God's threatened judgment on harlot Gomer (Israel) for her adulteries. He will expose her, show no mercy on her children, block the paths to her lovers, take back His blessings of wine and linen, destroy her vines, and take away her mirth. Yet instead of what she deserves, amazing grace is promised. God will allure her to the wilderness where her youthful love was strongest, betroth her, protect her, and bless her with wine and oil. Like the ending of chapter 1, Jezreel (God scatters) takes the meaning God sows seed, the seed of the gospel throughout the earth through people who were "not my people". Fullfillled in Romans 9.25-26.
In Chapter 3 God commands Hosea to redeem his wife from slavery. This is a beautiful picture of what Christ has done for his bride. Hosea also prophesies that Israel (soon to be cast out of the land) will endure many days without king, prince, or sacrifice until the latter days when they seek David (Christ) their king. |