Speaker: Our Pastor
688 sermons
主保佑了约瑟-The Lord blessed Joseph
>01--太初、天主创造天地 In the Beginni.. - 6/11/2023 02-一周内的世界 The World in a Week - 6/30/2023 03--创造的日子 Days of Creation - 7/2/2023 04--人和动物的创造 The Creation of.. - 7/9/2023 07-园中两棵树木 2 Trees in the Mid.. - 8/13/2023 08-毁灭世界的四个谎言 Four Lies That.. - 8/20/2023 09-人类的堕落 The Fall of Man - 9/10/2023 10-罪中受到恩典 Grace in the Fall - 9/10/2023 11-该隐和亚伯 - 9/17/2023 12-社会的堕落 The Fall of Society - 9/17/2023 17-天主向世人的要求 - 10/15/2023 18-洪水终于结束了 The Flood Was Fin.. - 10/22/2023 19-诺亚之约 (上) Noahic Covenant.. - 10/29/2023 诺亚之约 (下) Noahic Covenant Par.. - 11/26/2023 21--好人犯了罪 A Good Man Sinned - 12/3/2023 22--巴别台 The Tower of Babel - 12/10/2023 12-亚伯拉罕的信心 Abraham's Faith - 1/7/2024 24--通往伊及的道路 The Road Down to.. - 1/15/2024 25--返回迦南地的路 The Road Back to.. - 1/21/2024 26--危险的决定 Dangerous Choices - 2/4/2024 27--天主又给亚伯拉罕他的应许 God Reaffir.. - 2/11/2024 28--圣经中记载的第一次战争 - 2/18/2024 29--亚伯兰相信了天主的话 Abram Believe.. - 2/25/2024 30--亚伯兰的信心有发展 The Growth of.. - 3/10/2024 31--夏甲的麻烦 Hagar Trouble - 4/21/2024 32--永远的盟约 An Everlasting Cov.. - 4/28/2024 33--亚伯拉罕是天主之友 (上) Abraham th.. - 5/5/2024 34--亚伯拉罕是天主之友 (下) Abraham, t.. - 5/13/2024 35--所多玛的罪 The Sin of Sodom - 5/19/2024 36--毁灭与拯救 Destruction and De.. - 5/19/2024 37--应当记念罗得妻子 Remember Lot's.. - 5/26/2024 38--父亲的影响 A Father's Influence - 6/2/2024 40--信心的赏赐 Faith's Reward - 8/4/2024 41--信心的证明 Tested Faith Is Pr.. - 8/11/2024 亚伯拉罕从死人面前起来了-Standing Before.. - 8/25/2024 给以撒找个妻子-A Bride for Isaac - 9/1/2024 以撒的两个儿子-The two sons of Isaac - 10/20/2024 以扫和雅各的私欲行为-The lustful deeds.. - 10/27/2024 有其父必有其子-Like father, like son - 11/3/2024 不健全的家庭-A dysfunctional family - 11/10/2024 雅各怎么得救了-How was Jacob saved - 11/17/2024 雅各被天主征服了-Jacob was conquered.. - 1/5/2025 雅各与天主摔跤-Jacob wrestles with.. - 1/12/2025 回去伯特利-Go back to Bethel. - 1/19/2025 约瑟-他父亲的爱子-Joseph - His fathe.. - 1/26/2025 被拒绝的仆人-The rejected servant - 2/9/2025 主保佑了约瑟-The Lord blessed Joseph - 2/16/2025 战胜诱惑-Overcome temptation - 2/23/2025
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