Speaker: Adam McManus
2,370 sermons
Stephen Hawking Believes in God Now, Hopeful Young Voices Speak Out for Life, America
>Georgia Legislature Acts - 3/18/2016 Wycliffe Translators Killed - 3/21/2016 Little Sisters Big Day - 3/22/2016 Terror Attack in Belgium - 3/23/2016 Little Sisters Appeal to Court - 3/24/2016 Georgia Governor Waffling - 3/25/2016 San Francisco Bans Travel NC - 3/28/2016 Nathan Deal Vetoes GA Bill - 3/29/2016 Two Cities Banning Travel - 3/30/2016 Utah Abortions Use Painkiller - 3/31/2016 Defunding Planned Parenthood - 4/1/2016 Franklin Graham in Sacramento - 4/4/2016 Ted Cruz Takes North Dakota - 4/5/2016 The Chinese Can Clone - 4/6/2016 Parent Television TV Ratings - 4/7/2016 UK Health Worker Loses Job - 4/8/2016 Student Expelled from College - 4/11/2016 Sex-Ed in CO Pre Schools - 4/12/2016 Death Penalty Up 50% Last Year - 4/14/2016 Kasich & Religious Liberty - 4/15/2016 Hillary Clinton Endorsed - 4/18/2016 Rallies for Parental Freedoms - 4/19/2016 Bill Declares Porn Crisis - 4/21/2016 Harriett Tubman & the $20 Bill - 4/22/2016 Boycott for Target's Bathrooms - 4/25/2016 China's President's Message - 4/26/2016 Muslims Kidnapping Women - 4/27/2016 Baby Body Parts - 4/28/2016 Permit for Speaking Of Jesus - 4/28/2016 100-Yrs to Woman for Abortion - 5/2/2016 Green Beret Reinstated - 5/3/2016 Cruz Ends His Campaign - 5/4/2016 Call for Repentance - 5/5/2016 Russia's Pro-Life Measure - 5/6/2016 Attempts to Oust Roy Moore - 5/9/2016 Getting the Gospel into Africa - 5/10/2016 Sanders Wins West Virginia - 5/11/2016 World View in 5 Minutes (5-12) - 5/12/2016 Mayor Endorses Hillary Clinton - 5/16/2016 Little Sisters Given a Break - 5/17/2016 Gay Pastor Confesses to Lying - 5/18/2016 Supreme Court Picks Announced - 5/19/2016 Trump to End Gun Free Zones - 5/23/2016 Homosexuality OK'd for Clergy - 5/24/2016 Hawaii, Gun Owner Database - 5/25/2016 Obama Administration Sued - 5/26/2016 Georgia Republican in Trouble - 5/30/2016 Libertarian is Pro-Abortion - 5/31/2016 Beck Suspended from Sirius XM - 6/1/2016 Gospel Heard in North Korea - 6/2/2016 Graham: Days of Noah Returning - 6/6/2016 Obama Appeals to the Bible - 6/6/2016 Gun Sales Breaking New Records - 6/8/2016 Transgender Bathroom Mandates - 6/9/2016 Worst Mass Shooting in U.S - 6/13/2016 Grimmie Killed for her Faith - 6/14/2016 Daleiden Charge Dropped - 6/15/2016 Senate Approves Women Draft - 6/16/2016 Fallujah Taken Back from ISIS - 6/20/2016 Evangelicals Meet with Trump - 6/21/2016 Mormon Leader Escaped Custody - 6/22/2016 Graham: Trump a Better Choice - 6/23/2016 Virginia Flooding Kills 23 - 6/27/2016 Stonewall a National Monument? - 6/28/2016 Supreme Court - No to Liberty - 6/29/2016 Islam's Bloody Holy Month - 6/30/2016 More Record Terrorist Attacks - 7/4/2016 Ramadan Death Toll Now at 363 - 7/5/2016 Clinton Cleared of Misconduct - 7/6/2016 Police Shooting in Louisiana - 7/7/2016 Mega-Corporations Attack NC - 7/11/2016 Names of Police Killed in TX - 7/12/2016 Anglicans Approve Gay Marriage - 7/13/2016 Trump Campaign Hints at Pence - 7/15/2016 Republican National Convention - 7/18/2016 Is it a War on Cops? - 7/19/2016 Trump the Republican Nominee - 7/20/2016 No Trump Endorsement From Cruz - 7/21/2016 Tim LaHaye is With the Lord - 7/26/2016 French Priest Killed in Church - 7/27/2016 Revival Taking Place in Iran - 7/28/2016 384 Nigerian Christians Killed - 7/29/2016 ISIS May Target Rio With Bomb - 8/1/2016 TX Allows Weapons In Colleges - 8/2/2016 Prison Fellowship & New Leader - 8/3/2016 Held Evans Endorses Hillary - 8/4/2016 Benjamin Watson Speaks Out... - 8/8/2016 Over 70 Killed in Pakistan - 8/9/2016 Mohler Doesn't Endorse Trump - 8/11/2016 Marine Loses Liberty Case - 8/12/2016 Flooding in LA an Act of God - 8/16/2016 Trump More Specific on Islam - 8/17/2016 African Church Uncompromising - 8/18/2016 Target Bends to Petition - 8/19/2016 F. Graham Not Welcome in BC - 8/22/2016 Study Says People Not Born Gay - 8/23/2016 Asia Bibi's Final Appeal - 8/24/2016 Persecution Bill Passes in CA - 8/26/2016 Aborted Babies Being Dissected - 8/29/2016 Mueller Testifies to Her Faith - 8/30/2016 UK Kills Babies with 'Defects' - 9/1/2016 CA & Undercover Reporters - 9/2/2016 Russia Ready for Nuclear War - 9/5/2016 Phyllis Schlafly Dead at 92 - 9/6/2016 70% of Fed Courts Liberal - 9/7/2016 Qureshi Diagnosed with Cancer - 9/9/2016 Hillary's Presidency Humble? - 9/12/2016 Orlando Terrorist a Homosexual - 9/13/2016 UK Socialist Care Collapsing - 9/14/2016 Evangelical Leaders and Trump - 9/16/2016 14-Year Old Christian Martyred - 9/19/2016 Belgium - Voluntary Euthanasia - 9/20/2016 Iran & Fastest Growing Church - 9/21/2016 ISIS Days Numbered in Mosul - 9/22/2016 Trump Debates Hillary - 9/27/2016 Trump Wins Presidential Debate - 9/28/2016 Christians' Killers Sentenced - 9/30/2016 Mozilla Founder & Beliefs - 10/3/2016 Mike Pence Brings up Abortion - 10/5/2016 The VP Candidates Debate - 10/5/2016 Obama's Popularity Higher - 10/7/2016 Donald Trump is in Hot Water - 10/10/2016 Hungary Addresses Persecution - 10/11/2016 Haiti Digging Out of Hurricane - 10/12/2016 No Verdict for Asia Bibi - 10/14/2016 Tony Perkins Supporting Trump - 10/17/2016 CA Pregnancy Centers Slammed - 10/18/2016 R. Travis - “Amazing Grace" - 10/19/2016 STD's Highest Levels Ever - 10/21/2016 Clinton Agrees with Catholics - 10/24/2016 Wide Disparity on Polls - 10/25/2016 Homeschoolers Threatened - 10/26/2016 Talking with Judge Roy Moore - 10/28/2016 Hillary's Email Case Opened - 10/31/2016 UN Sending Funds to Haiti? - 11/1/2016 Pastor Elected Mayor in Rio - 11/3/2016 Mormon Church and Gay Mormons - 11/4/2016 Ben Zobrist a Christian - 11/7/2016 Donald Trump Wins the Election - 11/8/2016 Protesters Oppose Trump - 11/10/2016 Planned Parenthood Devastated - 11/11/2016 Priebus Will be Chief of Staff - 11/14/2016 U.S. Debt Now Almost Highest - 11/15/2016 Earthquake Hits New Zealand - 11/16/2016 A&E: Duck Dynasty is Over - 11/18/2016 Iraqi Christians Return Home - 11/21/2016 Trump Announces Cabinet Picks - 11/22/2016 Trump's Pro-Life Appointments - 11/24/2016 Trump Policy Shifting Around - 11/25/2016 Somalian Muslim Wounds 11 - 11/29/2016 Homosexuals Mad at HGTV Stars - 12/1/2016 Theresa May and Christianity - 12/2/2016 30 Bodies in Nightclub Fire - 12/4/2016 97 Killed in Indonesia Quake - 12/8/2016 John Glenn Passes Away at 95 - 12/8/2016 160 Killed in Roof Collapse - 12/12/2016 Christian Films Grow in 2016 - 12/13/2016 Kasich Vetoes Heartbeat Bill - 12/14/2016 Religious Freedom Act & Obama - 12/16/2016 “Peace in the Womb” Caroling - 12/19/2016 ISIS & Berlin, Germany Attack - 12/21/2016 Christian Lobby Office Burned - 12/22/2016 Human Body Parts Market - 12/23/2016 ISIS Threatens U.S. Churches - 12/26/2016 RNC Chair Calls Christ Savior - 12/27/2016 Burying Aborted Babies Denied - 12/28/2016 Cuba's Abortion Rate Past 60% - 12/30/2016 39 Killed in Istanbul Attack - 1/2/2017 Americans Support Cohabitation - 1/3/2017 US is a Nation of Persecution - 1/5/2017 More Persecution in Uganda - 1/6/2017 Chinese Pastor Gets 2 1/2 Year - 1/9/2017 ISIS Teaches Children to Kill - 1/10/2017 Obama's Farewell Speech - 1/12/2017 Shooter Roof Told to Repent - 1/13/2017 Leftists Prepare for Protests - 1/16/2017 Sex Reassignment for Murderers - 1/17/2017 President Elect to be Sworn In - 1/19/2017 The Inauguration and Protests - 1/20/2017 Extended Inaugural Newscast - 1/23/2017 Trump Signs Executive Order - 1/24/2017 Over 1 Billion Babies Killed - 1/26/2017 John Piper's Prayer for Trump - 1/27/2017 VP Pence at Right to Life - 1/30/2017 Northern Ireland Most Pro-Life - 1/31/2017 Compassion Forced out of India - 2/2/2017 Trump and Religious Liberties - 2/3/2017 Poland and Same Sex Marriage - 2/6/2017 Pence Endorses Homosexuality - 2/7/2017 OR Euthanizing Mentally Ill? - 2/9/2017 Pro-Life Bill in Congress - 2/10/2017 Tom Price for HHS Secretary - 2/13/2017 Trump Scores Low on Popularity - 2/14/2017 Russia Against Evangelism - 2/16/2017 World Relief Closes 5 Offices - 2/17/2017 Norma McCorvey Special Report - 2/20/2017 FLOTUS Says the Lord's Prayer - 2/21/2017 Canadian Pro-life Hero in Jail - 2/23/2017 Alan Colmes to Meet His Maker - 2/24/2017 Trump Speaks to CPAC - 2/27/2017 Homosexuality Wins at Oscars - 2/28/2017 Canadian Doctors & Suicide - 3/1/2017 Disney Breaks A Moral Barrier - 3/3/2017 War with ISIS Intensifies - 3/6/2017 Northern Ireland Moves Left - 3/7/2017 UK Street Preachers Arrested - 3/9/2017 Fox News and Sexual Scandals - 3/10/2017 Turkey & Trial for Missionary - 3/13/2017 Turkey & Trial for Missionary - 3/13/2017 300% Increase Female Pastors - 3/14/2017 Ireland Rejects Abortion Bill - 3/16/2017 Trump Proposes Cuts in Budget - 3/17/2017 100,000 Christians Flee Burma - 3/20/2017 Bangladesh Christianity Grows - 3/20/2017 Gorsuch: Roe v. Wade Stands - 3/22/2017 Paul Washer on the Mend - 3/24/2017 Iraq Christianity "Finished" - 3/27/2017 Mennonites Face Persecution - 3/28/2017 Vimeo Against Transformation - 3/29/2017 Report on Planned Parenthood - 3/30/2017 Gorsuch Confirmed This Week? - 4/3/2017 Islam Instilled in 7th Graders - 4/4/2017 373 Babies Saved - 4/5/2017 Cameras Put in China Churches - 4/7/2017 Churches Bombed in Egypt - 4/10/2017 Harvard Erases Puritan Past - 4/11/2017 Abortion Clinic Closes in LA - 4/13/2017 Sudanese Churches Demolished - 4/14/2017 Montana Passes Abortion Ban - 4/17/2017 North Korea Threatens War - 4/18/2017 Bill O'Reilly Leaves Fox News - 4/20/2017 Justice Roy Moore Looses Case - 4/21/2017 France Nationalism Gets Boost - 4/24/2017 Homeschool Parents on Trial - 4/25/2017 Trump Against Anti-Semitism - 4/26/2017 Methodists and Lesbian Bishop - 4/28/2017 Tornadoes Kill Five in Texas - 5/1/2017 New Supreme Court and Liberty - 5/2/2017 Dove Releases “Inclusive” Ad - 5/4/2017 House Passes Healthcare Law - 5/5/2017 Honduras Upholds Abortion Ban - 5/8/2017 Persecuted Bakery Sees Growth - 5/9/2017 Rebuilding of Christian Homes - 5/11/2017 Huge Dinosaur Megalith Found - 5/12/2017 New Ebola Epidemic in Congo - 5/15/2017 Increase of Immorality in USA - 5/16/2017 WY Planned Parenthood Closing - 5/18/2017 North Korea Church Growing - 5/19/2017 Chinese Christians Tortured - 5/22/2017 Attack at A. Grande Concert - 5/23/2017 OR Bill Verges on Euthanasia - 5/24/2017 Methodists Now a House Divided - 5/26/2017 Ramadan to Bring More Attacks - 5/29/2017 More Arrests in Manchester - 5/30/2017 90 Killed in Kabul Car Bombing - 6/1/2017 Trump Rejects Paris Accord - 6/2/2017 "North Korea is a Threat" - 6/5/2017 Monifa Sterling's Case Ignored - 6/7/2017 10M Men MIA from Economy - 6/8/2017 Bob Dylan Holds to Bible - 6/9/2017 Abortion Decreasing in Russia - 6/12/2017 Court Blocks Travel Ban - 6/13/2017 People Die in London Fire - 6/15/2017 Cosby Jury Hanging Itself - 6/16/2017 Mistrial for Bill Cosby - 6/19/2017 US Army's Transgender Training - 6/20/2017 Congresswoman Refuses to Abort - 6/21/2017 Samoa Becomes Christian Nation - 6/22/2017 NY Sues Pro-Life Churches - 6/26/2017 Supreme Court Takes Baker Case - 6/27/2017 Swedish Preschool Bans Prayer - 6/29/2017 London Preacher Exonerated - 6/30/2017 MacArthur: “No One Is Gay" - 7/3/2017 States Separating On Abortion - 7/4/2017 Euthanasia in Holland - 7/5/2017 Trump On Saving the West - 7/7/2017 Charlie Gard is Still Alive - 7/10/2017 Anglicans and Trangenderism - 7/11/2017 Family Rescued by Human Chain - 7/13/2017 Jupiter Pictures Stun NASA - 7/14/2017 More DIY Abortions in America - 7/17/2017 Canada Awards Terrorist $8M - 7/18/2017 Pastor Shot & Killed in India - 7/20/2017 OJ Simpson Released on Parole - 7/21/2017 C. Gard Barred from Leaving UK - 7/24/2017 Senators to Vote on Obamacare - 7/25/2017 Church of England to Split Up - 7/27/2017 Jeff Bezos is Now Richest Man - 7/28/2017 Battle Ends for Charlie Gard - 7/31/2017 City Slaps AiG with Tax - 8/1/2017 Buddhists Attack Christians - 8/3/2017 Special Report: Ark Encounter - 8/4/2017 27% Millennials Attend Church - 8/7/2017 Ohio Leads in Opioid Deaths - 8/8/2017 Boko Haram and Girl Bombers - 8/9/2017 Special Report on PureFlix - 8/11/2017 Killing at David Duke Rally - 8/14/2017 Korean Pastor in Good Health - 8/15/2017 Top European Leaders Childless - 8/16/2017 Barcelona Attack Kills 13 - 8/18/2017 Jerry Lewis Dead at 91 - 8/21/2017 Eclipse Declares God's Glory - 8/22/2017 Trudeau Pushing Abortion - 8/24/2017 Chile Legalizes Some Abortions - 8/25/2017 Trump Pardons Sheriff Arpaio - 8/28/2017 Transgenderism in the Military - 8/29/2017 Christian Relief in Houston - 8/31/2017 TX Governor Calls for Prayer - 9/1/2017 Most Expensive Hurricane Ever - 9/4/2017 Strong Sanctions Against NK - 9/5/2017 Turkey & Christian Persecution - 9/7/2017 Muslims Flee From the Myanmar - 9/8/2017 Irma Moves into Tampa - 9/11/2017 Irma & Harvey Top $290 Billion - 9/12/2017 Texas Governor, Pro-Life Bills - 1/31/2018 Kazakhstan Arrests More... - 2/1/2018 FBI Accused of Abuse of Power - 2/5/2018 Record Stock Market Collapse - 2/6/2018 Egyptian Christians Forgive - 2/7/2018 Iran's Parliament - 2/8/2018 Walgreens-Transgender Bathroom - 2/12/2018 Media Commends North Korea - 2/13/2018 Seize Homeschool Child, Norway - 2/15/2018 Australia:Religious Freedom - 2/16/2018 Ken Ham Re-invited to OU - 2/19/2018 White House, Gun Control - 2/20/2018 Nigerian Christians - 2/21/2018 Billy Graham is With the Lord - 2/22/2018 Pro-Lifer Flip Benham Arrested - 2/27/2018 Persecution in India Rises - 2/28/2018 UN Reputation Ruined by Rapes - 3/1/2018 North Korea, Nuclear Program - 3/8/2018 Trump Meet with NK President - 3/12/2018 Ireland Towards Abortion - 3/13/2018 Trump Fires Secretary of State - 3/14/2018 Stephen Hawking Believes Now - 3/15/2018
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