Rev. Nate Decker | Grandville, Michigan
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Speaker: Rev. Kenneth Koole
1,210 sermons
Confessing The Great Three In One
Confessing The Great Three In One I. Crucial To The Christian Faith II. Opening Our Understanding of God III. Exalting Salvation As All Of God Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 8
>A Word That Probes the Heart - 1/6/2008 The Necessity of Daily Prayer - 1/13/2008 Addressing God As Our Father - 1/20/2008 Praying God's Name Be Hallowed - 1/27/2008 To Pray for Church and Kingdom - 2/3/2008 Praying God's Will Be Done - 2/10/2008 Praying Each Day for Bread - 2/17/2008 Petitioning for Forgiveness - 3/9/2008 Praying to be Delivered - 4/6/2008 Concluding with a Doxology - 4/13/2008 Confessing an Only Comfort - 4/20/2008 Confessing an Only Comfort - 4/27/2008 Knowing Our Misery - 5/25/2008 All Guilty in Original Sin - 6/1/2008 Our Nature - Corrupt - 6/8/2008 God's Just Requirements - 6/29/2008 God's Wrath for Mercy's Sake - 7/6/2008 Shutup Unto God's Way Out - 7/20/2008 The Mediator Faith Seeks - 7/27/2008 Gospel, God's Way of Salvation - 8/3/2008 Saved by True and Living Faith - 8/24/2008 The Faith of a Child of God - 9/21/2008 Confessing God Triune - 9/28/2008 Almighty God - Our Father - 10/5/2008 Trusting God's Father - Hand - 10/12/2008 Jesus - Only & Complete Savior - 10/19/2008 Christ Anointed as Prophet - 11/9/2008 Jesus Messiah - A Royal Priest - 11/23/2008 Christ's Divine Lordship - 11/30/2008 The Messiah Promised - 12/14/2008 Sent to Suffer - 12/28/2008 Submitting to Pilate's Judging - 1/11/2009 The Old Man Crucified - 1/18/2009 Christ's Resurrection - 2/1/2009 Christ Ascended to Glory - 2/22/2009 The Return of the King - 3/1/2009 The Truth About the Spirit - 3/15/2009 Membership in Christ's Church - 3/29/2009 Communion Through Forgiveness - 4/5/2009 Glorying in the Resurrection - 4/19/2009 Justification by Faith Alone - 4/26/2009 Justification by Faith Alone - 5/24/2009 Grace of Divine Justification - 5/31/2009 Benefited by Means of Grace - 6/21/2009 The Vital Sign of Holy Baptism - 6/28/2009 The Efficacy of Baptism - 7/5/2009 Called to Partake of the Table - 8/2/2009 The Truth Re: Lord's Supper - 8/9/2009 A Proper Partaker of the Table - 8/30/2009 Christian Discipline - A Gift - 9/6/2009 Called to the Godly Life - 9/13/2009 True Conversion - 9/20/2009 Confess Jehovah as God Alone - 9/27/2009 God by Images Forbidden - 10/4/2009 Using God's Name With Honor - 10/11/2009 Swearing an Oath as Citizens - 10/18/2009 Keeping Holy the Sabbath - 10/25/2009 Honoring Our Parents - 11/8/2009 We Shall Not Murder! - 11/22/2009 Commanded To Be Chaste - 11/29/2009 Thou Shalt Not Steal - 12/13/2009 Love & the Tongue Tied toTruth - 12/20/2009 The 10th Commandment - 1/3/2010 Humble Sincerity in Prayer - 1/10/2010 Prayer's Proper Address - 1/17/2010 Hallowed Be Thy Name - 1/24/2010 Praying God's Kingdom Come - 1/31/2010 Praying Thy Will Be Done - 2/7/2010 Praying Daily for Our Bread - 2/21/2010 Pleading As Debtors Before God - 2/28/2010 Petition Against Temptation - 3/7/2010 Prayer's Proper Conclusion - 3/14/2010 The Only Possible Comfort - 4/18/2010 Holy Spirit, Comfort and Jesus - 4/25/2010 Proper Self Appraisal, the Law - 5/2/2010 Man's Present Condition - 5/9/2010 Confessing Our Original Sin - 5/23/2010 The Complete Corruption of Man - 5/30/2010 Everlasting Punishment - 6/20/2010 Oh, To Be Reconciled Unto God - 6/27/2010 Mediator So Desperately Needed - 7/11/2010 That Which Characterizes Faith - 7/18/2010 Confessing Glory of God Triune - 7/25/2010 Confessing God As Father - 8/1/2010 Confessing God's Providence - 8/22/2010 Confessing Jesus as Savior - 8/29/2010 Confessing Christ, Anointed - 9/12/2010 Confessing I Am A Christian - 9/19/2010 Christ's Divine Lordship - 9/26/2010 The Wonder of the Incarnation - 10/3/2010 The Suffering of Jesus Christ - 10/10/2010 Taking Upon Himself Our Death - 10/17/2010 The Wonder of The Resurrection - 10/24/2010 Christ Ascended - 11/7/2010 Christ Coming In Judgment - 11/28/2010 The Gift of the Holy Spirit - 12/5/2010 Communion Within the Church - 12/12/2010 The Resurrection of The Body - 12/19/2010 Counted as Righteous By Faith - 1/9/2011 Not Of Works - But Of Grace - 1/16/2011 Christ-Ordained Means of Grace - 1/23/2011 The Sign Of Baptism - 1/30/2011 Testimony of Our Lord's Supper - 2/13/2011 God's Covenant, Infant Baptism - 2/20/2011 Sacramental Grace of Supper - 2/27/2011 Proper Partakers - 3/6/2011 Called to Christian Discipline - 3/13/2011 The 'Must' Of Good Works - 3/20/2011 True Conversion - Life-Long - 3/27/2011 The New Man And His Good Works - 4/3/2011 God's Law, Forbidding Idolatry - 5/8/2011 Worship Pleasing to God - 5/22/2011 Speaking God's Name Aright - 5/29/2011 Keep The Sabbath As Christians - 6/5/2011 Children Honor Our Authority - 7/3/2011 Those Convicted of Murder - 7/10/2011 Called to Faithfulness, Purity - 7/17/2011 Warned About Greed and Hate - 7/24/2011 Requirements of God's Law - 7/31/2011 Bear False Witness Forbidden - 8/7/2011 Called To Pray - 9/11/2011 Turning To Our Father, Prayer - 9/18/2011 Hallowing God's Great Name - 10/2/2011 Praying Christ's Kingdom Come - 10/23/2011 Petition of Discipleship - 10/30/2011 Praying For Our Earthly Needs - 11/6/2011 Petitioning Forgiveness - 11/20/2011 Praying To Be Kept From Evil - 11/27/2011 Conclude Prayer With Doxology - 12/4/2011 True Comfort - God Sent - 12/11/2011 The Truth About Our Misery - 12/18/2011 The Origin of Man's Corruption - 1/8/2012 So Great A Depravity - 1/15/2012 The Justice of God's Demands - 1/29/2012 Righteousness of God Upheld - 2/5/2012 In Need Of A Special Redeemer - 2/19/2012 That Which Faith Confesses - 2/26/2012 The Faith That Alone Saves - 3/4/2012 Confessing Great Three In One - 3/11/2012 Confessing God As Our Creator - 3/18/2012 God of Wonderful Providence - 3/25/2012 Jesus: The One Only Name - 4/1/2012 The Messiah - 4/15/2012 Our Messianic High Priest - 4/22/2012 Promised Messianic King - 5/20/2012 Confessing Christ's Sonship - 6/3/2012 Confessing Christ As Lord - 6/10/2012 Wonder of the Incarnate Christ - 6/24/2012 Substitutionary Suffering - 7/1/2012 The Power of the Cross - 7/8/2012 Christ Risen From the Dead - 7/15/2012 Reality of Christ's Ascension - 7/22/2012 The Return of the King - 8/5/2012 The Holy Spirit - 9/2/2012 Belonging To The Church - 9/9/2012 Members Of Christ's Body - 9/16/2012 The Wonder Of Our Resurrection - 9/30/2012 Sinners Counted As Righteous - 10/7/2012 Salvation By Grace Alone - 10/14/2012 God-Ordained Means of Grace - 10/26/2012 The Sign of Holy Baptism - 11/4/2012 The Word of The Lord's Table - 11/18/2012 The Truth of The Lord's Supper - 12/2/2012 Proper Partakers - 12/9/2012 The Grace Of The Keys - 12/16/2012 The Must Of Good Works - 1/13/2013 True Conversion - 1/20/2013 The Relevancy of God's Law - 1/27/2013 Honoring The One True God - 2/3/2013 Worship Of Images Forbidden - 2/17/2013 Those Who Know God's Name - 2/24/2013 Keeping The Lord's Day - 3/24/2013 The Sixth Commandment and Love - 3/31/2013 Purity and Faithfulness - 4/7/2013 The Sin of Theft - 4/14/2013 The Evil of the Lie - 4/21/2013 Raising Honorable Children - 4/28/2013 The Heart of the Matter - 5/5/2013 Being Taught To Pray - 5/26/2013 Praying To God As Father - 6/2/2013 Hallowing God's Name - 6/9/2013 Praying For Church And Kingdom - 6/23/2013 Prayer That God's Will Be Done - 6/30/2013 Day By Day Praying for Bread - 7/7/2013 Debtors Praying, Forgiveness - 7/14/2013 Praying To Be Kept From Evil - 7/21/2013 Prayer's Concluding Doxology - 7/28/2013 Maintaining Firm Foundations - 8/18/2013 Instructed In A Unique Comfort - 9/8/2013 Gracious Preservation Assured - 9/15/2013 Exposing Man's True Nature - 9/29/2013 Originally Good - 10/6/2013 Confessing Our Original Sin - 10/20/2013 Man's Complete Corruption - 10/27/2013 Are We Indeed To Blame? - 11/3/2013 Righteousness and Punishment - 11/17/2013 Satisfaction Through Atonement - 11/24/2013 Wonderful Mediator Unveiled - 12/1/2013 Truth Concerning the Saved - 12/15/2013 What Characterizes True Faith - 1/12/2014 The Creator As Our Father - 1/19/2014 God Triune - God of Friendship - 1/26/2014 God's Hand of Providence - 2/2/2014 Jesus: The Complete Savior - 2/9/2014 Promised Messiah - 3/9/2014 High Priest of Royalty - 3/16/2014 Unique Suffering of Christ - 3/30/2014 The Word of The Cross - 4/6/2014 Dead to Sin - Alive in Christ - 5/4/2014 Confessing Jesus As Our Lord - 5/11/2014 Christ Jesus The Incarnate One - 5/18/2014 The Ascended Lord Jesus - 5/29/2014 Christ Jesus Coming Again - 6/1/2014 Concerning the Spirit of Truth - 6/8/2014 Membership In Christ's Church - 6/22/2014 Communion of the Saints - 6/29/2014 The Bodily Resurrection - 7/6/2014 Justifying the Unrighteous - 7/20/2014 Good Works Dependence Refuted - 7/27/2014 Preaching With the Sacraments - 8/3/2014 Instructed By Baptism - 8/10/2014 Forgiveness of Sins - 8/17/2014 Baptizing Infants - 8/24/2014 Testimony of our Lord's Supper - 9/14/2014 Real Presence at the Supper - 9/21/2014 Partaking: Exclusive Privilege - 9/28/2014 The Keys of the Kingdom - 10/5/2014 Christian Discipline - 10/12/2014 A Life of Good Works - 10/19/2014 The Life Of Good Works - 10/26/2014 Warned Against Idolatry - 11/2/2014 Images Forbidden In Worship - 11/9/2014 Not To Take God's Name In Vain - 11/16/2014 The Lord's Day: The Holy Day - 11/30/2014 Keeping Of The 6th Commandment - 12/7/2014 Called To Purity, Faithfulness - 12/28/2014 God's Law Against Covetousness - 1/11/2015 Prayer: Mark Of A Christian - 1/18/2015 To Address God As Our Father - 1/25/2015 The Holy Spirit: Life & Truth - 11/22/2015 Faith's Confession Of Church - 11/29/2015 Called To Fellowship Of Saints - 12/6/2015 Resurrection of Soul and Body - 12/13/2015 The Wonder Of Justification - 12/27/2015 Defense Of Salvation - 1/10/2016 Grace Properly Emphasized - 1/17/2016 The Sign of Baptism - 1/24/2016 Called To Partake - 2/7/2016 Lord's Supper: Truth vs. Error - 3/6/2016 Proper Partakers - 4/3/2016 Church Discipline - 4/10/2016 The Necessity of a Godly Life - 4/17/2016 The Work of True Conversion - 5/1/2016 If Jehovah Be God... - 5/8/2016 Worshiping According to Word - 5/29/2016 Warned Against Profanity - 6/5/2016 The NT Sabbath: A Day of Rest - 6/12/2016 Warned Against Murder - 7/10/2016 Honoring Parents - 7/17/2016 Called to Sexual Purity - 7/24/2016 God's Children & Possessions - 7/31/2016 God's Exacting Law Underscored - 8/7/2016 Made Known by One's Tongue - 8/14/2016 Called To Pray - 9/11/2016 Addressing God As Father - 9/18/2016 Hallowing God's Name - 9/25/2016 Praying For Christ's Kingdom - 10/2/2016 3rd Petition: Thy Will Be Done - 10/9/2016 A Petition For Our Daily Bread - 10/16/2016 Praying As Debtors - 10/23/2016 Praying Over... - 11/6/2016 Prayer's Conclusion:.. - 11/27/2016 What Is Thy Only Comfort? - 12/4/2016 God's Law & The True.. - 12/11/2016 Adam's Original Disobedience - 1/8/2017 Totally Disqualified As.. - 1/15/2017 God's Righteous Judgment.. - 1/22/2017 Fallen Man: All.. - 1/29/2017 God's Fore-Ordained.. - 2/5/2017 Saved By Faith In The.. - 2/19/2017 The True Faith to Which we.. - 3/5/2017 The Almighty One: Triune - 3/12/2017 Confessing God Our Father.. - 3/19/2017 Confessing Jesus: The One,.. - 4/23/2017 Christ Jesus: Mediator of.. - 4/30/2017 (Christ: The Mediator of.. - 5/7/2017 (The Christ - Mediator of.. - 5/21/2017 Christ's Sonship and Ours - 5/28/2017 The Wonder of The Incarnation - 6/18/2017 Christ Suffering For His.. - 6/25/2017 Christ's Death And Ours - 7/2/2017 Christ's Death and Ours - 7/2/2017 Our Old Man Crucified.. - 7/9/2017 The Power of Christ's.. - 7/16/2017 Looking For Christ's Return - 7/30/2017 The Holy Spirit Sent Us - 8/6/2017 Confessing Christ's Holy.. - 8/20/2017 Communion Of Saints Through.. - 8/27/2017 Confessing The Resurrection.. - 9/3/2017 Counted As Righteous By.. - 9/17/2017 Not of Works, But By Faith,.. - 10/1/2017 Infant Baptism - 10/22/2017 Keys: Their Faithful Exercise - 11/19/2017 Calling Believers To Good Work - 11/26/2017 Called To A Converted Life - 12/3/2017 The Good Works Required Of Us - 12/10/2017 Jehovah As One True God - 12/17/2017 Called To Proper Worship - 12/24/2017 Using God's Name, Reverence - 1/14/2018 God's Covenantal People - 1/21/2018 Honor Thy Father & Mother - 1/28/2018 Called Regard For Neighbor - 2/4/2018 Not Adultery, But.. - 2/18/2018 The Forbidding Of Theft - 2/25/2018 Not To Bear False Witness - 3/4/2018 Law's Concluding Word - 3/18/2018 Christian's Calling To Pray - 4/8/2018 Approaching God As Father - 4/22/2018 Allowing God's Name - 4/29/2018 Praying for Church and Kingdom - 5/6/2018 Thy Will Be Done - 5/20/2018 4th Petition: Praying For Need - 6/3/2018 4th Petition: Debtors - 6/10/2018 Praying to Be Kept from Evil - 6/24/2018 Adoration and Confidence - 7/1/2018 Belonging to God's Covenant - 8/19/2018 Misery, God's Covenant People - 8/26/2018 God's Covenant with Adam - 9/9/2018 Man's Fall From God's Favor - 9/16/2018 God's Covenant Justice - 9/25/2018 Satisfaction: God's Covenant - 9/30/2018 Christ: Mediator, Covenant - 10/7/2018 Faith: Means To Enjoy Covenant - 10/14/2018 Our Triune Covenant God - 10/26/2018 Faith in God My Father - 11/18/2018 Confessing God as Creator - 11/25/2018 The Doctrine of Providence - 12/9/2018 Christ: Anointed Chief Prophet - 12/30/2018 Christ: Priest Upon Throne - 1/6/2019 Christians: Anointed - 1/20/2019 The Only Begotten Son of God - 1/27/2019 The Virgin Birth of Jesus - 3/10/2019 The Suffering of Jesus Christ - 3/17/2019 Death, Burial, Descent - 3/24/2019 The Death, Burial, and.. - 3/24/2019 Profit, Christ's Resurrection - 4/7/2019 Church's Comfort - 4/28/2019 Faith in the Holy Spirit - 5/5/2019 The Believer's Hope - 5/26/2019 Our Perfect Salvation - 6/2/2019 Profit of Believing: Justified - 6/16/2019 Objections to Justification - 6/23/2019 The Preaching of the Gospel - 6/30/2019 The Sacraments - 7/7/2019 The Sacrament of Baptism - 7/21/2019 The Sacrament of the Lords.. - 8/4/2019 Eating the Bread of Life - 8/11/2019 The Roman Catholic Mass - 8/18/2019 The Proper Partaker of the.. - 8/25/2019 The Keys of the Kingdom of.. - 9/1/2019 The Key of Discipline - 9/15/2019 The Necessity of Walking in.. - 9/22/2019 Daily Conversion - 9/29/2019 The Law of God - 10/13/2019 The First Commandment - 10/27/2019 Worshiping God Properly - 11/3/2019 The Third Commandment - 11/10/2019 Swearing God-Glorifying Oaths - 11/17/2019 The Lamb of God Who Takes.. - 11/17/2019 The Fourth Commandment - 12/1/2019
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