Pastor Jim Savastio | Louisville, Kentucky
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Speaker: Jim Savastio
2,197 sermons
So Shall The Coming Of The Son Of Man Be
Series: Luke · 180 of 249
>Introduction To Luke - 10/3/1999 Zacharias and Elizabeth - 10/3/1999 God's Promise to Zacharias - 10/17/1999 Zacharias' Unbelief - 11/21/1999 Gabriel's Announcement to Mary - 11/28/1999 The Glory of Jesus Revealed - 12/5/1999 Jesus, from Elisabeth & John - 12/12/1999 The Song of Mary Pt 1 - 12/19/1999 The Song of Mary Pt 2 - 12/26/1999 The Birth of John the Baptist - 1/2/2000 The Song of Zacharias - 1/9/2000 The Mission of Jesus - 1/16/2000 John's Calling & Ministry - 1/23/2000 Our Common Testimony - 1/30/2000 The Glory of God Revealed - 2/6/2000 The Birth Announcement - 2/20/2000 The Song of Angels - 2/27/2000 What Will You Do...? - 3/12/2000 Mary's Meditation - 3/26/2000 The Circumcision of Jesus - 4/2/2000 Two Portraits of Righteousness - 4/30/2000 Simeon's Adoration of Christ - 5/14/2000 Simeon's Prophecy - 5/21/2000 Anna - 6/4/2000 The Young Jesus - 6/11/2000 Jesus' Mission Clear - 6/18/2000 The Lord's Growth In Wisdom - 7/2/2000 The Lord's Growth in Stature - 7/16/2000 Jesus' Growth in Favor - 7/23/2000 Jesus' Growth In Favor - 7/30/2000 John's Ministry - 8/20/2000 John's Message Of Repentance - 8/27/2000 The Fruits Of Repentance - 9/2/2000 John Answers The Multitude - 9/10/2000 Being Content - 9/24/2000 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - 10/1/2000 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - 10/29/2000 Herod's Imprisonment of John - 11/19/2000 The Baptism of Jesus - 11/26/2000 The Genealogy Of Christ - 12/10/2000 Jesus In The Wilderness - 1/14/2001 The First Temptation of Christ - 1/21/2001 Christ's Second Temptation - 1/28/2001 Christ's Third Temptation - 2/4/2001 Jesus Returns, Power of Spirit - 2/11/2001 Unbelief - 2/18/2001 Jesus' Power and Compassion - 3/4/2001 The Focus of Jesus' Mission - 3/11/2001 The Miraculous Catch - 3/25/2001 The Leper Healed - 4/1/2001 The Healing of the Paralytic - 4/8/2001 Levi's Conversion - 4/22/2001 The Physician Comes - 4/29/2001 Joy in Christ's Presence - 5/13/2001 We Must Be Made New - 5/20/2001 Jesus and The Sabbath - 5/27/2001 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath - 6/10/2001 The Twelve Chosen - 6/17/2001 Biographies of the Apostles - 6/24/2001 Popularity, Preaching, & Power - 7/1/2001 Blessings & Woes: Poor & Rich - 7/8/2001 Blessings & Woes - 7/15/2001 Weeping & Laughter - 7/22/2001 When Men Hate & Speak Well - 7/29/2001 Love Your Enemies - 8/5/2001 Judge Not - 8/12/2001 Can the Blind Lead the Blind? - 8/19/2001 The Speck and The Plank - 9/9/2001 A Tree is Known by It's Fruit - 10/7/2001 Out of The Heart - 10/14/2001 Why Do You Call Me Lord? - 10/21/2001 Solid or Faulty Foundation - 10/28/2001 The Centurion's Servant Healed - 11/11/2001 Jesus Raises The Widow's Son - 12/2/2001 John's Faith Shaken - 12/9/2001 The Commendation of John - 12/16/2001 Two Hearts Exposed - 1/6/2002 The Ministry of Jesus - 6/2/2002 The Gospel and the Heart - 6/9/2002 The Blessing of Obedience - 6/16/2002 The Calm in the Storm - 6/23/2002 A Man In His Right Mind - 6/30/2002 Luke 8:40-56 - 7/7/2002 Shaking the Dust - 7/14/2002 Who is this Jesus? - 7/21/2002 He Who Meets All Our Needs - 7/28/2002 The Son of God - 8/18/2002 Why the Christ Must Suffer - 8/25/2002 Take Up Your Cross - 9/8/2002 No Profit in the World - 9/15/2002 The Coming of the Kingdom - 10/6/2002 The Transfiguration of Christ - 10/13/2002 A Faithless Generation - 10/20/2002 Let These Words Sink - 11/3/2002 Pride - 11/10/2002 The Pride of Sectarianism - 11/17/2002 The Purpose of Christ's Coming - 12/1/2002 The Cost of Discipleship - 12/8/2002 The Cost of Discipleship - 12/9/2002 Sending Out the 70 - 12/15/2002 When the Kingdom is Near - 1/12/2003 Rejoice, Your Name is Written - 1/19/2003 Our Sovereign King - 1/26/2003 Our LORD's Authority - 2/2/2003 Our LORD's Sovereignty - 2/9/2003 Testing the LORD - 2/23/2003 The Neighborly Samaritan - 3/9/2003 Martha and Mary - 3/23/2003 A Survey of the LORD's Prayer - 3/30/2003 The LORD's Prayer - 4/27/2003 Hallowed Be Your Name - 5/4/2003 Your Kingdom Come - 5/11/2003 Your Will Be Done - 5/25/2003 Our Daily Bread - 6/1/2003 Forgive Us Our Sins - 6/9/2003 Deliver Us from Evil - 6/15/2003 Persistent Prayer - 7/6/2003 Expectant Prayer - 7/13/2003 The Gift of the Holy Spirit - 7/20/2003 The Kingdom of God Upon You - 7/27/2003 Gathering or Scattering - 8/3/2003 A Warning Against Apostasy - 8/10/2003 Blessedness: Obedient Believer - 8/17/2003 The Sign of the Son of Man - 8/24/2003 The Lamp of the Body - 9/7/2003 Religious Externalism - 9/21/2003 Portrait of True Righteousness - 9/28/2003 The Danger of Spiritual Pride - 10/19/2003 Weighing Men Down with Burdens - 11/2/2003 The Rejection of God's Truth - 11/16/2003 Leaven and Hypocrisy - 12/7/2003 The Scourge of the Fear of Man - 12/15/2003 God's Love Casting Out Fear - 12/21/2003 Confessing Christ - 12/28/2003 The Unpardonable Sin - 1/4/2004 The Promised Aid of the Spirit - 1/11/2004 Beware of Covetousness - 1/18/2004 Losing the World and Your Soul - 2/8/2004 The Sin of Anxiety - 2/15/2004 Seeking God's Kingdom - 2/22/2004 Open Hands and Heavenly Hearts - 2/29/2004 Being Ready - 3/7/2004 To Whom Much is Given - 4/18/2004 Fire and Water - 4/25/2004 The Division Brought By Jesus - 5/2/2004 Discerning the Times - 5/16/2004 Unless You Repent - 5/23/2004 The Necessity of Bearing Fruit - 5/30/2004 Woman, You Are Loosed! - 6/6/2004 The Kingdom of God - 6/13/2004 The Narrow Gate - 6/20/2004 The Necessity of the Cross - 6/27/2004 Pleading For Jerusalem - 7/4/2004 Jesus is LORD of the Sabbath - 7/18/2004 Self Exaltation Condemned - 8/1/2004 Self Denial & he Resurection - 8/8/2004 The Terms of Discipleship - 8/22/2004 This Man Receives Sinners - 8/29/2004 The Lost Son - 9/26/2004 The Prodigal Son - 10/10/2004 The Elder Brother - 10/24/2004 The Unjust Steward - 11/7/2004 The Stewardship of Money - 11/14/2004 One Can't Serve Two Master - 11/21/2004 Men's High Esteem - 12/5/2004 Pressing Into the Kingdom - 12/12/2004 Enduring Power of God's Law - 1/9/2005 Divorce and Remarriage - 1/18/2005 The Terrors of Hell - 1/30/2005 Beyond the Grave - 2/13/2005 The Reality of Hell - 2/20/2005 The Glories of Heaven - 2/27/2005 Eternity & the Believer - 3/6/2005 A Dreadful Woe - 3/13/2005 Forgiveness - 3/20/2005 Unprofitable Servants - 4/10/2005 A Thankful Spirit - 4/17/2005 Kingdom of God is Within You - 4/24/2005 Suffering Before Glory - 5/8/2005 So Shall The Coming Of The Son - 5/22/2005 Prayer And The Coming - 5/29/2005 Self-Righteousness and Hatred - 6/5/2005 Entering Kingdom As Children - 6/26/2005 Rich Young Ruler - 7/3/2005 Nothing Impossible - 7/10/2005 True Discipleship Rewarded - 7/17/2005 The Cross - 7/31/2005 Jesus, Have Mercy On Me! - 8/7/2005 Zacchaeus, Pt.1 - 8/21/2005 Great Sinner and Great Savior - 8/28/2005 Parable Of The Ten Minas - 10/2/2005 The Triumphal Entry - 10/9/2005 The Broken-Hearted Savior - 10/16/2005 The Cleansing of the Temple - 10/30/2005 Parable of Rejection - 11/13/2005 Render to God - 11/27/2005 The Sadducees and Resurrection - 12/4/2005 Whom Did Jesus Say That He Was - 12/11/2005 Beware of the Scribes - 12/18/2005 The widows generosity - 1/8/2006 Temple's Destruction Predicted - 1/22/2006 Revelations, Counsels Of Jesus - 1/29/2006 The Destruction of Jerusalem - 2/5/2006 The Destruction of Jerusalem - 2/12/2006 Plot To Kill Jesus - 4/23/2006 Jesus' Passion For Passover - 4/30/2006 Exposition on Lord's Supper - 5/7/2006 God Sovereign, Man Responsible - 5/14/2006 Kingdom Math - 5/21/2006 The Disciples Commended - 5/28/2006 When Satan Sifts, Jesus Prays - 6/4/2006 Peter's Denial Foretold - 6/18/2006 Looking to God in the Ordinary - 6/25/2006 Watch and Pray - 7/9/2006 What Was In The Cup? - 7/23/2006 The Agony of Jesus - 8/6/2006 Rise and Pray - 8/27/2006 Betrayed With A Kiss - 9/3/2006 Jesus Betrayed and Abandoned - 9/17/2006 Peter's Denial - 9/24/2006 Applications: Peter's Denial - 10/1/2006 Jesus-Tried and Triumphant! - 10/8/2006 Suffered Under Pontius Pilate - 10/15/2006 Jesus Condemned By Pilate - 10/29/2006 Two Striking Encounters - 11/5/2006 The FIrst Word From the Cross - 11/12/2006 Jesus, King of the Jews - 11/26/2006 The second word from the Cross - 12/10/2006 Lessons From Two Dying Men - 12/17/2006 The Third Word From the Cross - 12/24/2006 The Cry of Abandonment - 1/7/2007 The Seventh Word On the Cross - 2/4/2007 The Veil Torn In Two - 2/18/2007 What Happened when Jesus died? - 2/25/2007 What Happened when Jesus died? - 3/4/2007 What happened when Jesus died? - 3/11/2007 The Burial of Jesus - 5/13/2007 The Women and the Open Tomb - 5/20/2007 Do you believe God? - 6/24/2007 A Message for Peter - 7/1/2007 Jesus Appears to the Travelers - 7/8/2007 The Christian's Affections - 8/2/2007 Jesus in the Old Testament - 8/19/2007 The Disciple's Burning Hearts - 8/26/2007 Be Joyful and Believe - 9/30/2007 Jesus Opens Our Understanding - 10/7/2007 Only Message The Church Needs - 10/14/2007 Our Lord's Ascension - 11/4/2007 Highlights Of Luke - 11/11/2007
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