'Then it occurred to my mind, trusting in God, to undertake this task, because men have need of good instruction, especially at this time, which is the ending of this world, and there will be many calamities among mankind before the end comes ... for they shall be preserved who continue in faith to the end. Many tribulations and hardships shall come on this world before its end, and they proclaim everlasting perdition to evil men, who afterwards for their crimes suffer eternally in the swart hell.' - Ælfric 'While England bled at every pore, an admirable genius laboured indefatigably to lighten her distress, by furnishing a rich supply of sound instruction... a stream of healing knowledge, to mend and comfort evil times.' - Henry Soames, Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral (The Anglo-Saxon Church: its history, revenue, and general character, Parker: London 1844 (3rd edition), page 216) |