In this message, we continue at God's revelation of himself to the children of Israel. God begins with revealing He is merciful. Why would God begin by telling Israel He is: merciful, gracious, and longsuffering. In order to understand, we need to look in other Scriptures. Exodus 19:16-19 & 20:18-21. We then discuss what happened while Moses was on the Mount. Since Israel turned away from God, the children of Israel no doubt expected the wrath of God. We discuss how God does not display His wrath, but mercy in this situation. We also discuss the need to examine the justice and wrath of God when looking at the mercy and grace of God. God's justice demands the penalty for sin is death; including separation from Him. The children of Israel no doubt expected the Justice of God in this situation. God however does not show them wrath, He displays mercy and grace. As we look at mercy, we define it as, not getting what you deserve. The children of Israel deserved wrath. What they received was mercy. What God reveals to Israel is this, He will continue to be their God, and He will continue to be His people. Mercy is not at the expense of Justice. In order for God to be merciful and remain just, sin must be punished. When thinking about our sin, if God allows it to go unpunished, He would become unjust. This is why the substitutionary death of Christ is such a glorious teaching. It is the substitutionary death of Christ which allows God to be merciful to His people. God judges sin in the person of His Son Jesus. He pours His wrath out for the sins of His people upon His Son. We also take a look at the limited scope of the atonement. |