Question 72: May not the infant children of believers under the Gospel be baptized since the infant descendants of Abraham were circumcised under the Law? Answer: No. Abraham had a command from God to circumcise his infant descendants, but believers have no command to baptize their infant children under the Gospel. (a) (a) Gen. 17.9-12 Question 73: If the infant children of believers are in the Covenant of Grace with their parents, as some say, why may they not be baptized under the Gospel, as well as Abraham's infant descendants were circumcised under the Law? Answer: By the infant children of Believers being in the Covenant of Grace, it must either be meant of the Covenant of Grace absolutely considered, and if so, then there can be no total and final falling away of any infant children of believers from the Covenant, but all must be saved. (a) (a) Jer. 32:38-40; John 10.28 Or, they must mean conditionally, on consideration that when they come to an age of maturity, they by true faith, love, and holiness of life, taking hold of God's Covenant of Grace, shall An Orthodox Catechism 50 have the privileges of it. This being their sense, I then ask what real spiritual privilege the infant children of believers have more than the infant children of unbelievers, if they live also to years of maturity, and by true faith and love take hold God's Covenant? I further demand, whether the Seal of the Covenant does not belong as much to the children of unbelievers as to the children of believers? and more too, since some infant children of unbelievers take hold of God's Covenant, and some infant children of believers do not2; as this often occurs to the sorrow of many godly parents. |