When delving into our ancestry, we tend to do more research on the father's side of the family, rather than our mothers. It may be due to the fact that we take our name from our father and thus our identity. But both are equally important for both parents contributed to our DNA. The Jews of Jesus' and Paul's day, including the Judaizers, believed that they were the true sons of Abraham. So Paul, in Galatians 3-4 deals with the paternity question: 'Who is your spiritual father?" He proves through the Old Testament Scriptures that the spiritual blessings promised to Abraham do not come as a result of law keeping, but rather through faith. 'Only those who are of faith are the sons of Abraham.' Now, as Paul concludes his argument for justification by faith alone in Christ alone, he turns from paternity to maternity and raises this question: Who is Your mother? For Abram had two sons: Ishmael, born to the slave woman, Hagar; and Isaac, born to the forewoman, Sarah. Ishmael was born 'according to the flesh', that is, by taking matters into their own hands without God's guidance, by purely human means. Whereas Isaac was born 'through promise', that is, by faith in God's promise. Now, in these historical facts, Paul, under the inspiration of the Spirit, sees spiritual truth. Hagar and her son, Ishmael represent the covenant of law and works. She's connected to Mount Sinai and present Jerusalem with its legalism and "do it yourself' religion. Sarah and her son, Isaac, represent the covenant of grace and faith. She is connected to the heavenly Jerusalem which will be populated by those 'born from above'. By faith we are children of promise! Who then is your mother? |