"Walter Martin's Cults Reference Bible" which was published in 1981. Larry Wessels purchased this bible in 1982 & has used it in all of his television shows produced since 1985. Since Larry is a street preacher & evangelist he has used this bible in all his outdoor & indoor ministry activities which has included Jehovah's Witness conventions & Kingdom Halls, Mormon wards & temple openings, Islamic student centers & mosques, Yoga meditation gatherings, Unification Church of Rev. Moon meetings, Unity School of Christianity events, open air university campus interactions, the Local Church of Witness Lee meetings, Christian Science reading rooms, Christian bookstores & used religious bookstores, theology conferences, university study centers, anti abortion activities, public libraries, door to door neighborhood evangelism, radio broadcasts, apartment complexes infested with Jehovah's Witnesses, Campbellite Church of Christ events, apologetics class lectures & anywhere else he could go to cause trouble for the devil & his works. Walter R. Martin was an American Evangelical minister, author, and Christian apologist who founded the Christian Research Institute in 1960 as a para-church ministry specializing as a clearing-house of information in both general Christian apologetics and in countercult apologetics. Walter Martin's Cults Reference Bible: King James Version with Reference Notes, Topical Index, Bibliography, a Guide to the Major Cults, and Other Studies (1981). Whenever a Christian encounters a cultist, certain primary thoughts must be paramount in his mind: (1) He must strive to direct the conversation to the problem of terminology. |