Speaker: Dave Jenkins
1,947 sermons
The Dangers of a Pragmatic and Entertainment Approach to the Church
On today's Equipping You in Grace show, Dave continues our Church series considering a brief history of pragmatism, the dangers of pragmatism and an entertainment approach to ministry, along with instruction from Voddie Baucham, Todd Friel on the dangers of pragmatism, and the means of grace, among other topics on this new episode. What you'll hear in this episode • A Brief History of Pragmatism. • The dangers of pragmatism to worship and ministry. • The dangers of an entertainment approach to ministry. • Instruction from Voddie Baucham, Todd Friel, and John MacArthur on the dangers of pragmatism and the means of grace. Subscribing to the show Website: https://servantsofgrace.org/equipping-you-in-grace-2/ Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/equipping-you-in-grace/id1046765197 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2hSxiDWtUUADAlaDFijRE4 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/37029196-cf49-4ecf-80c2-7a7aa846ff9e/equipping-you-in-grace YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/servantsofgrace Donate to our ministry: https://servantsofgrace.org/giving/ Thanks for watching to this episode of Equipping You in Grace!
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Street- Passions of.. - 10/16/2021 Dave and Sarah Jenkins-.. - 10/17/2021 Costi Hinn- Defining.. - 10/18/2021 Dave Furman- Kiss the Wave:.. - 10/19/2021 Dave Jenkins- How to Deal.. - 10/19/2021 The Importance and Need for.. - 10/23/2021 Dave Jenkins- Theology for.. - 10/24/2021 Jeremy Pierre– The Dynamic.. - 10/24/2021 Nancy Guthrie– What.. - 10/24/2021 Responding to Challenges to.. - 10/24/2021 Ed Welch- Side by Side - 10/25/2021 Dave Jenkins- The Blessing.. - 11/1/2021 Dave Jenkins-- The Purpose.. - 11/2/2021 Paul Smalley- Reformed.. - 11/7/2021 Dave Jenkins – Why the.. - 11/9/2021 Michelle Lesley- The Danger.. - 11/14/2021 Dave Jenkins- Fighting.. - 11/16/2021 Bodie Hodge- Adam, Genesis,.. - 11/21/2021 Dave Jenkins-- The Purpose.. - 11/23/2021 Andrew Davis-The Glory Now.. - 11/28/2021 Dave Jenkins – The Dangers.. - 11/30/2021 Jonathan Gibson-- Be Thou.. - 12/5/2021 Deborah Howard- HELP! I'm.. - 12/7/2021 Navigating Loss at the.. - 12/12/2021 Lucy Ann Moll- Help! 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11/20/2023 Finding Comfort in the Lord.. - 11/27/2023 Speaking up Against the Thre.. - 11/29/2023 Gospel Hope for Victims of S.. - 12/4/2023 Helping Individuals Overcome.. - 12/6/2023 Responding to Attacks on the.. - 12/11/2023 Understanding the Significan.. - 12/13/2023 Help for the Grieving and Th.. - 12/18/2023 End of the Year 2023 Report.. - 12/20/2023 Hope at Christmas and Beyond.. - 12/25/2023 Reading the Bible in 2024 wi.. - 12/27/2023 Rightly Reading and Studying.. - 1/1/2024 The Benefits and Strategies.. - 1/3/2024 The Sanctity of Life: Meanin.. - 1/8/2024 Daily Worship from Pascha to.. - 1/10/2024 Contentment: The Journey of.. - 1/15/2024 Loving the Word, Loving Peop.. - 1/16/2024 Memorizing Scripture for Lif.. - 1/17/2024 The Peace of God: Salvation.. - 1/22/2024 Biblical Life Change: The Fu.. - 1/24/2024 The Warrior Savior: A Theolo.. - 1/29/2024 Finding Contentment in Chris.. - 1/31/2024 Unraveling NAR and Modern-Da.. - 2/5/2024 Speaking Out Against False T.. - 2/7/2024 IF Gathering: A Biblical and.. - 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Dave Jenkins is happily married to Sarah Jenkins. He is a writer, editor, and speaker living in beautiful Southern Oregon. Dave is a lover of Christ, His people, the Church, and sound theology. He serves as the Executive Director of Servants of Grace Ministries, the Executive...