Speaker: Alistair Begg
1,439 sermons
February 19, 2014: The Nature & Necessity of Repentance
>Amazing Love, Part 1 - 7/1/2010 Amazing Love, Part 2 - 7/2/2010 Amazing Love, Part 3 - 7/3/2010 Amazing Love, Part 4 - 7/4/2010 Authority in the Church, 1 - 7/5/2010 Authority in the Church, 2 - 7/6/2010 Role of Elders in the Church - 7/7/2010 Role of Elders in the Church 2 - 7/8/2010 Role of Elders in the Church 3 - 7/9/2010 The Role of Deacons - 7/10/2010 Role of the Congregation, Pt 1 - 7/11/2010 Role of the Congregation, Pt 2 - 7/12/2010 Role of Women in Church, Pt 1 - 7/13/2010 Role of Women in Church, Pt 2 - 7/14/2010 Faith, Hope, Love - 7/15/2010 The Impact of the Gospel, Pt 1 - 7/16/2010 The Impact of the Gospel, Pt 2 - 7/17/2010 No Clever Tricks - 7/18/2010 Truth and Love - 7/19/2010 July 20, 2010: Word of God - 7/20/2010 Our Glory and Joy - 7/21/2010 July 22, 2010: Pastoral Care - 7/22/2010 Now We Really Live! - 7/23/2010 Pleasing God - 7/24/2010 Sexual Purity Pt 1 - 7/25/2010 Sexual Purity Part 2 - 7/26/2010 Brotherly Love - 7/27/2010 Christians Grieve, Too - 7/28/2010 The Coming of the Lord Part 1 - 7/29/2010 The Coming of the Lord 2 - 7/30/2010 The Coming of the Lord, Pt 3 - 7/31/2010 Learning How to Worship - 8/6/2010 August 7, 2010: Give Thanks - 8/7/2010 Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit - 8/8/2010 Listening to the Word of God - 8/9/2010 Sanctification - 8/10/2010 The Faithfulness of God - 8/11/2010 Praying Properly - 8/12/2010 The Priority of God's Word - 8/13/2010 A Word to the Wise - 8/14/2010 The Search for Satisfaction - 8/15/2010 Eternity on My Mind - 8/16/2010 All Those Lonely People - 8/17/2010 Dead Flies and Little Birds - 8/21/2010 August 22, 2010: Celebrate! - 8/22/2010 Remember Your Creator - 8/23/2010 A Surprising Punch Line - 8/24/2010 August 25, 2010: Becoming A Ch - 8/25/2010 August 26, 2010: Believing - 8/26/2010 August 27, 2010: Behaving - 8/27/2010 Belonging, Part 1 - 8/28/2010 Belonging, Part 2 - 8/29/2010 Wives - 8/30/2010 Husbands - 8/31/2010 September 1, 2010: Children - 9/1/2010 September 2, 2010: Fathers - 9/2/2010 The Law of Love - 9/5/2010 The Golden Rule - 9/6/2010 Measure for Measure, Pt 1 - 9/7/2010 Measure for Measure, Pt 2 - 9/8/2010 Pictures that Tell a Story - 9/9/2010 Obedience: Evidence/Strong - 9/10/2010 The Identity of God - 9/11/2010 The Necessity of Hope - 9/12/2010 The Discovery of Strength - 9/13/2010 The Victory of Faith - 9/14/2010 What is Evangelism? - 9/15/2010 Evangelism, God's Pt - Our Pt - 9/16/2010 Understanding Our Message - 9/17/2010 Examining Our Motives - 9/18/2010 Master's Plan for Evangelism - 9/19/2010 How to Share Christ Pt 1 - 9/20/2010 How to Share Christ Pt 2 - 9/21/2010 How to Share Christ Pt 3 - 9/22/2010 Evangelism - Part 1 - 9/23/2010 Evangelism, Pt 2 - 9/24/2010 Evangelism: Reaching the City - 9/25/2010 Evangelism & God's Sovereignty - 9/26/2010 FRANgelism - 9/27/2010 September 28, 2010: FRANgelism - 9/28/2010 FRANgelism - 3 - 9/29/2010 FRANgelism - 4 - 9/30/2010 Cooperation w/o Compromise - 10/1/2010 Ultimate Questions - 10/2/2010 Take Me to Your King - 10/3/2010 The Blazing Furnace - 10/4/2010 Heaven Rules, Pt 1 - 10/5/2010 Heaven Rules, Pt 2 - 10/6/2010 Belshazzar's Feast - 10/7/2010 Daniel in the Den of Lions - 10/9/2010 Truth That Leads to Godliness - 10/10/2010 Nature and Necessity of Elders - 10/11/2010 Qualification of Elders - 10/12/2010 Curriculum for Seniors - 10/13/2010 October 14, 2010: Family Focus - 10/14/2010 The Biblical Role of Women - 10/15/2010 Foundations, Pt 1 - 10/16/2010 Foundations, Part 2 - 10/17/2010 Living in Society - 10/18/2010 What do you mean saved? - 10/19/2010 Danger, Keep Out! - 10/20/2010 People are Important - 10/21/2010 Can This Be Naomi? - 10/22/2010 God of the Ordinary - 10/23/2010 Grace and Favor - 10/24/2010 Favor To The Humble - 10/25/2010 Family Ties - 10/26/2010 In All Things God Works - 10/27/2010 Ruth Proposes To Boaz - 10/28/2010 So Boaz Took Ruth - 10/29/2010 Ruth Has A Baby - 10/30/2010 The Mystery Of History - 10/31/2010 God's Basic Design - 11/1/2010 Learning from the Past - 11/2/2010 From Failure to Success - 11/3/2010 Nehemiah Goes Into Action - 11/4/2010 November 5, 2010: Planting the - 11/5/2010 Hard Pressed but not Crushed 1 - 11/6/2010 Hard Pressed but not Crushed 2 - 11/7/2010 An Internal Threat - 11/8/2010 The Power of Negative Thinking - 11/9/2010 Consolidation, Preparation... - 11/10/2010 Bring Out the Book - 11/11/2010 Exposition, Application... - 11/12/2010 The Great Confession - 11/13/2010 The Goodness of God, Pt 1 - 11/14/2010 The Goodness of God, Pt 2 - 11/15/2010 The Goodness of God, Pt 3 - 11/16/2010 Saying No to Neglect Pt 1 - 11/17/2010 Saying No to Neglect, Pt 2 - 11/18/2010 Redirecting Our Families - 11/19/2010 Restructuring Our Finances - 11/20/2010 Remember 'What's His Name?' - 11/21/2010 Great Sacrifice, Great Joy - 11/22/2010 A Lesson in Leadership - 11/23/2010 Threats to Spiritual Wholeness - 11/24/2010 Prelude to Giving - 11/25/2010 Pattern For Giving - 11/26/2010 Principles in Giving - Mom - 11/27/2010 Grace and Peace - 11/28/2010 The Great Escape - 11/29/2010 An Eyewitness Account - 11/30/2010 False Teachers Among You, Pt 1 - 12/1/2010 False Teachers Among You, Pt 2 - 12/2/2010 The Day of the Lord - 12/3/2010 Grow In Grace - 12/4/2010 Son of Encouragement - 12/5/2010 Good News in a Bad News World - 12/6/2010 The Gehazi Syndrome - 12/7/2010 The Friendship Factor - 12/8/2010 Down in the Valley - 12/9/2010 Climbing On Track - 12/10/2010 December 11, 2010: Used Of God - 12/11/2010 That's What Friends Are - 12/12/2010 When? What? Why?, Pt 1 - 12/13/2010 When? What? Why?, Pt 2 - 12/14/2010 The Pre-Existent Word - 12/15/2010 To All Who Received Him - 12/16/2010 He Humbled Himself - 12/17/2010 Christmas According To Christ - 12/18/2010 December 19, 2010: Christmas A - 12/19/2010 Wonderful Counselor, Pt 1 - 12/20/2010 Wonderful Counselor, Pt 2 - 12/21/2010 Mighty God - 12/22/2010 Everlasting Father - 12/23/2010 Prince of Peace - 12/24/2010 He Will Reign Forever - 12/25/2010 The Zeal of the Lord - 12/26/2010 Gideon: Seeing God's Stregth - 12/27/2010 Gideon: God's Choice - 12/28/2010 Stay the Course - 12/29/2010 The Cry of a Fallen Leader - 12/30/2010 An Encounter with Christ - 12/31/2010 Testimony of a Preacher - 1/1/2011 What Is Your Legacy? - 1/2/2011 Can God Use Me? - 1/3/2011 January 4, 2011: Jesus the Wor - 1/4/2011 Jesus the God-Man - 1/5/2011 Jesus our Substitute - 1/6/2011 Jesus our Prophet - 1/7/2011 Jesus our King - 1/8/2011 Jesus our Priest - 1/8/2011 January 10, 2011: See, Your Ki - 1/10/2011 January 11, 2011: The Arrest - 1/11/2011 The Interrogation - 1/12/2011 Pilate's Dilemma - 1/13/2011 From Fear to Faith - 1/15/2011 Good News of the Resurrection - 1/16/2011 Held and Holding Firmly - 1/17/2011 The Resurrection - 1/18/2011 Testimony of Apostle Paul - 1/19/2011 If Christ Has Not Been Raised - 1/20/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 1 - 1/21/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 2 - 1/22/2011 Our God Reigns - 1/23/2011 How Are the Dead Raised? - 1/24/2011 If There Is No Resurrection - 1/25/2011 Total Transformation - 1/26/2011 Standing Firm - 1/27/2011 Why Study 1 John? - 1/28/2011 The Word of Life - 1/29/2011 Three Spurious Claims - 1/30/2011 Keeping His Commands - 1/31/2011 Description and Direction - 2/1/2011 A Word of Warning - 2/2/2011 The Children of God - 2/3/2011 Sinlessness: Fact or Fiction 1 - 2/4/2011 Sinlessness: Fact or Fiction 2 - 2/5/2011 Loving One Another - 2/6/2011 Salvation - Can We Know? - 2/7/2011 Testing The Spirits - 2/9/2011 Grounds of Assurance - 2/10/2011 Perfect Love - 2/11/2011 Faith Is The Victory - 2/12/2011 Call The Witness - 2/13/2011 Christian Certainties - 2/14/2011 When Trials Come, Pt 1 - 2/15/2011 Asking God for Wisdom - 2/16/2011 When Trials Come Pt 2 - 2/17/2011 Rich Man, Poor Man - 2/18/2011 The Genuine Article - 2/19/2011 When Tempted... - 2/20/2011 The Word of Truth - 2/21/2011 Don't Kid Yourselves! - 2/22/2011 Do What It Says - 2/23/2011 Religion, Part 2 - 2/25/2011 Favoritism, Pt 1 - 2/26/2011 Favoritism, Pt 2 - 2/27/2011 Favoritism, Pt 3 - 2/28/2011 March 1, 2011: False Faith - 3/1/2011 Faith: True or False? - 3/2/2011 Abraham & Rahab - 3/3/2011 A Warning to Would-Be Teachers - 3/4/2011 Power and Danger of the Tongue - 3/5/2011 Who is Wise? - 3/6/2011 The Wisdom from Heaven - 3/7/2011 Such Wisdom - 3/8/2011 Fights and Quarrels - 3/9/2011 Submitting to God, Pt 1 - 3/10/2011 Submitting to God, Pt 2 - 3/11/2011 Saying No to Slander - 3/12/2011 Only One Judge - 3/13/2011 Planning Properly, Pt 1 - 3/14/2011 Planning Properly, Pt 2 - 3/15/2011 Listen, You Rich Men - 3/16/2011 Ill-Gotten Gain, Pt 1 - 3/17/2011 Ill-Gotten Gain, Pt 2 - 3/18/2011 Be Patient, The Lord is Coming - 3/19/2011 Be Patient, The Lord is Coming - 3/20/2011 Telling the Truth - 3/21/2011 Prayer and Praise - 3/22/2011 If Anyone is Sick..., Pt 1 - 3/23/2011 If Anyone is Sick..., Pt 2 - 3/24/2011 Confession and Prayer - 3/25/2011 Bringing Back the Wanderers - 3/26/2011 The Church in Corinth - 3/27/2011 God is Faithful - 3/28/2011 Dealing with Division, Pt 1 - 3/29/2011 Dealing with Division, Pt 2 - 3/30/2011 Wisdom vs. Wisdom - 3/31/2011 April 1, 2011: Power of God - 4/1/2011 Testimony of a Preacher - 4/2/2011 Understanding God's Wisdom - 4/3/2011 A Matter of Spiritual Maturity - 4/4/2011 Paradox of Christian Freedom - 4/5/2011 Building with Care Pt 1 - 4/6/2011 Building with Care Pt 2 - 4/7/2011 One True Judge - 4/8/2011 Biblical Self-Image - 4/9/2011 A Warning to the Church, Pt 1 - 4/10/2011 A Warning to the Church, Pt 2 - 4/11/2011 Immorality in the Church, Pt 1 - 4/12/2011 Immorality in the Church, Pt 2 - 4/13/2011 Forbidden Lawsuits - 4/14/2011 New Life - New Lifestyle 1 - 4/15/2011 New Life - New Lifestyle, Pt 2 - 4/16/2011 Bought At A Price - 4/17/2011 Freedom With Limits - 4/18/2011 We Two Are One - 4/19/2011 Marriage & Divorce - 4/20/2011 Bloom Where You're Planted - 4/21/2011 To Marry or Not, Pt 1 - 4/22/2011 To Marry or Not, Pt 2 - 4/23/2011 Nature of Christian Freedom 1 - 4/24/2011 Nature of Christian Freedom 2 - 4/25/2011 April 26, 2011: Rights & R - 4/26/2011 A Sacred Responsibility - 4/27/2011 A Lesson in Adaptability - 4/28/2011 Running to Win - 4/29/2011 Examples & Warnings, Pt 1 - 4/30/2011 Examples & Warnings, Pt 2 - 5/1/2011 Can't Have It Both Ways 1 - 5/2/2011 Can't Have It Both Ways 2 - 5/3/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 1 - 5/4/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 2 - 5/5/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 3 - 5/6/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 4 - 5/7/2011 Man & Woman in Biblical Pers 1 - 5/8/2011 Man & Woman, 2 - 5/9/2011 Divisions & Differences - 5/10/2011 Observing Communion - 5/11/2011 Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts - 5/12/2011 Concerning Spiritual Gifts, 2 - 5/13/2011 Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts - 5/14/2011 Unity in Diversity, Pt 1 - 5/15/2011 Unity in Diversity, Pt 1 - 5/16/2011 The Church in the Mirror - 5/17/2011 Characters of Christian Love 1 - 5/18/2011 Characters of Christian Love 2 - 5/19/2011 Characters of Christian Love 3 - 5/20/2011 May 21, 2011: Love is Forever - 5/21/2011 Building Up The Church, Pt 1 - 5/22/2011 Building Up The Church, Pt 2 - 5/23/2011 Building Up The Church, Pt 3 - 5/24/2011 This is What We Preach - 5/25/2011 Good News of the Resurrection - 5/26/2011 Held and Holding Firmly - 5/27/2011 The Resurrection: Eyewitness - 5/28/2011 Testimony of the Apostle Paul - 5/29/2011 If Christ Has Not Been Raised - 5/30/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 1 - 5/31/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 2 - 6/1/2011 About Times and Dates, Pt 1 - 6/2/2011 Essential Christianity, Pt 1 - 6/2/2011 Essential Christianity, Pt 2 - 6/2/2011 June 2, 2011: Our God Reigns - 6/2/2011 How Are the Dead Raised? - 6/3/2011 If There Is No Resurrection... - 6/4/2011 Total Transformation - 6/5/2011 A Neglected Essential, Pt 1 - 6/6/2011 A Neglected Essential, Pt 2 - 6/6/2011 June 6, 2011: Standing Firm - 6/6/2011 Giving - A Matter of the Heart - 6/7/2011 A Call to Service - 6/8/2011 He Giveth More Grace - 6/9/2011 Stability, Maturity, & Charity - 6/9/2011 Family Ministry - 6/10/2011 June 11, 2011: Final Greetings - 6/11/2011 Heed These Warnings - 6/12/2011 The Superiority of Christ - 6/13/2011 The Danger of Drifting - 6/14/2011 Holding Firmly to the End, 1 - 6/15/2011 DC Listener Event - 6/16/2011 Holding Firmly to the End, 2 - 6/16/2011 Nashville Listener Event - 6/17/2011 Rest For Your Soul - 6/17/2011 Jesus, The Great High Priest - 6/18/2011 Much to Learn - 6/19/2011 Slowing, or Growing - 6/20/2011 Peril of Spiritual Apostasy - 6/21/2011 Confident of Better Things - 6/22/2011 Mystery of Melchizedek, Pt 1 - 6/23/2011 The Mystery of Melchizedek, 2 - 6/24/2011 And When I Come to Die - 6/27/2011 God's Enduring Faithfulness - 6/27/2011 Preaching Gospel, Revelation - 6/28/2011 If Any Would Could Come After - 7/11/2011 Practice What You Hear - 7/18/2011 If Anyone Would Come After Me - 7/21/2011 Faith That is Taught - 7/25/2011 Faith That is Tested, Pt 1 - 7/25/2011 Faith That is Tested, Pt 2 - 7/25/2011 Faith That is Triumphant - 7/25/2011 He Must...Learn to Pray - 7/25/2011 He Must...Love His Neighbor - 7/25/2011 He Must...Seek His Kingdom - 7/25/2011 He Must...Take Up His Cross - 7/25/2011 A Call to Worship - 8/1/2011 A New Year Resolution - 8/1/2011 Add to Your Faith - 8/1/2011 Do You Love the Lord Jesus? - 8/1/2011 Facing the Future with God - 8/1/2011 Facing the Future with God - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 1 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 1 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 3 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 3 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 2 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 2 - 8/1/2011 Introduction and Greeting - 8/1/2011 Let a Man Examine Himself - 8/1/2011 Preaching the Gospel from Ruth - 8/1/2011 Reasons for Thanksgiving - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 5 - 8/6/2011 Love and Marriage - 8/6/2011 The Apostle's Prayer 2 - 8/6/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 4 - 8/7/2011 The Apostle's Prayer 1 - 8/7/2011 Divorce, Part 1 - 8/8/2011 Divorce, Part 2 - 8/9/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 8 - 8/15/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 7 - 8/15/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 6 - 8/15/2011 Like a Little Child - 8/15/2011 Who is Jesus Christ? Pt 1 - 8/15/2011 Who is Jesus Christ? Pt 2 - 8/15/2011 Established and Firm - 8/22/2011 Forgiveness - 8/22/2011 Marks of a God Given Ministry - 8/22/2011 Marks of a God Given Ministry - 8/22/2011 Christ the Lord is Risen Today - 8/29/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 9 - 8/29/2011 Marks of a God Given Ministry - 8/29/2011 One Thing You Lack - 8/29/2011 Paul Shares His Heart - 8/29/2011 The Best is Yet to Come - 8/29/2011 A Call to Continue - 9/7/2011 A Call to Continue - 9/7/2011 Friendship - 9/7/2011 Fullness in Christ - 9/7/2011 Levi's Song - 9/7/2011 Sir Oliver's Song - 9/7/2011 The Rich Young Ruler - 9/7/2011 The Source of Wisdom - 9/7/2011 A Ransom For Many - 9/12/2011 Not So With You - 9/12/2011 Fatherly Advice from a Friend - 9/19/2011 Fellowship and Freedom - 9/19/2011 Fellowship and Freedom - 9/19/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 1 - 9/19/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 2 - 9/19/2011 I Want to See - 9/19/2011 The Problem of Pride - 9/19/2011 Orlando Listener Event - 9/26/2011 Naaman's Cure - 9/30/2011 A Scheming Heart - 10/3/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 4 - 10/3/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 3 - 10/3/2011 Living the Risen Life - 10/3/2011 Mark My Words - 10/3/2011 The Coming Kingdom - 10/3/2011 In the Temple - 10/5/2011 WTLN Pastors Apprec. Brunch - 10/6/2011 Lessons From the Fig Tree Pt 1 - 10/10/2011 Lessons From the Fig Tree Pt 2 - 10/11/2011 True Living - 10/11/2011 Dealing with Sin, Pt 1 - 10/17/2011 Dealing with Sin, Pt 2 - 10/17/2011 Looking at Life - 10/17/2011 Looking at Life - 10/17/2011 Portrait of a Fool - 10/17/2011 There's a Lion Outside - 10/17/2011 The Authority of Jesus - 10/24/2011 Keep On! - 10/25/2011 After Darkness, Light - 10/31/2011 Life in the Local Church, Pt 1 - 10/31/2011 Life in the Local Church, Pt 3 - 10/31/2011 Life in the Local Church, Pt 2 - 10/31/2011 Wearing the Correct Clothes - 10/31/2011 This is About Us! - 11/7/2011 Render to Caesar... - 11/14/2011 Worth-ship - 11/14/2011 Exclusivity of Jesus Christ - 11/16/2011 The Sadducees Question, Pt 1 - 11/21/2011 The Sadducees Question, Pt 2 - 11/21/2011 Costa Mesa Listener Event - 11/25/2011 Murrieta Listener Event - 11/25/2011 Not Far From Kingdom - 11/28/2011 Day in the Life of Jesus, Pt 1 - 11/29/2011 Day in the Life of Jesus, Pt 2 - 11/29/2011 A Man with a Message - 11/29/2011 Jesus: Baptized, Tempted - 11/29/2011 Jesus: His Message & Mission - 11/29/2011 David's Son - David's Lord - 12/5/2011 Sons Not Slaves - 12/5/2011 What's The Word? - 12/5/2011 Beware and Be Aware! - 12/12/2011 Christ the Controversialist - 12/13/2011 Grace and Forgiveness - 12/13/2011 Restored and Forgiven - 12/13/2011 Supper with the Savior - 12/13/2011 Grace - a Christmas Message - 12/15/2011 Future Hope - 12/16/2011 Preaching of the Word of God - 12/16/2011 What a Mystery - 12/19/2011 A Canticle - 12/26/2011 She Will Bear a Son - 12/26/2011 Prophet, Priest, King - 1/4/2012 Encounter with Christ - 1/10/2012 Focus on Faith, Pt 1 - 1/10/2012 Focus on Faith, Pt 2 - 1/10/2012 God's Pattern for Marriage, 1 - 1/10/2012 Spiritual Decline & Recovery - 1/10/2012 God's Pattern for Marriage, 2 - 1/16/2012 Homosexuality - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Children - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Fathers - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Husbands - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Husbands - 1/16/2012 The Apostle's Prayer, Pt 1 - 1/19/2012 A Lesson in Delegation - 1/23/2012 Conversing with God and Men, 1 - 1/23/2012 Conversing with God and Men, 2 - 1/23/2012 How Does God's Kingdom Grow? - 1/23/2012 How Does God's Kingdom Grow? - 1/23/2012 How to Know Your Bible - 1/23/2012 Jesus Picks His Team - 1/23/2012 Jesus' True Family - 1/23/2012 Kingdoms in Conflict - 1/23/2012 Sabbath Controversy - 1/23/2012 The Authority of the Bible - 1/23/2012 The Christian at Work - 1/23/2012 The Christian at Work - 1/23/2012 We Need to See the Lord - 1/23/2012 Who is Jesus Christ? - 1/23/2012 Will God Really Dwell on Earth - 1/23/2012 Transforming Power of Christ - 1/27/2012 A Call to Faithfulness - 1/31/2012 Keys to Spiritual Fitness, 1 - 1/31/2012 The Friendship Factor, 2 - 1/31/2012 The Work of Christ - 1/31/2012 The Work of the Holy Spirit - 1/31/2012 Who is Jesus Christ?, Pt 1 - 1/31/2012 Careful Listening - 2/6/2012 Do Not Fear, Only Believe - 2/6/2012 Get Up, Little Girl - 2/6/2012 Jesus Calms the Storm - 2/6/2012 One Woman's Faith - 2/6/2012 The Beginning of the Gospel - 2/6/2012 The Kingdom of God - 2/6/2012 The Seed and the Soils - 2/6/2012 Confession and Forgiveness - 2/14/2012 Confession and Forgiveness - 2/14/2012 God's Holy People - 2/14/2012 Prayer - Learning By Example - 2/14/2012 The Attributes of God - 2/14/2012 The Church, God's Family - 2/14/2012 To Give Away Your Faith, 1 - 2/23/2012 To Give Away Your Faith, 2 - 2/23/2012 The Building of God - 2/23/2012 The Church - Body of Christ - 2/23/2012 The Church - Bride of Christ - 2/23/2012 The Power of the Gospel - 2/24/2012 Marks of God Given Ministry, 1 - 2/27/2012 Call to the Potential Drifter - 2/29/2012 A Warning Against Laziness - 2/29/2012 Approved By God - 2/29/2012 Casting All Your Cares - 2/29/2012 Casting All Your Cares - 2/29/2012 Make the Most of Opportunity - 2/29/2012 Make the Most of Opportunity - 2/29/2012 Standing For Your Faith - 2/29/2012 Standing For Your Faith - 2/29/2012 Temptation - 2/29/2012 The Brevity of Life - 2/29/2012 The Brevity of Life - 2/29/2012 The Dangers of Jealousy - 2/29/2012 True Friendship - 2/29/2012 True Friendship - 2/29/2012 Acceptable Worship, Pt 4 - 3/14/2012 Acceptable Worship, Pt 3 - 3/14/2012 Our Money Matters, Pt 2 - 3/14/2012 Our Money Matters, Pt 1 - 3/14/2012 Stewardship, Pt 1 - 3/14/2012 A Surprising Secret - 3/29/2012 An Idle Tale? - 4/9/2012 In This is Love - 4/9/2012 Titus - An Introduction - 4/17/2012 Doers of the Word - 4/24/2012 The Pastor's Duty - 4/27/2012 Truth Tightly Packed, Pt 1 - 5/1/2012 Truth Tightly Packed, Pt 2 - 5/1/2012 May 8, 2012: Elders, Part One - 5/8/2012 May 8, 2012: Elders, Part Two - 5/8/2012 9 Marks of a Healthy Church - 5/15/2012 An Exposition for Expositors 1 - 5/15/2012 Family Shepherds - 5/15/2012 Pastoral Priorities, Pt 1 - 5/15/2012 The God Who Speaks - 5/15/2012 The Shepherd Who Prays - 5/15/2012 The Shepherd Who Preaches - 5/15/2012 The God Who Prays - 5/16/2012 A Religious Problem - 5/17/2012 As For You, Titus - 5/17/2012 Panel Question Time - 5/17/2012 Pastoral Priorities, Pt 2 - 5/17/2012 A Cameo of Compassion - 5/21/2012 Always Abounding - 5/21/2012 Dealing with Depression - 5/21/2012 Discipline in the Fellowship 1 - 5/21/2012 Discipline in the Fellowship 1 - 5/21/2012 How to Foster Fellowship - 5/21/2012 Just a Private Affair - 5/21/2012 Once Saved, Always Saved? - 5/21/2012 Once Saved, Always Saved? - 5/21/2012 Syracuse Listener Event - 6/4/2012 Syracuse Pastor's Luncheon - 6/4/2012 Teaching Sound Doctrine, 2 - 6/5/2012 The Way We Were - 6/11/2012 Discipline in the Fellowship 3 - 6/18/2012 The Church and It's Witness, 1 - 6/18/2012 The Lord's Table - 6/18/2012 Jesus Christ Our Saviour - 6/25/2012 God Has Done What Law Couldn't - 6/29/2012 Insist on This! - 7/10/2012 July 10, 2012: Insist on This! - 7/10/2012 Steer Clear! - 7/16/2012 Jesus - Servant King - 7/23/2012 Ordinary People... - 7/23/2012 Grace Be With You All - 7/31/2012 An Ordination Address - 8/6/2012 Convenient Christianity - 8/20/2012 Let Us Love One Another - 8/20/2012 The Christian Soldier - 8/20/2012 The Christian Soldier - 8/20/2012 The Church and It's Witness, 3 - 8/20/2012 The Church and It's Witness, 2 - 8/20/2012 Mark 13 - An Introduction - 8/27/2012 A Vital Experience of God - 8/28/2012 Ruining Church's Effectiveness - 8/28/2012 Ruining Church's Effectiveness - 8/28/2012 Ruining Church Effectiveness - 8/28/2012 Introduction to John's Gospel - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 1 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 1 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 2 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 2 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 2 - 8/28/2012 Prone to Wander - 8/28/2012 Prone to Wander - 8/28/2012 The Ascension of Jesus Christ - 8/28/2012 The House That Rock Built - 8/28/2012 The House That Rock Built - 8/28/2012 The House That Rock Built - 8/28/2012 Interview - The Kingdom of God - 9/3/2012 A Question For Jesus - 9/4/2012 Portland Listener Event - 9/13/2012 Signs of the End - 9/17/2012 The Patience of God - 9/17/2012 Be On Guard! - 9/24/2012 The Coming of the Son of Man - 10/1/2012 A Wake-Up Call! - 10/8/2012 The Faithfulness of God - 10/8/2012 Whole-Hearted Devotion - 10/15/2012 Deep-Seated Corruption - 10/22/2012 Footsteps in the Sea - 10/29/2012 Woe to That Man - 11/5/2012 He Will Judge the World - 11/12/2012 The Judgment - 11/12/2012 The Danger of Self Reliance - 11/20/2012 The Keeping Power of God - 11/20/2012 How Is Your Thanksgiving? - 11/26/2012 It is HIStory! - 12/3/2012 Behold Your King is Coming - 12/4/2012 Light in the Darkness - 12/10/2012 A Child is Born - 12/26/2012 Name Above All Names - 12/31/2012 He Shall Reign Forever - 1/7/2013 The Danger of Disqualification - 1/7/2013 Jesus in 3-D, Pt 1 - 1/14/2013 Jesus in 3-D, Pt 2 - 1/14/2013 They All Left Him - 1/21/2013 They All Left Him - 1/21/2013 The Pulpit: Powers & Pitfalls - 1/25/2013 January 25, 2013: The Pulpit - 1/25/2013 A Heart of Compassion - 2/11/2013 A Question of Division - 2/11/2013 Jesus Condemned to Death, 1 - 2/11/2013 Jesus Condemned to Death, 2 - 2/11/2013 Jesus: Example of Compassion - 2/11/2013 Not My Will But Yours - 2/11/2013 The Foolishness of God - 2/11/2013 Peter Denies Jesus - 2/18/2013 The Centrality of the Cross - 2/19/2013 The Preaching of the Cross - 2/19/2013 Jesus Delivered to Pilate - 2/25/2013 Have Mercy - 2/26/2013 Preach the Word - 2/26/2013 Pilate's Dilemma - 3/4/2013 They Crucified Him - 3/18/2013 Limitations: Key to Usefulness - 3/20/2013 A Torn Curtain - 3/25/2013 The Death of Jesus - 3/25/2013 The Witnesses - 3/26/2013 Jesus Was Buried - 3/29/2013 He Has Risen! - 4/1/2013 John the Baptist's Testimony - 4/2/2013 The God of the Second Chance - 4/2/2013 An Unusual Ending - 4/15/2013 A Biblical Perspective - 4/16/2013 Born Again, What Do You Mean? - 4/16/2013 The First Miraculous Sign - 4/16/2013 A Happy Man - 4/23/2013 Not Hearers Only - 4/23/2013 Tackling Temptation - 4/23/2013 Secret of Spiritual Prosperity - 4/23/2013 A Faith That Works - 4/30/2013 Christian Ministry - 5/7/2013 Self-Image - 5/7/2013 A Basic Prayer Life - 5/13/2013 Matter of Life or Death - 5/13/2013 Christmas Eve Service - 5/13/2013 Contending for the Faith, Pt 1 - 5/13/2013 Praying Publicly - 5/13/2013 We Trust You, Lord, Pt 1 - 5/13/2013 We Trust You, Lord, Pt 2 - 5/13/2013 We Trust You, Lord, Pt 2 - 5/13/2013 When He Ascended... - 5/13/2013 Fairness, or Grace? - 5/14/2013 Fairness, or Grace? - 5/14/2013 Starting Over Without Leaving - 5/14/2013 Long Term Ministry, One Place - 5/14/2013 Now to Him - 5/15/2013 Panel Question Time - 5/15/2013 A Memorial Forever - 5/28/2013 May 28, 2013: Pay Attention! - 5/28/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 1 - 6/3/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 1 - 6/3/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 2 - 6/3/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 2 - 6/3/2013 Wine, Women and Self - 6/10/2013 My Times Are In Your Hands - 6/13/2013 June 17, 2013: Providence - 6/17/2013 Mordecai and Esther - 6/24/2013 Lesson In Personal Evangelism - 7/1/2013 God is in Charge - 7/1/2013 Giving God's Way, Pt 2 - 7/9/2013 The Authority of Jesus, Pt 2 - 7/10/2013 Plight of Man, Power of Christ - 7/10/2013 An Illustration of Faith - 7/11/2013 The Authority of Jesus, Pt 1 - 7/11/2013 The Claims of Christ - 7/11/2013 Lesson in Personal Evangelism - 7/12/2013 Another Miraculous Sign - 7/15/2013 Reactions to the Resurrection - 7/15/2013 A Temporary Triumph - 7/16/2013 Christian Joy - 7/16/2013 The Essence of Easter - 7/16/2013 Giving God's Way, Pt 3 - 7/17/2013 Giving God's Way, Pt 1 - 7/18/2013 The Priority of Peace - 7/30/2013 Straining at the Oars - 7/31/2013 Fasting, Weeping, Lamenting - 8/1/2013 Patience - 8/1/2013 Jesus the Bread of Life, Pt 1 - 8/2/2013 August 2, 2013: Jesus the Brea - 8/2/2013 Jesus the Bread of Life, Pt 3 - 8/6/2013 Will You Also Go Away? - 8/7/2013 A Call to Clear Thinking - 8/8/2013 Kindness - 8/8/2013 Treasure in Jars of Clay - 8/8/2013 A Call to Commitment - 8/9/2013 Growing Opposition to Jesus - 8/10/2013 Is This the Christ? - 8/13/2013 To Me To Live is Christ - 8/13/2013 Living Water - 8/14/2013 Compassion of Christ - 8/15/2013 August 26, 2013: True Living - 8/26/2013 What's Going On? - 9/3/2013 Communion - 9/9/2013 O Father, You are Sovereign! - 9/9/2013 The Unseen Hand of God - 9/16/2013 Our Heavenly Dwelling - 9/20/2013 Haman is Hanged! - 9/23/2013 Celebration Time - 10/2/2013 I Found It Necessary - 10/8/2013 A Call For Thankfulness - 10/16/2013 The Tables Are Turned - 10/21/2013 Remember, Remember! - 10/28/2013 Mordecai was Great - 11/4/2013 The Message and the Multitude - 11/18/2013 A Thanksgiving Meditation - 11/25/2013 The Birth of Jesus Christ, 1 - 12/9/2013 A Savior, Christ the Lord - 12/16/2013 The Sign and the Song - 12/23/2013 Just The Facts - 12/30/2013 Nunc Dimittis - 1/13/2014 Learning From the Wise Men - 1/14/2014 The Lord God Made Them All - 1/14/2014 The Rescue Mission, Pt 1 - 1/14/2014 The Rescue Mission, Pt 2 - 1/14/2014 An Introduction to 2 Timothy - 1/20/2014 A Prayer for Pastors - 1/23/2014 A Question of Faith - 1/23/2014 Before Communion... - 1/23/2014 Christian Responsibilities, 1 - 1/23/2014 Christmas? So What? - 1/23/2014 Compelled to the Cross - 1/23/2014 For the Gospel - 1/23/2014 Growing in Grace - 1/23/2014 How Can They Hear? - 1/23/2014 How Now Shall We Live? - 1/23/2014 Jesus is King - 1/23/2014 Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King - 1/23/2014 Lasting Love Radio Interview - 1/23/2014 Run to Win - 1/23/2014 Staying on Track - 1/23/2014 The Incarnation - 1/23/2014 The Message of the Cross - 1/23/2014 Resurrection: Fact or Fancy? - 1/23/2014 What Do These Stones Mean? - 1/23/2014 You Prepare a Table - 1/23/2014 Paul & Timothy - 1/27/2014 Seeing, Caring, Thinking... - 1/27/2014 Across the Street - 1/31/2014 Edified - Multiplied - 1/31/2014 Fresh Start, Familiar Path - 1/31/2014 He Saved Us - 1/31/2014 Pastors and People - 1/31/2014 Refresh My Heart - 1/31/2014 Ruth Revisited - 1/31/2014 Standing Firm for Gospel - 1/31/2014 The Moral Mandate - 1/31/2014 Necessary Reminders, Pt One - 2/10/2014 A Grip on the Gospel - 2/11/2014 A Life of Holy Devotion - 2/11/2014 A Surprising Encounter - 2/11/2014 First Love: The Original Plan - 2/11/2014 Mercy, Blessings & Character - 2/11/2014 Strange Ideas, Part One - 2/11/2014 Strange Ideas, Part Two - 2/11/2014 The Fusing of Two Horizons - 2/11/2014 The Great Exchange - 2/11/2014 We Have This Ministry - 2/11/2014 A Charge to Pastors - 2/12/2014 A Charge to Pastors - 2/12/2014 Crucifixion - 2/12/2014 One Savior - 2/12/2014 Responsible Leadership - 2/12/2014 Responsible Leadership - 2/12/2014 10 Year Anniversary Interview - 2/13/2014 Alistair Begg on The Beatles - 2/13/2014 Ascension - 2/13/2014 Holy Devotion - 2/13/2014 Resurrection - 2/13/2014 Ministry, Brings Righteousness - 2/13/2014 Ministry, Brings Righteousness - 2/13/2014 The Ultimate Priority - 2/13/2014 The Ultimate Priority - 2/13/2014 Where Do I Come From? - 2/13/2014 Salvation - 2/17/2014 Suffering For the Gospel - 2/17/2014 The God of All Grace - 2/19/2014 The God of All Grace - 2/19/2014 Nature & Necessity, Repentance - 2/19/2014 The Power of Weakness - 2/19/2014 Wealth: Its Use and Abuse - 2/19/2014 What is Grace? - 2/19/2014 Preacher, Apostle, Teacher - 2/24/2014 Christ's Atoning Work - 3/3/2014 Follow the Pattern - 3/17/2014 The Good Deposit - 3/31/2014 Passing on the Truth - 4/7/2014 Passing on the Truth, 1 - 4/7/2014 Palm Sunday - 4/14/2014 The Resurrection - 4/21/2014 Passing on the Truth, 2 - 4/28/2014 Basics 14 Session 1 - 5/12/2014 Ecclesiastes Speaks Today, 1 - 5/12/2014 Seven Vital Truths - 5/12/2014 Basics 14 Session 2 - 5/13/2014 Preaching Simply - 5/13/2014 Discipleship in 3-D, Pt 1 - 6/2/2014 Discipleship in 3-D, Pt 2 - 6/5/2014 Think, Focus, Learn - 6/23/2014 Life, Liberty, Happiness - 7/8/2014 A Trustworthy Saying - 7/21/2014 Pastor and People - 7/28/2014 An Unashamed Worker - 7/29/2014 Useful to the Master - 8/4/2014 A Consecrated Life - 8/5/2014 The Lord's Servant - 8/11/2014 Times of Difficulty - 9/16/2014 Bad Men, Weak Women - 9/22/2014 The Persecuted Church - 9/29/2014 October 14, 2014: Keep On! - 10/14/2014 October 27, 2014: Scripture - 10/27/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 1 - 11/4/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 2 - 11/10/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 3 - 11/11/2014 Providence Defined - 11/12/2014 Providence Defined - 11/12/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 4 - 11/18/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 4 - 11/18/2014 Providence in Christ's Death - 11/20/2014 Providence in Christ's Death - 11/20/2014 Thanksgiving 101 - 12/1/2014 Thanksgiving 101 - 12/1/2014 Elizabeth and Zechariah - 12/8/2014 Elizabeth and Zechariah - 12/8/2014 Having Gifts that Differ - 12/11/2014 Having Gifts that Differ - 12/11/2014 The Annunciation - 12/15/2014 The Annunciation - 12/15/2014 The Magnificat - 12/22/2014 The Magnificat, Pt 1 - 12/22/2014 Preach the Word - 1/6/2015 Preach the Word - 1/6/2015 Fulfill Your Ministry - 1/19/2015 Fulfill Your Ministry - 1/19/2015 No Place For Truth - 3/2/2015 Christ Has Been Raised - 4/7/2015 Christ's Sacrifice of Himself - 4/8/2015 Back to Basics, Again - 5/12/2015 Back to the Basics Again, Pt 1 - 5/12/2015 Comfort My People - 5/12/2015 Keeping Watch - 5/12/2015 Persuasive Preaching - 5/12/2015 The Healing of Forgiveness - 5/12/2015 Running on the Gas of Gospel - 5/13/2015 Back to the Basics Again, Pt 2 - 5/15/2015 The Pastor's Role in Praising - 5/16/2015 Basics 2015 Panel - 5/18/2015 Only Basis for Boasting - 5/19/2015 Mission Accomplished - 5/27/2015 Purity in Pastoral Ministry - 5/29/2015 The Crown of Righteousness - 6/1/2015 June 8, 2015: Mr. Temporary? - 6/8/2015 Friendship Matters - 6/16/2015 Some Thoughts on Providence - 6/17/2015 The Fatherhood of God - 6/22/2015 A Shining Cameo - 6/24/2015 The Lion's Mouth - 6/29/2015 July 13, 2015: The Postscript - 7/13/2015 God of the Exiles - 7/20/2015 His Kingdom is Forever - 7/27/2015 No God Like Yahweh - 7/30/2015 The King of Heaven, Pt 1 - 8/3/2015 The King of Heaven, Pt 2 - 8/4/2015 Membership Matters - 9/8/2015 Getting the Picture - 9/15/2015 Your Kingdom Come, Pt 1 - 9/21/2015 Your Kingdom Come, Pt 2 - 9/22/2015 Your Will Be Done, Pt 1 - 9/28/2015 Your Will Be Done, Pt 2 - 9/29/2015 An Encouraging Word - 10/6/2015 October 19, 2015: I Take You - 10/19/2015 October 21, 2015: Loved By God - 10/21/2015 Spiritual Forces of Evil, Pt 1 - 11/24/2015 I Will Give Thanks - 11/30/2015 Kingdoms Rise and Wane - 12/7/2015 The Time of the End - 12/9/2015 December 14, 2015: The Climax - 12/14/2015 How Long 'Til The End? - 12/21/2015 A Verse for the Year - 1/5/2016 Introducing Ephesians - 1/18/2016 Chosen in Him - 1/20/2016 The Riches of His Grace, 1 - 1/25/2016 The Riches of His Grace, 2 - 1/27/2016 To the Praise of His Glory - 2/1/2016 The Eyes of Your Heart, Pt 1 - 2/9/2016 The Eyes of Your Heart, Part 2 - 2/10/2016 Till All His Foes Submit - 3/2/2016 The Curtain Torn in Two - 3/28/2016 What If It's All True! - 3/29/2016 Your Faithfulness Endures - 4/12/2016 The Way We Were - 4/18/2016 A Baptismal Sermon - 4/26/2016 April 27, 2016: But God... - 4/27/2016 May 2, 2016: Saved By Grace - 5/2/2016 Basics Session 1 - 5/9/2016 Ways to Abandon Scripture - 5/9/2016 A Peculiar Prayer for Power - 5/10/2016 Learning to Think Brilliantly - 5/10/2016 Rejoicing in the Hope of Glory - 5/10/2016 Rejoicing in the Hope - 5/10/2016 Ascension Sunday Address - 5/11/2016 Basics Closing Session - 5/11/2016 Frail As Summer's Flower - 5/23/2016 Remember, Remember - 6/1/2016 June 6, 2016: In Christ Jesus - 6/6/2016 Peace in a Hostile World - 6/13/2016 June 21, 2016: Where God Lives - 6/21/2016 July 11, 2016: Love - 7/11/2016 July 20, 2016: Joy - 7/20/2016 A Workshop on Baptism - 7/28/2016 Peace, Part One - 8/1/2016 Peace, Part 2 - 8/2/2016 August 8, 2016: Patience - 8/8/2016 Kindness & Goodness - 8/23/2016 August 29, 2016: Faithfulness - 8/29/2016 August 30, 2016: Gentleness - 8/30/2016 Self-Control - 9/12/2016 Prisoner and Steward - 10/11/2016 What a Mystery! - 10/12/2016 A Gospel Minister - 10/17/2016 The Plan of the Mystery - 10/18/2016 God's Manifold Wisdom - 10/25/2016 The Best is Yet to Be! - 10/31/2016 I Bow My Knees, Pt 1 - 11/14/2016 I Bow My Knees, Pt 2 - 11/21/2016 I Bow My Knees, Pt 3 - 11/28/2016 A Doxology - 11/29/2016 Let It Be - 12/5/2016 Joseph, Do Not Fear - 12/6/2016 The Genealogy of Jesus - 12/13/2016 Then Sings My Soul - 12/19/2016 The Lord is My Salvation - 12/23/2016 The Reconciling of God - 12/28/2016 Therefore... - 1/4/2017 Humility and Unity - 1/9/2017 One Body, One Spirit, One Hope - 1/24/2017 One Body, One Spirit, One Hope - 1/25/2017 One Lord - 2/1/2017 One Faith - 2/20/2017 My Help Comes From the Lord - 2/21/2017 The Beginning of Wisdom - 2/22/2017 March 6, 2017: One Baptism - 3/6/2017 March 21, 2017: One God and Fa - 3/21/2017 March 21, 2017: Over, Through - 3/21/2017 April 4, 2017: To Each One of - 4/4/2017 April 17, 2017: Make Me Unders - 4/17/2017 April 18, 2017: It Is I Myself - 4/18/2017 May 2, 2017: Gifts of the Asce - 5/2/2017 May 9, 2017: A Good Servant of - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Basics 2017 Panel - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: First General Ses - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Fourth General Se - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Second General Se - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Third General Ses - 5/9/2017 May 10, 2017: Christ-Centered - 5/10/2017 May 10, 2017: Fifth General Se - 5/10/2017 May 10, 2017: Sixth General Se - 5/10/2017 May 10, 2017: The Lord's S - 5/10/2017 May 12, 2017: A Good Servant o - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Addiction: Illne - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Basics 2017 Pane - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Dealing with Tem - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Making the Most - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: What We Are Lear - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: What We Know (an - 5/12/2017 May 22, 2017: Pastors and Teac - 5/22/2017 May 23, 2017: Time to Grow Up - 5/23/2017 May 31, 2017: Saying 'No - 5/31/2017 June 5, 2017: In Christ Alone - 6/5/2017 June 6, 2017: I Who Speak To Y - 6/6/2017 June 12, 2017: Do Not Give the - 6/12/2017 June 13, 2017: Do Not Grieve t - 6/13/2017 Exposition of Psalm 19, P1 - 8/7/2017 Exposition of Psalm 19, P2 - 8/9/2017 Exposition of Psalm 1, P1 - 8/14/2017 Exposition of Psalm 1, P2 - 8/16/2017 Exposition of Psalm 130, P1 - 8/21/2017 Exposition of Psalm 119, P1 - 8/22/2017 Exposition of Psalm 130, P2 - 8/22/2017 Exposition of Psalm 119, P2 - 8/23/2017 8/30/17:Exposition Psalm 100 1 - 8/30/2017 8/30/17:Exposition Psalm 100 2 - 8/30/2017 August 30, 2017: Walk in Love - 8/30/2017 8/30/17: Walk in Love, Part 1 - 8/30/2017 9/13/17: Walk in Love, Part 2 - 9/13/2017 9/14/17: We Want to See Jesus - 9/14/2017 Let No One Deceive You - 9/27/2017 10/4/17: Walk in Light, Part 1 - 10/4/2017 Walk in Light, Part Two - 10/11/2017 Walking in Wisdom - 10/25/2017 Integrity, Humility, Frailty - 11/8/2017 Filled With the Spirit, Part 1 - 11/22/2017 Filled With the Spirit, Part 2 - 11/24/2017 11/29/17: Giving Thanks - 11/29/2017 Submitting to One Another - 12/6/2017 Shepherd King - 12/14/2017 12/21/17: The Wise Men - 12/21/2017 12/21/17: Ready For Christmas? - 12/27/2017 December 27, 2017: Jesus Saves - 12/27/2017 2/2/18: Prayer to End Year - 1/2/2018 1/2/18 Lord In Your Mercy - 1/2/2018 Marriage - An Introduction - 1/10/2018 A Word to Wives - 1/17/2018 02/07/18 A Word to Husbands #1 - 2/7/2018 A Word to Husbands, Part Two - 2/8/2018 A Word to Husbands, Part Three - 2/15/2018 2/15/18:Word to Husbands Pt.3 - 2/15/2018 Billy Graham: Life Well Lived - 2/27/2018 2/28/18: Marriage-God's Deisgn - 2/28/2018 March 14, 2018: Children - 3/14/2018 March 15, 2018: The Law of God - 3/15/2018 The Duty of Children - 3/21/2018 3/28/28: Refuge in the King - 3/28/2018 4/3/18: Christ's Atoning Work - 4/3/2018 April 4, 2018: Jesus in 3D - 4/4/2018 4/18/18: A Word to Fathers - 4/18/2018 A Word to Fathers, Pt 1 - 4/18/2018 4/19/18: Discipline of Father - 4/19/2018 A Word to Fathers 2 - 4/25/2018 May 1, 2018: Good Grief - 5/1/2018 5/7/18: Criticism & Conflict - 5/7/2018 5/7/18: Jars of Clay, Part One - 5/7/2018 5/8/18:Treasuring the Treasure - 5/8/2018 May 9, 2018: Jars of Clay Pt.2 - 5/9/2018 5/16/18:Slaves & Masters Pt. 2 - 5/16/2018 5/17/16: Slaves & Masters Pt.3 - 5/17/2018 Spiritual Warfare, Part One - 5/23/2018 5/24/18: Spiritual Warfare, 2 - 5/24/2018 May 30, 2018: Remember! - 5/30/2018 June 13,2018: A Call to Battle - 6/13/2018 6/19/18: Be Strong, Stand Firm - 6/19/2018 July 1, 2018: Citizenship, 1 - 7/1/2018 July 5, 2018: Citizenship, 2 - 7/5/2018 7/18/2018: The Belt of Truth - 7/18/2018 July 25, 2018: The Breastplate - 7/25/2018 Aug 2, 2018: Made His Pleasure - 8/2/2018 August 23, 2018: Gospel Shoes - 8/23/2018 Sep 5, 2018: Leaders in Church - 9/5/2018 9/19/18: The Shield of Faith - 9/19/2018 September 26, 2018: Helmet, 2 - 9/26/2018 September 26, 2018: Helmet, 2 - 9/26/2018 10/3/18: Sword of Spirit, Pt 1 - 10/3/2018 October 4, 2018: The Sword, 2 - 10/4/2018 October 10, 2018: Praying - 10/10/2018 October 17, 2018: All Prayer - 10/17/2018 October 24, 2018: God and Man - 10/24/2018 Oct 31, 2018: Pray For Me, 1 - 10/31/2018 Nov 1, 2018: Pray For Me, 2 - 11/1/2018 11/21/18: Tychicus Will Tell - 11/21/2018 11/22/18: Unexpected Encounter - 11/22/2018 11/28/18: Peace, Love, Grace - 11/28/2018 12/28/18 See What God Has Done - 12/28/2018 1/2/19: Journey to Jesus - 1/2/2019 January 16, 2019: Intro 1 Sam - 1/16/2019 January 23, 2019: Trusting God - 1/23/2019 2/6/19: Only Her Lips Moved - 2/6/2019 May Lord Establish His Word - 2/19/2019 02/26/2019: Hannah's Prayer - 2/26/2019 Consecration vs. Corruption - 3/5/2019 March 5, 2019: Mercy/Judgement - 3/5/2019 03/12/19 The Word of the Lord - 3/12/2019 March 13, 2019: Speak Lord! 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Success (1/6/2016)from Limpopo
Alistair Begg has been in pastoral ministry since 1975. Following graduation from The London School of Theology, he served eight years in Scotland at both Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh and Hamilton Baptist Church.
In 1983, he became the senior pastor at Parkside Church near...
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