Ken Wimer | Shreveport, Louisiana
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Speaker: Ken Wimer
6,164 sermons
Does the LORD afflict His children as punishment or correction? Can you believe and live above sin? Why did Christ endure affliction Himself? Why did Job’s friends try to make him look inside of himself for a reason as to why he was afflicted? Was Job the perfect example of patient enduring or is it Christ? Why are men upset with the fact that Christ has done all in salvation?
>It Is Finished - 4/16/2008 The Death of the Cross - 8/6/2008 A Faithful Saying - 1/7/2009 Four Vital Questions - 5/13/2009 Justification by Christ - 6/5/2009 Gospel Concerning God's Son - 9/6/2009 Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 9/13/2009 Look to Christ - 10/11/2009 Contradiction of Sinners - 10/25/2009 What is it to be Lost? - 4/18/2010 Tower of Babel - 5/30/2010 Interceding For Men - 6/6/2010 Christ The Mediator - 9/19/2010 Christ Exalted - 9/26/2010 Love of God - 1/30/2011 A Three-Fold Benediction - 4/6/2011 Old Things Are Passed Away - 9/4/2011 The Chief of Sinners - 9/11/2011 The Lamb Slain - 9/11/2011 The Fear of God - 10/9/2011 The Mystery of Christ - 12/25/2011 True Godliness - 1/29/2012 Christ Exalted - 2/26/2012 Ye Are Not Your Own - 4/8/2012 God's Forbearance - 6/3/2012 God's Prophet - 7/15/2012 Great Grace For Great Sin - 7/22/2012 Absolute Substitution - 7/29/2012 Begotten Sons - 8/5/2012 Christ Came to Minister - 9/9/2012 The Last Time - 9/16/2012 The Gospel of Faith - 10/21/2012 The Church United - 10/28/2012 Word of God Cannot be Bound - 11/25/2012 Christ the True Husband - 1/20/2013 Walking After the Spirit - 1/27/2013 How God Loves Sinners - 3/3/2013 Church Of Lord Jesus Christ - 3/17/2013 Whiter Than Snow - 3/31/2013 Power to Save - 5/19/2013 A Pattern of Mercy - 6/23/2013 Jonah In The Whale - 7/7/2013 Justified By Christ - 8/11/2013 The Preeminence of the LORD - 8/18/2013 Listening With Discernment - 9/14/2013 A God Who Hides Himself - 11/10/2013 God's Mercy - 11/17/2013 The Gospel of God - 11/24/2013 Hope and Resurrection - 11/30/2013 The Flesh - 12/22/2013 The Crossing of the Red Sea - 12/25/2013 The Brazen Serpent - 12/29/2013 The Excellency of Christ - 1/26/2014 No Condemnation In Christ - 2/2/2014 Holy and Happy Sons of God - 2/9/2014 Sufferings of Present Time - 2/16/2014 God's Purpose - 2/19/2014 The Believer's Security - 2/24/2014 How God Saves Sinners - 3/2/2014 God's Eternal Purpose - 3/16/2014 Spiritual Blessings in Christ - 3/23/2014 Christ The Mediator - 3/30/2014 Christ The Surety - 4/6/2014 Three Basic Questions - 5/4/2014 True Deliverance - 5/11/2014 The Preeminent Christ - 5/18/2014 God's Appointed Mediator - 5/25/2014 Blessed Assurance - 6/1/2014 Tried and True Faith - 6/22/2014 Coming to Christ - 6/29/2014 The Life of a Child of God - 7/6/2014 When the Righteous Die - 7/12/2014 Chosen To Salvation - 8/3/2014 No Room For Boasting - 8/21/2014 Adam and Christ - 9/7/2014 Christ is All in Salvation - 9/7/2014 Samson and Christ - 9/7/2014 Word of God Cannot Be Bound - 10/12/2014 What is True Worship - 11/2/2014 Who Decides the Matter? - 11/9/2014 A Message of Comfort and Hope - 12/7/2014 The Everlasting God - 12/14/2014 Immanuel, God With Us - 12/21/2014 The One Perfect Sacrifice - 12/28/2014 Preaching Christ - 1/18/2015 Message of Christ Crucified - 1/25/2015 A Grace that Saves - 3/1/2015 God's Unconditional Grace - 3/8/2015 Eyes to See - 3/15/2015 The Gospel That Saves - 3/22/2015 Hated Without a Cause - 3/29/2015 Why Christ Came Into the World - 3/29/2015 Salvation By Grace Alone - 4/5/2015 Gospel According to Scriptures - 4/12/2015 The Electing Grace of God - 4/19/2015 Christ - Whose Son is He? - 4/21/2015 The Saving Grace of God - 4/26/2015 True Riches - 5/10/2015 The Deceitfulness of the Heart - 5/17/2015 The Holiness of God - 5/17/2015 What is a Righteous Nation? - 5/24/2015 How Christ Died - 6/7/2015 What the Law Foreshadowed - 6/14/2015 So Great Salvation - 7/5/2015 Plenteous Redemption - 7/12/2015 The Suffering Savior (Radio) - 7/19/2015 What is it to See God's Son? - 7/26/2015 A Picture of Saving Grace - 8/2/2015 Jesus Christ the Redeemer - 8/9/2015 The Importance of Imputation - 8/16/2015 A Man Sent From God - 8/23/2015 The City of Refuge - 8/27/2015 Who is a Christian? - 8/27/2015 Resurrection Of Jesus Christ - 9/13/2015 Faith Delivered Unto Saints - 9/20/2015 Noah Found Grace - 9/27/2015 Noah's Ark, Type of Salvation - 10/4/2015 A Ransom Found - 10/6/2015 Who Are Christ's Friends - 10/18/2015 The Death Christ Accomplished - 11/8/2015 The Brazen Serpent - 11/15/2015 God Bless America - 11/21/2015 The Prayer of Jabez - 11/29/2015 A God Ready to Pardon - 12/6/2015 Freedom In Christ - 12/13/2015 What The Bible Teaches - 12/20/2015 God's Good Pleasure - 12/27/2015 Christ the Wisdom of God - 1/3/2016 God is King - 1/10/2016 The Precious Blood of Christ - 1/10/2016 What We Know - 1/17/2016 The Believer's Testimony - 1/24/2016 The Law of God - 1/31/2016 Justified by Christ - 2/7/2016 Bought and Brought to Christ - 2/14/2016 Christ the Way - 2/14/2016 God is Greater than Man - 2/21/2016 A Faithful Saying - 2/28/2016 Go Thy Way in Peace - 3/6/2016 He Shall Not Fail - 3/13/2016 The Dying Thief - 3/20/2016 The Last Days - 3/27/2016 Glorifying God - 4/3/2016 The Cross of Christ - 5/1/2016 Particular Redemption - 5/8/2016 Partakers of God's Nature - 5/15/2016 The Work of Christ Depicted - 5/22/2016 God Blesses His Word - 6/4/2016 What Christians Believe - 6/5/2016 The Death of Christ - 6/7/2016 God's Sovereign Mercy - 6/12/2016 Christ Our Life - 6/18/2016 Do You Love God's Salvation? - 6/19/2016 False Piety - 6/19/2016 The Secret of a Happy Life - 6/19/2016 Plenteous Redemption - 6/30/2016 The Church that Christ Built - 7/5/2016 All That the Father Gives - 7/17/2016 The Spirit's Work - 7/21/2016 Rejoicing in the LORD - 7/22/2016 Repentance - 7/25/2016 God's Purpose - 8/11/2016 A Successful Savior - 8/19/2016 Do You Belong To God? - 8/21/2016 The Kingdom of God - 9/5/2016 Resting in God's Sovereignty - 9/6/2016 Calling & Election - 9/9/2016 Righteousness Brings Peace - 9/24/2016 Faith When No Assurance - 10/4/2016 Patient Enduring - 5/25/2017 Consider Him Who Endured - 5/29/2017 By Grace are ye Saved - 6/8/2017 A Song of Salvation - 6/16/2017 How God Justifies Sinners - 6/23/2017 God's Faithfulness For Christ - 7/7/2017 The Whole Armour of God - 8/4/2017 The LORD's Prayer - 8/29/2017 An Advocate With the Father - 9/3/2017 Sanctified By Jesus Christ - 9/14/2017 Oneness in Christ Jesus - 10/6/2017 God's Kingdom Come - 10/24/2017 Behold the Lamb of God - 10/29/2017 Three Days and Three Nights - 11/8/2017 A God Who Pardons - 11/16/2017 Free From the Law - 11/22/2017 The Self-Sufficient God - 12/4/2017 The Decree of God - 1/16/2018 God's Foreknowledge - 2/7/2018 The Supremacy of God - 2/14/2018 The Sovereignty of God - 3/7/2018 The Two Israels - 7/25/2019 The Power of God's Gospel - 8/18/2019 One Place One Offering - 10/9/2019 Cloud of Witnesses - 10/20/2019 Saving Covenant Relationship - 11/9/2019 Radio Broadcast Romans 2 - 11/26/2019 False Preachers - 12/10/2019 God's Perfect Sovereignty - 12/17/2019 The God of All Grace - 1/3/2020 The Kingdom - 1/9/2020 When Others Think It Strange - 1/16/2020 The Grace of God's Salvation - 1/22/2020 Radio Broadcast 01/30/20 - 1/31/2020 Abiding In Him - 2/21/2020 The Only Way - 3/16/2020 The Law and the Grace of God - 4/2/2020 Surety - 4/16/2020 Accomplished at the Cross - 5/8/2020 Prayer From an Upright Heart - 5/28/2020 Ordained by the LORD - 7/16/2020 Inheriting Eternal Life - 7/30/2020 The Work of a Gospel Minister - 8/14/2020 Scripture Commentary Ezekiel 1 - 8/28/2020 Hope of Christ's Resurrection - 10/22/2020 The Redemptive Work of Christ - 11/4/2020 Purchased With His Own Blood - 11/5/2020 Meeting Together - 11/8/2020 Scripture Commentary James 5 - 11/25/2020 Glory of Christ' Finished Work - 12/3/2020 Fishers of Men - 12/8/2020 Dividing Because of Christ - 12/14/2020 God's Appointed Servant - 12/16/2020 Christ the Man of War - 12/17/2020 Promises Fulfilled - 12/22/2020 Light of the Righteous Ones - 1/5/2021 God's Longsuffering - 1/21/2021 Justification By Christ - 1/26/2021 What About Unbelief? - 2/13/2021 Christ Formed In You - 2/17/2021 God Ordains All - 3/8/2021 Particular Redemption - 3/25/2021 Love In Justice - 4/1/2021 Spared Again - 4/15/2021 Those Who Die in the LORD - 4/28/2021 God's Witnesses - 6/3/2021 The Offense of the Gospel - 6/18/2021 One Time, One Place - 6/24/2021 True Praise to God - 7/14/2021 The Reigning King - 8/3/2021 The Surety - 8/17/2021 The Friends of the King - 8/28/2021 Questions and Answers - 8/31/2021 Victim or Victor? - 9/8/2021 Afflictions - 9/21/2021 Stolen Hearts - 10/11/2021 God of Justice and Truth - 10/14/2021 Disorderly Conduct - 10/18/2021 Work of the Spirit - 10/21/2021 The Providence of Grace - 11/1/2021 Holding Faith - 11/16/2021 Vessels of Mercy - 11/25/2021 Continual Burnt Offerings - 12/7/2021 Holy, Just and Longsuffering - 12/25/2021 The LORD's Kindness - 1/2/2022 Eyes Opened - 1/6/2022 The Opposition of Men - 1/14/2022 The Wounds of the Wicked - 1/20/2022 Christ Coming Again - 1/21/2022 Spiritual Prayer - 2/1/2022 Familiar Friend - 2/7/2022 Discerning God's Will - 2/18/2022 AntiChrist - 2/24/2022 Being Deceived - 3/4/2022 Peace and Good Courage - 3/15/2022 Election - 4/9/2022 Life After Death - 5/25/2022 Christ's Coming - 6/2/2022 Despising the King - 6/21/2022 Mordecai- A Portrait of Christ - 7/6/2022 Unbelief and God's Purpose - 7/14/2022 Believers in Unbelief - 7/29/2022 Fools - 8/22/2022 An Eye For An Eye - 9/2/2022 Presumption's Effect - 9/22/2022 Without Spot - 10/18/2022 Following the Heart - 11/21/2022 Particular Redemption - 11/29/2022 God's Purpose - 12/6/2022 The Law and Justice and Mercy - 12/16/2022 Salvation to Our God - 12/27/2022 Wrath From God - 1/2/2023 Ransom - 1/14/2023 Without Works - 1/25/2023 Faith Full - 2/7/2023 Our Soul Suffering Savior - 2/14/2023 An Evil Report - 3/1/2023 Spiritual Warfare - 3/8/2023 The Body Prepared - 3/15/2023 No Other Foundation - 3/23/2023 The Great Day of Wrath - 3/28/2023 Call to Holiness - 4/14/2023 Dying in the LORD - 4/27/2023 Our Spiritual Walk - 5/3/2023 God So Loved the World - 5/17/2023 The Book - 6/2/2023 Wholly Sanctified to the LORD - 6/13/2023 Lamented & Derided-Luke 23:27 - 7/4/2023 Praise Him!-Psalm 150 - 7/12/2023 Cloaked Rebellion-2 Samuel 2.. - 7/18/2023 The Healing-Luke 13:11-17 - 8/8/2023 Grace Without Works - 8/16/2023 A Righteous Hope-Galatians 5 - 9/11/2023 Fruit of the Spirit - 9/19/2023 Standing Fast in the LORD - 9/29/2023 Effectual Grace-Isaiah 27:1 - 10/10/2023 Our Compassionate Savior - 10/23/2023 Seeing Christ-Revelation 1:1.. - 11/2/2023 Praise Ye the LORD-Psalm 150 - 12/11/2023 Justifying/Condemning Yourself - 12/21/2023 A New Heaven and Earth-Rev - 12/29/2023 Cleanse, Sanctify & Purify - 1/3/2024 Perseverance and Preservation - 1/16/2024 Apostasy Warnings - 2/1/2024 Affection Above-Col. 3:1 - 2/5/2024 Ordered of the LORD-Deuter. 2 - 2/14/2024 Complete In Christ-Col. 2:8-12 - 2/22/2024 Agony-Matthew 27:46 - 2/29/2024 Law and Grace - 3/5/2024 The Word of Patience-Rev. 13 - 3/12/2024 The Unjust Steward-Luke 16:8-9 - 3/18/2024 God's Son Forsaken - 3/27/2024 Praying for the Brethren - 4/18/2024 Christ Jesus the Firstborn - 4/26/2024 Where is the Lamb?-Gen. 22:7-8 - 5/4/2024 The Ransom Found-Job 33 - 5/9/2024 Our Standing -Revelation 3:11 - 5/14/2024 Conspiring, Cheating, Cursing - 6/5/2024 In the Face of Unbelief - 6/18/2024 Hard of Hearing - Isaiah 28 - 7/6/2024 Everlasting Love - Song 8:6-10 - 7/10/2024 Submission to God's Will-2 Sam - 7/18/2024 The Longsuffering Holy One - 7/23/2024 All Things in Christ's Hands.. - 7/30/2024 Gospel Warfare - 8/6/2024 Made Straight - Luke 13:11-17 - 8/21/2024 An Evil Heart - Hebrews 3:7-19 - 9/5/2024 Fruit of the Spirit - 9/16/2024 The Gift of Grace - 9/30/2024 The Red Heifer-Numbers 19:1-10 - 10/11/2024 Grace Abounding Radio-Matt. 7 - 10/28/2024 Scripture Commentary Luke 1 - 11/6/2024 Christ the Door - John 10:6-.. - 11/14/2024 The LORD's Kindness - 11/22/2024 The Incense of Prayer - 11/25/2024 Justified by Christ Alone.. - 12/4/2024 The Merchant and the Treasure - 2/6/2025 The Mystery of Godliness - 3/12/2025 God Ordained Trials - 3/24/2025
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MS (5/28/2017)
Beneficial Brother Ken, so glad to see you posting your radio broadcasts again on this site.
We are always edified by your Christ exalting gospel preaching.
Greetings to all at SGC.
Minister of the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ, by His Sovereign Grace alone!
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