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Rev. Glenn Wilkinson | Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Lisnagelvin Road
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Rev Ian Brown
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Has The POPE Peter's Keys Or Character?
Series:  The History of the Papacy  · 1 of 14
4/1/2005 (FRI)
  |  Bible: 1 Peter 5:1-4
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Now that the Pope has died, tributes are rising to floodtide as important persons queue to applaud his life and labours.

A trio of American Presidents cut a sorry sight as they paid homage over the dead body of the Pope on Thursday (4/7/05).

As did British Premier Tony Blair when attending a vespers prayer service for the repose of the Pope's soul at Westminster Cathedral on Monday (4/4/05).

It is truly a time to take stock ... .

This topical message provides a comprehensive outline of the Papal Office, tracing:

1. The DAWN of the Papacy;

... paying attention to the following factors that allowed Rome to wrest control of 'Christendom':

a) Corrosion – apostasy and ignorance.

b) Conquest – break up of Western empire + rise of Islam.

c) Coronation – Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne as Emperor ... enabling successive popes to claim that the pontiff was superior to the emperor.

d) Concoction – false letters and laws that Rome claimed dated back to the C1st.

2. The DEVELOPMENT of the Papacy;

... showing how its rise is characterised by:

a) Diabolical Iniquity,
b) Barbaric Cruelty,
c) Papal Infallibility.

3. The DESTINY of the Papacy;

... examining:

a) Its Immediate Aspiration
b) Its Ultimate Destruction.

At an hour when countless 'evangelicals' are scripting their eulogies for Pope John Paul II, it is vital that God's true people remain focused - and biblical!
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Rev Ian Brown
Can The Pope Be Peter's Heir?

The History of the Papacy
Special Meeting
Londonderry Free Presbyterian
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Rev Ian Brown
Can The Pope Be Peter's Heir?

The History of the Papacy
Londonderry Free...
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Nathan McDonaldContact via email (4/16/2006)
from Falkirk Scotland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Brother Thank God that there is people like Ian Brown who will speak out against the enemy of the true gospel of Christ which is the anti-christ Pope of Rome who is a liar sent empowered by satan. The only time Peter ever resembled the Pope was when he cut of the ear of Malchus ie bloodshed and violence of which have been the the hallmark for centuries of this antichrist office. Indeed the Church of Rome is the great whore of revelation which is "Drunk on the blood of they martyrs" May God save catholics from "The abomination of the earth" Ie the Church of Rome and its abominiable system that ensares the souls of over a billion people worldwide amen.

Howell Davis (6/18/2005)
from Michigan, USA
“ Christ is the Way! ”
My heart crys out in utter agony for the Catholic! Blinded from birth [like Islamics] they know and believe no differently than what they have been taught at home and in catechism, from very early childhood onward. It really is a sub-cultural perpetual life fraternity of sorts. The catholic society becomes all encompassing. It is all they know. They, and their leaders, know not the fate of their soul. I fully understand what courage it must take for you to be bound and governed by the truth of scripture in an alien environment. It must be somewhat akin to Israel being surrounded by Arabs. The thin thread of saving grace available to the Catholic can primarily be obtained from your seed and the seed of preachers like you, although very rare. As a layman in the Royal Priesthood I get very discouraged with attempting to reach them and am now shunned by many. In fact, now hated by some I'm afraid. It is our responibility to try to plant [at the appropriate time and with the right opening] in and out of season so that no one will be lost and perish. Christ is the Way!

Neil Cameron (5/8/2005)
from Portland, Oregon, USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Message! Matthew 16:18 is, of course, the proof text used by the papacy to prove the quaint and utterly unbiblical notion of the appointment of Peter by the Lord as the first pope. I remember standing under the high altar of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome in the summer of 1967 and reading the words inscribed in capital letters on the inside of Michelangelo's cupola: "Tu es petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam", the Vulgate translation of the Greek original. To my knowledge many Protestant clergyman and commentators seem to feel that this verse indeed confers a primacy of sorts on Peter. Nothing could be farther from the true meaning of the Greek text. The proof of this assertion is not involved merely with the distinction between "petros" and "petra" (transliterations from the Greek), but goes much deeper. May God bless you as you fearlessly present the truth!

Former Son of the RC Church (4/12/2005)
“ Timely Message! ”
The Papacy will now show its true colours. I can honestly say as a former ardent Roman Catholic that there is a terrible time ahead for true Bible believing Christians. John Paul II put in place the mechanism for the next pope to work on. This is the way of the papacy. It glories now in the death of John Paul II, for it stirs up the people towards religious fervour like nothing else can do. I say that the world will witness in this new papacy the awaking of the sleeping giant of Rome and many will wonder after it and fall prey to its seductive influence. Watch what I say and see it unfold before your eyes as the beast begins to move.

James (4/5/2005)
from Northern Ireland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent. Very well put together, lots of detail. Very informative. I learnt a lot of new information which is going to be very useful. Thank you.

RodneyContact via email (4/3/2005)
from South Australia
“ A must hear Sermon! ”
A well researched, well preached and well received message. If you listen to just one sermon on sermon audio make this the one!

Geoff (4/3/2005)
from uk
“ Great Sermon! ”
Well done Rev. Brown for standing for the true faith in this day of liberalism when every so called "evangelical" is so nicey, nicey (don't rock the boat mentality is all around us). RECOMMENDED TO ALL!

Daniel Lee Ford (4/2/2005)
“ Outrageous Claims exposed! ”
"Holy Father" is only used once in the Bible; Jn.17:11: God the Father's title. New York Catholic Catechism, under Pope: "The Pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on divine right the pope has supreme and full power in faith and morals over each and every pastor and his flock. He is the true Vicar of Christ, the head of the entire church, the father and teacher of all Christians. He is the infallible ruler, the founder of dogmas, the author of and the judge of councils; the universal ruler of truth, the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by one, God himself on earth." In encyclical, "The Reunion of Christendom" (1885), Pope Leo XIII stated that the pope holds "upon this earth the place of God Almighty." Council of Trent declared: "Sitting in that chair in which Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, sat to the close of life, the Catholic Church recognizes in his person the most exalted degree of dignity, and the full jurisdiction not based on constitutions, but emanating from no less authority than from God Himself. As the Successor of St.Peter& the true and legitimate Vicar of Jesus Christ, he therefore, presides over the Universal Church, the Father & Governor of all the faithful" This is Arrogant blasphemy!

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  Rev Ian Brown
Ian Brown succeeded Dr Ian Paisley as minister of Martyrs Memorial in August 2013. Prior to this he pastored the Free Presbyterian congregation in Northern Ireland’s Maiden City, Londonderry, from 1987 to 2013. He is the author of several books, notably: “Belfast Boat – Titanic,...

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