Warren S. Smith | Phoenix, Arizona
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Speaker: Dr. James White
3,300 sermons
Pursue Peace and Holiness
>God Has Spoken (1/2) - 9/28/2008 God Has Spoken To Us (2/2) - 9/28/2008 The Supremacy of Christ - 2/22/2009 The Begotten Son - 3/29/2009 The Superiority of the Son - 3/29/2009 Warnings - 5/31/2009 Exaltation Through Humiliation - 5/31/2009 The Pioneer of Our Salvation - 7/26/2009 The Incarnation is Necessary - 7/26/2009 High Priest of Our Confession - 8/2/2009 A Call To Self Examination - 8/2/2009 Do Not Harden Your Hearts - 11/29/2009 Jesus Our Great High Priest 1 - 12/27/2009 Jesus Our Great High Priest 2 - 12/27/2009 The Perfect High Priest - 1/24/2010 Growing In Christian Maturity - 1/24/2010 Impossible to Renew - 3/28/2010 Warning of Denouncing Christ - 3/28/2010 Assurance and Hope - 5/23/2010 God's Unchanging Purpose - 5/23/2010 Melchizedek - Priest & King - 6/27/2010 Christ, A Priest Forever - 6/27/2010 The Law of Atonement - 7/11/2010 Christ's Perfect Intercession - 7/11/2010 Trinitarian Intercession - 7/18/2010 Christ Our Pure High Priest - 7/18/2010 A More Excellent Ministry - 8/15/2010 Christ, Our One Mediator - 8/15/2010 Hebrews 8 and 17 Points - 12/26/2010 God of the Covenants - 12/26/2010 The Shadow of the Old - 2/27/2011 The Perfect Offering of Christ - 2/27/2011 The Centrality of Christ - 3/27/2011 The Blood & The Covenant - 3/27/2011 He Entered Into Heaven Itself - 4/24/2011 Once For All Time - 7/31/2011 The Law, A Shadow Not The Form - 7/31/2011 Christ's Active Obedience - 8/7/2011 One Finished Sacrifice For Sin - 8/7/2011 The Testimony Of The Spirit - 8/28/2011 Where There Is Forgiveness - 8/28/2011 Therefore - 10/2/2011 The New & Living Way - 10/2/2011 Let Us Draw Near - 11/27/2011 Don't Neglect Meeting Together - 11/27/2011 If We Go On Sinning Willfully - 1/29/2012 By Which He Was Sanctified - 1/29/2012 The LORD Promises Vengeance - 4/29/2012 The Enduring Of The Saints - 4/29/2012 What Is True Faith? - 11/25/2012 Assurance Of Things Hoped For - 11/25/2012 By Faith - 12/30/2012 Men Of Faith: Abel & Enoch - 3/3/2013 Exemplars Of Faith: Noah - 3/3/2013 By Faith, Abraham - 4/28/2013 Strangers & Exiles - 4/28/2013 The Offering of Isaac Part 1 - 5/26/2013 The Offering of Isaac Part 2 - 5/26/2013 The God Of The Pilgrim - 6/30/2013 Being Pilgrims In The Land - 6/30/2013 Faith Of The Patriarchs - 8/4/2013 Faith Of The People Of God - 8/4/2013 So Great A Cloud Of Witnesses - 8/11/2013 Run With Endurance The Race - 8/11/2013 Author & Perfector Of Faith - 9/22/2013 For The Joy Set Before Him - 9/22/2013 Do Not Grow Weary - 11/17/2013 The Discipline Of The Lord - 11/17/2013 God Disciplines His Children - 3/30/2014 God Disciplines His Children 2 - 3/30/2014 The Fruit of Righteousness - 5/11/2014 Pursue Peace and Holiness - 5/11/2014 Sinai and Zion - 6/1/2014 Our God Is A Consuming Fire - 6/1/2014 Remember Those That Are Bound - 6/22/2014 Let Marriage Be Held In Honor - 6/22/2014 Christian Contentment - 7/20/2014 The Fruit of Lips Confessing - 7/20/2014 Obey Your Leaders - 7/27/2014 Act Honorably In All Things - 7/27/2014
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Dorothy P. Myers (6/28/2014)from Covington, Georgia
Necessary and timely Sermon! Holiness is brought about by daily sanctification, which is only achieved by studying, and obeying the Word of GOD. Our understanding may be limited, but the Holy Spirit has been given to enlighten us as to the meaning of The Word, and how to apply it to our life. Enjoyed the message. Thanks. dpm
James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a professor, having taught Greek, New Testament Textual Criticism, Church history, and various topics in the field of apologetics. He has authored or...
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