Neil C. Stewart | Columbia, South Carolina
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Speaker: Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas
1,767 sermons
Daily Devotionals - Episode 33 - Patient in Tribulation
>Daily Devotionals - Episode 1 - 3/16/2020 I Put My Trust in You - 3/17/2020 God the Rock - 3/18/2020 Shall Not Prevail - 3/19/2020 Arrow Prayers - 3/20/2020 A Strong Tower - 3/23/2020 Shelter In Place - 3/24/2020 Satan Also Came - 3/25/2020 He Works All Things - 3/26/2020 The Return of Dunlap - 3/27/2020 Waiting Upon the Lord - 3/30/2020 Obeying the Authorities - 3/31/2020 A Highway Back Home - 4/1/2020 The Grass Withers - 4/2/2020 Meeting Rev. Maxcy - 4/3/2020 Prayer Instead of Panic - 4/6/2020 The Last Days - 4/7/2020 Giving Jesus the Best - 4/8/2020 The Passover Lamb - 4/9/2020 An Encounter with Christ - 4/10/2020 When We Are Weak - 4/13/2020 A Study in Contrast - 4/14/2020 A Matter of Life and Death - 4/15/2020 Losing Heart - 4/16/2020 The Return of Dr Howe - 4/17/2020 Should We Not Be Anxious - 4/20/2020 Are They Worse - 4/21/2020 Who Is Worthy - 4/22/2020 Great Faith - 4/23/2020 And Along Came Palmer - 4/24/2020 Love Is Patient - 4/27/2020 Patience Is a Virtue - 4/28/2020 Patient in Tribulation - 4/29/2020 Let Us Not Grow Weary - 4/30/2020 The Honorable de Saussure - 5/1/2020 Meeting Together - 5/4/2020 With A Holy Kiss - 5/5/2020 Corporate Worship - 5/6/2020 The Lord's Supper - 5/7/2020 De Saussure Returns - 5/8/2020 How Majestic is Your Name - 5/11/2020 A Mighty Fortress - 5/12/2020 Who Would True Valour See - 5/13/2020 The Father's Gentle Love - 5/14/2020 Catherine McGregor MacFie - 5/15/2020 The Five Cs - 5/18/2020 Delight in The Lord - 5/19/2020 Hope in God - 5/20/2020 But God - 5/21/2020 William Law - 5/22/2020 Who the Son Sets Free - 5/25/2020 God's Promise to Abraham - 5/26/2020 Daily Devotionals - Episode.. - 5/27/2020 Extraordinary Faith - 5/28/2020 Joseph Wilson - 5/29/2020 Way of Refuge - 6/1/2020 A Morning Psalm - 6/2/2020 Daily Devotionals - Episode.. - 6/3/2020 Give Ear to My Words - 6/4/2020 William Law - 6/5/2020 How Long - 6/8/2020 Daily Devotionals - Episode.. - 6/9/2020 Of God and Man - 6/10/2020 Four Things - 6/11/2020 John Calvert - 6/15/2020 The Lord Is King - 6/15/2020 In the Lord I Take Refuge - 6/16/2020 Pure Words - 6/17/2020 Steadfast Love - 6/18/2020 Ann Pamela Cuningham - 6/19/2020 Something Not Nothing - 6/22/2020 Faith That Is Never Alone - 6/23/2020 Pleasant Places - 6/24/2020 Take It to the Lord - 6/25/2020 Franklin Elmore - 6/26/2020 The Lord Lives - 6/29/2020 The Heavens Declare His Glory - 6/30/2020 The Day of Trouble - 7/1/2020 Exalt the Lord - 7/2/2020 Mr. Robert Mills - 7/3/2020 The Cost of Redemption - 7/6/2020 God Is Our Shepherd - 7/7/2020 Who Shall Ascend - 7/8/2020 Does God Forget - 7/9/2020 Jonathan Maxcy - 7/10/2020 Let Us Worship! - 7/13/2020 Seek the Lord - 7/14/2020 He Cares for His People - 7/15/2020 Holiness in the Storm - 7/16/2020 Howe's House - 7/17/2020 Joy Comes in the Morning - 7/20/2020 The End of Your Tether - 7/21/2020 The Joy of Forgiveness - 7/22/2020 Waiting for the Lord - 7/23/2020 Mr. Abraham Nott - 7/24/2020 God's Deliverance - 7/27/2020 A Soldier's Psalm - 7/28/2020 God's Covenant Love - 7/29/2020 What to Do About Evildoers - 7/30/2020 Mr. John Hooker - 7/31/2020 Psalm for the Outcast - 8/3/2020 That I May Smile Again - 8/4/2020 I Waited for the LORD - 8/5/2020 A Psalm That Sings the Blues - 8/6/2020 Rev. Samuel Smith - 8/7/2020 Daily Devotionals - Episode.. - 8/10/2020 Why Are You Cast Down - 8/11/2020 The Lord Is in Control - 8/12/2020 Depiction of A King - 8/13/2020 Mr. Richard Bryan - 8/14/2020 Be Still - 8/17/2020 God Is King - 8/18/2020 The City of Our God - 8/19/2020 An Evangelistic Psalm - 8/20/2020 Mr. Ainsley Hall - 8/21/2020 The Mighty One - 8/24/2020 Restoring Joy - 8/25/2020 The Love of God Endures - 8/26/2020 Salvation Out of Zion - 8/27/2020 Mary Hillegas - 8/28/2020 Deliverance in Prayer - 8/31/2020 Cast Your Burdens on the Lord - 9/1/2020 I Will Put My Trust in You - 9/2/2020 Take Refuge - 9/3/2020 Robert Latta - 9/4/2020 Break Their Teeth - 9/7/2020 Turn to the Lord - 9/8/2020 Called Back to Prayer - 9/9/2020 A Strong Tower - 9/10/2020 Gen. Adley Gladden - 9/11/2020 My God - 9/14/2020 Better Than Life - 9/15/2020 Measure for Measure - 9/16/2020 Overflow and Abundance - 9/17/2020 Gen. Adley Gladden Returns - 9/18/2020 Consider God's Plan - 9/21/2020 The Missions Psalm - 9/22/2020 A Victory Parade - 9/23/2020 Of Our Savior - 9/24/2020 Capt. William Byrd Stanley - 9/25/2020 Do Not Delay - 9/28/2020 Before You Were Born - 9/29/2020 King Jesus - 9/30/2020 A Nevertheless Moment - 10/1/2020 Dr. Samuel Fair - 10/2/2020 Looking to God for Relief - 10/5/2020 Certain of Stability - 10/6/2020 You Are to Be Feared - 10/7/2020 God Is Holy - 10/8/2020 William Desaussure - 10/9/2020 Pass on the Torch - 10/12/2020 Plead Before the Lord - 10/13/2020 God of Hosts - 10/14/2020 Listen - 10/15/2020 Andrew Crawford - 10/16/2020 Idols Will Fall - 10/19/2020 A Prayer for Our Enemies - 10/20/2020 Even the Sparrow - 10/21/2020 Prayer for Revival - 10/22/2020 Andrew Crawford Returns - 10/23/2020 Because - 10/26/2020 A Plan And Purpose - 10/27/2020 A Psalm of Gloom - 10/28/2020 God Keeps His Promises - 10/29/2020 James Thomas Douglas - 10/30/2020 The Beauty of the Lord - 11/2/2020 Refuge Under His Wings - 11/3/2020 A Worshipful Psalm - 11/4/2020 The Throne Above the Tumult - 11/5/2020 Daily Devotional - Episode.. - 11/6/2020 God of Vengeance - 11/9/2020 O Come - 11/10/2020 A Call to Worship - 11/11/2020 The Lord Reigns - 11/12/2020 Joseph Walker - 11/13/2020 Oh Sing to The Lord - 11/16/2020 Holy Is He! - 11/17/2020 Enter His Gates - 11/18/2020 Good Goals - 11/19/2020 For Times of Suffering - 11/23/2020 Praise My Soul - 11/24/2020 O Worship the King - 11/25/2020 He Remembers His Covenant - 11/26/2020 A Cry for Rescue - 11/30/2020 Love and Unbreakable Promises - 12/1/2020 Focus on the Positive - 12/2/2020 A Psalm of Rage - 12/3/2020 Richard Sondley - 12/4/2020 King, Priest, Warrior - 12/7/2020 About God - 12/8/2020 About Man - 12/9/2020 God Knows Our Deepest Woes - 12/10/2020 God Delivers His People - 12/14/2020 Not to Us, But to You - 12/15/2020 Through Trial - 12/16/2020 Daily Devotionals - Episode.. - 12/17/2020 Final Fun Friday - 12/18/2020 The Lord's Doing - 12/21/2020 Aleph - 12/22/2020 Beth - 12/23/2020 Gimel - 12/24/2020 Daleth - 12/28/2020 He - 12/29/2020 Waw - 12/30/2020 Zayin - 12/31/2020 Heth - 1/4/2021 Teth - 1/5/2021 Yodh - 1/6/2021 Kaph - 1/7/2021 Lamedh - 1/11/2021 Mem - 1/12/2021 Nun - 1/13/2021 Samekh - 1/14/2021 Ayin - 1/18/2021 Pe - 1/19/2021 Tsadhe - 1/20/2021 Qoph - 1/21/2021 Resh - 1/25/2021 Sin and Shin - 1/26/2021 Taw - 1/27/2021 Deliver Me - 1/28/2021 He Who Keeps You - 2/1/2021 It's Good to Be Home - 2/2/2021 Have Mercy Upon Us! - 2/3/2021 On Our Side - 2/4/2021 Like Mount Zion - 2/8/2021 Shouts of Joy - 2/9/2021 Thinking of Home - 2/10/2021 Reverent Fear - 2/11/2021 From Suffering to Life - 2/15/2021 My Soul Waits - 2/16/2021 I Am Content - 2/17/2021 Remember - 2/18/2021 Dwell in Unity - 2/22/2021 Collective Worship - 2/23/2021 Praise the Lord - 2/24/2021 History of Redemption - 2/25/2021 Victim of Injustice - 3/1/2021 A Fulfilled Purpose - 3/2/2021 Fully Known - 3/3/2021 Seeking Justice - 3/4/2021 A Psalm of Consecration - 3/8/2021 Value of Prayer - 3/9/2021 My Spirit Fails - 3/10/2021 Triumph of God's Church - 3/11/2021 Declare His Works - 3/15/2021 Contemplating Death - 3/16/2021 Praise Your God - 3/17/2021 Continual Praise - 3/18/2021 Adorned with Salvation - 3/22/2021 Wholehearted Worship - 3/23/2021 Isaiah 1:1-9 - 3/24/2021 Isaiah 1:10-20 - 3/25/2021 Isaiah 1:21-26 - 3/29/2021 Isaiah 1:27-31 - 3/30/2021 Isaiah 2:1-4 - 3/31/2021 Isaiah 2:5-21 - 4/1/2021 Isaiah 3:1-7 - 4/5/2021 Isaiah 3:8-15 - 4/6/2021 Isaiah 3:16-4:1 - 4/7/2021 Isaiah 4:2-6 - 4/8/2021 Isaiah 5:1-7 - 4/12/2021 Isaiah 5:8-30 - 4/13/2021 Isaiah 6:1-4 - 4/14/2021 Isaiah 6:5-13 - 4/15/2021 Isaiah 7:1-9 - 4/19/2021 Isaiah 7:10-24 - 4/20/2021 Isaiah 8:1-8 - 4/21/2021 Isaiah 8:9-10 - 4/22/2021 Isaiah 9:1-7 - 4/26/2021 Isaiah 9:8-10:4 - 4/27/2021 Isaiah 10:5-34 - 4/28/2021 Isaiah 11:1-9 - 4/29/2021 Isaiah 11:10-16 - 5/3/2021 Isaiah 12 - 5/4/2021 Isaiah 13 - 5/5/2021 Isaiah 14 - 5/6/2021 Isaiah 14:24-32 - 5/10/2021 Isaiah 15-16 - 5/11/2021 Isaiah 17:1-11 - 5/12/2021 Isaiah 17:12-18:7 - 5/13/2021 Isaiah 19 - 5/17/2021 Isaiah 20 - 5/18/2021 Isaiah 21 - 5/19/2021 Isaiah 22 - 5/20/2021 Isaiah 23 - 5/24/2021 Isaiah 24 - 5/25/2021 Isaiah 25 - 5/26/2021 Isaiah 26 - 5/27/2021 Isaiah 27 - 5/31/2021 Isaiah 28 - 6/1/2021 Isaiah 29 - 6/2/2021 Isaiah 19:13-24 - 6/3/2021 Isaiah 30 - 6/7/2021 Isaiah 31:1-32:8 - 6/8/2021 Isaiah 32:9-20 - 6/9/2021 Isaiah 33 - 6/10/2021 Isaiah 34 - 6/14/2021 Isaiah 35 - 6/15/2021 Isaiah 36 - 6/16/2021 Isaiah 37 - 6/17/2021 Isaiah 38 - 6/21/2021 Isaiah 39 - 6/22/2021 Isaiah 40:1-11 - 6/23/2021 Isaiah 40:12-31 - 6/24/2021 Isaiah 41:1-7 - 6/28/2021 Isaiah 41:8-20 - 6/29/2021 Isaiah 41:21-29 - 6/30/2021 Isaiah 42:1-4 - 7/1/2021 Isaiah 42:5-17 - 7/5/2021 Isaiah 42:18-25 - 7/6/2021 Isaiah 43:1-4 - 7/7/2021 Isaiah 43:5-17 - 7/8/2021 Isaiah 43:17-28 - 7/12/2021 Isaiah 44:1-4 - 7/13/2021 Isaiah 44-5:23 - 7/14/2021 Isaiah 44:24-28 - 7/15/2021 Isaiah 45:1-6 - 7/19/2021 Isaiah 45:7-13 - 7/20/2021 Isaiah 45:14-19 - 7/21/2021 Isaiah 45:20-25 - 7/22/2021 Isaiah 46:1-2 - 7/26/2021 Isaiah 46:3-5 - 7/27/2021 Isaiah 46:6-11 - 7/28/2021 Isaiah 46:12-13 - 7/29/2021 Isaiah 47:1-3 - 8/2/2021 Isaiah 47:4 - 8/3/2021 Isaiah 47:5-11 - 8/4/2021 Isaiah 47:12-15 - 8/5/2021 Isaiah 48:1-2 - 8/9/2021 Isaiah 48:3-8 - 8/10/2021 Isaiah 48:9-11 - 8/11/2021 Isaiah 48:12-22 - 8/12/2021 Isaiah 49:1-3 - 8/16/2021 Isaiah 49:4 - 8/17/2021 Isaiah 49:5-6 - 8/18/2021 Isaiah 49:7 - 8/19/2021 Isaiah 49:8-12 - 8/23/2021 Isaiah 49:14-21 - 8/24/2021 Isaiah 49:22-26 - 8/25/2021 Isaiah 50:1-3 - 8/26/2021 Isaiah 50:4 - 8/30/2021 Isaiah 50:5-6 - 8/31/2021 Isaiah 50:7-11 - 9/1/2021 Isaiah 50:11 - 9/2/2021 Isaiah 51:1-3 - 9/6/2021 Isaiah 51:4-6 - 9/7/2021 Isaiah 51:7-8 - 9/8/2021 Isaiah 51:9-11 - 9/9/2021 Isaiah 51:12-16 - 9/13/2021 Isaiah 51:17-23 - 9/14/2021 Isaiah 52:1-6 - 9/15/2021 Isaiah 52:7 - 9/16/2021 Isaiah 52:8-10 - 9/20/2021 Isaiah 52:11-12 - 9/21/2021 Isaiah 53:13-15 - 9/22/2021 Isaiah 53:1-3 - 9/23/2021 Isaiah 53:4-6 - 9/27/2021 Isaiah 53:7-9 - 9/28/2021 Isaiah 53:10-12 - 9/29/2021 Isaiah 53:12 - 9/30/2021 Isaiah 54:1-3 - 10/4/2021 Isaiah 54:4-8 - 10/5/2021 Isaiah 54:9-10 - 10/6/2021 Isaiah 54:11-14 - 10/7/2021 Isaiah 54:15-17 - 10/11/2021 Isaiah 55:1-3 - 10/12/2021 Isaiah 55:4-5 - 10/13/2021 Isaiah 55:6-7 - 10/14/2021 Isaiah 55:8-9 - 10/18/2021 Isaiah 55:10-11 - 10/19/2021 Isaiah 55:12-13 - 10/20/2021 Isaiah 56:1 - 10/21/2021 Isaiah 56:1-8 - 10/25/2021 Isaiah 56:9-57:21 - 10/26/2021 Isaiah 58 - 10/27/2021 Isaiah 59:1-13 - 10/28/2021 Isaiah 59:14-20 - 11/1/2021 Isaiah 59:21 - 11/2/2021 Isaiah 60 - 11/3/2021 Isaiah 61:1-3 - 11/4/2021 Isaiah 61:4-7 - 11/8/2021 Isaiah 61:8-9 - 11/9/2021 Isaiah 61:10-11 - 11/10/2021 Isaiah 62:1-4 - 11/11/2021 Isaiah 62:5-7 - 11/15/2021 Isaiah 62:8-12 - 11/16/2021 Isaiah 63:1-6 - 11/17/2021 Isaiah 63:7-14 - 11/18/2021 Isaiah 63:15-19 - 11/22/2021 Isaiah 64:1-5a - 11/23/2021 Isaiah 64:5b-12 - 11/24/2021 Isaiah 65:1-7 - 11/25/2021 Isaiah 65:8-12 - 11/29/2021 Isaiah 65:13-16 - 11/30/2021 Isaiah 65:17-25 - 12/1/2021 Isaiah 66 - 12/2/2021 Revelation 1:1-3 - 12/6/2021 Revelation 1:4-8 - 12/7/2021 Revelation 1:9-11 - 12/8/2021 Revelation 1:12-20 - 12/9/2021 Revelation 2-3 - 12/13/2021 Revelation 2:1-7 - 12/14/2021 Revelation 2:8-11 - 12/15/2021 Revelation 2:12-17 - 12/16/2021 Revelation 2:18-29 - 12/20/2021 Revelation 3:1-6 - 12/21/2021 Revelation 3:7-13 - 12/22/2021 Revelation 3:14-22 - 12/23/2021 Revelation 4 - 12/27/2021 Revelation 4 (Part 2) - 12/28/2021 Revelation 5:1-4 - 12/29/2021 Revelation 5:5-10 - 12/30/2021 Revelation 5:11-14 - 1/3/2022 Revelation 6:1-2 - 1/4/2022 Revelation 6:3-6 - 1/5/2022 Revelation 6:7-8 - 1/6/2022 Revelation 6:9-17 - 1/10/2022 Revelation 6:12-17 - 1/11/2022 Revelation 7:1-8 - 1/12/2022 Revelation 7:1-8 - 1/13/2022 Revelation 7:4-9 - 1/17/2022 Revelation 7:4-8 - 1/18/2022 Revelation 7:9-17 - 1/19/2022 Revelation 7:13-14 - 1/20/2022 Revelation 7:15-17 - 1/24/2022 Revelation 8:1-5 - 1/25/2022 Revelation 8:6-12 - 1/26/2022 Revelation 8:13 - 1/27/2022 Revelation 9:1 - 1/31/2022 Revelation 9:2-4 - 2/1/2022 Revelation 9:5-10 - 2/2/2022 Revelation 9:11-12 - 2/3/2022 Revelation 9:13-16 - 2/7/2022 Revelation 9:17-21 - 2/8/2022 Revelation 10:1 - 2/9/2022 Revelation 10:2-11 - 2/10/2022 Revelation 11:1-2 - 2/14/2022 Revelation 11:3 - 2/15/2022 Revelation 11:13-18 - 2/17/2022 Revelation 12:1-6 - 2/21/2022 Revelation 12:7-9 - 2/22/2022 Revelation 12:10-12 - 2/23/2022 Revelation 12:13-14 - 2/24/2022 Revelation 13:1-10 - 2/28/2022 Revelation 13:1-10 - 3/1/2022 Revelation 13:11-18 - 3/2/2022 Revelation 13 - 3/3/2022 Revelation 14:1-5 - 3/7/2022 Revelation 14:6-13 - 3/8/2022 Revelation 14:14-19 - 3/9/2022 Revelation 15 - 3/10/2022 Revelation 16:1-7 - 3/14/2022 Revelation 16:8-16 - 3/15/2022 Revelation 16:17-21 - 3/16/2022 Revelation 16 Recap - 3/17/2022 Revelation 17:1-5 - 3/21/2022 Revelation 17:6 - 3/22/2022 Revelation 17:7-14 - 3/23/2022 Revelation 17:12-18 - 3/24/2022 Revelation 18:1-3 - 3/28/2022 Revelation 18:4-20 - 3/29/2022 Revelation 18:21-24 - 3/30/2022 Revelation 18:4 - 3/31/2022 Revelation 19:1-5 - 4/4/2022 Revelation 19:6-9 - 4/5/2022 Revelation 19:10 - 4/6/2022 Revelation 19:11-21 - 4/7/2022 Revelation 20:1-3 - 4/11/2022 Revelation 20:4-6 - 4/12/2022 Revelation 20:7-12 - 4/13/2022 Revelation 20:13-15 - 4/14/2022 Revelation 21:1-22:5 (Part 1) - 4/18/2022 Revelation 21:1-22:5 (Part 2) - 4/19/2022 Revelation 21:1-22:5 (Part 3) - 4/20/2022 Revelation 21:1-22:5 (Part 4) - 4/21/2022 Revelation 22:6-7 - 4/25/2022 Revelation 22:8-9 - 4/26/2022 Revelation 22:10-12 - 4/27/2022 Revelation 22:13-21 - 4/28/2022 1 Peter 1:1-2 - 5/2/2022 1 Peter 1:3-5 - 5/3/2022 1 Peter 1:6-9 - 5/4/2022 1 Peter 1:10-12 - 5/5/2022 1 Peter 1:13-16 - 5/9/2022 1 Peter 1:17-2:3 - 5/10/2022 1 Peter 2:4-8 - 5/11/2022 1 Peter 2:9-10 - 5/12/2022 1 Peter 2:11-12 - 5/16/2022 1 Peter 2:13-15 - 5/17/2022 1 Peter 2:16-17 - 5/18/2022 1 Peter 2:18-20 - 5/19/2022 1 Peter 2:21-25 - 5/23/2022 1 Peter 3:1-7 - 5/24/2022 1 Peter 3:8-17 - 5/25/2022 1 Peter 3:18-22 - 5/26/2022 1 Peter 4:1-6 - 5/30/2022 1 Peter 4:7-11 - 5/31/2022
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Alexandra (4/30/2020)from Scotland
Music Encouraging and much needed words from Dr Thomas, but PLEASE I implore you, get rid of the is so distracting from the message, and the word, especially for the hard of hearing who in many cases can best hear every detail without the background, and in this case, the foreground, sounds. And for the rest of us, it seems to be "emotionalising" music. We have enough emotions to deal with already! I write with love and thankfulness for your ministry but I do believe there is no need to go down the track that the secular world follows with gimmicks and tugging on heart strings. Jesus never needed music to surround and herald or even drown out his message. Please at least consider, and maybe ask advice from those with hearing difficulties
Dr. Thomas joined the staff in 2011, coming from Jackson, MS, where he was Chairman of the Theology Department at Reformed Theological Seminary and Minister of Teaching at First Presbyterian Church. He is from Wales. He is a graduate of the University of Wales (Bc.S), Reformed...
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