2021 Millennial Conditions - 6/17/2021 Deception vs. Devotion - 6/18/2021 Dads are Men Wondered At - 6/22/2021 A Working Testimony - 6/23/2021 The Exploits of a Dad - 6/23/2021 Fatherly Integrity - 6/25/2021 Babylon is a Big Deal - 6/28/2021 Putting the World on Notice - 6/29/2021 Two Presidents - 6/29/2021 Sin that Reaches unto Heaven - 7/1/2021 Deceived by Pharmaceuticals - 7/2/2021 Revival or Bust? - 7/5/2021 God's People in America - 7/6/2021 When a Nation Sins - 7/7/2021 Called to Be a Judge - 7/8/2021 Testimony and Testifying - 7/9/2021 Jesus is the Lord! - 7/12/2021 Eternal Punishement for Sin - 7/13/2021 Spiritual Fornication - 7/14/2021 No Friend of Grace - 7/15/2021 Look Who's Coming! - 7/16/2021 Jesus Breaks the Sky - 7/19/2021 Israel Repents! - 7/20/2021 The Mortal Sin - 7/21/2021 Jesus: A Man of War - 7/22/2021 The Vexation of Lot - 7/23/2021 The Devil is Overrated - 7/26/2021 The Millennial Kingdom - 7/27/2021 The Millennial Saints - 7/28/2021 The Gog & Magog Wars - 7/29/2021 The Great White Throne - 7/30/2021 All is Going to be Okay - 8/2/2021 The Satelite City to Come - 8/3/2021 Finding What We Lost - 8/4/2021 The Obliteration of Sorrow - 8/5/2021 Our City Outshines the Sun - 8/6/2021 The Water of Life - 8/9/2021 The Tabernacle Comes Alive - 8/10/2021 Reanimating God's Children - 8/11/2021 God Wants you to Know This - 8/12/2021 It's Gonna Be Good - 8/13/2021 Your Ministering Angels - 8/23/2021 God Gives What You Need - 8/24/2021 God is Testing Us Right Now - 8/24/2021 Betrayed by Friends & Family - 8/26/2021 God, Not Government - 8/27/2021 Satan Enters Judas - 8/30/2021 God is Allowing the Evil - 8/31/2021 God's Perfect Timing - 9/1/2021 Jesus Kingdom is Coming - 9/2/2021 The Secret to Greatness - 9/3/2021 Jesus Forces a Commitment - 9/6/2021 The Signs are Everywhere - 9/7/2021 The Sign of Deception - 9/8/2021 Turning Down the Light - 9/9/2021 You Need Assurance - 9/10/2021 Reigning with Jesus - 9/13/2021 Broken Fellowship - 9/14/2021 Kingdom Work is Dangerous - 9/15/2021 Our Hedge is Down - 9/16/2021 The Dignity of Jesus - 9/21/2021 The Witness of Power - 9/21/2021 The Witness of Provision - 9/22/2021 The Witness of Precision - 9/23/2021 The Witness of Posterity - 9/24/2021 Women as Influencers - 9/27/2021 Give Jesus Some Time - 9/28/2021 He's Our Wonderful Counselor - 9/29/2021 Getting to the Higher Ground - 9/30/2021 Known by the Scars - 10/1/2021 "We Cannot Fall" - 10/3/2021 America has Forsaken God - 10/5/2021 When God Removes His Hedge - 10/6/2021 When Your Countenance Falls - 10/7/2021 What Shall We Do? - 10/8/2021 Dreaming Dreams - 10/11/2021 How to Discern the Times - 10/12/2021 The Devil Shouts, Boo! - 10/13/2021 Four Kingdoms will Arise - 10/14/2021 Christ, Our Forerunner - 10/15/2021 When the Iniquity is Forgiven - 10/18/2021 He Who Sows & Reaps - 10/19/2021 Just a Remnant - 10/20/2021 Hast Thou Not Heard? - 10/21/2021 The Danger of Prospering - 10/22/2021 Exploiting the Grace of God - 10/25/2021 God is Calling us to Witness - 10/26/2021 Childlike Buoyancy - 10/27/2021 Bible Doctrine is Excitinig! - 10/28/2021 God Never Fails - 10/29/2021 The Desire of a King - 11/1/2021 The Devil Can Make You Green - 11/2/2021 God is Watching Everything - 11/3/2021 What It's Like to be Lost - 11/4/2021 God is Shaking the Whole World - 11/5/2021 People Won't be Ready - 11/8/2021 Buying the Truth - 11/9/2021 Salvation is a Big Deal - 11/9/2021 Changing the Gospel - 11/11/2021 Just You Wait - 11/12/2021 The Day of Deliverance - 11/15/2021 Who You Really Are - 11/16/2021 God Will Wait for You - 11/17/2021 The World is Watching - 11/18/2021 When God Casts Down Nations - 11/19/2021 Spiritual Babylon - 11/22/2021 The Wall is Breached! - 11/23/2021 Jesus Can Give You Peace - 11/24/2021 The World's Laughingstock - 11/26/2021 You are God's Plan - 11/29/2021 We are Under Orders - 11/30/2021 A Day of Deception - 12/1/2021 God Reveals Deep Things - 12/2/2021 The Spiritual Unheaval - 12/2/2021 Conspiracies Among Men - 12/6/2021 An Excellent Spirit - 12/7/2021 Good Men Are Challenged - 12/8/2021 The Deliverance of Daniel - 12/9/2021 Commended by God - 12/10/2021 Good Worship - 12/13/2021 How to Genuinely Care - 12/14/2021 What the Father would Do - 12/15/2021 The Spirit's Work in Jesus - 12/16/2021 Received Up Into Glory - 12/17/2021 The Scandal of Christmas - 12/19/2021 When There's No King - 12/21/2021 Working Things Out - 12/22/2021 A Circumspect Man - 12/23/2021 He will Come a Second Time! - 12/24/2021 Who are Children of Abraham? - 12/27/2021 The Miracle of Love - 12/28/2021 The Wonders of Christmas - 12/28/2021 A Sacrifice the Purifies - 12/29/2021 Saving our Family - 12/30/2021 The Assurance of Simeon - 12/31/2021 What's Next? Pt. 1 - 1/3/2022 What's Next? Pt. 2 - 1/4/2022 What's Next? Pt. 3 - 1/5/2022 What's Next? Pt. 4 - 1/6/2022 What's Next? Pt. 5 - 1/7/2022 Order of Events Pt. 1 - 1/10/2022 Order of Events Pt. 2 - 1/11/2022 Order of Events Pt. 3 - 1/12/2022 Order of Events Pt. 4 - 1/13/2022 Order of Events Pt. 5 - 1/14/2022 Our Leaders are from God - 1/17/2022 Mighty Warriors of God - 1/18/2022 A Whisper of Antichrist - 1/19/2022 The Secret of Our Warfare - 1/19/2022 The Timing of God's Kingdom - 1/21/2022 Daniel Sees What's Coming - 1/24/2022 A Need to Pray - 1/25/2022 Changing the Standard - 1/26/2022 America's Confusion of Face - 1/27/2022 Stewards of God's Reputation - 1/27/2022 Fixing Israel - 1/31/2022 Cracking the 70 Weeks Code - 2/1/2022 Israel in the Dark - 2/2/2022 Israel's Clock Stopped - 2/3/2022 One Week Left - 2/4/2022 God Answers Daniel - 2/7/2022 Daniel Wrestles with God - 2/8/2022 When We See Jesus - 2/9/2022 The Truest Christian Token - 2/10/2022 Be Strong, Yea, Be Strong! - 2/11/2022 Does God Set Up Vile Kings? - 2/14/2022 Jesus & the Butterfly Effect - 2/15/2022 The Rise of Greece - 2/15/2022 Antiochus & Cleopatra - 2/17/2022 Anticipation of Antichrist - 2/18/2022 Forshadowing the Future Foe - 2/21/2022 Qanon and Antichrist - 2/22/2022 When Godly Men Push Back - 2/23/2022 A Great Awakening! - 2/24/2022 The Conquest of Antichrist - 2/25/2022 The Worst Time Ever - 3/7/2022 What We Will Be Like - 3/8/2022 Jesus Stands On the Water - 3/9/2022 Angels Desire to Know - 3/10/2022 Throwing Down & Setting Up - 3/11/2022 God Knows Your Name - 3/14/2022 The Spirit is My Guide - 3/15/2022 The Manifestation of Grace - 3/16/2022 The Depth of Our Hope - 3/17/2022 The Inheritance of the Saints - 3/18/2022 Christians Need the Gospel - 3/22/2022 Our Coat of Many Colors - 3/23/2022 Showing the World Grace - 3/24/2022 God Raises Us Up - 3/25/2022 Multiplying Grace - 3/29/2022 Anticipating God - 3/30/2022 The Manifestation of Grace - 3/31/2022 Owning Holiness - 4/1/2022 Freedom to Live Free - 4/4/2022 You Were Made Free! - 4/5/2022 Remember Who You Are - 4/6/2022 A Leap into the Light - 4/7/2022 The Father Stands by His Love - 4/8/2022 God Stirs Things Up - 4/11/2022 True Sons of Abraham - 4/12/2022 Occupy Till I Come - 4/13/2022 God's Message in a Napkin - 4/14/2022 Our Way or God's Way - 4/15/2022 Seeking to See Jesus - 4/16/2022 The First Day of the Week - 4/18/2022 Raising Up the Whole Family - 4/19/2022 The Dead Shall Live Again - 4/20/2022 Seeing Angels - 4/21/2022 The Secret to This Life - 4/22/2022 Purifying Your Soul - 4/24/2022 You're Awesome! - 4/26/2022 The Impact of Belief - 4/27/2022 You Need a Church Family - 4/28/2022 The Word of God in You - 4/29/2022 The Stormy Doctrines - 5/2/2022 Bitterness Toward God - 5/3/2022 Imitate Newborn Believers - 5/4/2022 We Need Jesus Now - 5/5/2022 The Glory Within Us - 5/6/2022 Moms Like Their Husbands - 5/9/2022 Saving Your Child - 5/10/2022 The Power of Mom's Words - 5/11/2022 The Epitome of Love - 5/12/2022 Saved in Childbearing - 5/13/2022 Where's My Sword - 5/16/2022 The Devil Joined the Church - 5/17/2022 The World Needs Mercy - 5/18/2022 Where's the Righteousness - 5/19/2022 Liberated and Clothed - 5/20/2022 Prisoners of the Earth - 5/23/2022 Rumors of God's Goodness - 5/24/2022 Grace in Peace - 5/25/2022 Grace that Never Dies - 5/26/2022 Grace to Absorb Hardships - 5/26/2022 Giving Up the Children - 5/30/2022 The Problem of Pluralism - 5/30/2022 Kissing their Calves - 6/1/2022 When Sin is Hdden - 6/2/2022 God Will Destroy Death - 6/3/2022 Women Following Jesus - 6/6/2022 God Sticks Around - 6/7/2022 Arranging Your Apparel - 6/8/2022 Showing Your Husband Jesus - 6/9/2022 Jesus in Your Heart - 6/10/2022 Clarifying the Narrative - 6/13/2022 The Joy of Marriage - 6/14/2022 Our Women are Important - 6/15/2022 Honoring Your Wife - 6/16/2022 Heirs Together of Grace - 6/17/2022 You are Being Watched - 6/20/2022 The Need for Clarity - 6/21/2022 Teaching Justice - 6/22/2022 Teaching Kids to Be Blameless - 6/23/2022 Tell Your Kids Helpful Stories - 6/24/2022 Josiah Woke Up - 6/27/2022 Save America! - 6/28/2022 Philistine Theology - 6/29/2022 The Price of Liscentiousness - 6/30/2022 Postponing Judgment - 7/1/2022 What's Missing? - 7/3/2022 Protecting Spiritual Appetite - 7/4/2022 Our New Song - 7/5/2022 The Baptist's Catechism - 7/6/2022 Imputed Righteousness - 7/7/2022 Hope in His Mercy! - 7/8/2022 Loving Life in Hard Times - 7/10/2022 God Will Grade Your Work - 7/12/2022 Who are the Righteous? - 7/13/2022 Are God's Promises Yours? - 7/14/2022 Thinking it's the Tribulation - 7/15/2022 Worse Than Ever Before - 7/18/2022 What is Our Hope? - 7/19/2022 There Has to Be Something Else - 7/20/2022 How Will We Stand? - 7/21/2022 Suffering for Sins - 7/22/2022 Victorious Suffering - 7/25/2022 Ceasing From Sin - 7/26/2022 Where's Our Sabbath? - 7/27/2022 Arm Yourselves - 7/28/2022 The Quick & the Dead - 7/29/2022 The Will of God - 8/1/2022 Concern for Your Soul - 8/2/2022 The Condemned Christian - 8/2/2022 The Dead Shall Hear - 8/4/2022 There's a Kingdom! - 8/5/2022 Groaning, But Growing - 8/8/2022 Time Will Tell if You're Real - 8/9/2022 A Call to Suffer - 8/10/2022 God is a Gracious God! - 8/11/2022 Special Help in the Fire - 8/12/2022 Killed All Day Long - 8/15/2022 Showing them Jesus - 8/16/2022 The Scariest Thing - 8/17/2022 Like Tempered Steel - 8/18/2022 An Overcomer's Commitment - 8/19/2022 The Order God Seeks - 8/22/2022 God's Leadership Model - 8/23/2022 Baptists and Thomas Jefferson - 8/24/2022 The Humilty of Peter - 8/25/2022 Pastors, Elders & Bishops - 8/26/2022 Care for Your Preachers - 8/30/2022 There is No Way Out - 8/30/2022 We Traffic in Truth - 8/30/2022 A Cross & Some Crowns - 9/2/2022 Wolves Among Sheep - 9/5/2022 How We Submit to God - 9/6/2022 Our Military Enterprise - 9/6/2022 Commit to Humility - 9/8/2022 Let God Exalt You - 9/9/2022 We Have a Job to Do - 9/12/2022 A Tabernacle among the Lost - 9/13/2022 Backsliding - 9/14/2022 Mission "Accomplished" - 9/15/2022 Enlightenment & Encouragement - 9/16/2022 Singing in the Streets - 9/19/2022 Ecstatic over Deliverance - 9/20/2022 Perfect Soundness! - 9/21/2022 Prepared for Devastation - 9/22/2022 Times of Refreshing - 9/23/2022 When Shall These Things Be - 9/26/2022 America's Falling from Within - 9/27/2022 The Tribulation Begins! - 9/28/2022 Antichrist Revealed! - 9/29/2022 Exact Time of Jesus' Return - 9/29/2022 The Problem of Deception - 10/3/2022 The Manifestation of Jesus - 10/4/2022 Strong Against the Day - 10/5/2022 The Blessings of the Diligent - 10/6/2022 God's Grand Reveal! - 10/7/2022 Packing the Congress - 10/10/2022 Wisdom is Redemptive - 10/11/2022 Companions of the Destroyer - 10/12/2022 But Now You Are Washed - 10/13/2022 The Blessing of Conscience - 10/14/2022 The Key to Stability - 10/16/2022 Jesus is So Good - 10/18/2022 Post Millennialism - 10/19/2022 Witnessing in Heaven - 10/20/2022 You can be Perfect! - 10/21/2022 America is Being Warned! - 10/24/2022 When God Breaks Protocol - 10/24/2022 When God Goes Silent - 10/26/2022 Time of Jacob's Trouble - 10/27/2022 When Men Trust in a Lie - 10/27/2022 Damnable Heresies - 10/31/2022 Cheap Grace? - 11/1/2022 Denying Jesus on Purpose - 11/1/2022 Broad Way Leads to Destruction - 11/3/2022 God is Preparing You - 11/3/2022 Angels that Sinned - 11/7/2022 Judgment of that Great Day - 11/8/2022 Two Kinds of People - 11/9/2022 Good Lost People - 11/10/2022 God will Deliver Us - 11/11/2022 Great Awakening 2022 - 11/14/2022 Revival Reflects Parentage - 11/15/2022 Revival is Heart Work - 11/16/2022 Revival Restores Peace - 11/17/2022 Revival is Localized - 11/18/2022 Christians to be Left Behind - 11/21/2022 Special Judgment - 11/22/2022 Michael and the Devil - 11/23/2022 The Devil Wants You Gone - 11/24/2022 The Destruction of the Ungodly - 11/25/2022 The Confession of Your Faith - 11/28/2022 Natural, Brute Beasts - 12/5/2022 Choosing to Be Wrong - 12/6/2022 Patriotic Brute Beasts - 12/6/2022 They Know What they're Doing - 12/8/2022 Knowing the Judgment of God - 12/9/2022 The Wages of Unrighteousness - 12/12/2022 Jesus' Real Invitation - 12/14/2022 Just Like Demons - 12/15/2022 God Choreographed Everything - 12/19/2022 Joseph and Mary Shine - 12/20/2022 Who is Highly Favored? - 12/20/2022 Embracing the Promise - 12/22/2022 Jesus is "I AM" - 12/23/2022 The Marvelous Work of Jesus - 1/2/2023 Tethered to Jesus - 1/3/2023 Do You Know His Salvation? - 1/4/2023 Jesus is Ready to Be Revealed - 1/5/2023 Tell of His Mercy - 1/6/2023 A Man after God's Heart - 1/7/2023 Close to a World Government - 1/9/2023 Out of the Graveyard - 1/9/2023 Do You Have Any Family? - 1/11/2023 Identifying the Scoffers - 1/12/2023 When the Time is Right - 1/13/2023 Scared Secular Scientists - 1/16/2023 Science Falsely So-called - 1/17/2023 As in the Days of Noah - 1/18/2023 Doubling Down On Lies - 1/19/2023 "Life is Hard" - 1/20/2023 What's True About Reality - 1/23/2023 Miracles in the Church Age - 1/24/2023 Pastors Left Behind - 1/25/2023 This Atomic Age - 1/26/2023 Hastening the Day of God - 1/30/2023 The Hardest Spiritual Test - 1/31/2023 Exercised by Disappointment - 2/1/2023 A Cruel Messenger - 2/2/2023 When a Fool Seeks Wisdom - 2/3/2023 We've Got Something to Do - 2/6/2023 Thinking Like Jesus - 2/7/2023 The Bible in Your Heart - 2/8/2023 What is God Waiting For? - 2/9/2023 How to Stabilize Yourselves - 2/10/2023 Marriage & Happiness - 2/13/2023 Her Desire Toward Her Husband - 2/14/2023 How Belief Affects Behavior - 2/15/2023 Marriage: Strength and Sensi.. - 2/16/2023 A Marriage that Saves - 2/17/2023 The Problem of Irreverence - 2/20/2023 Strive to Enter Heaven? - 2/21/2023 Living in Two Worlds - 2/22/2023 What's Your Heart Love? - 2/22/2023 Never Happy - 2/24/2023 Offended and Choked - 2/27/2023 The Danger Around Us - 2/28/2023 Learning to Feast - 3/1/2023 Offenses Within and Without - 3/2/2023 A Great Harvest is Coming - 3/3/2023 Are there Few Saved? - 3/6/2023 Choked & Scorched Saints - 3/6/2023 Assurance, Not Wreckless - 3/7/2023 Treasuring Jesus - 3/9/2023 Knowing What to Do - 3/10/2023 The Church Age in Parables - 3/13/2023 A Dragnet Causes Upheaval - 3/14/2023 Nesara is Expected - 3/15/2023 Primed for Massive Death - 3/16/2023 One Shall Be Taken - 3/17/2023 Things are Happening Now - 3/27/2023 Repentance God's Way - 3/28/2023 Whose Going with You? - 3/29/2023 Troublemakers - 3/30/2023 Judas Singled Out - 3/31/2023 The Shadow of the Cross - 4/3/2023 Provoking Jesus to Return - 4/4/2023 Jesus Could not be Stopped - 4/5/2023 Scoffers Will Come - 4/6/2023 Hating Your Life? - 4/7/2023 Every Eye Shall See Him - 4/10/2023 Gesara, Nirvana or Frequencies - 4/10/2023 Nicolaitans and Laodiceans - 4/11/2023 The Keys of Hell & Death - 4/11/2023 David Facing His Sin - 4/17/2023 Down for the Count - 4/18/2023 Joining the Human Race - 4/19/2023 Our Vain Show - 4/20/2023 Over David's Shoulder - 4/21/2023 The Problem of Racism - 4/24/2023 Saved to Serve - 4/25/2023 We Are All Ambassadors - 4/26/2023 Grace: Stirred or Diminished - 4/27/2023 The Gospel Changes You - 4/28/2023 Doing Justice and Judgment - 5/8/2023 People Need Mercy - 5/9/2023 Preparing Your Heart - 5/9/2023 Pacifying Wrath - 5/10/2023 The Congregation of the Dead - 5/12/2023 Honoring the Children - 5/15/2023 The Power of Mom's Smile - 5/16/2023 Kids are Kinda Cool - 5/17/2023 Warrior Princesses - 5/18/2023 Your Tears in a Bottle - 5/18/2023 When God Answers by Fire - 5/22/2023 What is Your Ministry - 5/23/2023 Everything is Videotaped - 5/24/2023 Science in the Bible - 5/24/2023 The Progression of Evil - 5/25/2023 Soldier to Soldier - 5/29/2023 Endued with Grace - 5/30/2023 Entertainment and Equivication - 5/31/2023 Just Like Jesus - 6/1/2023 When the Fire Falls - 6/2/2023 Let God Apply that Pressure - 6/6/2023 The Kindness of God - 6/7/2023 Obeying Unrighteousness - 6/8/2023 The Sting of Death - 6/9/2023 Judging Properly - 6/12/2023 Being Light in the Darkness - 6/13/2023 Stealing the Gospel - 6/14/2023 Who's More Responsible? - 6/14/2023 Pushing Away the Lost - 6/16/2023 When Faith is Under Fire - 6/19/2023 Our Lives Speak to Others - 6/20/2023 You are the Evidence! - 6/21/2023 You're Seeking a Country - 6/22/2023 Manly Spirituality - 6/23/2023 God's Singular Message - 6/26/2023 Abraham Believed God! - 6/27/2023 Resisting Fleshly Ruts - 6/28/2023 Paul's Conscience - 6/29/2023 All the World is Guilty - 6/30/2023 Are We Going to Save America? - 7/3/2023 Ruling over a Wasteland - 7/4/2023 The Church of the A.I - 7/5/2023 The Destruction of the Wicked - 7/6/2023 Trusting Your Righteousness - 7/7/2023 What if We Fall? - 7/10/2023 The "Rightness" of God - 7/11/2023 Being Justified Freely - 7/12/2023 How the Gospel Works - 7/13/2023 Blood was Required - 7/14/2023 Justified before God - 7/17/2023 The Power of the Promise - 7/17/2023 Someone's Gotta Pay - 7/19/2023 Father Abraham - 7/20/2023 God WILL NOT Impute Iniquity - 7/21/2023 Declaring God's Righteousness - 7/24/2023 Being Like Jesus - 7/25/2023 God is Always Gracious - 7/26/2023 What is Paul's Hope - 7/27/2023 That Second Thought - 7/28/2023 The Hope of Glory - 7/30/2023 Benefits & a Blessing - 7/31/2023 He, for Me! - 8/1/2023 Boasting in the Father - 8/2/2023 Everything Has Changed - 8/3/2023 The Secret of Christian Life - 8/4/2023 Our Resurrection in Christ - 8/16/2023 Yielding Yourself to God - 8/17/2023 Standing for God - 8/18/2023 We're Bound to Sin - 8/21/2023 Knowing Lust - 8/22/2023 Recognizing Our Sin - 8/23/2023 How to Resist Sin - 8/24/2023 Deal with That Sin - 8/25/2023 The Law of the Spirit - 8/28/2023 What's God Doing in You - 8/29/2023 Babylon has Everythimg - 8/30/2023 The Spirit IS LIfe! - 8/31/2023 God is in Us - 9/1/2023 The Work of the Spirit - 9/3/2023 The Suffering of Believers - 9/5/2023 The Revelation of the Saints - 9/6/2023 The Curse on Creation - 9/7/2023 God Gave You Hope! - 9/8/2023 The Spirit's Intercession - 9/11/2023 The Calling of God - 9/12/2023 The Purpose of God - 9/13/2023 Predestination Unpacked - 9/14/2023 If God Be For Us! - 9/15/2023 Holiness that Sparkles - 9/18/2023 Jesus is Our Defender - 9/19/2023 Defeating the Accuser - 9/20/2023 Killed All Day Long - 9/21/2023 When Folks are Hobbled - 9/26/2023 The Chosen People - 9/27/2023 The Word of Promise - 9/28/2023 Pharaoh Hardens His Heart - 9/29/2023 A Prophetic Wake-up Call - 10/2/2023 A Remnant Shall Be Saved - 10/3/2023 Paul's Prophetic Insight - 10/4/2023 How the Israelites Missed It - 10/5/2023 Stumbling Over the Law - 10/5/2023 Can Jews Be Saved? - 10/16/2023 Moses on God's Righteouness - 10/17/2023 The Tip of Your Tongue - 10/18/2023 Finding the Arm of the LORD - 10/19/2023 The Sinner's Prayer - 10/19/2023 Has God Cast off Israel? - 10/23/2023 Praying Against Israel - 10/24/2023 God Elected Grace - 10/25/2023 Provoking the Jews - 10/26/2023 Bearing the Root - 10/27/2023 Anti-Semitism in the Church - 10/30/2023 Paul's Defense of Israel - 10/30/2023 Is the Church Lost? - 11/1/2023 All Israel to be Saved - 11/2/2023 Harder to Save - 11/3/2023 Presenting Our Bodies - 11/6/2023 Believable Holiness - 11/7/2023 Conspiring with the World - 11/8/2023 Think Savingly - 11/9/2023 Seeing as God Sees - 11/10/2023 Gifts for Grace - 11/12/2023 Giftings in the Church - 11/14/2023 The Word on Prophesy - 11/14/2023 The Miracle of You - 11/16/2023 Unhypocrtical Love - 11/17/2023 Our Forward Motion - 11/20/2023 Our "New Commandment" - 11/21/2023 Blessing Our Enemies - 11/22/2023 What Makes for Joy - 11/22/2023 Don't Be Reckless - 11/24/2023 You Can Live Forever! - 11/26/2023 Tethered in Eternal Things - 11/28/2023 If You Know, You Know - 11/29/2023 We're Already Home! - 11/29/2023 The Hope of Heaven - 12/1/2023 Is Government Safe? - 12/4/2023 When Governments Go Bad - 12/4/2023 God is ALL Powerful - 12/6/2023 The Law of God's Kingdom - 12/7/2023 What We Deserve - 12/8/2023 Doubtful Disputations - 12/10/2023 Discernment is Judging - 12/11/2023 God Holds Us Up - 12/13/2023 Seated on Jesus' Throne - 12/13/2023 Executing Righteousness - 12/15/2023 Jesus is Creator-God - 12/25/2023 The Devil in the Darkness - 12/27/2023 God's Unmistakable Voice - 12/28/2023 Grace for Grace - 12/29/2023 Jews Win Gentiles - 12/31/2023 Deception and Division - 1/2/2024 Problems with Government - 1/3/2024 The Earth Reborn - 1/4/2024 When Israel is Saved - 1/4/2024 Affected by the Word - 1/8/2024 Raising Us from the Dead - 1/9/2024 The Form of Jesus' Being - 1/9/2024 Jesus Understands Us! - 1/11/2024 Giving our Lives - 1/12/2024 It's About Hope! - 1/14/2024 A See-So Anticipation - 1/16/2024 Help Others See Better - 1/17/2024 Confirming the Promises - 1/18/2024 Paul was Reading His Bible! - 1/19/2024 Phebe, a Servant of the Church - 1/22/2024 Commending Our Sisters - 1/23/2024 Knowing Where to Stand - 1/24/2024 Tipping Forward - 1/24/2024 Deceiving the Simple - 1/26/2024 Letting God Touch You - 1/29/2024 Fearing God - 1/30/2024 We are Mini-Tabernacles - 1/30/2024 God Works with Us - 2/1/2024 God Will Do a Great Thing - 2/2/2024
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