Be a Man: Of Compelling Influence_06 Acts 24:24-27;1 Kings 2:2 Each of us needs to ponder Felix's excuse, "when I find time." We all live busy lives. Many things crowd into our daily schedules. We all know that we should make time for God, but we're prone to think, "I'll do that later, when I find the time. Right now, I've got too heavy of a schedule." "As soon as the semester is over, I'll find time for God." "As soon as I get through the current pressured time at work, I'll make time for God." "As soon as the kids get into school, I'll make time for God." "When I'm older, after I've had some fun in life, then I'll make time for God." And so life slips by, the things of God fade from view, and we miss our opportunity, just as Felix did. Felix and his wife Drusilla were colorful characters whose lives sound like a modern TV series. To find time for God, we must seize present opportunities, deal with known sin, and establish proper priorities.This very day, God is giving you a great spiritual opportunity through the fact that you're hearing His Word. It may be to trust in Christ for salvation. It may be to deal with some sin in your life. It may be to get your priorities in line. Don't be like Felix and miss it! Be like Paul and seize the day for God's glory! |