A sermon by Ralph Erskine read by Elder Walt Rozeboom. The sermon is based on Luke 9:42 'And as he was yet a coming, the demon dashed him down, and tare him'
The Comer's Conflict: or, The Beginner's Battle With the Devil, When Essaying to Come to Christ by Faith.
The doctrinal observation is, that people, who come to Christ, and whom he undertakes to heal, may have their distress growing on their hand, before the deliverance come, which yet will certainly come.
The method is: 1. We will speak a little of coming to Christ.
2. Enquire in what respect matters may grow worse with people, even when they are thus coming to Christ.
3. Enquire into the reasons whence it is that people who come to Christ for help, and whom he undertakes to help, may find their distress grow before their deliverance come.
4. Make some application of the whole. |