Speaker: Prof. Brian Huizinga
1,012 sermons
Our True Joshua I. Type II. Reality III. Confession Scripture: Joshua 5:13-6:2, 14:1, Hebrews 2:9-11, 4:1-11 Text: L.D. 11
>The Necessity of Good Works - 10/2/2011 True Conversion - 10/9/2011 The Law of God - 10/16/2011 Image Making Forbidden - 10/23/2011 Our Use of God's Name - 10/30/2011 Swearing an Oath - 11/6/2011 Thou Shalt Not Steal - 12/18/2011 The Comfort of Being Christ's - 3/25/2012 Knowing Our Misery - 4/22/2012 The Truth of Our Depravity - 4/29/2012 Our Just God - 5/8/2012 Can We Escape? - 5/13/2012 The Mediator We Need - 5/20/2012 Our Spirit-Worked Faith - 5/27/2012 Our Doctrine of the Trinity - 6/10/2012 The Fatherhood of God - 6/17/2012 Jesus: The Only Savior - 7/1/2012 Believing Jesus is the Christ - 7/8/2012 Believing Jesus Christ is God - 7/22/2012 The Sufferings of Jesus - 8/26/2012 Our Incarnate Savior - 8/27/2012 The Death of the Son of God - 9/16/2012 The Resurrection of Our Lord - 9/23/2012 Jesus' Ascension for Us - 9/30/2012 Assured by God's Spirit in Us - 11/4/2012 The Communion of Saints - 11/11/2012 Our Future Resurrection - 11/25/2012 Righteous Before God - 12/2/2012 Works and Our Righteousness - 12/16/2012 Our Sacrament of Baptism - 12/30/2012 Giving Covenant Children the S - 1/13/2013 Assured by the Lord's Supper - 1/20/2013 Eating and Drinking Christ - 1/27/2013 Properly Observing the Supper - 2/3/2013 Christ's Keys - 2/10/2013 Commanded to Do Good Works - 3/11/2013 Conversion to God - 3/24/2013 Proper Worship of God - 4/22/2013 Taking His Name in Vain - 4/28/2013 Our Vow Before God - 5/5/2013 Observing the Sabbath - 5/12/2013 Command Concerning Authority - 5/26/2013 Loving Our Neighbor - 6/2/2013 Adultery Forbidden - 6/9/2013 Stealing No More - 6/16/2013 Bearing False Witness - 6/23/2013 Thou Shalt Not Covet - 7/7/2013 Our Praying to the Lord - 7/21/2013 The Our Father - 7/28/2013 Praying God's Name be Hallowed - 8/25/2013 Praying for the Kingdom - 9/1/2013 The Will of the Lord Be Done - 9/8/2013 Give Us Our Daily Bread - 9/29/2013 Our Plea for Mercy - 10/6/2013 A Prayer for Power Over Evil - 10/13/2013 Never Alone - 10/27/2013 What the Law Says - 11/3/2013 In His Image - 11/10/2013 Jehovah's Perfect Justice - 11/17/2013 Full Satisfaction Required - 11/24/2013 The Gospel of the Mediator - 12/1/2013 God's Gift of Faith - 12/22/2013 Faith in God Triune - 12/29/2013 Our Almighty Father - 1/5/2014 Believing Divine Providence - 1/26/2014 Jesus Our Savior - 2/2/2014 Faith in Christ - 2/9/2014 Calling Him our Lord - 2/16/2014 The Son of God Made Flesh - 2/23/2014 Suffered Under Pontius Pilate - 3/2/2014 Our Mediator's Death - 3/9/2014 The Power of His Resurrection - 3/16/2014 Christ's Ascension into Heaven - 3/23/2014 Christ's Return to Judge - 5/4/2014 In Comfort of the Holy Ghost - 5/11/2014 The Church of Jesus Christ - 5/25/2014 The Confidence for the Future - 6/1/2014 Righteous in Christ - 6/29/2014 No, Not of Works! - 7/27/2014 The Means of Our Salvation - 8/17/2014 Holy Baptism - 8/31/2014 Infants Also - 9/8/2014 The Holy Supper of Our Lord - 9/14/2014 Christs Presence in the Supper - 10/5/2014 Proper Partakers - 10/12/2014 The Supper's Testimony to Us - 10/19/2014 Christian Discipline - 11/2/2014 Others Gained to Christ - 11/16/2014 Conversion unto Good Works - 11/23/2014 Our Rule of Gratitude - 11/30/2014 Having One God: Jehovah - 12/7/2014 Worship Pleasing to God - 12/14/2014 Honoring the Excellent Name - 12/28/2014 Office Bearers Loyalty - 1/4/2015 Observing the Day of Rest - 1/11/2015 Honoring Father and Mother - 1/25/2015 The Commandment Honoring Life - 2/1/2015 Keeping Our Vessel Chaste - 2/22/2015 The Commandment Against Theft - 3/1/2015 All Falsehood Forbidden - 3/8/2015 The Commandments Preached - 3/15/2015 Coming to God - 3/22/2015 Praying to Our Father - 3/29/2015 Pray the Lord's Name Blessed - 5/3/2015 Praying for the Kingdom - 5/10/2015 Praying God's Will be Done - 5/17/2015 Praying for our Staff - 6/1/2015 Praying for Forgiveness - 6/7/2015 Praying for Preservation - 6/21/2015 My Only Comfort: In Christ - 6/28/2015 Knowing Our Sin - 7/5/2015 The Fall of Man - 7/12/2015 God's Just Judgments - 7/26/2015 Deliverance thru Satisfaction - 8/2/2015 Our Mediator Revealed - 8/30/2015 True Saving Faith - 9/6/2015 Believing in the Triune God - 9/13/2015 Creator of the Earth - 9/20/2015 Faith in the God of Providence - 9/28/2015 Believing in Jesus - 10/4/2015 Jesus Who is Called Christ - 10/11/2015 Called a Christian - 10/18/2015 The Son of God, Our Lord - 11/1/2015 His Holy Conception and Birth - 11/8/2015 Jesus Dead and Buried - 11/22/2015 Believing Jesus' Resurrection - 11/29/2015 Faith in Christ's Ascension - 12/6/2015 Seated at God's Right Hand - 12/13/2015 The Coming Day of Judgment - 1/10/2016 The Spirit Working in Us - 1/31/2016 God's Elect Church - 2/7/2016 Life in the Body of Christ - 2/14/2016 Our Bodily Resurrection - 2/21/2016 Justified by Faith of Christ - 2/28/2016 Works-Righteousness Rejected - 3/6/2016 The Means of the Lord - 3/27/2016 The Sacrament of Washing - 4/3/2016 Our Children in God's Covenant - 4/10/2016 Holy Communion - 4/17/2016 This is My Body - 4/24/2016 Coming to the Supper - 5/8/2016 The Kingdom's Keys - 5/22/2016 The Necessity of Good Works - 5/29/2016 The Bitter Conflict Within - 6/5/2016 The First Commandment of God - 7/3/2016 The Worship God Requires - 7/10/2016 No Profaning of God's Name - 7/24/2016 The Oath Of Confirmation - 7/31/2016 Commanded to Keep the Sabbath - 8/7/2016 Showing Honor to Parents - 8/21/2016 Called to Live Chastely - 9/4/2016 All Theft Forbidden - 9/18/2016 False Lips Forbidden - 9/25/2016 Praying God Hallow His Name - 11/13/2016 Praying God's Kingdom Come - 11/20/2016 Praying to Have No Will but.. - 11/27/2016 Our Prayer for Our Bodies - 12/4/2016 The Poor Sinners' Prayer - 12/18/2016 Our Comfort for Life and Death - 1/29/2017 Getting to the Heart of Sin - 2/5/2017 Disobedience of our Parents - 2/12/2017 Having no Objections with God - 2/19/2017 The Satisfaction of Divine.. - 2/26/2017 God's Deliverer for Us - 3/12/2017 Not All Saved - 3/19/2017 The Believer's Faith - 3/26/2017 Faith in the Divine Trinity - 4/2/2017 My God and My Father - 4/30/2017 The Reign of Jehovah - 5/7/2017 Our Savior Jesus - 5/14/2017 Confessing Jesus the Christ - 5/21/2017 Partakers of Christ's.. - 6/11/2017 Confessing our Lord's Deity - 6/25/2017 Believing Christ's Incarnation - 7/23/2017 Believing Christ's Suffering - 8/6/2017 The Benefits of Christ's Death - 8/13/2017 Jesus Raised the Third Day - 8/20/2017 Jesus Received Up - 8/27/2017 In Heaven at God's Right Hand - 9/3/2017 Before the Great White Throne - 9/10/2017 The Spirit of Sanctification - 9/17/2017 The Church of the Living God - 9/24/2017 Living for Salvation of Others - 10/1/2017 Believing our Resurrection - 10/8/2017 Believing the Life Everlasting - 10/22/2017 Justification by Faith Alone - 10/29/2017 Defend Justification by Faith - 11/5/2017 Faith Worked Through Preaching - 11/19/2017 A Blood-Sprinkled People - 12/10/2017 The Bread and Cup of the Lord - 12/24/2017 Communion Rightly Observed - 1/14/2018 Really Partaking of Christ - 1/21/2018 The Preaching Key - 1/28/2018 The Discipline Key - 2/4/2018 Doing Good Works - 2/11/2018 Our Daily Conversion - 2/18/2018 Our Guide for Thankfulness - 2/25/2018 Commanded to Seek Jehovah - 3/4/2018 Serving Jealous Jehovah - 3/25/2018 Cursing God Forbidden - 4/29/2018 The Lawful Oath - 5/6/2018 Remembering the Sabbath Day - 5/13/2018 Hearken to Father and Mother - 5/27/2018 Let Us Love One Another - 6/3/2018 Teaching Our Children Chastity - 8/12/2018 Loving Truth in our Dealings - 8/26/2018 A Perfect Heart Required - 9/9/2018 Learning Prayer - 9/16/2018 The Beginning of Our Prayer - 9/23/2018 Thou Art Worthy, O Lord - 9/30/2018 Praying for the Children - 10/7/2018 May Thy Will Be Done - 10/21/2018 Seeking the Lord for Victuals - 11/4/2018 Forgiveness in Marriage - 11/11/2018 Seeking Power Over Our Enemies - 11/20/2018 Saying "Amen" - 11/25/2018 Christ Our Covenant Head - 12/2/2018 The Believer's Only Comfort - 12/16/2018 Using God's Law in Evangelism - 1/13/2019 Transgressors From the Womb - 2/11/2019 Truly God is Good - 2/25/2019 Being Received Back Into Favor - 3/3/2019 Salvation Revealed - 3/17/2019 Saving Faith - 3/24/2019 In the Name of the Triune God - 3/31/2019 Our Father Creator - 4/7/2019 My Father's Hand - 5/5/2019 Our True Joshua - 5/12/2019 Jesus the Anointed of God - 5/19/2019 The Christ: Whose Son is He? - 5/26/2019 The Incarnation of God's Son - 6/2/2019 The Sorrows of the Savior - 6/30/2019 The Resurrection of Christ - 8/4/2019 The Work of the Holy Spirit - 9/22/2019 The Holy Catholic Church - 9/29/2019 Believer's Comfort for Life - 10/13/2019 The Profit of Believing - 10/27/2019 Justification by Faith Alone - 11/3/2019 Spirit Worked Faith - 11/17/2019 Assured by Baptism - 11/24/2019 Infant Baptism - 12/15/2019 Eating the Bread of Life - 1/26/2020 Admittance to the Supper - 2/9/2020 Why Must we do Good Works? - 2/23/2020 True Conversion - 3/8/2020 How I Love Thy Law - 3/15/2020 God and God Alone - 3/22/2020 Worshiping God as He Commands - 3/29/2020 Honoring God's Holy Name - 4/5/2020 Swearing and Performing Oaths - 4/12/2020 The Christian Sabbath - 4/19/2020 Honoring Authority - 4/26/2020 Loving My Neighbor - 5/3/2020 Fleeing Wickedness of Adultery - 5/10/2020 Stewards of Our Father's Goods - 5/24/2020 The Wise Use of Our Tongues - 6/7/2020 Thou Shalt Not Covet - 6/14/2020 Learning to Pray - 7/12/2020 The Beginning of Our Prayer - 8/30/2020 Praying: Thy Kingdom Come - 9/13/2020 Praying: Thy Will Be Done - 9/27/2020 Praying for Daily Bread - 10/4/2020 Praying for Forgiveness - 10/11/2020 The Doxology of Prayer - 10/25/2020 Declaring All of God's Counsel - 11/1/2020 Belonging to My Savior - 11/8/2020 Knowing My Sin by the Law - 11/15/2020 Man's Depravity - 11/22/2020 God's Just Punishment of Sin - 12/6/2020 Redemption thru Satisfaction - 12/13/2020 Our Mediator Jesus Christ - 12/20/2020 Faith in Jesus Christ - 1/10/2021 The Truth of the Trinity - 1/24/2021 God Our Father - 1/31/2021 The Providence of God - 2/14/2021 Jesus Our Savior - 2/21/2021 Christ, the Anointed One - 2/28/2021 The Son of God, our Lord - 3/21/2021 Made Like Unto His Brethren - 3/28/2021 Profit of Christ Resurrected - 4/4/2021 Jesus' Life of Suffering - 4/11/2021 The Death of Jesus Christ - 4/25/2021 Our Ascended Advocate - 5/9/2021 Christ's Second Coming - 5/16/2021 The Gift of the Spirit - 5/23/2021 The Church of Jesus Christ - 5/30/2021 The Believer's Glorification - 6/6/2021 Justification by Faith - 6/13/2021 Justification: Not by Works - 7/25/2021 The Reward of Grace - 8/15/2021 Careless Christians - 8/22/2021 Using the Means of Grace - 8/29/2021 The Gospel of Holy Baptism - 9/12/2021 Baptizing Covenant Infants - 9/19/2021 The Preaching Key - 11/15/2021 The Discipline Key - 11/21/2021 The Necessity of Good Works - 11/28/2021 True Conversion - 12/5/2021 Have Me as Your God - 12/19/2021 How We are to Worship God - 12/26/2021 Rightly Using God's Name - 1/9/2022 The Swearing of Oaths - 1/18/2022 Honoring Authorities - 1/30/2022 The Command Not to Kill - 2/20/2022 Turning Away from Adultery - 2/27/2022 Concerning Material Goods - 3/13/2022 Committed to the Truth - 3/20/2022 The Preaching of the Law - 3/27/2022 A Praying Life - 4/3/2022 Praying to Our Heavenly Father - 4/24/2022 Father, Glorify Thy Name - 5/1/2022 Praying for the Kingdom - 5/8/2022 Praying for Our Daily Bread - 5/22/2022 Forgive Us Our Debts - 5/29/2022 Prayer for Sanctification - 6/12/2022 Our Only Comfort - 7/10/2022 The Law as Our Schoolmaster - 7/10/2022 Looking to the Last Adam - 7/24/2022 The Righteous Judgment of God - 7/31/2022 Being Received into Favor - 8/21/2022 The Holy Gospel - 8/28/2022 Saving Faith - 9/4/2022 The Holy Trinity - 9/11/2022 Believing in God the Father - 9/18/2022 God's Providence (in Marriage) - 9/25/2022 Jesus: The Only Name - 10/23/2022 Christ: Our Only High Priest - 10/30/2022 Priesthood of Every Believer - 11/6/2022 Christ: Our Eternal King - 11/13/2022 Christ: Our Chief Prophet - 11/20/2022 The Son of God, Our Lord - 11/27/2022 Made Like Unto His Brethren - 12/4/2022 Jesus' Suffering - 12/11/2022 Christ's Saving Death - 12/25/2022 Not Left in the Grave - 1/22/2023 Expediency of Ascension - 2/12/2023 Our Priest-King - 2/19/2023 The Comforter Come unto Us - 3/12/2023 Loving Christ's Beloved Church - 3/19/2023 Christian's Desire to be - 3/26/2023 Simul Iustus et Peccator - 4/23/2023 Justification - Final Judgment - 4/30/2023 Spirit-Worked Faith - 5/7/2023 Admonished and Assured - 5/14/2023 Infant Baptism - 5/21/2023 Admonished and Assured - 5/28/2023 Eating the Bread of Life - 6/4/2023 Who May Come to the Table - 6/25/2023 Our Response - 7/2/2023 Necessity of Adding Fruits - 8/6/2023 Conversion: Returning unto... - 8/13/2023 Finding Satisfaction in God... - 8/20/2023 Worshipping God as He Demands - 9/3/2023 Honoring God's Name - 9/10/2023 Swearing and Keeping Oaths - 10/7/2023
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Prof. Brian Huizinga
Our True Joshua Heidelberg Catechism Hope Protestant Reformed
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