The importance of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit cannot be understated. The indwelling spirit is God's pledge (earnest) that we are the sons and the daughters of God!
Whereas Israel was chosen by God by blood, the believers, whether born Jewish or not, are adopted by od into this new family called the ekklesia (in Greek) and church (in English). This new family is different from God's other family (Israel). This new family has its birthright in the Messiah, Jesus, and the indwelling Spirit is our new DNA!
Through the Spirit we are not only called, but we are justified, and ultimately glorified. Thus Paul in Romans 8 starting with the conclusionary question, what shall we say then, asks several rhetorical questions:
- If God be for us, who can be against us? - Since God was willing to give HIs Son for us, is He not prepared to give us all things? - Who then can bring a charge against God's elect? - Who is he that condemns us? (Certainly not God) - Who (or what) can separate us from the love of God in Jesus?
He ends the chapter with a flurry saying, "I am persuaded that nothing can separate the sons and daughters of God from their Father!" |