Dr. Paul J. Dean Jr. | Greer, South Carolina
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Speaker: Dr. Paul J. Dean Jr.
490 sermons
Political Religious Rhetoric
>Dean's List News Commentary - 3/17/2014 Dean's List News Commentary - 3/20/2014 Dean's List News Commentary - 3/24/2014 Dean's List News Commentary - 3/26/2014 Dean's List News Commentary - 4/3/2014 Dean's List Today 4/7/14 - 4/7/2014 Dean's List Today 4/8/14 - 4/8/2014 Dean's List Today 4/9/14 - 4/9/2014 Dean's List Today 4/10/14 - 4/10/2014 Dean's List Today 4/11/14 - 4/11/2014 Dean's List Today 4/14/14 - 4/14/2014 Dean's List Today 4/15/14 - 4/15/2014 Dean's List Today 4/16/14 - 4/16/2014 Dean's List Today 4/17/14 - 4/17/2014 Dean's List Today 4/18/14 - 4/18/2014 Dean's List Today 4/22/14 - 4/22/2014 Dean's List Today 4/23/14 - 4/23/2014 Dean's List Today 4/25/14 - 4/25/2014 Dean's List Today 4/29/14 - 4/29/2014 Dean's List Today 4/30/14 - 4/30/2014 Dean's List Today 5/01/14 - 5/1/2014 Dean's List Today 5/05/14 - 5/5/2014 Dean's List Today 5/06/14 - 5/6/2014 Dean's List Today 5/07/14 - 5/7/2014 Dean's List Today 5/09/14 - 5/9/2014 Dean's List Today 5/12/14 - 5/12/2014 Sad State of Evangelism - 5/13/2014 Sterling, Sam, Slippery Slope - 5/14/2014 Lesson on Discrimination - 5/19/2014 ADHD Meds for Toddlers - 5/20/2014 Mark Driscoll Does it Again - 5/26/2014 Day of Silence, Public Schools - 4/17/2015 Religious Freedom or Freedom? - 4/20/2015 Courtship? Dating? Sanity? - 4/22/2015 Transgender; SC Changes Policy - 4/24/2015 Christians & Earth Day Events? - 4/27/2015 Pledge: One Nation under Allah - 4/29/2015 Freddie Gray, Police, Freedom - 5/1/2015 Ben Carson/Preaching Politics - 5/4/2015 Gay Marriage & Supreme Court - 5/6/2015 Cultural Transformation Goal? - 5/14/2015 Christ: Lord over Art/Science - 5/15/2015 Sen. Lee Bright - Abortion - 5/15/2015 Christian Worldview - 5/18/2015 Christians & Gospel Compromise - 5/19/2015 Bible & Government: 4 Views - 5/20/2015 New Covenant & Civil Society - 5/22/2015 Men Refusing to be Alone... - 5/26/2015 SBC Missionaries & Tongues - 5/28/2015 Get Ready for More Oppression - 5/29/2015 LGBT's Extreme Vocal Minority - 6/1/2015 Religious Freedom in Danger - 6/3/2015 Evolution is Religion? - 6/5/2015 Gov't Spying Not Working - 6/8/2015 Thinking about Boycotts - 6/12/2015 Transgender Doctrine Run Amok - 6/12/2015 ISIS Fighter Saved by Dream - 6/15/2015 Charleston Church Shooting - 6/19/2015 I'm Not Thankful for Gov't - 6/19/2015 Separation of Church & State - 6/22/2015 State Making the Church Pure? - 6/24/2015 Gay Marriage: Court has Ruled - 6/26/2015 Confederate Flag Inconsistency - 6/29/2015 US Flag Symbol of Hate? - 7/2/2015 Christians & Rainbow Flag - 7/6/2015 Things Never Thought We'd See - 7/8/2015 Top Issues - Marriage Ruling - 7/13/2015 Monuments - Christian/Satanic - 7/15/2015 Schools, IUD's, Parents - 7/16/2015 Gov't Intrusion Through School - 7/17/2015 Christians Rethinking College - 7/21/2015 Can Churches Think a Bit More? - 7/24/2015 Wise vs. Unwise Evangelism - 7/24/2015 Farewell Liberty Bell? - 7/30/2015 We Welcome SCOTUS Decision? - 7/31/2015 Why are Young Leaving Church? - 7/31/2015 Gospel Won't Fit in Closet - 8/4/2015 Pastors, Police & Guns: Oh my! - 8/5/2015 Drones & Right to Privacy - 8/6/2015 No One Understands Liberty! - 8/7/2015 Ministry is Harassment? - 8/10/2015 Pushing Sex Ed for Abortion - 8/14/2015 Why Trump Matters - 8/19/2015 A Right to Marry Robots - 8/21/2015 The Potential of Pluralism - 8/26/2015 Not Attending Gay Wedding - 8/27/2015 Pt 2: Not Attend Gay Wedding - 8/28/2015 Parenthood Worse than Divorce - 8/30/2015 Gender Neutral Pronouns at UT - 9/1/2015 Criminalization of Christians - 9/4/2015 Pt 2: Gov't War on Christians - 9/7/2015 Feminism & Rape Apologists - 9/10/2015 Socality Barbie & Culture - 9/22/2015 A Late Rate of the Debate - 9/23/2015 Life Already Begun for Singles - 9/24/2015 What I Learned from Pope Visit - 9/29/2015 Euthanasia: Kids & Anorexic! - 10/1/2015 Politicizing Tragedy - 10/2/2015 Conservative Reaction to Putin - 10/6/2015 Trump Meeting with Pastors - 10/12/2015 Why Phubbing is Bad - 10/16/2015 Universal Sabbath... - 10/19/2015 Bernie Sanders & Socialism - 10/21/2015 Top Religion Quotes GOP Debate - 10/22/2015 "Wait/What?" Christians & War - 10/26/2015 3rd GOP Debate Analysis - 10/30/2015 My Annual Halloween Rant - 11/2/2015 Police Disciplining Students? - 11/3/2015 Helicopter Culture - 11/4/2015 12 Things Good Parents Do - 11/5/2015 4th GOP Debate - Born in USA - 11/13/2015 4th GOP Debate Pt 2, Big Muddy - 11/13/2015 Transgender's Abusing Others - 11/17/2015 Yes They Want to Take Guns - 11/18/2015 War Fever After Paris - 11/20/2015 ISIS: Why do They Attack Us? - 11/23/2015 9 Reasons to Marry Young - 11/24/2015 Obamacare: Problems/Solutions - 12/3/2015 Terrorism Here: What Now? - 12/4/2015 Our Take on the Debate - 5th - 12/18/2015 Rise of the Warvangelical - 12/22/2015 Can the State be Redeemed? - 12/28/2015 Piper vs. Falwell on Arms - 1/4/2016 How Culture Divides Families - 1/6/2016 Piper, Police, and Evil Gov't - 1/11/2016 Gov't? Rival Kingdom to God's - 1/14/2016 Our Take on the Debate - 6th - 1/15/2016 Do You Read Rom 13 Right? - 1/18/2016 Dean's List Headline Brief - 1/21/2016 Dean's List Headlines 1/22 - 1/22/2016 Dean's List Headlines 1/25 - 1/25/2016 Toys 4 Girls Angers Feminists - 1/27/2016 Trumpless Debate - GOP 7th - 1/29/2016 Transgenders Crossover - 2/1/2016 Duped by Moral Candidates - 2/4/2016 Political Religious Rhetoric - 2/5/2016 Debate Number 8 - GOP - 2/8/2016 Drafting Women into Military? - 2/12/2016 SC Republican Primary Preview - 2/19/2016 Can Christians vote for Trump? - 2/23/2016 GOP Debate Number 10! - 2/26/2016 Super Tues Preview - Part 1 - 2/29/2016 Super Tuesday - Part 2 - 2/29/2016 Does Super Tuesday Matter? - 3/2/2016 GOP Debate - 11th - 3/4/2016 From GOP to New Testament - 3/7/2016 GOP Tricks or Gospel Truth? - 3/8/2016 Trump and WWIII? - 3/9/2016 GOP Debate - 12 - 3/11/2016 Trump Victories - What Now? - 3/16/2016 Trump Worst - Except for Rest - 3/18/2016 How to Take our Country Back - 3/21/2016 Matt 28 & Public Policy - 3/22/2016 Does Bible teach Limited Gov't - 3/28/2016 Is Trump a Judgment from God? - 3/29/2016 Women Punished for Abortion??? - 4/1/2016 Tangled Mess of Transgenderism - 4/8/2016 Thoughts on Observing Days - 4/11/2016 More on Days & Blue Laws - 4/12/2016 What Law am I Under? - 4/13/2016 No Christian Sabbath Day - 4/14/2016 Live & Let Live/Die - 4/15/2016 Transgenderism & the Future - 4/18/2016 Of Course the System is Rigged - 4/20/2016 Real Rights vs. Wishes - 4/22/2016 Please Think! About Government - 4/25/2016 Collapse of our Culture - 4/29/2016 An Evangelistic Conversation - 5/2/2016 Trump & Foreign Policy - 5/2/2016 Evangelicals & Republicans - 5/4/2016 Bad Political Commentary - 5/6/2016 Trump! What now Christians? - 5/6/2016 Mother's Day Political Now - 5/9/2016 Paul Ryan's Arrogance - 5/10/2016 Why Conservatism is Failing - 5/11/2016 Calming Cultural Chaos - 5/13/2016 Obama's Transgender Edict - 5/16/2016 Throwing Down on Social Media - 5/17/2016 Overthrow of Binary Sexuality - 5/18/2016 No Awakening - No America - 5/19/2016 Fighting Cultural Collapse - 5/20/2016 Affections for God in Worship - 5/23/2016 Evangelicals & Trump Together - 5/24/2016 Third Party for Christians - 5/25/2016 America: Land of the Free? - 5/26/2016 The Meaning of America - 5/27/2016 Thoughts on Memorial Day - 5/30/2016 Legislating Morality - 5/31/2016 Tech Giants Ban Hate Speech - 6/1/2016 Christians Voting Libertarian? - 6/2/2016 Obama Uses Bible for Transgen - 6/6/2016 Toward Happy Family Life - 6/7/2016 Pups, Gorillas, Men & God - 6/8/2016 Church Says Allah not God - 6/10/2016 Pope Doesn't Like 666! - 6/15/2016 College Drops Math 4 Diversity - 6/20/2016 Identity Politics Kills Itself - 6/21/2016 Cisgender-Neosexual Propaganda - 6/23/2016 Seeking Government's Favor - 6/30/2016 Churches: Must Unisex Bathroom - 7/11/2016 Government Force in Church - 7/12/2016 Politics Guts Term Evangelical - 7/15/2016 Failure of Multiculturalism - 7/18/2016 Trump & Johnson Amendment - 7/19/2016 Cryin Ted! - 7/21/2016 Erotic vs. Religious Liberty - 7/25/2016 Don't Get Cute with LGBTQ - 8/18/2016 What Happened to the Baptists? - 8/19/2016 Ga Ga over Lady Gaga in Class - 8/24/2016 Adam Ford/Anxiety Attack Pt 1 - 9/14/2016
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