At the end of Genesis 11 we are introduced to the first Jew, Abraham, and in Matthew 1:1 we are introduced to the true Jew, the son of Abraham, Jesus Christ. So friends, my point is this: don't skip the genealogies, look for Jesus in them. As a matter of fact, look for Jesus in all the Old Testament. Look for him in the genealogies of Genesis, in the strange laws and sacrifices of Leviticus, in the history of the Judges, Kings, and Chronicles. Look for him in the Psalms and the wisdom books. Look for him in the prophets. He's there friends. I promise if you look you'll find him. After his resurrection, Jesus was walking along the road with two of his disciples and Luke 24 verse 27 says that beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, Jesus interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. You see dear brothers and sisters, ALL of Scripture points to him. |