Easter message 2022 The passion and resurrection Christ Why did Jesus tell us to love our enemies? What does it mean to love our enemies? These questions are answered by Jesus during His crucifixion. Isaiah 53:3–5 says He was despised, rejected, stricken, smitten, afflicted, wounded, brusied, chastised, and whipped. Isaiah 50:6 adds, the hair on His face was plucked; He was shamed, and spit upon. Isaiah 52:14 says, "His visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men." In spite of the brutal, vicious, and hateful treatment He was subjected to, He said, "Father forgive them." How could He do such a thing? Discover what compelled Jesus to forgive, rather than to avenge Himself at the moment. Discover what Jesus wants you to do. -Subscribe at patrickbriney.com and receive a free book. -Sign up for a free prayer course at https://patrickbriney.com/prayer-email-course. |