Abel Pol | Mundijong, Western Australia
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Speaker: Rev. Arend Witten
47 sermons
The comfort in confessing God’s just punishment of sin
Text: Lords Day 4 The comfort in confessing God's just punishment of sin 1. I couldn't help it, could I? – God can punish 2. Won't God just ignore it? – God will punish 3. Why not just be merciful? – God must punish
>Holy Spirit - share in Christ - 3/22/2020 Jesus gathers admidst COVID-19 - 3/29/2020 Resurrection; Santification - 4/5/2020 United to Jesus: Gospel saves - 4/12/2020 Through Faith We See - 4/19/2020 Means Grace, Strengthen Faith - 4/26/2020 Baptism: Washing Blood, Spirit - 5/3/2020 Worship God Alone - 6/28/2020 Repent from self style worship - 7/5/2020 How we are to use God's name - 7/12/2020 Swear an oath, in godly manner - 7/19/2020 4th Command - Sunday redeemed - 7/26/2020 Honour your father and mother - 8/2/2020 Love one another as God loves - 8/9/2020 Why God cares who I date? - 8/16/2020 Faithful steward of our gifts - 8/23/2020 Don't condemn rashly/unheard - 8/30/2020 Christian = Small beginnings - 9/6/2020 Prayer works = Honour God - 9/13/2020 Hallowed Be Thy Name - 9/27/2020 Your Kingdom Come? - 10/4/2020 Sinners = Confidently pray - 10/25/2020 Not into temptation - 11/1/2020 Joy-filled Comfort of Christ - 11/8/2020 Law Confronts Me with God - 11/15/2020 How Deeply We've Fallen - 11/22/2020 The Path To Salvation - 12/13/2020 God's Revelation of Jesus.. - 12/20/2020 True Faith Unites us to Christ - 12/27/2020 The Gospel of God is Good News - 1/3/2021 My God and My Father - 1/10/2021 The Father's Ever-Present Hand - 1/17/2021 The Triune God Is My Salvation - 1/24/2021 How Much Jesus Shows His Love - 1/31/2021 We Also Are Children of God - 2/7/2021 The Birth Of Our Saviour - 2/14/2021 Christ Pursues His Work Of.. - 2/28/2021 Christ Went All the Way For Me - 3/7/2021 Christ Ascended Into Heaven - 3/21/2021 Christ's at Gods Right Hand - 3/28/2021 God the Holy Spirit Helps Us - 4/4/2021 Promise of Eternal Blessedness - 4/18/2021 Faith in Jesus = Righteous - 4/25/2021 Good Works Essential for.. - 5/2/2021 The Holy Spirit Gives Faith - 5/9/2021 Baptism Assures of His Promise - 5/16/2021 God Made His Promises To You - 5/23/2021 God's Promises Sealed at.. - 5/31/2021 God Calls You to His Table - 6/6/2021 Come to The Table of the Lord - 6/13/2021 No God But the Lord - 6/27/2021 Why Must We Yet Do Good Works? - 7/4/2021 True Conversion = True Change - 7/11/2021 Called to Present Holy Worship - 7/18/2021 Lift Up the Name of the Lord - 7/25/2021 God's Name Gives Certainty - 8/1/2021 Remember the Sabbath Day - 8/8/2021 Good relationships with God.. - 8/15/2021 God of Life Tells Us to.. - 8/22/2021 God Teaches About Faithfulness - 8/29/2021 God teaches us all is His - 9/5/2021 Christ And You Christians - 9/12/2021 Worship God with our tounges - 9/19/2021 Our heart to God; Do not covet - 9/26/2021 Prayer Changes Us - 10/3/2021 Pray Your Life Hallows God - 10/17/2021 Pray For God's Kingdom to Come - 10/24/2021 God's Will Be Done - 10/31/2021 Pray to the Lord Who Satisfies - 11/7/2021 Pray For Forgiveness of Sins - 11/14/2021 Conclude Prayer with.. - 11/21/2021 I Belong to Jesus Christ - 11/28/2021 The Law of God - 12/5/2021 Created in the Image of God - 12/12/2021 We Love Justice, So Does God - 12/19/2021 We Need a Mediator - 12/26/2021 Faith is worked by the Spirt - 1/9/2022 Confess Our Faith in Triune.. - 1/16/2022 Our God Made the World - 1/23/2022 Confidence in God for the.. - 1/30/2022 God Sent His Only Son - 2/1/2022 Jesus Alone Provides Salvation - 2/6/2022 Christ Calls Us to Share.. - 2/13/2022 God Included Us in His Family - 2/27/2022 Jesus was Born of a Virgin - 3/6/2022 The Gospel About Christ's.. - 3/13/2022 Jesus humbled Himself to death - 3/20/2022 Faith in Christ's Resurrection - 3/27/2022 What Christ's Ascension Means - 4/3/2022 Christ is Preparing Our Future - 4/10/2022 Father and Son Give All.. - 4/17/2022 Salvation is Amazing in its.. - 5/1/2022 By Faith we are Righteous.. - 5/8/2022 How You Regard God.. - 5/15/2022 Faith Through the Word and.. - 5/22/2022 Baptism Assures Me I Can.. - 5/29/2022 Promise = You & your children - 6/5/2022 Comfort being at the table - 6/12/2022 God Calls Us to His Table - 6/19/2022 God Gives the Lord's Supper.. - 6/26/2022 The Preaching has Consequences - 7/3/2022 Christ Gives the Keys of.. - 7/10/2022 Christ continues His Redemp - 7/19/2022 What is True Repentance? - 7/24/2022 Thru the Law Receive Knowledge - 7/31/2022 Why Does God Call Us Not To.. - 8/7/2022 The Lord Calls His People.. - 8/14/2022 A Lawful Oath Honours God.. - 8/21/2022 God's Faithfulness Overcomes - 8/28/2022 Keep the Lord's Day Holy - 9/4/2022 Keeping The Fifth Commandment - 9/11/2022 Your Anger Is An Opportunity - 9/18/2022 Protecting the Gift of.. - 9/25/2022 Owned By Christ, We Own.. - 10/2/2022 The Many Uses of the Tongue - 10/9/2022 You Shall Not Covet - 10/16/2022 God Commands us to Pray to R.. - 10/23/2022 Christ Has Commanded us to A.. - 10/30/2022 What to Pray For First ? - 11/6/2022 It is Your Father's Good Ple.. - 11/20/2022 Our Prayer for Obedience to.. - 11/27/2022 Pray to God for Daily Bread - 12/4/2022 Forgive us our Debts as we H.. - 12/11/2022 God's Child Looks for Streng.. - 12/18/2022 I Am Not My Own - 12/25/2022 The Fact That We Fall Short.. - 1/1/2023 God Has Mercy on Blameworthy - 1/8/2023 Who Can Face God's Justice? - 1/29/2023 Be Reconciled to God Through.. - 2/5/2023 Unbelief Comes From Us, But.. - 2/12/2023 Worshipping the Triune God i.. - 2/28/2023 How do I get to "No Doubt"? - 3/5/2023 The Doctrine of God's Father.. - 3/12/2023 Jesus Saves us From All Our.. - 3/19/2023 Do You Believe that Jesus is.. - 4/2/2023 Word Become Flesh: Come Beho.. - 4/9/2023 Since Christ Has Suffered Fo.. - 4/16/2023 Christ's death frees us from.. - 4/23/2023 Christ Gladly Shares All The.. - 4/30/2023 The Ascension Of Our Lord Pr.. - 5/7/2023 Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ.. - 5/14/2023 Jesus Christ Has Given The H.. - 5/21/2023 Praise The Lord, His Church.. - 5/28/2023 We Are All Members Of Christ.. - 6/6/2023 Our Confession About The Res.. - 6/12/2023 Because We Are Righteous By.. - 6/18/2023 In the Blood and Spirit of C.. - 7/9/2023 In Baptism, God Teaches and.. - 7/16/2023 The Joy of the Table Gospel - 7/23/2023 Through the sacrament of Hol.. - 7/30/2023 The Lord’s Supper Assures us.. - 8/6/2023 The Lord Protects the Delive.. - 8/13/2023 Through Him you can experien.. - 8/20/2023 God's Thankful Children Live.. - 8/27/2023 God Calls us to Love Him wit.. - 9/3/2023 God Calls His People to be H.. - 9/10/2023 Because God has revealed his.. - 9/17/2023 The Lord Gives Us Time to Ce.. - 9/24/2023 The Lord Shows us That He Go.. - 10/1/2023 Your Saviour changes you fro.. - 10/8/2023 God Desires Your Physical Ho.. - 10/15/2023 The LORD commands us to do e.. - 10/22/2023 Keep the Truth and Our Neigh.. - 10/29/2023 Everything I need is in Chri.. - 11/5/2023 Christians and Prayer - 11/12/2023 Never Outgrow your Childlike.. - 11/19/2023 Our Father will Give Us What.. - 11/26/2023 Because Christ has come, we.. - 12/3/2023 Our Saviour gives us the Pri.. - 12/17/2023 Our Fifth Petition is Our Pr.. - 12/24/2023 The Purpose of Life to Learn.. - 12/31/2023 The God of All Comfort Is Yo.. - 1/7/2024 In His Grace, God gives Sinn.. - 1/14/2024 The Origin of Sin Highlights.. - 1/21/2024 God is Completely Just - 1/28/2024 God Demands that His Justice.. - 2/4/2024 Jesus Christ as the Complete.. - 2/11/2024 The Lord Calls; Therefore... - 2/25/2024 God has revealed himself as.. - 3/3/2024 "I believe in God the Father.. - 3/10/2024 The Father's Almighty and Ev.. - 3/17/2024 Our Only Hope is to be Saved.. - 3/24/2024 Christ is Our Eternal Mediator - 3/31/2024 Put God's Word into Practice - 4/7/2024 In Jesus Christ our Status i.. - 4/7/2024 Born in Sin, We Thankfully C.. - 4/14/2024 I Love to Tell the Story Abo.. - 4/21/2024 Christ suffered death to giv.. - 4/28/2024 The Resurrection of our Lord.. - 5/5/2024 The Son of God ascended into.. - 5/12/2024 Our confession about the exa.. - 5/26/2024 Our inheritance is that God.. - 6/2/2024 Come to church to witness th.. - 6/16/2024 The central importance of th.. - 6/23/2024 Feeling spiritually restless.. - 7/7/2024 God's signs and seals for Hi.. - 7/14/2024 Baptism is God’s promise of.. - 7/21/2024 The Lord’s supper is a meal.. - 7/28/2024 Infants must be baptised as.. - 8/4/2024 We share in Christ’s body an.. - 8/11/2024 The Lord’s Supper is for tho.. - 8/18/2024 God our Saviour has delivere.. - 9/1/2024 As Christians we want to be.. - 9/8/2024 In his covenant, God draws u.. - 9/15/2024 God reveals the gospel by co.. - 10/6/2024 The Lord of the Sabbath invi.. - 10/13/2024 The fifth commandment can on.. - 10/20/2024 The root of the sixth comman.. - 10/27/2024 Christ calls us to true love - 11/3/2024 The gospel and your possession - 11/10/2024 God redeems people who lie - 11/17/2024 In the 10th commandment the.. - 11/24/2024 Living the life of prayer - 12/1/2024 God has revealed Himself to.. - 12/8/2024 In His name God reveals Hims.. - 12/15/2024 as we pray "Your kingdom come" - 12/22/2024 The Child of God prays into.. - 12/29/2024 Why does God want us to ask.. - 1/5/2025 The life-giving sacrifice of.. - 1/12/2025 Truly God will hear us when.. - 1/19/2025 My only comfort is that I be.. - 1/26/2025 The law of God reveals the l.. - 2/2/2025 From the depth of depravity.. - 2/9/2025 The comfort in confessing G... - 2/23/2025 Knowing the Mediator change... - 3/2/2025 Jesus Christ has what it ta... - 3/9/2025
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