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Gregory A. Miller | Worthington, Ohio
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Bible Believers Fellowship
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Gregory A. Miller
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Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist
Series:  Exposing Apostasy  · 2 of 16
4/21/2008 (MON)
  |  Bible: Matthew 7:15; 1 John 4:1
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Billy Graham was an inclusivist (nice term for apostate) and was from the beginning. He admitted it. John R. Rice, Bob Jones Sr., Carl McIntire and others exposed it and Graham's own ministry confirms it.

Billy Graham preached a watered-down Gospel and a false 'christ' who does not call Roman Catholics, Orthodox or other pagans out of their idolatry. Graham's 'christ' does not even DESIRE Jews and Muslims to convert!

We will listen to Billy's own words from his own mouth, starting in 1949. We will read quotations from his massive propaganda machine. We will read these admissions from Billy's own autobiography.

Billy Graham sent millions of unwary seekers from a 'sinner's prayer' into the clutches of the Whore of Revelation 17. We must WARN our loved ones and stand against Graham's 'evil empire'.

This is a message that all true Bible Believers MUST have as we prepare for the final days of this end time delusion that is sweeping Christendom and has swallowed nearly all of evangelicalism and much of professing fundamentalism already.
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Gregory A. Miller
Billy Graham

Exposing Apostasy
Bible Believers Fellowship
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Gregory A. Miller
Billy Graham

Exposing Apostasy
Bible Believers Fellowship
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SBG (6/6/2022)
“ One More Thing ”
This expose was very thorough and needs to be heard but there was something important left out. Graham mingled and associated with many Hollywood actors and celebrities and even went on the Dean Martin Roasts as well as various talk shows. To be accepted by them he had to compromise greatly.

FHC (5/30/2022)
“ Needed Sermon for Our Day ”
This is For His Church. Even though there are many comments about this sermon from 2008, I had to add another one. This Is Truth. People all over the world, and especially America, do not want to face this truth. Thank you for exposing what needed to be exposed.

Robert Grubinskas (8/23/2020)
from Millbury,MA
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a eye opener. Thank you for getting me onto the narrow way to find the gate. Mathew 7:14

Lisa (7/18/2020)
from UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
Billy Graham he's an odd one as I was converted during a Billy Graham cruscade - was aware that he was compromising the gospel and friends of the Catholic Church. But praise God that he can over ride the heresy and bring a sinner like me to repentence and faith in the shed blood of Christ alone.

Wayne (5/3/2019)
“ Great Sermon! Music and all ”
Really good sermon I had no idea people really dislike Billy Graham had no clue. I never listened to him outside of reading a book year's ago on angels. By the way love the music as well ignore the comments of the Pharisees

Bryan R GregoryContact via email (3/18/2018)
from UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
This a very informative talk but spoilt by the worldly back ground mood music. There was absolutely no need for it!

DL (8/4/2016)
from Oklahoma
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for the information which is basically unknown to most people. I saw him on Larry King and in Schuller's church so I did some research and read about him and was really disappointed to learn all this.

anon1Contact via email (3/19/2015)
from snowbelt
“ Great Sermon! ”
A fairly good expose' on Billy the Goat and his heresy, including his involvement with both Robert Schueller and also Freemasonry. He has been exposed so many times over and by so many writers and others yet most prominent preachers and pastors still cowardly avoid preaching against him & his heresy and most even still promote it (i.e his "decision-for-Christ" subtle works Gospel); Graham is an idol.They will preach against Joel Osteen but they won't dare touch the sacred (goat) Billy Graham.

Louise (11/6/2014)
from Bloomington, Minnesota
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent teaching on this very deceitful false prophet. Really appreciated hearing the clips of his apostasy in his own words. Thank you.

Truth Be Known (4/6/2014)
from SW OK
“ Great Sermon! ”
Billy Graham was just an extension of the Carholic church, but the evangelical preachers would not out him.

Hjalmar (9/2/2010)
from NYS
“ The Message Needed in Every Pulpit! ”
This message was extremely relevant. The two greatest points in this message, I believe, are: 1) Billy Graham has been a deceiving compromiser since at least the 1950s, not just recently as his defenders try to claim. 2) When Billy dies, prepare for the whole Evangely-fish Church to go hogwild in their appreciation and commemoration of his ministry. Many of his books will be reprinted and sold to the unwary. But . . . you won't hear the truth about Billy from most pulpits. People should make copies of this message on CD and give them to their pastor. Get him to respond. If he dismisses it, then that should tell you something about your pastor. He's a hireling!

Barbara semanach (4/25/2009)
from Michigan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes!! Excellent sermon. Thankyou so much!

MarilynjContact via email (5/3/2008)
from New York
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very few Pastors today will mark these men who are preaching a false Gospel, and deceiving millions. II Thessalonians 2:3 tells us: "Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." We are seeing this Scripture fulfilled in the Christian world today. When you try to tell people about the apostasy of Graham, they will not listen. They have their eyes on the man, and refuse to hear and understand the false message he brings. Christians need to go back to the King James Bible, and the true message of God's Word. Thank you for warning Christians about this dangerous man and his false doctrine.

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  Gregory A. Miller
Pastor Greg was born two months after the Apollo moon landing in 1969 and was born AGAIN at the age of 19, entering youth ministry less than two years later and has now worked in various ministries for more than 30 years. He has pastored Bible Believers Fellowship since June...

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