Multiple Speakers | Chester, South Carolina
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MyChurch: chesterarp | Set MyChurch Code#: 89674
Speaker: Clint Davis
804 sermons
Paul was astonished that they would consider abandoning the gospel they had heard for another. The truth is, there is no other gospel.
>Kingdom Demonstration - 8/1/2021 Philip and the Ethiopian - 8/1/2021 Saul Got Started Immediately - 8/1/2021 Saul Meets Ananias - 8/1/2021 Who is this Saul Guy? - 8/1/2021 Peter Performs Miracles - 8/9/2021 Cornelius's Life-Changing.. - 8/10/2021 Peter's Impactful Vision - 8/11/2021 Peter Speaks of Jesus - 8/12/2021 Two Apostles Ordained - 8/23/2021 The Magician Went Blind - 8/24/2021 The Exodus and Jesus - 8/25/2021 No Corruption for Jesus - 8/26/2021 The Gospel Divides - 8/27/2021 Worship God not Men - 8/30/2021 Build Up Hurting Churches - 8/31/2021 What About these Gentiles? - 9/1/2021 Devote Yourselves to Jesus - 9/2/2021 A Letter and A Separation - 9/3/2021 Willing to Sacrifice - 9/6/2021 A Macedonian Convert - 9/7/2021 Prison Doors Opened - 9/8/2021 A Riot in Thessalonica - 9/9/2021 Remaining Steadfast - 9/10/2021 Weeping in Athens - 9/13/2021 He's Not Unknown - 9/14/2021 Paul Visits Corinth - 9/15/2021 Apollos is Bold - 9/16/2021 Paul Returns to Ephesus - 9/17/2021 Even Demons Know the Truth - 9/20/2021 Idols and a Riot in Ephesus - 9/21/2021 A Farewell Address - 9/23/2021 Raising the Dead - 9/23/2021 Not Afraid to Die - 9/24/2021 A Welcoming Church - 9/27/2021 Willing to Sacrifice - 9/27/2021 Compassion for His Enemies - 10/1/2021 Satanic Opposition - 10/1/2021 An Extreme Plot - 10/4/2021 God's Will through Prison - 10/4/2021 Testify in Jerusalem and Rome - 10/4/2021 Paul, A Roman Citizen - 10/4/2021 False Accusations - 10/8/2021 Paul's Boldness with Felix - 10/12/2021 Paul's Ready Defense - 10/12/2021 God's Providence in Paul's.. - 10/14/2021 Persecuted Because of Jesus - 10/14/2021 He Did Nothing Wrong - 10/18/2021 Wise in a Shipwreck - 10/18/2021 God is Working - 10/19/2021 The Christian Brotherhood - 10/19/2021 The End of Acts - 10/19/2021 A Great Prayer - 10/21/2021 But God - 10/21/2021 God's Amazing Blessings - 10/21/2021 Grace and Peace - 10/21/2021 Our Inheritance in Jesus - 10/21/2021 Unified in Christ - 11/2/2021 God at Work in You - 11/3/2021 Make a Clean Break - 11/8/2021 Unity in Jesus - 11/8/2021 Husbands Love Your Wives - 11/9/2021 Imitate Jesus - 11/9/2021 Live This Way - 11/9/2021 Let People Know What's.. - 11/15/2021 Submit to Authority - 11/15/2021 The Enemy and the Armor - 11/15/2021 A Thankful Apostle - 11/16/2021 It Is Right to Love You - 11/16/2021 For the Gospel - 11/22/2021 For Your Sake - 11/22/2021 Invested in Others - 11/22/2021 Work it Out - 11/22/2021 Humble Like Jesus - 11/24/2021 Attaining Life Through Faith - 11/29/2021 Brow to Maturity - 11/29/2021 Contentment and Strength - 11/30/2021 Rejoicing and Pure Thoughts - 11/30/2021 Stand Firm and Be Unified - 11/30/2021 Faithfulness Displayed - 12/7/2021 Jesus is Supreme - 12/7/2021 Praying Biblical Prayers - 12/7/2021 Knowing Jesus - 12/13/2021 Suffering for You - 12/13/2021 Don't Let People Judge You - 12/14/2021 Focus on Jesus - 12/14/2021 God in the Flesh -- Jesus - 12/14/2021 Stop Being Idolaters - 12/20/2021 This is How You Live - 12/21/2021 Christian Home Life - 12/22/2021 Keep Watch in Prayer - 12/22/2021 The Extensive People of God - 12/22/2021 Jesus Fulfilled the Law - 1/2/2022 Treasures in Heaven - 1/2/2022 Follow Jesus Wherever He Goes - 1/3/2022 Jesus Saves Sinners - 1/3/2022 Look at Yourself First - 1/3/2022 Jesus's Kingdom is Worth.. - 1/6/2022 The Sabbath Day is Good - 1/6/2022 Faith That Walks on Water - 1/10/2022 Your Heart is What Matters - 1/12/2022 Don't Demand Signs from God - 1/13/2022 The Greatest is a Servant - 1/13/2022 Will You Come to the Feast? - 1/19/2022 Humility > Prideful Religion - 1/20/2022 Stay Faithful to Jesus - 1/20/2022 The Destruction of Pride - 1/23/2022 He Has Risen - 1/25/2022 Jesus Calls Ordinary People - 1/25/2022 Jesus Forgives Sin - 1/25/2022 Let Your Light Shine - 1/26/2022 Clarifying Sight Restored - 1/31/2022 Don't Make Tradition Into.. - 1/31/2022 Be Great By Serving - 2/2/2022 Follow Jesus -- He's Worthy - 2/2/2022 Enjoying Access to God - 2/4/2022 Give Your Best to Jesus - 2/4/2022 Come, Let Us Reason - 2/7/2022 God Restores Justice - 2/7/2022 Resurrection and Commission - 2/7/2022 The Danger of Envy - 2/7/2022 Hope For God's People - 2/11/2022 Humility Before the Lord - 2/11/2022 The Absence of Good Leaders - 2/15/2022 A Warning of Judgment - 2/16/2022 Hope for Persevering in Faith - 2/16/2022 Responding to the Holy God - 2/17/2022 Be Firm in the Faith - 2/21/2022 Trust in Immanuel - 2/22/2022 Don't Forget God - 2/23/2022 God as a Sanctuary and a Snare - 2/24/2022 A Great Light is Coming - 2/25/2022 Grace Through Judgment? - 2/28/2022 Enjoying God's Grace - 3/1/2022 Trusting a Sovereign God - 3/2/2022 Hope in the Midst of Judgment - 3/3/2022 Death is Swallowed Up - 3/4/2022 Being Kept in Perfect Peace - 3/7/2022 Redemption is Coming - 3/8/2022 Judgment Because of Rebellion - 3/9/2022 Trust in the Cornerstone - 3/10/2022 God Works in Strange Ways - 3/11/2022 Their Hearts Were Far From God - 3/14/2022 The Potter Isn't the Clay - 3/15/2022 Stubborn Children are.. - 3/17/2022 God is a Solid Rock - 3/18/2022 Eternal Outcome #1 - 3/21/2022 Eternally Restored - 3/22/2022 Who Will You Trust? - 3/23/2022 The Devil's Attacks - 3/24/2022 Inquire of the Lord in Crisis - 3/25/2022 Proper Prayer - 3/28/2022 Answered Prayers - 3/29/2022 God Delivers His People - 3/30/2022 Humility Is the Way - 3/31/2022 The Joy of Healing - 4/1/2022 Showing Off is Foolish - 4/4/2022 Comfort from the Word of God - 4/5/2022 God is Capable to Sustain - 4/7/2022 God is Strong and Has a Plan - 4/8/2022 Go. I will Be With You - 4/11/2022 Jesus is God's Servant - 4/12/2022 The Light to the Nations - 4/13/2022 God is Greater Than Idols - 4/25/2022 God's Preservation in Grace - 4/25/2022 God Can Use Anyone - 4/27/2022 Remembering God's Work - 4/27/2022 There is a Definite End - 4/29/2022 There is None Like Our God - 4/29/2022 I Haven't Forgotten My People - 5/2/2022 The Servant Suffered for You - 5/3/2022 Come To Me - 5/4/2022 Seek the Lord - 5/5/2022 The Blessing of the Messiah - 5/6/2022 Responsible for Our Actions - 5/9/2022 Glory Revealed in Judgment - 5/10/2022 God Created Everything - 5/12/2022 God Created Men and Women - 5/12/2022 Be Fruitful and Multiply - 5/16/2022 Take a Rest - 5/16/2022 God Created Humans to Love - 5/17/2022 Complimentary Companions - 5/19/2022 God Planted a Garden - 5/19/2022 Did God Really Say - 5/23/2022 God's Design for Marriage - 5/23/2022 Eve Answers Satan - 5/24/2022 Did You Eat it? - 5/25/2022 When She Saw - 5/25/2022 A Promise and Some Grace - 5/31/2022 The Consequences of Sin - 5/31/2022 Cain Killed Abel - 6/2/2022 God is Always Gracious - 6/2/2022 God's Provision for Noah - 6/3/2022 Noah Found Favor in God's Eyes - 6/3/2022 Noah's Joyful Celebration - 6/3/2022 The Earth Went Corrupt - 6/3/2022 A Rainbow of Promise - 6/13/2022 Repopulating the Earth - 6/13/2022 Scattering the Nations - 6/15/2022 Go Abram - 6/16/2022 Abram Failed to Trust God - 6/27/2022 Abram Trusted God - 6/27/2022 Abram Protected Lot - 6/28/2022 Abram Meets Melchizedek - 6/30/2022 God's Covenant with Abram - 6/30/2022 Abraham Didn't Wait on God - 7/6/2022 God Provided for Hagar - 7/7/2022 Intercession and Grace - 8/3/2022 Destruction and Grace - 8/4/2022 Sodom Was Full of Sin - 8/4/2022 Keep Trusting God - 8/9/2022 Sin Patterns - 8/9/2022 Abraham Grew in Grace - 8/17/2022 Abraham's Test - 8/17/2022 God Provided a Substitute - 8/17/2022 Esau Only Cared About the.. - 8/22/2022 God Can Do It - 8/22/2022 Faith in the Trial - 8/24/2022 When Fear Controls Us - 8/24/2022 The Lord's Blessing Continues - 8/25/2022 Jacob Tricked Esau - 8/29/2022 Revenge Never Improves Things - 8/29/2022 Covenant Reaffirmed with Jacob - 8/31/2022 Forgiveness is Essential to.. - 8/31/2022 Enduring Unfair Situations - 9/7/2022 Jacob's Family Dysfunction - 9/12/2022 Jacob's House Got Stronger - 9/13/2022 God Cared for Jacob - 9/14/2022 Compromise is Often Needed - 9/19/2022 God Protected Jacob - 9/19/2022 Hard Work Pays Off - 9/19/2022 God is With His People - 9/21/2022 Jacob Sought Reconciliation.. - 9/21/2022 Jacob Wrestled With God - 9/26/2022 Choose Forgiveness - 9/27/2022 Encouraged By One Another - 1/30/2023 I Paul, An Apostle - 1/30/2023 Unashamed by the Gospel - 2/1/2023 Without Excuse - 2/1/2023 God Gave Them Up - 2/2/2023 The Consequences of Sin - 2/6/2023 Don't Be Presumptuous - 2/7/2023 Religious Hypocrites - 2/8/2023 A Faithful God - 2/9/2023 None of Us Are Righteous - 2/10/2023 Righteous Apart from Law - 2/13/2023 Made Right With God - 2/15/2023 What is an Atoning Sacrifice? - 2/16/2023 Faith at the Center - 2/17/2023 Abraham is Father of the Fai.. - 2/21/2023 By Grace Through Faith Alone - 2/22/2023 Rejoicing in Hope - 2/23/2023 Jesus Died for the Ungodly - 2/24/2023 Jesus Succeeded - 2/27/2023 Alive In Christ - 2/28/2023 The Daily Struggle with Sin - 3/15/2023 No Condemnation in Christ - 3/16/2023 Requirements of the Family - 3/16/2023 Conformed to Christ's Image - 3/17/2023 Hopeful While Longing for Re.. - 3/17/2023 Inseparable From God - 3/22/2023 It's God's Prerogative - 3/23/2023 It's Simple: God is God - 3/24/2023 Believe and Confess - 3/29/2023 It's All About Fatih - 3/29/2023 Submission to God's Will - 3/29/2023 What About the Jews? - 3/31/2023 Brought Together in Christ - 4/3/2023 Don't Get Proud - 4/4/2023 The Depths of God's Mercy - 4/5/2023 Be a Living Sacrifice - 4/6/2023 Christians Look Like This - 4/7/2023 Use Your Gifts - 4/7/2023 Submit to Authorities - 4/11/2023 Walk in the Light - 4/13/2023 We Are the Lord's - 4/16/2023 Build Each Other Up - 4/20/2023 You Don't Live to Yourself - 4/20/2023 A Minister to All - 4/24/2023 Tell Them Hello - 4/24/2023 Unity in Jesus - 4/24/2023 Where No One Has Been - 4/24/2023 Be Wise to Do Good - 4/25/2023 Remain in God's Presence - 4/25/2023 Humility and Dependence - 4/26/2023 How Do I Respond to God? - 5/5/2023 I Know You God - 5/5/2023 Trust God's Provision - 5/8/2023 A Surprising Convert - 5/10/2023 Bitterness Without Losing Fa.. - 5/11/2023 Godly Character Matters - 5/15/2023 Finally Redeemed - 5/16/2023 God Graciously Provides - 5/16/2023 Ruth Found Her Redeemer - 5/16/2023 Redemption Completed - 5/30/2023 Faithful in Unfaithful Times - 5/31/2023 Distressed Prayer - 6/1/2023 Fulfilling Your Promises - 6/5/2023 Exalting in the Lord - 6/6/2023 Worthlessness = Rejection - 6/8/2023 Give them God's Word - 6/12/2023 God Honors Faithfulness - 6/12/2023 Prophecy Fulfilled - 6/13/2023 Don't Miss the Blessing - 6/14/2023 Israel's God is Greater - 6/14/2023 Submissive Hearts - 6/19/2023 Tired of Hardship? - 6/19/2023 You Sure You Want a King? - 6/21/2023 Introduced to the Future King - 6/22/2023 God Prepared the Way - 6/23/2023 Anointed in the Lord's Will - 6/25/2023 No Coincidences with God - 6/27/2023 Integrity Matters - 6/29/2023 King Saul Delivers His People - 6/29/2023 We Need God - 7/4/2023 Unlawful Sacrifices - 7/5/2023 Faith and Action - 7/6/2023 Don't Make Rash Vows - 7/17/2023 A Kingdom Torn From Saul - 7/25/2023 The Lord YOUR God - 7/25/2023 A Man After God's Heart - 7/26/2023 The Spirit of God Left Saul - 7/28/2023 Victory for God's People - 8/1/2023 I'll Go! - 8/2/2023 The Shepherd Boy and the Gia.. - 8/2/2023 This is About God - 8/2/2023 God's Victory and David's Fa.. - 8/8/2023 The Humility of Friendship - 8/8/2023 Don't Pursue Power - 8/9/2023 Character Matters - 8/10/2023 Loyal to a Friend - 8/14/2023 Protect Other People - 8/14/2023 David was Human - 8/16/2023 Sacrificing for the Glory of.. - 8/16/2023 Acting Insane, but Why? - 8/17/2023 An Arrogant King - 8/21/2023 Preserve the Lord's Anointed - 8/21/2023 Continuity with God - 8/22/2023 Do The Right Thing - 8/23/2023 Walk Away form the Mess - 8/23/2023 King Saul Being King Saul - 8/28/2023 It Is What It Is - 8/29/2023 God Works in Everything - 8/30/2023 Ask the Lord - 9/5/2023 Share the Spoil - 9/5/2023 God is Always Working - 9/7/2023 Respect for the Lord's Anoin.. - 9/8/2023 Loyalty to the Lord's Anoint.. - 9/12/2023 Beware of Questioning a Frie.. - 9/14/2023 God Prepares Us - 9/15/2023 Do Things the Right way - 9/17/2023 Despised for Devotion - 9/19/2023 God's People Reflect His Cha.. - 9/21/2023 Be Grateful for God's Goodne.. - 9/25/2023 David's Loyalty and Kindness - 9/25/2023 Don't Allow Temptation to Kn.. - 9/26/2023 Sin's Consequences for David - 9/28/2023 Consequences of Sin are Real - 10/2/2023 Hoping for Grace and Trustin.. - 10/3/2023 Take Care of Things at Home - 10/3/2023 Sin Took Over Absalom's Heart - 10/6/2023 Closer Than a Son - 10/9/2023 Don't Make Hasty Judgments - 10/9/2023 Wisdom and Faith During Cris.. - 10/9/2023 Turn the Other Cheek - 10/11/2023 God Works in Various Ways - 10/12/2023 God-inspired Plans Work - 10/13/2023 David Desired Reconciliation.. - 10/19/2023 David Picked His Successor - 10/23/2023 Stop Worrying About Those Wh.. - 10/23/2023 Praise the Lord, for He is G.. - 10/25/2023 David's Apropos Words - 10/26/2023 Rely Upon the Lord - 11/6/2023 Discipline and the Kingdom's.. - 11/13/2023 The King's Final Instructions - 11/15/2023 Cleaning House Decisively - 11/26/2023 Prayer That Pleases God - 11/28/2023 Wisdom and the Perspective S.. - 11/29/2023 God Graciously Provides - 12/1/2023 Giving God Our Best - 12/5/2023 God's Permanent Presence - 12/5/2023 A Good Word Pronounced - 1/3/2024 A Prayer of Dedication - 1/3/2024 God Fulfills His Promises - 1/3/2024 An Abundant Offering - 1/16/2024 We Must Obey in Faith - 1/18/2024 Devote Yourself to God Alone - 1/19/2024 Solomon's Cautionary Tale - 1/22/2024 Listen to the Wisdom of Othe.. - 1/24/2024 Rebellion is Never Good - 1/24/2024 Who Is Jeroboam? - 1/24/2024 Don't Get Disconnected - 1/28/2024 The Drama of the Prophets - 1/29/2024 God's Commands Do Not Change - 1/30/2024 Lessons from the Death of Ki.. - 1/31/2024 This is Jesus - 2/1/2024 Providing a Testimony for Je.. - 2/2/2024 Humility Before Jesus - 2/5/2024 Come and Follow Me! - 2/6/2024 A Wedding and Some Wine - 2/7/2024 Access to God - 2/8/2024 Are you Born Again? - 2/12/2024 Jesus Came to Save Sinners - 2/12/2024 Exalting Jesus - 2/13/2024 Heartfelt Worship - 2/14/2024 Doing the Will of Our Father - 2/19/2024 Don't Miss the Work of God - 2/20/2024 Healing and Belief - 2/20/2024 Jesus Has Ultimate Authority - 2/25/2024 Mounting Evidence - 2/26/2024 Jesus Does the Impossible - 2/28/2024 Jesus Shows Up in Storms - 2/29/2024 Jesus Meets our Greatest Nee.. - 3/4/2024 To Whom Shall We Go? - 3/5/2024 But, Who Is Jesus? - 3/7/2024 Living Water Flowing - 3/11/2024 The Crowd Vs. The Pharisees - 3/11/2024 Evaluate Situations and Peop.. - 3/18/2024 Jesus Was Clear - 3/20/2024 The Truth Will Set You Free - 3/25/2024 Receive Jesus and Rejoice - 3/26/2024 Jesus Has Always Been - 3/27/2024 Sin, Healing, and God's Glory - 3/29/2024 Evidence and Public Professi.. - 3/31/2024 I Am The Man - 3/31/2024 Testimony, Rejection, and Gr.. - 4/9/2024 A Shepherd Doing His Job - 4/10/2024 Jesus is a Good Shepherd - 4/16/2024 Jesus is a Good Shepherd, pt.. - 4/16/2024 People Divide Over Jesus - 4/17/2024 Jesus Does Everything Out of.. - 4/19/2024 You Chose to Ignore the Signs - 4/19/2024 Martha and Jesus Were Close - 4/22/2024 Jesus Wept. Why? - 4/23/2024 True Devotion to Christ - 4/25/2024 You Will See the Glory of God - 4/25/2024 Things Get Tense - 4/29/2024 Finding Jesus in Self-Sacrif.. - 5/6/2024 Reveal and Save - 5/8/2024 Bretrayers are Among Us - 10/1/2024 Follow Jesus' Example - 10/1/2024 Love As Jesus Loves - 10/1/2024 Washed By Jesus' Grace - 10/1/2024 Jesus and the Father are One - 10/3/2024 Jesus is the Way - 10/3/2024 Jesus Sent His Spirit - 10/3/2024 Bearing Fruit in Christ - 10/4/2024 The Holy Spirit's Help - 10/4/2024 Holy Spirit Conviction - 10/10/2024 Loving Like Jesus Loves - 10/10/2024 The Holy Spirit Helps Christ.. - 10/10/2024 The World Will Hate You - 10/10/2024 You'll Find Joy After Sorrow - 10/10/2024 Jesus Overcame the World - 10/20/2024 Glorify the Son - 10/21/2024 Keep Them in Your Word - 10/21/2024 Betrayal and Glory - 10/22/2024 Jesus Prayed for Us? - 10/22/2024 One Man Should Die - 10/22/2024 Jesus Worked in Public - 10/24/2024 Hypocrisy and Evil - 10/28/2024 Jesus's Spiritual Kingdom - 10/28/2024 Pilate's Weakness - 10/28/2024 A Death That Fulfills Script.. - 11/1/2024 Giving Their Master a Proper.. - 11/1/2024 Jesus Between Two Thieves - 11/1/2024 Mocked In Ignorance - 11/1/2024 Opposition Hits Where It Hur.. - 11/1/2024 The Tomb Was Empty! - 11/4/2024 He Appeared in a Locked Room - 11/8/2024 He Called Her Name - 11/8/2024 That You Might Believe - 11/8/2024 Thomas Needed Confirmation - 11/8/2024 Focus On Your Calling - 11/14/2024 Hello, I'm Paul - 11/14/2024 Jesus Restored Peter - 11/14/2024 Jesus Served Breakfast - 11/14/2024 Thankful For God's Grace - 11/14/2024 A Demonstration of God's Spi.. - 11/21/2024 A Powerful Message - 11/21/2024 The Foolish Shames the Wise - 11/21/2024 God Reveals It Through His S.. - 11/25/2024 Imitating Jesus - 11/25/2024 Let No Division Be Among You - 11/25/2024 Stop Acting Like Mere Mortals - 11/25/2024 The Work Will Be Tested - 11/25/2024 We Let God be the Only Judge - 11/25/2024 Clean This Mess Up - 12/6/2024 Live For Jesus Where You Are - 12/6/2024 Quit Acting Like the World - 12/6/2024 You Should Be Ashamed - 12/6/2024 Your Body is a Temple - 12/6/2024 Become All Things to Win Some - 12/11/2024 Consider Others' Consciences - 12/11/2024 Don't be Idolators like Isra.. - 12/11/2024 Sacrifice for the Faith of O.. - 12/11/2024 We Are One Body - 12/11/2024 Do Everything for God's Glory - 12/27/2024 Examine Yourselves - 12/27/2024 Orderly Worship - 12/27/2024 What is Wrong With You? - 12/27/2024 Everyone Matters - 1/6/2025 One Body WIth Many Members - 1/6/2025 The Holy Spirit and His Gifts - 1/6/2025 Decency, Order, and Peace - 1/8/2025 Engaged Spirits and Minds - 1/8/2025 Love Is... - 1/8/2025 Pursue Love - 1/8/2025 Pursue Love - 1/8/2025 Check the Story - 1/16/2025 Fight for the Faith - 1/16/2025 Hold Fast to the Gospel - 1/16/2025 If Christ Wasn't Raised, The.. - 1/23/2025 Since Christ Has Been Raised - 1/27/2025 A New Body - 1/28/2025 Final Instructions for the C.. - 1/28/2025 Victory and Immortality - 1/28/2025 Simplicity and Godly Sinceri.. - 1/29/2025 Suffering and Comfort - 1/29/2025 Why Do We Suffer? - 1/29/2025 A New Covenant in Christ - 1/30/2025 Forgive the Sinner - 1/30/2025 Openly Proclaim the Gospel - 1/30/2025 Treasure in Clay Pots - 2/2/2025 Be Reconciled to God - 2/4/2025 Don't Lose Heart - 2/4/2025 Don't Be Unequally Yoked - 2/6/2025 Unrestricted Experience of G.. - 2/6/2025 Being Cheerful Givers - 2/12/2025 Give Generously - 2/12/2025 Godly Grief and Repentance - 2/12/2025 Overwhelmed By Joy - 2/12/2025 Secure in the Lord - 2/12/2025 A Thorn for Humble - 2/19/2025 Devotion and Hardship - 2/19/2025 Focus on the Most Important - 2/25/2025 I'm Astonished - 2/25/2025 Our Gospel is From God - 2/25/2025 Paul and Peter - 2/25/2025 To The Churches of Galatia - 2/25/2025
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