The Dirt on Soils In this sermon Jerry preaches on Matthew 13:1–9 and 8–23, (the 4 soils). In a nutshell, there are (1) those who hear the Word, but don’t care. There are also (2) those who hear the Word and get happy, “Hallmarky” feelings from It, but when life gets tough they forget God said it would, and they reject Him. A third type of person (3) hears the Word & seems to grow really well but gets distracted by all the cool things the world has to offer. Because that’s where her heart really is, she doesn’t really produce a lot for the kingdom. Finally, there’s a type of person that hears God’s Word, receives It with repentance & belief, weathers life’s terrible storms by standing on the firm foundation of Christ, and produces a lot for the kingdom of God. In typical P. Doddy style, Jerry covers a lot of ground here, & some of my favorite reminders of his appear: “The non-elect get justice, the elect get mercy, and no one gets injustice.” “The Father elects, the Son redeems, and the Holy Spirit regenerates.” “God mercies whom He shall mercy, and He compassions whom He shall compassion. (Romans 9:14) Another great sermon by a truly outstanding man of God. |