Today's gospel instalment: 04/02/2023 Message Title (s) : 1. Ichabod, the glory has departed, 2..The Ark of God has been captured, 3. The death of Eli and his family 1..The more gospel details the Lord opens, the clearer the text becomes.. 2..The story of Eli and his family was a gospel testimony.. 3..Eli's family were from the house of Levi, that is, they were a priestly family.. 4.. Levi's house mediated the Law and its institutions.. 5..But this only for an appointed time as God was moving the needle of time in the revelation of Jesus Christ.. 6..The Law and its priesthood were insufficient, incapable, thus unprofitable to a sinner, because it couldnot perfect them before God.. 7..The Law is the system of Do THIS , DON'T DO THAT and do it all to PERFECTION and you shall live, or else you are condemned.. 8... And being condemned it didn't have qualified priests or sacrifices to redeem a sinner, then and now.. 9. THUS IT HAD TO BE TAKEN AWAY.. And that is what many religious people struggle with... They don't want the Law to be taken away because they still have not understood what God is saying about what the Law requires. 10..Many professing Christians still have a judaistic approach to the Law, which misses or downplays the SUFFICIENCY OF CHRIST ALONE.. 11..The Judaizer can't imagine a person being made complete (Holy and righteous) in another person without putting them under some moralism of the Mosaic Law. Paul called that ANOTHER GOSPEL, which is no gospel.. 12..But we learn in this message that the house of Eli (the house of Levi, the Law) must come to and end... 13. HENCE THE DEATH OF ELI AND HIS HOUSE IN ONE DAY, in the day that the Ark of God was captur |