The sermon, based on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, emphasizes that believers' bodies belong to God and should be used to glorify Him. Paul warns against misinterpreting Christian liberty as a license to sin, particularly in the area of sexual immorality. He explains that while Christians are free in Christ, they must not be mastered by anything sinful, such as sexual indulgence, drunkenness, or idolatry. Paul stresses that the body is meant for the Lord and will be resurrected, reinforcing the need for purity. Sexual sin uniquely damages both body and soul, severing one's relationship with Christ. Since believers are temples of the Holy Spirit, they must honor God with their bodies, recognizing that they were purchased by Christ's blood. The sermon concludes with practical guidance: imitate Christ, enjoy Christian liberty without abusing it, flee sexual sin, and remember that believers are not their own but belong to God. |