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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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Stephen Nutter
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The Saving Knowledge of God - 3
Series:  Existence & Attributes of God  · 14 of 32
4/27/2014 (SUN)
  |  Bible: John 17:3; John 10:14-15
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
The Saving Knowledge of God 3

Existence & Attributes of God
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
The Saving Knowledge of God 3

Existence & Attributes of God
Providence Reformed...
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Ian Migala (4/30/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 5 (final) ”
4. THE MORAL SUMMONS OF GOD’S SAVING KNOWLEDGE TEACHES US THAT THOSE WHO KNOW GOD WILL BE KNOWN BY TWO OBVIOUS MARKS: BY CHRISTIAN BROTHERLY LOVE AND BY PRINCIPLED SEPARATION FROM THE WORLD [50:50]. Professing Christians who love the world and don’t love the brethren show that they don’t love God. But true Christians honor the common spiritual blood of their brethren. We are pilgrims with eyes fixed on glory, not the things of the world that brought us down before Christ saved us.

Ian Migala (4/30/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 ”
ii. IT COMPELS HOLY SEPARATION FROM THE WORLD (1 CORINTHIANS 15:34) [41:45]. Bad company corrupts good morals. Some within the church lack saving knowledge. We cannot love God and have intimacy with both His people and His enemies. 1 THESSALONIANS 4:3-5 – sanctification regarding the body. 1 CORINTHIANS 6:15-19, EPHESIANS 5:31-32 - a life of sexual sin is incompatible with the saving knowledge of God. ABIDING MESSAGE: 1. THE COMPLETE SUFFICIENCY OF GOD’S SAVING KNOWLEDGE TEACHES US THAT THE HIGHEST AND MOST MEANINGFUL KNOWLEDGE POSSIBLE IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD [46:50]. It is the most satisfying of life’s pursuits. 2. THE IMMENSE SIGNIFICANCE OF GOD’S SAVING KNOWLEDGE TEACHES US THAT EVERY ASPECT OF OUR CORPORATE LIFE AS A CHURCH IS DEPENDENT UPON OUR SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF GOD [48:20]. This knowledge is the base of church activity and constitution. 3. THE MORAL EVIDENCE OF GOD’S SAVING KNOWLEDGE TEACHES US THAT THOSE WHO KNOW GOD SAVINGLY WILL EXHIBIT A LIFE OF EVANGELICAL OBEDIENCE TO GOD [49:15]. Even where obedience can be costly, it is always rewarding. It shows that he loves the one who first loved him.

Ian Migala (4/30/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
iii. IT IS IMMENSELY SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IT IS ESSENTIAL TO GOD’S GLORY IN HIS CHURCH [25:00]. Where there is no saving knowledge of God, He is not glorified. Under the old covenant, most Hebrews didn’t know God though all were in Israel. Under the new covenant, only those who know God are called. iv. IT IS IMMENSELY SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IT IS ESSENTIAL TO ACCEPTABLE WORSHIP [30:20]. One cannot worship God if one doesn’t know Him (JOHN 4:23-24, cf. ACTS 17:23). True worship aims at spiritual intimacy with God (cf. PROVERBS 15:8, HOSEA 6:6). 3. THE MORAL APPLICATIONS OF A SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF GOD [33:35]. a. THE MORAL EVIDENCE OF SAVING KNOWLEDGE [33:55]. JOHN 8:54-55 – Jesus wouldn’t even glorify Himself. Evangelical obedience is the significant sign of saving knowledge (cf. TITUS 1:16). The way we live weighs our saving knowledge of God (1 JOHN 2:3-4, 4:6). b. THE MORAL SUMMONS OF SAVING KNOWLEDGE [38:50]. i. IT COMPELS CHRIST-LIKE LOVE FOR GOD’S PEOPLE (John 17:26) [38:55]. As love for parents begets love for siblings, love for the Father begets love for the brethren.

Ian Migala (4/30/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
ii. IT IS COMPLETELY SUFFICIENT BECAUSE IT IS INEXHAUSTIBLE [11:55]. JOHN 17:26 – God’s love for us increases into eternity. COLOSSIANS 1:9-10 – Paul prayed that that church would be filled with knowledge of God. EPHESIANS 3:19 – knowledge of God surpasses our capacity in this life and the next. b. THE IMMENSE SIGNIFICANCE OF EVANGELICAL KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWABILITY [18:20]. i. IT IS IMMENSELY SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IT IS ESSENTIAL TO SOUND THEOLOGY [18:35]. Since Scripture is our only source of saving knowledge, sound systematic theology categorizes and summarizes the knowledge of God taught in the only place it is found: the Scriptures. Knowing God’s voice does not entail hearing a voice, but knowing God. We don’t worship “my God”. We don’t hold onto error, we accept correction with humility. Because of Scripture, theology is not a hopeless endeavor. ii. IT IS IMMENSELY SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IT IS ESSENTIAL TO ETERNAL SALVATION [22:25]. 2 PETER 1:3, 1 JOHN 5:20 – only those who know God experientially live forever in Heaven with Him. All other men are damned.

Ian Migala (4/30/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
[Pastor Nutter credits his former professor, Pastor Greg Nichols of Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the outline of this message, which can be found in Pastor Nichols’ book, *What does the Bible say about God?: The Biblical doctrine of God*.] Two weeks ago, we left off with B. THE KNOWLEDGE SOME MEN HAVE OF GOD: GOD’S SAVING KNOWLEDGE, 1. THE MAJOR FEATURES OF A SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Today, we continue with 2. THE BOUNDLESS MAGNITUDE OF A SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF GOD [starting at 3:10 of the audio]. JOHN 17:3 – saving knowledge of God is not just qualitative, but quantitative. a. THE COMPLETE SUFFICIENCY OF EVANGELICAL KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWABILITY [4:35]. i. IT IS COMPLETELY SUFFICIENT BECAUSE IT IS CLIMACTIC [4:45]. There is no better kind of knowledge. Christians never graduate from the school of saving knowledge. The knowledge we have of Jesus is analogous to the knowledge He has of the Father. JOHN 10:14-15 – though analogous, this knowledge is not co-extensive. JOHN 14:8 – Philip had the right attitude, but the wrong information. JOHN 15:15 – Jesus befriends His people. JOHN 16:12-13 – as Christ obeys His Father, so does the Holy Spirit. Those who have this knowledge have their deepest needs met.

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