The Bible never tells us to ask God to reveal the future or to ask for a blueprint for our lives. There is a plan, but it is part of his secret will. Instead, the Bible commands us to seek wisdom.
Why are we to "get wisdom?" Proverbs tell us that it is more valuable than silver, gold, or rubies. And because it is priceless, Solomon tells us to "get wisdom" because it is also the "principal thing." Although commentators suggest various interpretations of what "principal" means, ultimately, it is Jesus Christ who is the principal thing.
So, if we want wisdom, what do we need to do? Seek it. But that begs the question: how do we seek for wisdom? First, we must seek wisdom with the right attitudes: humility, teachableness, diligence, and faith. For those seeking wisdom, there are several approaches: prayer, redeeming the time, observing creation, studying the Bible, and more. |