God wants your mind. More than anything else God wants to have the control of your mind.
If God has your mind - He has your body,
If God has your mind - He has your emotions,
If God has your mind - He has your appetites,
If God has your mind - He has your time,
If God has your mind - He has your money . . . see the point?
All the rest are just the scraps. Your mind is the prize!
The battlefield is for our minds. Satan is seeking to steal the minds of God's children. Your mind is the key to knowing God. Only a mind stayed on the Lord can have perfect peace. A personal Sabbath rest is the road to God's perfect peace filling your mind! Sadly it seems that Satan has caught many believers off guard. While they carefully avoid many obvious dangers, perhaps the most powerful mind robber has been overlooked. Satan is neutralizing the power of a godly mind little by little every day through the onslaught of the media that overflows us like a raging flooded river every day.
This message is just one chapter of the Joy of a Word Filled Family described below.
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Thank You Thank you, John and Bonnie, for all you are doing to help spread the gospel.
ClayWright (1/15/2024)
Relevant! 24 years old and is more true than it was when it was preached!
AmandaT (11/8/2023)
from Newstead VIC Australia
A must hear! Listening in 2023 this sermon really is a must for all Christians to not only hear, but heed
Cheryl Gorrian (3/1/2020)
from New Jersey, U.S.
Great Sermon! I know this is an old sermon, but in spite of all of the extremely true things stated in this wonderful sermon, the one that stood out the most, is the one the Pastor just mentioned in passing. When he only has about 10 minutes to go, he says something like, People say the closer I get to the end, the faster I talk. In my mind, NOTHING is more indicative of our culture than this point. Why does he need to talk so fast when he gets near the end? Simply because he is not done sharing God's word but the people are done hearing it. Such a thing would be unheard of in a church in China where they would happily listen to God's word for as many hours as they can find a man of God to teach it.Why is it the case here? Unfortunately, because it has been allowed to become a precedent in our society that church only lasts x amount of time. After that people are squirming and looking at their watches. The boldest might even take it upon themselves to chastise the Pastor for running into overtime, which says more about them than the Pastor. The sad thing is that the sheep are willing to keep listening while the goats have put in their time and want out. So preach the word preacher, until the Holy Spirit says your done. If people walk out, well, they left us because they were not of us.
s c (2/17/2014)
from Oh
Thanks for giving it to us straight Thank you for giving this topic some attention. Sadly, I have seen those who are dear to me walk into this trap of entertainment...I read your PDF text and just wanted to point out just a couple of minor errors: I think that it is "adidas"?, "straitjacket" instead of straight jacket and you were probably typing so quickly that you wrote "toys are not commonly linked.." I'm thinking that you must have meant "toys are now..". :) I think that your point about the sabbath is valid. However,I think that "legalism" is usually misused today more in regards to what one does to obtain salvation rather than what one does out of obedience. People tend to take Paul's explanation of liberty and suggest that it is all inclusive. Common sense would dictate otherwise. He certainly wasn't suggesting that sinful things were okay (i.e. pornography, prostitution, drug use, today's alcoholic content in beverages,etc.)and I might add syncretism as well -(mixing that which is unholy with that which is). Out of naivete or ignorance, we need to drop the lie of christmas and easter..That which is false mixed in with the Truth is always more detrimental than that which is completely false. Thank you, again.
Thomas Sullivan (2/17/2014)
from Jenison, MI
Great Sermon! Sermons like this are always relevant. I needed this warning myself. I have been online since before that term had much meaning, starting in 1991 before their was much of an internet. But there are also gold mines online. The Post Reformation Digital Library is my greatest discovery this year. www.prdl.org This weekend I finished a journey looking through the titles of every Puritan work that is cataloged. The addition by Princeton Seminary alone is incredible. I have found names I never knew existed and narrated many on my own web site. Last night I was still affected by this preface, Parable of the Ten Virgins, Benjamin Stonham, 1676. He wrote, " As in all ages it has been Satan's design to blind the minds of men even from our first parents, whom he soon rocks into a dead sleep, with all their posterity, in which they have lien until now, had not Christ awakened them: so ever since and more eminently in the last times is he so employed, all things concurring to the accomplishment of his design. This is the critical hour, and the last application, those that do not then recover, perish forever. Were we sensible of the present danger of such nature, we should not be offended at plain dealing." And Thomas Taylor, Parable.. Sower, "How far a hypocrite may go in the way to heaven...
Kliff (1/19/2011)
from Brooklyn, New York
Great Sermon! I thank God for the way he blessed you with the wisdom to preach a sermon such as this; I thank you for letting Him use you the way you did. God bless you. I love and appreciate that sermon. Hopefully I'll get others to listen to it. Much love from me to you.
Romayne Wright (6/17/2007)
Everyone should hear this one! Once again you've spoken the Truth in love to those who need to be heavily reminded that if we have submitted to God and accepted Jesus as Saviour, that's not the end of our responsibilities before Him. I personally find it extremely hard to stay off my PC as I find I'm using it 24/7/4/52!! While I recognise it is only a tool, it's so useful and the internet in particular provides a huge resource that's hard to resist. However, I do try on Sundays at least, to not use it other than for listening to sermons, or studying my Bible course. It's the price we pay in our generation for the huge technological advances - that we have so much less time to just be still. Again, that's something I find truly hard to do, but God is equally hard to resist when He hits you in the face with a sermon like this and you know you have to work harder to work less!! God bless you for tackling the tough topics and presenting them in such a way as to help those who struggle, better understand both the problem, and the solution. :)
Pastor John Barnett has been devouring the Word of God for over 30 years. John, now the teaching pastor of Calvary Bible Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan has served congregations in Oklahoma, New England, Georgia and California. He also served on the Faculty of the Master's College...