10/24/2021 Scripture: Deuteronomy 29:1-29 Text: Deuteronomy 29:29 Sermon: The Purposeful Nature of God's Revealed Will Points: I. The Receipt of His Revelation II. The Recipients of His Revelation III. The Reason for His Revelation
THE PURPOSEFUL AUTHORITY OF GOD'S WORD "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29 In keeping with Reformation Day, I thought I would teach on a passage that encapsulates the function and role of Biblical authority. One of the Five Solas of the Reformation is SCRIPTURE ALONE. All that we need to know about God and His will is revealed in His Word. Regarding things not revealed, the whys and wherefores of trials and troubles and the ultimate purpose of things, we are to leave in God's hand. This is how we are to understand His Almighty power and providential care: "That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who of nothing made heaven and earth with all that is in them, who likewise upholds, and governs them by His eternal counsel and providence, is for the sake of Christ, His Son, my God and my Father, in whom I so trust as to have no doubt that He will provide me with all things necessary for body and soul; and further, that whatever evil He sends upon me in this valley of tears, He will turn to my good; for He is able to do it, being Almighty God, and willing also, being a faithful Father." Answer 26 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |