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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Observations/Exhortations for those who would keep themselves from sexual sin
4/26/2015 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Proverbs 5; Romans 12:1-2
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
Sexual Sin

Proverbs 5; Romans 12:1-2
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
Sexual Sin

Providence Reformed Baptist
Sunday - AM
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Ian Migala (4/27/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 6 (final) ”
ii. Mortify idleness. It is the enemy of self-discipline and the devil’s playground. Just as stagnant water isn’t clean, stagnant men draw all sorts of uncleanness. David’s sin with Bathsheba began when he was idling at home. Know your heart and know your temptations and don’t go near them. Sin doesn’t start at sinful activity but long before, when the conscience was seared by degrees. If sin isn’t crucified in the heart, it will be enticed with the eyes and then pursued by the feet. Either we can kill sin or sin will kill us.

Ian Migala (4/27/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 5 ”
d. Fear God. All sin is offensive to Him. One who fears God will never find darkness dark enough to hide his sin. God is not merely dreadful: He delights in blessing they who please Him. e. Fear yourself. Sin feeds on pride, the mother of all sin. Humility is the way of holiness. “The best way to never fall is to ever fear.” f. Pray often that you would not be led into temptation, but delivered from evil. Imagine the irony of following through on the thought that put us on our knees. g. Mortify sins that often accompany sensuality. Sexual sin is rarely found alone. The Sodomites were known for their self-indulgence (Ezek 16:49). i. Mortify gluttony: it is more than over-eating, but the fruit of self-indulgence. In 1 Cor 9, Paul talks about how athletes control everything they do: their eating, sleeping, and training. Jenkins: the fuel of excess ignites the fire of lust. Esau was a greedy eater and a fornicators. Our own culture encourages us to satisfy all our cravings. Drunkenness is another form of self-indulgence, and it is often associated with woman-chasing.

Ian Migala (4/27/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 ”
6. AVOID LIKE A PLAGUE ANY ACTIVITY OR ENTERTAINMENT THAT DULLS YOUR CONSCIENCE TO THE WICKEDNESS OF SEXUAL SIN [26:04]. Not just physically, but spiritually we are what we eat. The danger in so much entertainment is that it presents us with a world of moral neutrality that we can dismiss as “not being real”. This is the folly of the pagan misunderstanding at the beginning of this message. We are to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves because if we’re not the former we won’t be the latter. Christian liberty ends where the entertainment of sin begins. 1 Pet 1:15-16 is a call to resemble our Father. 7. GUARD YOUR HEART, BECAUSE IT A SEED-BED OF LUST [30:11]. a. Seek to gain an inward sense of your sorrowful corruption. Our hearts are more deceitful than anything else and desperately wicked. Sexual sin begins there. b. Banish unclean reflections and wicked plans. Sexual sin is to be killed in the womb and shown no mercy. In the face of sin, holy ruthlessness is the need of the hour. c. Beware of plausible excuses for justifying uncleanness. “Excuses are the lies we tell ourselves.” They tell us that the bad is actually good, or that it is not our fault or is acceptable in light of a more important good.

Ian Migala (4/27/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
4. IF YOU WOULD MAINTAIN A HOLY DETESTATION OF SEXUAL SIN, USE BIBLICAL TERMS FOR SEXUAL SIN AND AVOID POPULAR WORLDLY EUPHEMISMS FOR IT [19:02]. Euphemisms not only soften moral evil, but put it in the company of neutrality and even good. An obvious consequence of this is calling good evil and evil good. We must speak the truth in love: that does not just mean speaking lovingly, but speaking truthfully. Using biblical terms for sin not only keeps us thinking biblically, but it lets others know where we stand. If someone talks to you about “sexual liberty”, do you think you’re listening to a Christian? Prov 29:25 – “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts the Lord is safe.” Being “bold as a lion” can simply mean speaking the truth as God gives it to us. 5. COVENANT BEFORE GOD THAT YOU WILL CONFINE SEXUAL ACTIVITY TO YOUR MARRIAGE BED [24:20]. “Activity” does not only include physical acts, but spiritual dispositions. Job made a covenant with his eyes. A preacher once falsely said, “The first look is free, but the second comes at a price.” But even the first can cost a dear price. Women need to be aware of this as well.

Ian Migala (4/27/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
c. God, by His Holy Spirit, empowers His people to endure the influences of their natures and cultures. Christians are born again; we’re not what we once were. 2. THEY WHO INDULGE THEMSELVES LITTLE KNOW WHERE THEY WILL STOP [11:23]. We saw this in the cities of the plain. Innocent flirtation can become wholesale flirtation: one allowance usually leads to another. 3. OFTEN RECALL BIBLICAL EXAMPLES FOR WARNINGS AGAINST SEXUAL SIN [12:35]. God put them in His word for a reason. They are not “Bronze Age stories”, but essential warnings to every age. Samson and David are just two examples of the grave consequences of sexual sin despite their blessed standing among God’s people. In Gen 34, Dinah’s curiosity led to her own rape and her brothers’ bloody retribution. Lot’s incest begat the cursed Moabites and Ammonites, perpetual enemies against God’s people. The foolish man in Proverbs lost everything because of sexual sin. Sexual sin embitters us and saps our spiritual, physical, and material strength. Passages for consideration, just a few among many: Heb 13:4, 1 Cor 6:9-10, Eph 5:5, Rev 21:8. In Rev 22:15, “dogs” may refer to homosexuals. If one is inclined to give that sin a pass, note the company in which that passages includes him.

Ian Migala (4/27/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
When God regenerates someone, He regenerates the entire person. The common pagan notion is that spiritual regeneration entails only the spirit, as if one can go on defiling his body while somehow preserving his spirit. But God didn’t make us that way: He made us as a psychosomatic union of body and soul. This is why the body is resurrected and judged in the last day even after the soul is judged at death. How we treat one is reflected in the other. This message will present seven exhortations, observations, helps, and hints on refraining from sexual sin. 1. BE CERTAIN THAT GOD’S WILL FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN IS SEXUAL PURITY [starting at 3:25 of the audio]. 1 Thes 4:3-7, 2 Tim 1:9 – we must not imbibe the sexual spirit that characterizes our age as it characterized the Gentiles in Paul’s day. But tragically, current surveys are showing that today’s churches are fighting uphill battles with their own congregations. OBSERVATIONS: a. More and more professing Christians are influenced by the world more than by the Bible. b. God has one universal, timeless standard for sexual purity. We must be careful in listening to appeals to the “changing times”. God does not change, thus His standard does not change.

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