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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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Stephen Nutter
539 sermons

Blessed Characteristics of Zion's Citizens: Prepared and Protected
Series:  Tale of Two Cities  · 16 of 16
4/28/2013 (SUN)
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
A prepared, protected people

Tale of Two Cities
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
A prepared, protected people

Tale of Two Cities
Providence Reformed...
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Ian Migala (4/29/2013)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
PROVERBS 10:25, PSALM 21:9-10 – illustrations of the wrath to come. MARK 9:43-48 – Christ, like a cadence, warns of a place “where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched”: a soul eternally on fire, eternally food for maggots. CONCLUDING APPLICATIONS: 1) There is a coming judgment day. 2) No person shall escape it. 3) We need to be prepared if we are to be protected on that day, meaning: A) we must come to know Christ as our Savior, B) we must heed God’s warnings by, i) separating from His enemies, and ii) seeking out His friends. 4) The Godly will be spared and the wicked will be punished on Judgment Day. 5) A glorious day will dawn for Christians after that day. ARE YOU NUMBERED AMONG GOD’S PEOPLE? 2 PETER 3:10-18. BE PREPARED, AND BE READY.

Ian Migala (4/29/2013)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
LUKE 13:1-5 – Jesus tells of two calamities and points out that the victims were no more sinners than the rest of the wicked, who would face eternal calamity if they didn’t repent. How does God protect His people? A) By urging their preparation. Christians must be wakeful and watchful. 1 PETER 4:7, 1 THESSALONIANS 5:6, MATTHEW 24:44. In MATTHEW 25, the Parable of the Ten Virgins warns of not being ready for the coming of the Lord. B) By commanding their hiding. He commands separation from our enemies, which includes unprincipled union with our enemies (2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-7:1) and separation from the wicked (REVELATION 18:4 – note the two reasons given). He also commands union with His friends. The Church, the Body of Christ, “My people” is collective, not a crowd of individuals. In the day of wrath, the wicked will scatter, but the Church will stand together. Augustine: any man outside Mother Church will not have the Father. Cyprian: outside the Church there is no salvation. These sentiments have been twisted by Roman Catholicism, but they are true. The Church is the ark of God. C) God protects His people while He destroys His enemies. God’s indignation is infinite, and His wrath will be as short as it will be violent.

Ian Migala (4/29/2013)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
We are purchased with Christ’s blood; God cannot sacrifice His justice in order to show mercy. One of the Bible’s grand themes is MERCY THROUGH JUDGMENT, and God is merciful to us because He has judged His Son in our stead. B) He extends to His people a gracious invitation. In verse 20, He graciously warns us to enter our chamber. He warns us of the coming wrath like He warned Noah before the Flood and the Hebrews in Egypt before the coming of the death angel. C) He offers a serious caution. In verse 20, He also tells us to close the door behind us. To her peril, Lot’s wife didn’t heed the warning to not look back to the burning Sodom and Gomorrah. We’ve been taken out of the world by His salvation, and we must never look back. Our holdings here must be held loosely; God will sweep them all away in His wrath, so what worth can we put upon them? We must also hold tight to God’s promises. 2. God’s PROTECTION of His people. In verses 8-11, we see that the wicked do not learn from God’s judgments or even His blessings. The endless onslaught of disturbing news does not lift the wicked into considering righteousness. Noah spent 120 years calling the world to repentance; instead, it mocked him.

Ian Migala (4/29/2013)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
2 PETER 2:4-9 – Past examples of God’s sorting out the righteous from among the unrighteous. In ISAIAH 26, we see a distinction between the city of God (verses 1-2), and the city of man (v. 5). In verses 20-21, we see that God’s people are PREPARED and PROTECTED. From what? From God’s judgment. The Bible is, among other things, a record of God’s unfolding of His will in history. His primary purpose is the saving of the Elect. His secondary purpose is the destruction of his enemies: everyone else. This theme runs through both Testaments. Christians may have adapted to the Lord’s tarrying; yet Scripture, inspired by God’s eternal nature, always speaks of His judgment as imminent (2 PETER 3 talks about those who mock this). The time in verses 20-21 is a small apostrophe compared to what went on before and what will go on after (ROMANS 8:18). 1. God’s PREPARATION of His people: A) God refers to His people with a precious designation. He calls them “My people”. The progression of the city of man, the unsaved world, is but a backdrop for what God does for His people’s city: the wicked have it backward. Isaiah uses covenant language to explain our bond with God through Christ, just as Moses did in EXODUS 6:7 and DEUTERONOMY 32:6.

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