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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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Stephen Nutter
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The Redeeming Love of Christ
5/11/2014 (SUN)
  |  Bible: 1 John 3:16
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
The Redeeming Love of Christ

1 John 3:16
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
The Redeeming Love of Christ

Providence Reformed Baptist
Sunday - AM
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Ian Migala (5/13/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
e. That you know Christ’s redeeming love should make you want to know greater depths of that love [41:05]. Paul was in Ephesus for three years, more than for any other church, yet he pleaded that they know love that surpasses knowledge. f. That we are redeemed by Christ’s love should awaken love for your Christian brethren [42:20]. EPHESIANS 5:2 – it is the same pleasing fragrance to God that Christ’s sacrifice for us was. 2. A WORD OF INVITATION [44:10]. Consider what your sins deserve and look to the cross. God loves sinners, not the self-righteous, so don’t count on any of your self-perceived merits because there aren’t any worth salvation.

Ian Migala (5/13/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
V. ITS KNOWABILITY [29:45]. It is experiential. You can ask for no greater proof of Christ’s love than His sacrifice for you. He did it in history and put His spirit in us; His love for us is not an abstraction. The verb translated ‘to know’ emphasizes experiential knowledge (MATTHEW 1:25, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:16, JOHN 6:69, and our present text). Seventeen times in this epistle, John uses ‘know’ to emphasize the certainties of the Christian life. EPHESIANS 3:19 – Paul prays for love that surpasses knowledge. CONCLUDING APPLICATIONS. 1. WORDS OF EXHORTATION. a. That you are redeemed by divine love should move you to profound wonder [37:00]. Remember who you are and what you deserve. b. That you are redeemed by such costly love should excite a desire to return that love [37:20]. We love Him because He first loved us (1 JOHN 4:19). How much does that novel love of salvation burn now? c. That you are redeemed by such specific love should move you to deep humility [38:55]. We should often asked, “Lord, why did you save me?” d. That you are redeemed by effectual love should move you to profound assurance of your spiritual safe-keeping [40:05]. We are predestined to be conformed to the image of the One who loved us.

Ian Migala (5/13/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
B. A SACRIFICE OF INFINITE VALUE IS REQUIRED TO ATONE FOR MEN’S SIN [13:05]. What kind of sacrifice can atone for this magnitude of sin? It must be HUMAN, as it must suffer and die; so it can’t be an angel. It must be SINLESS, as something fallen requires a savior. And it must be INFINITE, as the elect are practically countless. The only one to satisfy these requirements is the God-man Jesus Christ. C. APPLICATION [17:50]. Right here we are confronted with the biblical foundation of true self-esteem. It rests on three things: 1. The created dignity as image-bearers of God; not even the angels have this. 2. Lamentation of our wretched condition due to sin. 3. The realization of our worth to God as sinners redeemed in His blood. III. ITS SPECIFICITY [21:45] (1 JOHN 2:2, JOHN 10:11, 15). Who are Christ’s sheep? Us, as explained in JOHN 6:39, EPHESIANS 1:4, JOHN 10:10, 11, and in our present text. Understand, brethren, that Christ’s sheep are not born better people than those who are not His sheep. IV. ITS EFFECTUALNESS [25:05]. It is not just a feeling. Jesus’ death is a saving death. We are not just saved potentially, but actually (JOHN 10:14-15, 27-28). Once the Father gave us to Him, He held us for keeps. He never casts one out after He calls him.

Ian Migala (5/13/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
[Starting at 1:45 of the audio] 1 JOHN 3:16 tells us a few things about Christ’s redeeming love: its divine author, its costliness (His life), its special object (His elect), its effectiveness (atonement), and its knowability (as a by-product of its effectiveness). We will examine these five aspects in detail. I. ITS DIVINE LOVE [4:55]. A. CHRIST’S DIVINE LOVE IS ALL-KNOWING. Despite everything He knows about us, He died for us. He knew us before the foundations were laid, He knew us when we were in the womb; He knew all the sins we would commit against Him, both before and after our calling, including our sins against the light we had after salvation. B. FURTHER, CHRIST’S DIVINE LOVE IS ALL-POWERFUL [8:30]. He never flinched in His Passion. Consider what it has done for us in light of what we deserve and what we still face here on earth: “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” (COLOSSIANS 3:3). II. ITS COSTLINESS [11:25]. It cost His life. Love gives its best; some have said that it gives until it hurts. A. A HIGHER PRICE WAS NEVER PAID THAN THAT PAID BY CHRIST TO PURCHASE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SIN. The most precious metals cannot redeem us.

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