Rob Zins is director of "A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism" (website: http://www.CWRC-RZ.ORG) & is author of the books, "Romanism - The Relentless Roman Catholic Assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ," "Salvation by Grace Through Faith Alone or by Grace Through Sacraments?," "On the Edge of Apostasy - The Evangelical Romance with Rome," & the booklet, "I am a Christian, You are a Roman Catholic, So, What is the Big Deal?" Roman Catholic traditions and inventions supercede the authority of the Bible creating a different gospel than the one presented in Biblical scripture. Galatians chapter one curses those who believe in a different gospel (verses 6-9). This series analyzes why Roman Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity but rather a cunning characture or counterfeit of it. This episode covers the 20 ways religious cults misread the Bible: 1. Inaccurate Quotation, 2. Twisted Translation, 3. The Biblical Hook, 4. Ignoring the Immediate Context, 5. Collapsing Contexts, 6. Overspecification, 7. Word Play, 8. The Figurative Fallacy, 9. Speculative Readings of Predictive Prophecy, 10. Saying But Not Citing, 11. Selective Citing, etc. This is Part 11 of a 16 hour series. Titles of the shows in this series: 1. Not Real Christianity But Old Testament Judaism in Disguise, 2. The Roman Mass (Re-Sacrifice of Christ) Actually Remits No Sins, 3. What is Your Final Authority - the Roman Church or the Word of God?, 4. Roman Catholic Inventions to Deceive the Simple - Relics, Etc., 5. Anti-Biblical Vatican II & Ecumenical No Gospel Evangelism, 6. Rome's Virgin Mary - Queen of Heaven or Doctrine of Demons?, 7. Purgatory Comes Before Heaven - Biblical Fact or Insidious Hoax? |