Patrick Malphrus | Spottswood, Virginia
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Speaker: Patrick Malphrus
908 sermons
Thanks for tuning in! This is our Daily Devotional Thought for April 21, 2020.
>The Passion Week: Monday - 4/6/2020 The Passion Week: Tuesday - 4/7/2020 The Passion Week: Wednesday - 4/8/2020 The Passion Week: Maundy.. - 4/9/2020 The Passion Week: Good Friday - 4/10/2020 Easter is Over! What Now? - 4/13/2020 Using the Word Well - 4/14/2020 That I Might not Sin.. - 4/15/2020 Renewing Your Mind - 4/16/2020 The Sword of the Spirit - 4/17/2020 A Light for Your Path - 4/20/2020 Not By Bread Alone - 4/21/2020 Wise Unto Salvation - 4/22/2020 God's Word is Useful - 4/23/2020 Tools for Studying God's Word - 4/24/2020 Cast All Your Cares on Him - 4/27/2020 Pray with Confidence - 4/28/2020 Every Kind of Request - 4/29/2020 Ask and You Shall Receive - 4/30/2020 Prayer's High Price - 5/1/2020 Why Praise? He Alone is Worthy - 5/4/2020 Forget Not His Benefits - 5/5/2020 Freedom in Christ - 5/6/2020 I Shall Not Want - 5/7/2020 HOW to Praise God - 5/8/2020 Church is not Optional - 5/11/2020 Encouragement from Church - 5/12/2020 Using Your Gifts - 5/13/2020 Being a Good and Faithful.. - 5/14/2020 Prayer Time for Mattie Marsh - 5/15/2020 Finding the Right Church:.. - 5/18/2020 The Church and II John - 5/19/2020 Church Discipline - 5/21/2020 Unity and the Church - 5/22/2020 Remembering on Memorial Day - 5/25/2020 The Salt of the Earth - 5/26/2020 Being Light in the World - 5/27/2020 Judge Righteously - 5/28/2020 New Wine and Cloth - 5/29/2020 A House Divided - 6/1/2020 The Parable of the Sower - 6/2/2020 The Parable of the Weeds - 6/3/2020 Mustard Seeds and Yeast - 6/4/2020 The Treasure and the Pearl - 6/5/2020 The Parable of the Net - 6/7/2020 Talk is Cheap - 6/8/2020 The Lost Sheep - 6/9/2020 The Unmerciful Servant - 6/11/2020 The Rich Young Ruler - 6/12/2020 The Workers in the Vineyard - 6/15/2020 The Two Sons - 6/16/2020 The Parable of the Tenants - 6/17/2020 The Wedding Banquet - 6/18/2020 The End of the Age - 6/19/2020 The Faithful and Wise Servant - 6/22/2020 The 10 Virgins - 6/23/2020 The Good Samaritan - 6/25/2020 Pesky Neighbors, Good Fathers - 6/26/2020 The Parable of the Rich Fool - 6/29/2020 The Fig Tree - 6/30/2020 The Great Banquet - 7/1/2020 The Lost Coin - 7/2/2020 The Prodigal and the Father - 7/3/2020 The Shrewd Manager - 7/6/2020 The Rich Man and Lazarus - 7/7/2020 The Persistent Widow - 7/8/2020 The Pharisee and the Tax.. - 7/9/2020 Intro to Judges - 7/10/2020 Judges: Othniel - 7/13/2020 The Left Handed Judge - 7/14/2020 Shamgar: 1 Verse, 1 Judge - 7/15/2020 Judges: Deborah, Part 1 - 7/16/2020 Judges: Deborah, Part 2 - 7/17/2020 Judges: Deborah's Song - 8/3/2020 Judges: Intro to Gideon - 8/4/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 1 - 8/5/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 2 - 8/6/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 3 - 8/7/2020 Choose Today - 8/9/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 4 - 8/10/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 5 - 8/11/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 6 - 8/12/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 7 - 8/13/2020 Judges 9: Destruction Within - 8/14/2020 Judges: Tola and Jair - 8/17/2020 Judges: Jephthah, Part 1 - 8/18/2020 Judges: Jephthah Part 2 - 8/19/2020 Judges: Jephthah, Part 3 - 8/20/2020 Judges: Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon - 8/21/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 1 - 8/24/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 2 - 8/25/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 3 - 8/26/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 4 - 8/27/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 5 - 8/28/2020 Righteous Anger - 8/30/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 6 - 8/31/2020 Judges: Samson and Delilah - 9/1/2020 Judges: Samson's End - 9/2/2020 Judges 17: The Dumpster Fire - 9/3/2020 Judges 18: Craziness Continued - 9/4/2020 Judges 19: The New Sodom - 9/7/2020 Judges 20: Tragic Unity - 9/8/2020 Judges 21: The Conclusion - 9/9/2020 John 1: Part 1 - 9/10/2020 John 1: Part 2 - 9/11/2020 John 1: Part 3 - 9/14/2020 John 1: Part 4 - 9/15/2020 John 1: Part 5 - 9/16/2020 John 1: Part 6 - 9/17/2020 John 1: Part 7 - 9/18/2020 John 1: The Lamb of God - 9/21/2020 John 2: The First Sign - 9/22/2020 John 2: Temple Cleansing, Pt.1 - 9/23/2020 John 3: Old Dogs, New Tricks - 9/24/2020 John 3: Condemnation and.. - 9/25/2020 John 3: John's Testimony - 10/6/2020 John 4: The Woman at the.. - 10/7/2020 John 4: The Woman at the.. - 10/8/2020 John 4: A Plentiful Harvest - 10/9/2020 John 4: The Second Sign - 10/12/2020 John 5: Jesus the Judge - 10/14/2020 John 5: Cafeteria Christianity - 10/15/2020 John 6: Feeding 5000 - 10/16/2020 John 6: Walking on Water - 10/19/2020 John 6: The Bread of Life - 10/20/2020 John 6: God's Sovereign Grace - 10/26/2020 John 6: The Bread of Life.. - 10/27/2020 John 6: The Words of Life - 10/28/2020 A Timely Reminder from Psalm 2 - 11/3/2020 Isaiah and Election Results - 11/4/2020 Remember, Remember the 5th.. - 11/5/2020 John 7: Jesus and His Identity - 11/6/2020 John 7: A Crowd Divided - 11/9/2020 John 8: Misconceived Tolerance - 11/10/2020 John 8: I AM Challenged - 11/11/2020 John 8: Testimony Validated - 11/12/2020 John 8: Freedom in Christ - 11/13/2020 Not all Israel is Israel - 11/16/2020 Before Abraham was...I AM - 11/17/2020 The Man Born Blind - 11/18/2020 Real Evangelism - 11/19/2020 The Gate and the Good Shepherd - 11/20/2020 The Reason for Thanksgiving - 11/22/2020 Perseverance of the Saints - 11/23/2020 Jesus and Lazarus, Part 1 - 11/24/2020 I Am the Resurrection and Life - 11/30/2020 "Lazarus, come out!" - 12/1/2020 John 12: Jesus Anointed - 12/2/2020 The Triumphal Entry - 12/3/2020 John 12 and Jesus' Prediction - 12/4/2020 Belief without Faith - 12/7/2020 Jesus as Judge - 12/8/2020 John 13: Christ as Servant - 12/9/2020 A Tale of Two Traitors - 12/10/2020 The Exclusivity of the Gospel - 12/11/2020 Jesus is Enough - 12/14/2020 Praying in Jesus' Name - 12/15/2020 The Spirit of Truth - 12/16/2020 Let's Talk Weather - 12/17/2020 Joseph's Obedience - 12/18/2020 Union with Christ - 12/28/2020 Christological Controversies - 12/29/2020 John 14: The Holy Spirit - 12/30/2020 I AM the True Vine - 12/31/2020 The Vine and the Branches - 1/4/2021 Abiding in His Love - 1/5/2021 Friendship and Predestination - 1/6/2021 A Hateful World - 1/7/2021 It's a Crazy World - 1/8/2021 The Spirit's Work - 1/11/2021 John 16: Never Alone - 1/12/2021 High Priestly Prayer, Part 1 - 1/13/2021 John 17: Part 2 - 1/19/2021 John 17: Part 3 - 1/20/2021 John 18: Part 1 - 1/21/2021 The Night He was Betrayed:.. - 1/22/2021 John 18: Part 1 - 1/25/2021 John 18: What is Truth? - 1/26/2021 John 19: King of the Jews - 1/27/2021 No King but Caesar - 1/28/2021 The Crucifixion, Part 1 - 1/29/2021 The Crucifixion: Part 2 - 2/1/2021 The Crucifixion Aftermath - 2/2/2021 Humiliation to Exaltation - 2/3/2021 The Empty Tomb - 2/15/2021 Mary and the Empty Tomb - 2/16/2021 The Great Commission - 2/17/2021 Thomas: From Doubt to Belief - 2/18/2021 Breakfast with the Lord - 2/19/2021 John 21: Mercy and Calling - 2/23/2021 Romans 1: Salutations - 2/24/2021 The Power of the Gospel - 2/25/2021 Romans 1:17--Live By Faith - 2/26/2021 Romans 1: What's Going On? - 3/1/2021 Homosexuality and God's Word - 3/2/2021 Fools do Foolish Things - 3/3/2021 Romans 2: Judgement Coming - 3/4/2021 Judgement Day Explained - 3/5/2021 Romans 2: Talk is Cheap - 3/8/2021 The Jewish Question: Romans 3 - 3/10/2021 Our Natural State: Romans 3 - 3/15/2021 Most Important Paragraph.. - 3/16/2021 The Most Important.. - 3/17/2021 Our Proper Response: Romans 3 - 3/18/2021 No Room for Boasting - 3/23/2021 Faith's Definition - 3/24/2021 Romans 5: Peace with God - 3/25/2021 Rejoice in Suffering: Romans 5 - 3/26/2021 Just the Right Time - 3/29/2021 The Best is Yet to Come - 3/30/2021 Our Sinful Nature - 3/31/2021 Romans 6: Dead to Sin - 4/1/2021 The Wages of Sin - 4/12/2021 The Law and Christ - 4/13/2021 The Law's Uses - 4/14/2021 Keeping It Real - 4/15/2021 No Condemnation? Really? - 4/16/2021 Living by the Spirit - 4/19/2021 The Two Types of People - 4/19/2021 We Are Obliged - 4/21/2021 Thinking on Heaven - 4/23/2021 Help from the Spirit - 4/26/2021 Remember God's Sovereignty - 4/27/2021 The Love of God in Christ - 4/28/2021 God's Promise and Judaism - 4/29/2021 Romans 9 and God's Sovereignty - 4/30/2021 Jesus the Stumbling Block - 5/3/2021 Works vs. Faith - 5/4/2021 Preach the Gospel - 5/5/2021 The Remnant of Israel - 5/6/2021 Grafted Branches - 5/7/2021 ALL Israel will be Saved? - 5/10/2021 Sovereignty vs. Responsibility - 5/11/2021 Renewing Your Mind - 5/13/2021 Remember Where You Came From - 6/27/2021 Be Transformed, Not Conformed - 8/9/2021 Members of One Body - 8/10/2021 A Transformed Life - 8/11/2021 Life Together - 8/12/2021 Vengeance is the Lord's - 8/13/2021 Submit to Authorities, Part 1 - 8/16/2021 Submit to Authorities, Part 2 - 8/17/2021 The Debt of Love - 8/18/2021 The End Is Near - 8/19/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 1 - 8/20/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 2 - 8/23/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 3 - 8/24/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 4.. - 8/25/2021 Deny Yourself - 8/26/2021 Unity's Importance - 8/30/2021 Accept One Another...In Christ - 8/31/2021 Goals for Pastors and Churches - 9/1/2021 Prayer and Giving - 9/2/2021 A Final Warning - 9/3/2021 Psalm 1: The Path to Happiness - 9/7/2021 Psalm 1: The Wicked's Reward - 9/8/2021 Psalm 2: God's Anointed One - 9/13/2021 Psalm 3: Forgiveness in Life - 9/14/2021 Psalm 4: When Trouble Comes - 9/15/2021 Psalm 5: God and the Wicked - 9/17/2021 Psalm 6: Real Repentance - 9/20/2021 Psalm 7: Righteous Judgement - 9/21/2021 Psalm 8: Created Order - 9/22/2021 Psalm 9: Remembering God - 9/23/2021 Psalm 10: The Real World - 9/24/2021 Psalm 11: Jehovah's Refuge - 9/27/2021 Psalm 12: Real Oppression - 9/28/2021 Psalm 13: Emotional Battles - 9/29/2021 Fools and Foolishness - 10/18/2021 Who May Dwell with God? - 10/19/2021 Psalm 16: Service and Promise - 10/20/2021 Psalm 18: Remember the Lord - 10/22/2021 Psalm 18: Real Righteousness - 10/26/2021 Psalm 18: To God be the Glory - 10/27/2021 Psalm 18: Praise Him! - 10/28/2021 Psalm 19: Heavens' Declaration - 11/1/2021 Psalm 20: Trust in Jehovah - 11/2/2021 Psalm 21: Jehovah's Might - 11/3/2021 Psalm 22: A Messianic Psalm - 11/4/2021 Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want - 11/5/2021 Psalm 23: Green Pastures - 11/8/2021 Psalm 23: He Restoreth My Soul - 11/10/2021 Psalm 23: Righteous Paths - 11/11/2021 Psalm 23: Through the Valley - 11/12/2021 Psalm 23: Thy Rod and Staff - 11/15/2021 Psalm 23: A Table Prepared - 11/16/2021 Psalm 23: Anointing and Cup - 11/17/2021 Psalm 23: Goodness and Mercy - 11/18/2021 Psalm 24: Who May Stand? - 11/22/2021 Psalm 25: Seek the Lord First - 11/23/2021 Psalm 100: Give Thanks - 11/24/2021 Psalm 26: Walk by Faith - 11/29/2021 Psalm 27: Courage in the Lord - 11/30/2021 Psalm 28: Prayer and Gossip - 12/1/2021 Psalm 29: Jehovah Almighty - 12/2/2021 Psalm 30: Hope for the Future - 12/3/2021 Psalm 31: Ultimate Trust - 12/6/2021 Psalm 31: Trust and Idols - 12/7/2021 Psalm 32: Blessed Forgiveness - 12/8/2021 Psalm 33: Unfailing Love - 12/9/2021 Psalm 34: Praise at all times? - 12/10/2021 Psalm 35: Imprecatory What? - 12/13/2021 Psalm 35: Praying for Justice - 12/14/2021 Psalm 37: Our Proper Response - 12/16/2021 Immanuel: God With Us - 12/17/2021 James 1: Introduction to James - 1/3/2022 James 1: Consider it Pure Joy - 1/4/2022 James 1: Lack Nothing - 1/5/2022 James 1: Get Wisdom! - 1/6/2022 James 1: Ask Without Doubt! - 1/7/2022 James 1: Worldly Priorities - 1/10/2022 James 1: Love is the Key - 1/11/2022 James 1: How Temptation Works - 1/12/2022 James 1: Every Gift From Above - 1/18/2022 James 1: Predestination as.. - 1/19/2022 James 1: ANGER and how to.. - 1/20/2022 James 1: Ultimate Motivation - 1/21/2022 James 1: Talk is Cheap! - 1/24/2022 James 1: Watch Your Mouth! - 1/26/2022 James 2: Picking Favorites - 1/27/2022 James 2: The Royal Law - 1/28/2022 James 2: Faith vs. Works - 1/31/2022 James 2: Faith AND Works - 2/1/2022 James 3: Warning for Preachers - 2/2/2022 James 3: Women in Ministry - 2/3/2022 James 3: The Tongue - 2/4/2022 James 3: Real Wisdom - 2/7/2022 James 3: Worldly Wisdom - 2/8/2022 James 4: The Real Problem - 2/9/2022 James 4: The Real Solution - 2/10/2022 James 4: Judging and Salvation - 2/11/2022 What is Love? - 2/14/2022 James 4: The Future - 2/15/2022 James 4: Sin Defined - 2/16/2022 James 5: Warning! - 3/14/2022 James 5: Stand in Patience - 3/15/2022 James 5: Examples of Patience - 3/16/2022 James 5: Do Not Swear - 3/17/2022 James 5: Pray! Always! - 3/18/2022 James 5: Prayer Works - 3/21/2022 John 1: In the Beginning - 3/22/2022 John 1: The Word was God - 3/23/2022 John 1: Darkness vs. Light - 3/25/2022 John 1: Adoption as Heirs - 3/28/2022 John 1: Chosen by God - 3/29/2022 John 1: The Word Became Flesh - 3/30/2022 John 1: Grace and Truth - 3/31/2022 John 1: The Baptizer's.. - 4/1/2022 John 1: The Baptizer's.. - 4/25/2022 John 1: Behold the Lamb - 4/26/2022 John 1: What dost thou seek? - 4/27/2022 John 1: Come and See - 4/28/2022 John 2: Choice Wine - 4/29/2022 John 2: Temple Cleansing - 5/2/2022 John 2: Judge Not - 5/3/2022 John 3: Nicodemus, Part 1 - 5/4/2022 John 3: Nicodemus, Part 2 - 5/5/2022 John 3: Whosoever Believes - 5/6/2022 John 3: Christ must Increase - 5/9/2022 John 4: The Woman at the Well - 5/10/2022 John 4: The Plentiful Harvest - 5/11/2022 John 4: Point them to Jesus! - 5/12/2022 John 4: The Royal Official - 5/13/2022 John 5: The Bethesda Healing - 5/16/2022 John 5: God the Son - 5/17/2022 John 5: The Only Way - 5/18/2022 The Full Armor of God - 5/19/2022 John 6: Feeding the 5000 - 8/1/2022 John 6: Walking on Water - 8/2/2022 John 6: I AM the Bread of Life - 8/3/2022 John 6: Those the Father Gives - 8/4/2022 John 6: Those the Father Draws - 8/8/2022 John 6: Flesh and Blood - 8/9/2022 John 6: Real Communion - 8/10/2022 John 6: All of Jesus - 8/11/2022 John 7: Rejected - 8/15/2022 John 7: Read the Signs - 8/16/2022 John 7: A Crowd Divided - 8/17/2022 John 7: Further Division - 8/18/2022 John 8: He Who is Without Sin - 8/22/2022 John 8: Leave Your Life of Sin - 8/23/2022 John 6: The Light of the World - 8/24/2022 John 8: The Only Way - 8/25/2022 John 8: Life or Death - 8/29/2022 The Truth will Set You.. - 8/30/2022 John 8: REMEMBER - 8/31/2022 John 8: The Father of Lies - 9/1/2022 Before Abraham was, I AM - 9/6/2022 John 9: Who Sinned? - 9/7/2022 John 9: While it is Still Day - 9/8/2022 John 9: Missed Opportunities - 9/12/2022 John 9: I Once was Blind - 9/13/2022 John 9: Seeing is Believing - 9/14/2022 I AM the Gate for the.. - 9/15/2022 The Good Shepherd: John 11 - 9/21/2022 John 10: Wolves and Hirelings - 9/22/2022 John 10: The Jews Divided - 9/26/2022 John 10: Just Look! - 9/27/2022 John 11: The One He Loved - 9/28/2022 John 11: That You May Believe - 9/29/2022 John 11: Resurrection and Life - 10/3/2022 John 11: Jesus Wept - 10/4/2022 John 11: "Lazarus, come out!" - 10/5/2022 John 11: Turf on Display - 10/6/2022 John 12: Be Mary! Not Judas - 10/24/2022 The Cost of Discipleship - 10/25/2022 John 12: The Triumphal Entry - 10/26/2022 "We Would See Jesus" - 10/27/2022 John 12: The Missed Him - 10/31/2022 John 12: The Power of the Word - 11/1/2022 John 12: Belief vs. Faith - 11/2/2022 John 13: The Extent of Love - 11/3/2022 John 13: Our Lord's Betrayal - 11/7/2022 A Tale of Two Traitors - 11/8/2022 The Only Way, Truth, and Life - 11/9/2022 You Have Seen the Father - 11/14/2022 John 14: Trust and Obey - 11/15/2022 John 14: The Spirit of Truth - 11/16/2022 John 14: The Basics - 11/17/2022 John 15: The True Vine - 11/29/2022 John 15: Remain in Me - 11/30/2022 John 15: Real Joy in Love - 12/1/2022 John 15: Love and Hate - 12/6/2022 John 15: You Must Testify - 12/7/2022 John 16: The World's Hatred - 12/8/2022 John 16: A Kingdom Mindset - 12/12/2022 John 16: To Change and Convict - 12/13/2022 John 16: Promise of Peace - 12/14/2022 John 17: The Glory He Had - 12/15/2022 The Glory of Christmas - 12/15/2022 John 17: True Discipleship - 1/2/2023 John 17: On a Mission - 1/3/2023 John 17: Prayer for Us - 1/4/2023 John 17: Glory and Presence - 1/5/2023 The Counselor, Part 1 - 1/8/2023 John 18: Jesus Arrested - 1/9/2023 John 18: Peter Acts - 1/10/2023 John 18: The Cup of Wrath - 1/16/2023 John 18: Missed Opportunities - 1/17/2023 John 18: Jesus and Pilate - 1/18/2023 John 18: The Mockery - 1/19/2023 John 19: The Rejection - 1/23/2023 John 19: The Humanity - 1/24/2023 John 19: It Is Finished - 1/25/2023 John 19: Laid in the Tomb - 1/26/2023 John 20: The Empty Tomb - 1/30/2023 John 20: Just One Word - 1/31/2023 John 20: Peace Be With You - 2/1/2023 John 20: Keys to the Kingdom - 2/2/2023 John 20: Doubting Thomas - 2/6/2023 John 21: I'm Going to Fish - 2/7/2023 John 21: Swim to the Lord! - 2/8/2023 John 21: Restoration - 2/9/2023 Acts...What, Why, How, When? - 2/14/2023 Acts 1: Wait on the Spirit - 2/15/2023 Acts 1: Why are you Looking? - 2/16/2023 Acts 1: The End of Judas - 2/20/2023 Acts 1: A New Apostle - 2/21/2023 Acts 2: The Holy Spirit Fills - 2/22/2023 Acts 2: The Crowd Reacts - 2/23/2023 Acts 2: Cry Out and Be Saved - 3/13/2023 Acts 2: The Guilty Parties - 3/14/2023 Acts 2: Cut to the Heart - 3/15/2023 Acts 2: The Real Church - 3/16/2023 Acts 3: Signs and Wonders - 3/20/2023 Acts 3: Peter Preaches Again - 3/21/2023 Acts 4: With Jesus - 3/23/2023 Acts 4: Evangelism Explained - 3/27/2023 Acts 4: The Power of Prayer - 3/28/2023 Acts 4: A Spirit Filled Church - 3/29/2023 Acts 5: Ananias and Sapphira - 3/30/2023 Acts 5: Yielding to the Spirit - 4/4/2023 Acts 5: The Sadducees Respond - 4/5/2023 Acts 5: Obey God - 4/6/2023 Acts 5: Gamaliel's Reasoning - 4/10/2023 Acts 5: Worth of Persecution - 4/11/2023 Acts 6: Deacons and Apostles - 4/12/2023 Acts 6: Stephen's Opposition - 4/13/2023 Acts 6: Accusations Abound - 4/17/2023 Acts 7: Stephen's Sermon - 4/18/2023 Acts 7: The Trial Ends - 4/19/2023 Acts 7: Reflections on Stephen - 4/20/2023 Acts 8: The Scattered Church - 4/24/2023 Acts 8: Simon the Sorcerer - 4/25/2023 Acts 8: A Sin Called Simony - 4/26/2023 Acts 8: The Ethiopian - 4/27/2023 Acts 9: Saul on the Road - 5/15/2023 Acts 9: Persecution's Results - 5/16/2023 Acts 9: God's Business - 5/17/2023 Acts 9: Saul the Preacher - 5/18/2023 Acts 9: Saul in Jerusalem - 5/22/2023 Acts 9: Peter on the Road - 5/23/2023 Acts 10: Store Up Treasures - 5/24/2023 Acts 10: Clean and Unclean - 5/25/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 1 - 9/4/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 2 - 9/5/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 3 - 9/6/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 4 - 9/7/2023 Acts 9: Gospel Power - 9/11/2023 Acts 9: Holy Encouragement - 9/12/2023 Acts 10: Offerings and Visions - 9/13/2023 Acts 10: Peter's Vision - 9/14/2023 Acts 10: One in Christ - 9/18/2023 Acts 10: No Favoritism - 9/19/2023 Acts 10: A Pivotal Moment - 9/20/2023 Acts 11: Who Can Stop God? - 9/21/2023 Acts 11: The First Christians - 9/25/2023 Acts 11: The Unstoppable God - 9/26/2023 Acts 12: Pray Expectantly! - 9/27/2023 Acts 12: Warning and Promise - 9/28/2023 Acts 13: On Ordination - 10/2/2023 Acts 13: Satan and Sorcerers - 10/3/2023 Acts 13: God's Plan - 10/4/2023 Acts 13: A Turning Point - 10/5/2023 Acts 14: Divisive Work - 10/16/2023 Acts 14: Healing and Stoning - 10/17/2023 Acts 14: Church Government - 10/18/2023 Acts 15: Salvation's Formula - 10/19/2023 Acts 15: Jesus is Enough - 10/23/2023 Acts 15: Salvation and Israel - 10/24/2023 Acts 15: Brotherly Love - 10/25/2023 Acts 15: Conflict - 10/26/2023 Acts 16: An Act of Love - 10/30/2023 Acts 16: Trust God - 10/31/2023 Acts 16: Salvation Explained - 11/1/2023 Acts 16: Spiritual Warfare - 11/2/2023 Acts 16: So Shines a Good Deed - 11/6/2023 Acts 16: Salvation Explained - 11/7/2023 Acts 16: Civil Disobedience - 11/8/2023 Acts 17: Gospel Power - 11/9/2023 Acts 17: Noble Bereans - 11/13/2023 Acts 17: A Logical Response - 11/14/2023 Acts 17: Modern Philosophy - 11/15/2023 Acts 17: What's Going On - 11/16/2023 Acts 17: A Prompting... - 11/20/2023 Acts 18: Be Warned - 11/21/2023 Acts 18: When One Door Closes - 11/22/2023 Psalm 107: Thanksgiving - 11/23/2023 Acts 18: God is Faithful - 1/15/2024 Acts 18: Be a Blessing! - 1/16/2024 Acts 18: Discipleship Display - 1/17/2024 Acts 19: Baptisms - 1/18/2024 Acts 19: The Way - 1/22/2024 Acts 19: OH NO - 1/23/2024 Acts 19: Sins of Sorcery - 1/24/2024 Acts 19: The Aftermath - 1/25/2024 Acts 19: Guardrails - 1/29/2024 Acts 20: Historicity - 1/30/2024 Acts 20: The Lord's Day - 1/31/2024 Acts 20: Paul's Motivation - 2/1/2024 Acts 20: Farewell Warnings... - 2/5/2024 Acts 20: Committed - 2/6/2024 Acts 21: Spirit Empowerment - 2/7/2024 Acts 21: Zeal and Opposition - 2/8/2024 Acts 21: Appeasement - 2/12/2024 Acts 21: Hate and Lunacy - 2/13/2024 Acts 22: Truth's Objective - 2/14/2024 Acts 22: Government Work! - 2/15/2024 Acts 23: Innocent and Shrewd - 2/19/2024 Acts 23: Wisdom on Display - 2/20/2024 Acts 23: Prophet Killers - 2/21/2024 Acts 23: Worldly Wisdom - 2/22/2024 Acts 24: Lies - 2/26/2024 Acts 24: Real Christianity - 2/27/2024 Acts 24: Roman Confusion - 2/28/2024 Acts 25: To Rome! - 2/29/2024 Acts 25: Royalty - 3/4/2024 Acts 25: Real Power - 3/5/2024 Acts 26: Evangelism - 3/6/2024 Acts 26: Gospel Foolishness - 3/7/2024 The Monday Before Easter - 3/25/2024 End Times... - 3/26/2024 Bless or Betray? - 3/27/2024 What Should You Do? - 3/28/2024 Acts 27: Out to Sea - 4/1/2024 Acts 27: Faith in Action - 4/2/2024 Acts 28: Snakebit! - 4/3/2024 Acts 28: The Conclusion - 4/4/2024 Acts and its Ending - 4/8/2024 Genesis 1: The Beginning - 4/9/2024 Genesis 1: The Godhead - 4/10/2024 Genesis 1:Order in Creation - 4/11/2024 Genesis 1: Created Order - 4/15/2024 Genesis 1: Death before Sin? - 4/16/2024 Genesis 2: The Sabbath - 4/17/2024 Genesis 2: Personally Made - 4/18/2024 Genesis 2: Two into One - 4/22/2024 Genesis 3: The Serpent - 4/23/2024 Genesis 3: Rebellion - 4/24/2024 Genesis 3: We Get it Honest - 4/25/2024 Genesis 3: The Prophesy - 4/29/2024 Genesis 3: Marital Discord - 4/30/2024 Genesis 3: The Fallen World - 5/1/2024 Genesis 3: Satan's Lies - 5/2/2024 Genesis 4: Matter of the Heart - 5/6/2024 Genesis 4: A Warning for Anger - 5/7/2024 Genesis 4: Brother's Keeper - 5/8/2024 Genesis 4: Historicity - 5/9/2024 Genesis 4: A Lineage Ended - 5/13/2024 Genesis 5: Walk with God - 5/14/2024 Genesis 5: Comfort - 5/15/2024 Psalm 100: Right Relationship - 5/16/2024 Genesis 6: Sons of God, Part 1 - 9/9/2024 Genesis 6: Sons of God, Part 2 - 9/10/2024 Genesis 6: The Worst Time Ever - 9/11/2024 Genesis 6: The Real God - 9/12/2024 Genesis 6: Walk with God - 9/13/2024 Genesis 6: Walking with God - 9/16/2024 Genesis 6: The Family - 9/17/2024 Genesis 7: We Don't Noah Lot - 9/18/2024 Genesis 7: Contradictions? - 9/19/2024 Genesis 7: Catastrophe! - 9/20/2024 Genesis 7: The Storm - 9/23/2024 Genesis 8: Stay Inside - 9/24/2024 Genesis 8: Aromas - 9/25/2024 Genesis 9: Cultural Mandate - 9/26/2024 Genesis 9: Life Blood - 9/27/2024 Genesis 9: Sign of Grace - 9/30/2024 Genesis 9: Ham's Curse - 10/1/2024 Genesis 10: Japheth and Ham - 10/2/2024 Genesis 10: Cursed Nations - 10/3/2024 Genesis 10: Shem's Blessing - 10/4/2024 Genesis 11: Babel - 10/7/2024 Genesis 11: The Powerful Play - 10/8/2024 Genesis 11: Foreshadowing - 10/9/2024 Genesis 12: Blessings - 10/10/2024 Genesis 12: Man of Faith - 10/11/2024 Genesis 12: Lack of Faith - 10/14/2024 Genesis 13: Trust on Display - 10/15/2024 Genesis 13: Lot's Choices - 10/16/2024 Genesis 13: Promise Renewed - 10/17/2024 Genesis 14: Time to Fight - 10/18/2024 Genesis 14: No Compromise - 10/21/2024 Genesis 14: Melchizedek - 10/22/2024 Genesis 15: Look to the Stars - 10/23/2024 Genesis 15: By Faith - 10/24/2024 Genesis 15: God Came Near - 10/25/2024 Genesis 16: Pricey Pragmatism - 10/28/2024 Genesis 16: Pricier Pragmatism - 10/29/2024 Genesis 16: God Sees - 10/30/2024 Genesis 17: Promises - 10/31/2024 Genesis 17: Covenant Renewed - 11/1/2024 Genesis 17: Real Faith - 11/4/2024 Genesis 17: Worship - 11/5/2024 Genesis 18: Visitor(s) - 11/6/2024 Genesis 18: God's Power - 11/7/2024 Genesis 18: Justice - 11/8/2024 Genesis 18: Intercession - 11/11/2024 Genesis 19: Wicked - 11/12/2024 Genesis 19: Lot was what? - 11/13/2024 Genesis 19: Perversion - 11/14/2024 Genesis 19: Consequences - 11/15/2024 Genesis 20: Crooked Sticks - 11/18/2024 Genesis 21: God's Timing - 11/18/2024 Genesis 21: Messes Cleaned - 11/20/2024 Genesis 21: Precedent Setter - 11/21/2024 God Came Near... - 11/22/2024 Genesis 22: Abraham Tested - 1/6/2025 Genesis 22: Testing Continued - 1/6/2025 Genesis 22: Jehovah Jireh - 1/8/2025 Genesis 23: Promises, Promises - 1/9/2025 Genesis 23: Great Faithfulness - 1/10/2025 Genesis 24: Keep Moving - 1/13/2025 Genesis 24: Specifics - 1/14/2025 Genesis 24: Answered Prayer - 1/15/2025 Genesis 24: Business First - 1/16/2025 Genesis 24: Love Story - 1/17/2025 Genesis 25: Good Old Age - 1/20/2025 Genesis 25: Consequences - 1/21/2025 Genesis 25: Abraham's Legacy - 1/22/2025 Genesis 25: Two Nations - 1/23/2025 Genesis 25: The Despiser - 1/24/2025 Those Who are Perishing - 1/27/2025 Genesis 26: Deception Again - 1/28/2025 Genesis 26: Blessings - 1/29/2025 Genesis 26: Peacemakers - 1/30/2025 Genesis 27: Sad Deception - 1/31/2025 Genesis 27: Blessings - 2/3/2025 Genesis 27: Motivations - 2/4/2025 Genesis 28: Jacob's Flight - 2/5/2025 Genesis 28: Jacob's Ladder - 2/6/2025 Genesis 28: The Tithe - 2/7/2025 Genesis 29: At First Sight - 2/10/2025 Genesis 29: Trickster Tricked - 2/11/2025 Genesis 29: The Brokenhearted - 2/12/2025 Genesis 30: Conflict's Roots - 2/13/2025 Genesis 30: Worldly Wisdom - 2/14/2025 A Redeemed Situation - 3/10/2025 God's Intervention - 3/11/2025 Genesis 31: Because I Said So - 3/12/2025
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